244343 R ('� ORIi1NAL TO CITY CLBRK ���v l� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E C�3 NCIL R,ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1_ _. . COMMISSIONE � DAT �" � .� WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, through its Commissioner of Public Utilities (Council File No. 244243) has entered into an agreemen.t with the St. Groix Engineering Corporation. to perform engin.eering services for street lighting projects; and WHEREAS, Said agreement provides that such work shall be performed as is requested in writing from time to time by said Commissioner of Public Utilities; and WHEREAS, The St. Croix Engineering Corporation will, at the request of said Commissioner, incur expense, and said c�ntract requires such expenses to be computed and paid monthly; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the costs be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund — Code 6000, to be reimbursed from such fund or funds and in such estimated amount as indicated by letter to the Comptroller for each improvement requested by the Commissioner. FOR PPR�VE /G�`��� �, /� � � Asst. Corporation Co nset JUN 1 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� �. � ���� ��, / Approved 19—_ Meredith S Tn Favor Pg�Qr.scx�--- , 1 Sprafka U ����9 Mayor A gainst Tedesco l�r.,�'�Ceai;der�t,.,B�e. PUBLISHEr �.U:IV 14 1969 �Mr. `t��c;� i'r�siaent (P'eterson) � 244�43 DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTfiR CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I S51 ON ER DATF Stii:I�,��.��;A�, Tii� City o� �a�ut I'tzul, throu�lx its Gammissioner o� �'izblic ''?til�.�ies (Cou:�e�1 - �s.l� 2v7o. `�ttli��t3) l�as �nte�ed i�to a� a�;r�e�ue�at z�ri�it t��� :,�:. i:ragx zYZ�;inc;erixz�; �:or��ox�ai;ic�r� �o �a��3�r�a en�ii��:exa�eg �e�vi�e� :fo� �treet li;i�.ti�.g �roject�; and �r�-U�ai:�.�"�a, ti���d a�;ree�e�� pr�vicies ti�r�1: suc�a wor..k sY�all b� k�c��'or��e;� ��s :iu ����za�st��� �..�. ��r�.t���; �'ro� �tz�e to time by �aic� Coi;�miss��r�e::s° e�� .��a�bl;c �7tilitie�p anci ti�r=:���;�w'��,.���, T�� :;�. �ao�.:� ��Y,i�ae�ri:�� Uor��r��tia�. t:till, at €;7ie; rec�u�;�� �� ;;��.c� �Coa�:iIIlSS30T1�1' �.zicu�' @�Sj�4C1��' a�� �aic;. eon�raet s-ec�ui-res �ue�� �,:�����;� �to �e coz����2te.ci aa.3� ��zi�l �ont&�1Y3 �.aj•T, t�;.c:��:iv:p^�;, i�e �.� �i,i.``..��.Fi.i�T''.;.�i'' �iiit��. �'i�10.^.. C(?:i�4i �?E; Clli.?�L�E.'fi �.`� i�i(.'. Fyf..':IC'Yil�illE:YS.ti i�t�a o'���:��;,a:�.�. :���r4lv�itaF° it�zxaiz — �;o�►�: t�Ud�i?, �t� 9s� �a,ia�l��,iz��� �ro� ui1C�1 �'Ll'X`_�: C3.i. i.i��:af�.�.�i u^Y1Ca. �.,x.�a :iLii'�1 E`a"�''.3ii'id14E x �3i.�tdLl6:i a�', c`i. Fi �1"$C�3.Cr�ltB�� �y ��ttet t� i:��ae Vo�aptroller for eacii i���pr�`T��e�i� rec�ize;tecl �y t�ze Gc�r��i:;si��.�a�z�. - ;,. :..»� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson . �}r Approved 19� �,.�� Meredith Tn Favor Fe�ersoir Sprafka �� Mayor A gainst Tedesco ;M"r. President,:'Byrne ..lif. . . �. � . . ,. ._ , '_.�. 5.5