244290 ORIGINAL— � CITY OF SAINT PAUL c�TMC��K CO�.JNC1L RESOLUTION •� �ENCIL No.__ � N° � � 3616 ' � FOR - TH IZATION OF OC IMPROVEMENT PF(OJECTS �� PRESENTED BY HON. _ DATE 19—_ • 1tBSOLVED, That the Couaci], hereby concurs in the award of the Contract Committee therefor aad hereby awards contract for furnishing a11 labor, mat�rials, and equipment required for the gradiag, surfaciag, bituminous curb, storm and sanitary sewer and installation of sewer sei'vice connections and all other work shown on L$OIdB AV�1UB (3igurd 3treet - Kennard Street) and 3IGUxD STRBBT (Upper Afton-Leone Avenue) (69-G-1683 � S-1127) under Prelim inary Order No. 237659, approved Karch 19, 1968, and Fiaai Order No. 242763, approved Mareh 25, 1969, to W. J. EB8ItT2 COMPANY for the contract price of $42,783.15 (Plus Engineering S� Inspec. (�arge - $5,594.70; Water Dept. (�arges - $4,401.00 and Col2ection t'�arges - $1,179.28), in accordance with plans and speciFicatians therefor hereto attached and Formal Bid #3560 of said W. J. Ebertz Company, such bid being the loweet and said W.<<�3r Sbertz �o� being a reliable and reasonable bidder and the Gorporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of coatract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to e�cecute said contract cn behalf of the City of Saint Paul. `. Formal Bid #3560. • G-1683 S�y�2� CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - ' - - - = - S �L��vJ��� DEPT.CONT.NO. � WATER CONNECTIONS,DETOURS,SOUNDINGS.ETC. - S 4,401��O ENG 1 NEER�S ESTI MATE: FINANCE DEPT.CHARGES - - - - - - - - - $ 1�179�28 s 54,666�7� ENGINEERING � Znspection- _ - - - - - s 5,594�70 INSPECTION Z�fp ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ - FORMAL BID NO. 3S6O TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 53,958.13 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: q 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; 53,958�1J 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE S 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE S 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE t . 5. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � _ ' ' ' ' g 6. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJ6CT NO. 7, s TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - Z 53,958.13 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERBD BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN TH2 ABOVE STATfiD APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO . COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVIN6 FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN T E BOVE AMOUNTB. L 7 PURCHASING JO�Qpi� d. Mitchell DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROI�F BY COUNCILMEN e Comptro er �UN � 1969 YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� . • Dalgish � Sprafka �N PAVOR r; �cx Tedesco t�.;���. ���� Meredi+h ,a�ROVEv ��� � �GAINST IMIr���t11��`i'F.t��a•� __,, / V Mz. Vice Yre�iciemt (L'eimrro,tA) MAYpR � Z_e, p PUQLISHE� �.U.N '7 1969 �at���