244305 -, - -,� - . �;,. ,. �. .,.: . .. . - , . . :, ._.,. : ; , , _ -'�. . . . .. _ . -- �; ��., s <t��. � t .. r:, ' �' � �; � = t � ���0� �' r FINAL ORDE� : ����� �� No-- .; : :z k. � _. . .. x By � ,�� � �_ . � File Na iM�� € � In the N�atter of *,M��p,�,� �It �'�+�Mwk#1c +Iwt 1�at � s!� iL' �ri� �t.; �': , ..:�, .,:; � � t���. 1a� 1�e� �. aM tr�► � +�t �s �!t � #,r_t�r��ra�r �i i�r��lrr�i r � � � ai� �I�� F f� x ! � . �;a � f � € �r _ � utrder Preliminary Order �� approved � �_.."�;1� � _� '� Intexmediary Order aAProvecl '� A �ublic hearing having been had upon'the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � having heard a�l persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered � the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Councii of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ;5 provement to be made by the said City is . ; �, �! �'t's�1�s R�M► i�a� is �IN t�► l�i�e`+� '�� ,�Il. !#olrt !!rl+M �t« � ' � �t. � 1�" �� � �' � 11� �i � � �M� �!'��M #!�i �, l�w�■►t. a�rt r�l�u� �rri a�! s�tl�t ��i�irrw��r wwt s�r�. ;;� � � � �:v ,:�, _ �,�: and the Council hereby ordera said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commisaioner of Public Works be and is hereby inatructed-and directed to prepare plans �nd specifications for said improvement, and submi�t same to the Council for approval; that upon sa,id approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �: . COUNCILMEN JUN .5 1�69 Yeas Hay� Adopted by the Counc�� CatIS011 APProveci �u{� � 1'� Datgllsh � Me�son- �n Favor T� �IQ#itt� 1Vfayor :r• � �� �?saa�rr yt� St �Q��$�E♦ a�V-� � �96g :.. _ e��� .� 6-86-�' �'PJ"��t (PetOrSOn) � - _ � _� ' Dist. No. 1 • , S.S. Iglehart Ave. - Pierce St. to Fry St. ���y / ��� `�0 r *�. OFFICE OF THE COMMZSSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS s 24 ,��, . �������, 3�8D �,�D� t��r,. �� �� �Qr, � ���A REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' L� �d L� '"� ,,. r ��'��'�-�,�' ��� ��� �c��'� � :�,� ; � �� ;e. y '.� s�''" ��. ��� �.`� �� April 21st. 19 69 u._.f. ��.'.:i. ��.�.-�.:� . :.� .:-:'_ To the Co�issioaer of Finance of the City of St. Panl: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uader consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Co�ncil File No. 243229 approved April 17th.1969 relative tv reconstructing the sidewalk on the south side of Iglehart Ave. from Pierc� St. to Fry St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. a�d having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportse 1, The estimated cost thereof is $3>50 per lin, fte for standard sideWalk S ft> wide and $4e20 per lino ft, for stand�rd sidewalk 6 ft. �ide. 2< A plan, profile or sketch of said improve�ent is hereto attached and �ade a part thereof, 3> Tnitiated by the Co�nissioner of Public Works X 4o Improvement is asked for upon petitioa S���i-� — Commissioc�e