244338 --�.�.► , r , ry _ , ,. _ - �. r ., . . . .. , .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .` . . ' j ._--- �� �. ;... . / � � 'i4�������� . � FINAL ORDER :� _�OUNCIL FILE NO. � � _ By � ;; e File No �31 � i In the Matter o� =��M�ttr�t3a� t�s ��t Ma 1ir�#Y •#tM Ot 'l�li�t �t. �+�t : ; �- � �ilt �i �► ��. �tt A�� �rt ir� 1� �1 �t �R tA�f�dt #� s�srM�r �! �:: R `� �a�el�s�t� to► ��s�t �#o�i Li��►wrNtlr. i�� � I...� . �� . . . .. . i� � . . �I'.� � . . . . � � � � 7. . . . . � . �_ ,.. � n G� � � . I� � . . . . � A: ` � .. � '. . . . . i .. . . i: c. � .... � � . � . .. - G� . . . . . . � . . r under Preliminary Order l43�i aPProvp� Mlil 1'1� 1lir! � E� Intermediary Order approv� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, snd the Conncil ; having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered t the s�me; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of�he City of St. Paul that �he precise nature, extent and kind of im- �; provement to be made by the said City is � � �� � ���� N �� #� � ��� s�a � ��� �� � �t►'♦ �' rt�, � � . . . . �. . 4 . . y. .� �•� � � �� �� � � �,. � ����� � ��� � �M� �� � . !°•� . � , . . . � � .. _ � . . . . �- l��M�t� Miqft 1d1il�t pMl� �l 1►Ittf��Rl�il�t �+� 1��MIi� 111� ��• €, � �" �. : ��� and the Council hereby ordera said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHEft, That the Commissioner of Public Wor�a be and is hereby inatructed and directed to prepaxe plans and specificatxons for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pra ceed with the making of said improvement in accorclance therewith. covivcir.�N JUN 1 o i9i9'. Adopted by the Counci Yeas Nays JUN 1 0 CBriSOA Approved �� Meredith -- � � Tn Favor S�prafka �� Mayor ��s���rc� , ,.o.� . . '�Against � .Mr. Vice Yr�3iu;.:zY (re.yrson) c_aa-a�t �� a.i PUBLISHEO .�U.N 14 �96� � �1 ., Dist. No. 2 r � B.S. Milton St. - Benhill Road ta St. Clair Ave. C��� 00 �,,:�. :��, 244338 !�°it�:t i�!4rv� � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIOIQER OF PUBLIC WORKS �:�' d���`r: �` 243'799 1 'Cn �� �9.c�s, �•�� REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r- �� �. � � �� ���o J ; �� � , _ ..;�, �� � ��1�c,� ���.�,�.a'���' � Avril 21st. 19 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uader consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Cvuncil File Noa 243228 approved April 17th. 19 69 relat�ve to reconstructinQ the sidewalk on both sides of Milton St. from Benhill Road to St. Clair Ave. aad by doins� all other work which is necessarv and incidental to complete said improvement. aad having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reparts: la The estimated cost thereof is $3050 per lin, ft, for standard sidewalk 5. ft'', ' .Cud wide and $4>20 per line ft, for staadard sidewalk 6 ft, wide. y� .� 2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvea�ent is hereto attached and ma�$+,;� part thereof, � � ` 3. Initiat�d by the Conm�issioner of Public Works X 4o Improvennent is asked for upon petitioa ���'� �::�� � Co�► ssioner f Pub Wo � � � ��.«_ L � O