244323 . ' 24432� OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R TION-GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE � DATF WNEREAS, By authof��i��r of the Lews of Mi►�nesota for the year 1959, Chaptier $00, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. Wo. 192216, approved Nay 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul , �aay pay a portion of the assessabie costs of Sidewalk Construction when such costs exceed the ben�fits to tk�e property ot�rner, WHEREAS, It has been deter�ined that the following described ,�arcels of property be relieved of the following cost; DESCR I PT I ON AMOUt�T Exc. V 147 ft., the S � of Lot 2 and except Mest 196 Ft.; Lot l , Gerardine's 6arden Lots $ 23.37 North � of Lot 2, 6erardine's 6arden Lots $1U5.8�+ Except N 42 ft., Lot 3, Gerardine's 6arden Lots �105.84 N 42 ft. of Lot 3, 6erardine's Garden Lots $ 95.76 S'ly 6.73 ft. of Lot 20 and all of Lot 21 , Blk. 12, Hayden Heights $ 69.07 E � of Lots 53, 54 and 55, Blk. 16, Nayden Neights $176.40 Lots 1 and 2, Bik. i , �szel Park Div. 5 $I91.71 Lot 30, Bik. 1 � Hazel Park Div. 5 $191 .71 Subj. to easement, lots l , 2 ar�d 3, Bik. 4, Ha2e1 Park, Div. 5 $191 .71 Lot l , Blk. 5, Hazel Park, Div. 5 $191 .71 Lots 29 and 30, Bik. 5, Hazel Park, Div. 5 $191 .71 Lot i , Bik. 8, Hazel Park, Div. 5 $191 .71 ��I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalgliah Approvec� 19—_ Meredith T� Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O . 244��� ORf61NAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Lot 30, Bik. 8, Hazel Park, Div. 5 $191 .71 Lot 13, Blk. 2, Hazel Park, Div. 6 $191.74 Lots 14 and 15, Blk. 2, Hazel Park, Div. 6 $ig1 .77 Lot 13, Bik. 3, Haze1 Park, Div. 6 $191.77 Lot 14, Blk. 3, Hazel Park, Div. 6 $191 .77 Lot 13, Blk. 2, Nazel Park, Div. 8 $191.62 Lot 14, Blk. 2, Haaet Park, Div. 8 $191 .62 Lot 13, Blk. 3, Hazei Park, Div. 8 $191 .61 Lot 14, Blk. 3, Hazet Park, aiv. 8 $191 .62 Lot l , Blk. 9, Hayden Heights $230.58 Lots i9 and 20, Blk. 9, Hayden Neights $199.83 odMEREAS, The totai arnount of assessable cc�sts the City may pay is $3,882.18; now tF�erefore be it/ RESOLVED, Tt�at the CoFwaissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay frora the Permanent Improvement �evolving Fund, Co�e 60�0 the a�ount of $3,882.18, a portion of the assessable costs of SideNalk Construction under the 196$ Sidewalk Contract 68-M-434, District No. 3, � Levy No. 1�, L-7008, in the amount of $3,882.18, said Per�ar�ent la�provewent Revolving Fund to be rei�bursed froaa the City's Share of Local la�provement Aid Fu�d, 0920-701 (1969). ���-d� .1 U[V FT� 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���� , `��� Carlson �_ Approved 19__ Meredith �b Tn Favor Peterson � � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst ;:��`��'���e�:::�-�'C�.4R-.�' `� PUBUS+�E� .1UN 1� 1969 ..............�. � Mr. Vice Preside:,t � DUPLICATE TO PRIN7'ER /.L�.���j� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '� 1 �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Pe�terson COMMISSIONER DAT� MHEREAS. By euthoirty of the Laiws of Minnesota for th� y�ar 1959, Ghapter $00, H.F. 217 and rat�fied by C.F. No. 19�216� �pprove�d M�y 2, 1959. the City of Seint Paul, mmy p�y a� portlon of thm assss�+�ble� caa�s of Sidewalk Construction when such cost� excaed the benefits to the p�operty owner. MtlffREAS, i t h�rs be�n �te��mi ned that the fol lowi ng de�cr i berd �=�arcel s af property be rsl leved of tE�e� foi ic�wing �st: B�SCR t PT 14N AMOU�11` . ..�.. ,�, . �� _.-.....�. Exc. M 147 ft., the S � vf laaC 2 mnd exoapt t�eat 196 Ft.; Lot i . Gerardfne's Garden Lots $ �3•37 Afarth � of lot 2. Gerardin�'s Garden Lots $IU5.84 ExcepL N 42 ft.. Lot 3. Gerardine's Garden L,ots $105.&4 N 42 ft. of !ot 3. Gerardine's 6a�den Lots $ 9S.?6 S'ly 6.73 ft. of L.ot 2A ar�d ali of Lot �i , Blk. 12, Nayden Neigh�s $ 69.07 E �r of Lots 5;� 54 and 55, 8ik. 16, Hayden Beights $176.40 Lots 1 and �, Blk, 1 , ��zel park Qtv. 5 $191.�i t,ot 30. Blk. 1 � Haxa1 Park Div. 5 si91.71 Sub,j. to easement, Lots i � 2 �nd 3, �lk. 4t Haze1 Park, Dlv. 5 $191 •71 Lot 1 , S)k. 5. H�zel P�rk, piv. 5 $19i .7i Lots 29 and 30. �ik. �* Hazel Park� Div. 5 $19� .71 Lot i , Bik. 8, Hsza1 Perk, Div. 5 �19t.71 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � - 2Qr���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�LE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ROIJ6T� F• PF.��I�SOII COMMISSIONER �ATF DESCRIPtIQN AMt�UN� �o� 3a, Blk. S, Haz�l Fark. Q1v. 5 �191.71 Lot 13. Blk. 2. Hazol F�rk� Dtv. 6 $1�1.74 Lots 1�+ and i5. 81k. Z, N�zet R+�rk, Dirr. b $191.77 LOt 13, Bik. �, HaZe1 Park, DIV, 6 �191•77 t,of 14, Blk. 3, Haxet ��rk, tliv. & ' $191.77 Lot 13, Bik. 2, N�zal Park. ptv. $ �191.62 Lot 14, Bik. 'Z, Naze) Park� t�iv. 8 � $19i.62 lot 13. slk. 3. Haze�l Pmrk, Div. 8 $191.61 Lot 14, 81k. 3: H�ze1 Perk. t1tv. �. . �191.6�2 LGt l � 01k. �. Naycbn Helghts $230.rj$ Lots 19 end 20, Blk. 9. Hayd�n H�ic�hts , $199•�3. 1dNER�AS, The totsl amount of �ssesaable coata the Clty n►�y pay ts �3.882.18, now tharefore be tt, RESALVED, That thee Conmi�sior�er af Rub11C Morka be and he i� hereby author T zed to pay f rt�m the Pera��aint laaprovement Re�l v i ng Fund. Co+ie 6000 th� amaunt of $3.$82.18, a partlQn of. �the asse�ssable costs of Sidervelk Construction ander the 1968 Sidewalk Con�crmct 68-h11-434, Di�trlcx No. 3. Levy No. 10, L,-7008, In the �r+oun� ctf $3,882.18, said Permar�nt Improv►ement Revolving Fund to ba r�imbnrs�d from the 'C1ty�s Shere+ of Local Improvem�nt Aid Fund, 0920»701 (i9�9). , ;;:;:� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Carlson �� �' Approved 19__ Meredith '� Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka c-� Mayor Tedesco Against ;::.Mr..President, Byrne ' � �. . . _ O