244286 Ot�inal to City Clert ` � ORDINANCE � 244zas � �, COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: 'rAn ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Glassified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Community Relations Specialist _1.. Yeaa Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk ,,._--� Mayo � ���., �� �.,,�"if� �3�� L�z�r�.E=(� Form approved Corporation Counsel B�- ��—i , ������5 Ot�slnal to City Clerk � �ORDINAI�TCE 244Z86 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO J �!� ��-� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. �3_ �uN 2o iss9 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Me�h � In Favor � Peterson � � Against Sprafka. JUN 2 0 1�69 Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Appro — A s • Clerk _ Ma�yo�� � '" Form approved Corporation Counsel $y < �s�� .�UN 2 8 1969 ����/� � Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ����`-�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��'f' � �-°� .E4n ordinance amending �rdinance l�l'o. ?607, entitled: "An orclinance fixix�g the dutiea and responaibilitiea and the mini.mum qualifications far the variou� �lasees of positiona in th� Clasef�3.ed �erviee of the City, " a�proved �''ebruary I3, 1�335, as arnended. TH� CUUI�T�IL C)F TH� CITY OF SAINT FAUL U�ES ORDAIIV: Sec�tion 1. That qrd:nance 1'�io. 7607, a�p�oved 7Eebx�u�.ry 13, I�35, as a,rnend�ed., be �nd the sarn� i� hereby furthex am�nded by inserting in its proper alphabetical orcier thE following title, and speci.fieatic�n.s for Comrnur:ity �elations �peci�Iist -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 24�;�56 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- I��G� �ection 2. Thie ordinance ahall ta.ke effect and be in force thirty daye after it� paesage, approval, and publication. -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � �.Dalgli� Meredith In Favor Peterson G Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By . 244286 Tiil.e o; �la��� r�JIv2I,�"�7rIaTY RELh'���;.ONS �P��'.�AL::ST D����s and x��p�sk�ibi:�i�'i��°. �1nd�r c�i:rec�ian, fa ��:��ist in tllw «�rl: in.�rc�lved in coordina�ing cornm�ni�y d��r�!�pment actiT��i.ie� r�Ia`kix.�; to Model �i�ies �T-'ragrams; ar;d t;o �^rfor:rn x�^1��;�d zr�o�°k a:� amsigi:e�.. Exat�lpl�s af work nerfo��i�d, Tv v�ork til�se2y �rit.h ci�;j, cc��nt�rs sta�e and fr�dPral ag�ne:i�s in�ol��d a:: ��.� ��o��l Ciyie� Px���ram,. To prepare f?��ral �a��n`: app?.ica�ior�s, �t�d���s and ��ro�;rams, `�o or��nize ,s��z�r..�:� �ox i,�ivrma��c,n disse.zlinaiion and xe�idenY ��aatic i�a�ian . �a a�s%a��; kn i:���s �iesi�;n oi n��;� an�a a�cia;.ioi�al pra��am�; as xzs�ded. �o an�l�.;e n�z�l�lborhood pr,,bl�n�� in ar�a� wtacl�. a� ed�caf;i.on� n�a�4;ia„ i.r,s:arr�:� t•�a;.�,sAz:�y �°'!:�:> To �ozxdrlc:z, ���:�er�ri�� . an� wocx��:.r„ie:�: s;�rd�ys to d��:ermixze r. �s_c��;���a` r:��d�, i.�1_,��;, azzd ai:f;z'°:a�c�� Ta s�:.°v<� as ;� xi.ai�o�, ��'F.�:,L�i� �o��ra.r.