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' Theuadereignedhereby propodesthemakingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement bq the City of 8aint Pe►ul�v�s.:
' Regrade and surface with bituminous materi,al and construct and reconstr�ct..where ,
necessary, concrete curb and gutter, concrete curb, and concrete sidewalk; AND
; i�rprove-the Ex i sfii ng overheed F ight+-ng system; ALS(�- do a1 1 f nci dental arork to�• -
� complete improvement on the following streets: ;
; ..,._. .
i � ,._ .ROSE AVE. , from WeStmi nstPr St, to Payne Ave. : , ,__.. . ,
GERANIUM AVE, from I .S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Ave.
JESSAMINE AVE, frorh I .S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Ave.
MAGNOLIA AVE, from I .S. 35E Frontage �d, to Payne Ave.
COOK AVE, from I .S. 35E Front�ge Rd, to Payne Ave. '
LA4ISON AVE, from I .S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Ave.
JENKS AVE, from I .S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Arkwright St.
JENKS AVE, from DeSoto St. to Payne Ave.
WESTMINSTER ST, from Case Ave. to Hyacinth Ave.
DESOTO ST, from Case Ave. to 3rainerd Ave.
BURR ST, from Case ,Ave, to Br�inerd Ave. _
JESSIE ST, from Case Ave. to 6rainerd Ave.
BRADLEY ST, from Case Ave, to Jenks Ave.
BRADLEY ST, from Lawson Ave. to Brainerd Ave.
� CLARK ST, fram Rose Ave, fio Mar�land Ave.
ARKWRIGHT ST, from !Brainerd Ave. to Nyacinth Ave.
AlSO, regrade, pave, andlconstruct and reconstruct where necessary, concrete curb
and gutter, concrete curb and concrete sidewalk; AND improve the existing overhead
tighting system; ALSO do all incidental work to complete improvement on the
following streets:
ARKWRIGHT ST, from Case Ave. to Brainerd Ave.
EDGERTON ST, from C'ase Ave. to Ivy Ave.
BRAINERD AVE, from qrkwright St. to Edgerton St.
CASE AVE, from I .S.i35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Aveo
ALSO seal coat PAYNE AVE, from Case Ave, to Maryland Ave.
JESS IE St, f rom �ase Hve. L� �_��„��- ._.___ _
BRADLEY ST, from Case Ave. to Jenks Ave. ,
BRADLEY ST, from Lawson Ave, to Brainerd Ave.
CLARK ST. from Rose Av�. to Maryland Ave.
ARKWRIGHT ST, from Brainerd Ave. �o Hyacinth Ave.
ALSO regrade, pave, and construct and reconstruct where necessary, concrete curb
and gutter, concrete c�rb, and concrete sidervalk; AND imprnve the existing overhead
lighting system; ALSO do all incidental work to complete improvement on the
folloa�ing streets :
ARKS�JRIGHT ST, from Case Ave, to Brainerd Ave.
EDGfRTON ST, fror� Case Ave. to ivy Ave.
BRAINERD AVE, fr�m Arkwright St. to Edgerton St.
CASE AVE, from I .S. 35E Frontage Rd, to Payne Ave.
ALSO seal coat PAYNE AVE. from Case Ave. to Maryland Ave.