244366 �
� �A � 2443fi6
Resolution Approvi�g Assessment By
and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon File No.—_ 173!�28
and F'ix's�g T'une of Hea�ing on the Award
of Dama�es
In the matter of coadeamiag agi ta&iag an easeesent in the land ascessary for ttae slopes,
cnts and fills, iacluding rigl�t af re��vval of lateral support fro� �ub3ect laad or
re�aindar therea£, vccas+Lotted by excavations thersoi� or constsactio� o� alc>pas ia
the gra�iiag a�nd snrfacing �rith bitwaiacus material a�d �onstruct concrete cgrb and
gntter on Griggs St. fror Eigelaw Ava. to �ona�it�e Ave. Also chaaging tbe grada of
6riggs Street fr� Bigslpw Av�. tc Donahu�e Ave. to coaforu to the grad� as sho�an on
the proftle oa file ixi the Departasat of Public Works.
under Preliminary Order j 241�21� , approvPd Nov�aber 2�: 19i$
. �
Intermediary Order ' 2'���83 , approved Jaauas'Y 14, 1969
Final Order 2���� , approved May 13, 1969 ,
The Commi�ssioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount
of damages awarded for the t�,king of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im-
provement and to whom paya�ble; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property
from the making of said improvement, therefore be it
�esolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.
Resolved further, That a ublic hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con-
firmation of the award of da ages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as-
sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
Sixte�a�h day of Jnly� 1�6! _—_ , at ten o'clock A.M, and that the Comtnis-
sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. �
Yeas �rlson Nays
Adopted by the Council_ �u� 1 0 1�69
�D"" � JUN 1 0 1 69
t$pf8#k� Z- Ap ved
-���"'�^"'' �� In Favor
���x' /���� Mayor
R'1r Vicc: Yressaent (Yeterson) v
F°� R_3 °�O 1�U�LISHE� JUN 14 1969-