244285 Ori`lnal to City Clerk � ORDINANCE 244285 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �, ORDINANCE NO.—L�� . � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: ' "An administrative ordinance relati.ng to the Civil 5ervice Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, es amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S.A.INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, a� amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in � Section 6, in Grade 47 under the heading "Professinnal Group", the title "Community Relations Specialistti. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thi�ty-days after its passage, approval, and publication. Appr oved: . G. av � , ivil Service Commissioner JUN 2 4 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Car�� 1� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � � Againat Sprafka Tedesco r. Presiden - e) .��� � �' ��6� App ed: _ ttest• C' Clerk --� � a or i � �,. , Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ` � .1�N 2 8 1969 ���y�6 � Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO ��4,��5 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / `;r ��'� An ard3nance arnending C)rdinane+e No. 3250, entitied: '�An admi.nietrative ord3.nance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint P�,ul, appraving and adopting r��las and regulationa therefar, " appa aved Auguet 20, l g 14, sa amended. 'I'HE CCaUNCIL 4F THE CITY OF S�AINT �AUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That f�rdinance No. 3250, approv�ed Auguat 20, I914, ae amended, be a�,d the eame ia hereby further arx:en.ded by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 47 under the heading "Professinnal Group", the title "Corrxmunity Relatians Specialist�'. 5ection 2. Thfs ordinanc�e shall take effect and be in force tlzirty days af*.er ite uas sage, a��rov�l, and publication. Approved: Givil Searvice Comrnissioner r ��� � �3 t96� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carlson Mer�ealh.th" � In Favor Peterson � Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) ' jM1 m 1��� Approved: — Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By June 1+, 1969 I'1 ° K i � � � ,�» ,�--w-------� ', ,��. , J�hn Haid er _______._. �� �irector ��' Personnel � �` Civil �ervice Bure�u /�`���� �� �,i� � 1 Dt�a.r' Sir: i �°' ,t ��� The City Counci�. tr�claY� �;ave�iilcst `�.din� to th�� fo.�.lo�ain�r 2 �xda nances which wi11 come ti �fii;ircx �ea�in�; an June 12t��� �------�._. �t C.F. 24$285 ame�t�'c�� ,v ���by i'�s�rtin� in Sec. 6 in Grade Z�7 un�i�r '�rofes�ilpnal G�'oup" the ti.tle "C�ammunit� Ft�l�.�ior:� Spe��a�list"; � � t , 1 C.F. 244286 am�r�ing ;�760�'��y inserting :t�� its proper al.pha- - - --._ bet �r��o��he title and specifications for �` "--`' Communi�3r-� ations Specialist. ,�f :,'� Very �r�zly yours, � � r , r, '�i/ �___� City Clerk n� ., �r��nb� ✓ ' _ �`����� Theee ordi�anees create the fir�t .staff position entitled Community� Relations Specialist, to as sist the M$yor and the City Cauncil in the Model Cities Program. � , , :3 0 au��(8 {uap;sa�d vw au.u(8 �uapisa�d '�W oasap \ oasapaJ, � `� D�;D.ICI�� D�;DJC�S` uos�a{a� � uos�a}ad �, 5g���� y�ipa�ay� 4+ipa�ayV -.'fs!tbteQ� 45!161e4 uos��e� uos��e� s�(eN see . sReN sea� _ � �� „� G� pa�dop��dde pue p�� � o} �a�o pie� I P�z � �S� � ` �'