�ta.rzisy in��xeet groups: �o or�a�zi.z� �it�;:tia�>as i.n or��� *o ��z�1n �h�m a3<iculax� �h�ix nue��, �'c� a�'��r�d m���i.::;� a.n.ci :3.cid.r�sG �raups.. �;a rnalc�� r�pc�r�:;s �nc=� r.ecomr.nt�nclavions> } ��ti:�im�.�m c!�.3a.if4,:a�i.a:�.�o T.O�sF'�� �,T�tC�".�;ii,`'.C�S: `;is,il,'�}) r. 1'Yli?%(?T 1T1 d �Ql^'°s$� $+CIE.'11��-.,' �7:i" S'1011a2ed ii�id, ;3nd i:o�xr t,°�az•�' r�roa:a�;�ic�nc��X �•�cne:�t�nce in �r✓ork i.n�ral��r�� p��:�ln.� �:c�r:tt���., a'r 1�:��:: '��o �,rears o� �hicki rn�s� t�ia��� ��Hi� ixa �:a2-��mrxni':�+t or;1n::�,a'':ional Y��rk r�l�iing tr� C�iSc''.C;"�'ct�;�,"ti��� i�::"m�1:=i ."'J.�.i"2T:� i�.:;lii�i3'�.:y UZ' c"�. 1'�i:1544X'!.°''i �_��'0.d1F't in a �oc��ai ��i�:acg ��3• Aeia��d ri.::d and t:�.,��� y�ars� �arcf.��.�si�r;al e�;,�e:ri�n.�.a� yi� �v�r;c z;��vod��r:n�, �u�:li.c con¢aci� c`�S �i.;?�1 '�`�'�O C3� 'v�✓[IZC:�'i 271c.1:iW i).�`t�G-' i;.'.lp'fyl�. 111 CC)T71i71!_'1I�.lt�T c��ganiza< `�LG;<3x. ��CS7Ck 3'�InGL12C; t:i) C�z..3dt�'?e�3.;h�;:1;'°C� ?�1'£�l�a `�'.17.t� r.rz�icien�s� F�10 s�;��ea���`...�zx ;or �.�?t�ca'�io:t. ; ,, °�L� > 244`�86 j�i•���e o:� cla��� COi��1N�t;.7YJ.�T� REL.F�TeONrS aPEC:�,AL:bST Du°�i.�a and i•e�po�aibi�i.Yi�es� '�7nd�r direc�ion, �ca assist ir_ th� ��orlc znvolvecl ia� coordinating comrr�asni�y d�e�elopment activi.ie� reiating to ZvlodeJ. Cigies �'ro�t:ams; a�id �;o perf�rm rel���d �r�ork a�a assigned� Examples of �,vork pLrfarm°d; �'o �vorlc elos�Zy u►ii�i-i cik}r, cot�n�y, state and f�deral ag�n�ies involv�d in th� i�'ic�del Ci°ie� Pxogram< �'o pr�pur� f�d�ral �ranr �tiPplica�ior.s� �udge�s and programs, To or�;aniz� systern� for i:Zformation diar�emination and residenY partic ipa��ion> To assY.sL in �:h� d��ign of netiv and adda�ional prc�grams as nseded. ��o anal�j�� n�i��xbc�rhood �robl�rn� in ar�as such as ed�:ca¢ion➢ nP3���1, it'aC!9tZl�� �7.OlXSSr,�a f;"��� To �on�f�,c�P ��.pervi��; and coordina�:� �ur;��ys to de�ermixze r�sgc�a�a;;�` r�edsy i�lea:, and aef:i��d�s . Ta s�r�v� �s a 1ia�soz� betwL�n �ommu.niiy in��r�t�t groups, '�'a or�;a��iz� �itiz��xs in order 4� ha�1p th�m, articulat� �heir n��edffi., To a���r�c� r:re��"ia�gs a.nd addr�ss �r�ups: `�'c� m�lc,= r��+ords a�zd recomm�ncJa$ions<, �;�inim�.n�, cl�alifica'Wioa:�� c:;o1l�g,: �dac��aa�:ion en�i'ch a m:��or in a aocial scia�nc� or related fi;�d; �.aid �c��r �r�ars� pra£��Bional �xperz�nce in �N�r.k in.�oiv�+.�nF; pi�bla� �anta��., a� i���`: xwo years of which must ha�e b��n ixa �Cc�rnm�ani�yr organiza'.ional work rulating to disad�ra�a?�lg�cl ar�a� az�d �-���dea�ts; or a I�-iaster`s L�gr.�� zr: a soW�ai ��.i�xz�e �r relat�;d �i�;lci and thr�� years� prof�aa;,�rxal. e�tr��ri�n�<L IR woric invoDbing p�.blic contacYv a'� Icast �t��ao o� s��izi,�:h mtas� txacr� t�e�n in commanity or�anixa� 2iana� �u�rk r�1a�:ing �o d:�sadaran�a�;ed arei� and re�xd�r�ts� ;�'Jo �a�b��vi#ea''ti�az;. zor �cl�,�ca*ion. ; � a�_ I st � . � 2nd �� �� Laid over to 3rd and app._��_Adopted ���— `� Yeas Nays �-Yeas Nays Carlson \�arlson Dalglish @atgti3f`' Meredith 244��b__��,+eredith Peterson ('_ ��Peferson Sprafka � �Sprafka Tedesco �edesco U Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O