244284 � OrlQinal to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE 244%��4 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY G:— ORDINANCE NO � 1 a��2 An ordinance amending the Building Code, Chapter 14 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Automatic Sprinkler Systems. THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 14.02-1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by adding a paragraph as follows: "n. Notwithstanding anything he�einbefore provided, in all grocery stores and supermarkets exceeding in area 3,000 square feet regardless of type of construction. " � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. JUN 2 0 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson f Me�red h n Favor Peterson Q G Against � Sprafka Tedesco 2 � �,4��? Mr President B e) ,�� Appro _ A st: Clerk Mayor �� Fo�m approved Corporation Counsel By . 1� pl�[ts�� �N 2 8 1969 . � . , . 14.�2 LEGISLATIVE CODE . bottom of the tank to reserve for fire purposes not less than the ; quantity of water specified for such purposes. . d. �'�'hen the pressure on an outlet exceeds fifty (50) pouncls per square inch, an approved adjustable reducer or regulator, set to maintain a presst�re of approximately fifty (50) pounds per square inch on the discharge side �vith a flow of 200 gallons per minute through the hose and nozzle, shall be provided. � 8. Pumps a. In buildings one hundred fifty (150) feet or more in height and in buildings requirin� a standpipe and exceedina 10,000 square feet in area, unless the requireci water supply is furnished by an automatic pump of the capacity prescribed in this section, approved fire pumps shall be installecl in addition to the water supply that is provided, ancl permanently connectecl to the required standpipe sys- tems. b. The capacities of such pumps shall be not less than 500 gal- � lons per minute for a four (4) inch standpipe; not less than 750 gallons per minute for a six (6) inch standpipe or two (2) intercon- nected four (4) inch standpipes; not less than 1,000 gallons per minute for t�vo (2) oi• more siY (G) inch standpipes. e. Such pumps shall have an adequate source of power and shall - be supplied from street mains or from �vell systems or other stoi�aae �� systems furnishing not less than one hour's supply at tl:e rat�d _.� . capacity of pump. 9. Tests � a. Upon the completion of a standpipe installation and at least every tw o years thereafter, every standpipe shall be tested in the presence of a representative of the fire department assigned to witness such test. b. Such test shall consist of a static pressure test, with all outlets closed, equivalent to the designed pressure due to the heiaht of the standpipe. Flow tests sh�ll also be made to prove that the standpipe, line valves, check valves and Siamese connections are free from obstructions and are workable, and the fixe pump is in good condition. 10. Standpipes required by this code shall be maintained in � readiness for use at all times. 14.02—Sprinkler �quipment. 1. Sprinklers Required a. In buildinos hereafter erected, or altered to increase the area or height, approved automatic sprinkler equipments shzll be •- � � installed and maintained as specified in the followino paragr�.phs. '� y�� 7 he area specified shall be the ai•ea enclosed by e:cterior �i•alls or fire - walls or a combination thereof, except that in buildings of fireproof � 392 io-i-sc 14.OZ BUILDING CONSTRUCTION construction and semi-fireproof construci;ion, the area shall be that enclosed by exterior walls, fire walls or fii e partitions or a combina- ' tion thereof. b. Buildings over two (2) stories in height used for the manu- factui•e, sale or storage of combustible goods or merchandise (not including garages) and exceediiig in area 10,000 square feet when of fireproof construction or semi-fireproof construction. , c. Buildings over two (2) stories in heioht used for the manu- facturue, sale or storage of combustible goods or merchandise (not incluciing garages) and e�ceeding in area 7,500 squ�ire feet �vhen of types of construction other than fireproof construction ar.cl semi- fireproof constt�uction. d. Buildings eYCeecling two (2} stories in height or in e�cess of 2,000 square feet in area on any floor above the first or ground fioor, here�,fter erected or altered, so that suitable access, as definecl. be- low, to each stoi•y above the bzsement is not provided o�i at :e�st o::e � side of the builc�ing. Suitable access shall be c�eemed as requiring a usable openirig through the wall at each story at least thirty-t�co (32) inches wide, forty-eight (48) inches high and with the sill not more than thirty-two (32) inches above the fioor; the op�ning shall be so spacecl that there tivill be one opening for each fifty (50) feet of frontage. e. Garages eYC�eeding six (6) stories iu height. f. Garaaes for storage of loaded commex•cial trucics, esc�ecling 2,000 square feet in area and of othei� than fireproef construction eY- cept open air parl:inb garages conforming to Sectioii 12.0�-7. g. Bus garages exceecling t���o (2) stories in height. _ " h. Basement garages housing more than three (3) mota�• ce- hicles. - � i. Garages located in�buildings in �vhich one or more stori�s or parts thereof above such garages are occ.lpied for other purposes when such garages have a capacity of t�renty (20) or more pass�nger automobiles, or are used as b�is terminals for three (3) or more buses, or are used for the storage and loading of t`vo (2) or more trucks. j. Basements having an area exceetlirig 3,500 squa�e feet, wheti usecl for the manufactuux•e, sale or storaje of combustible goocls or mer•chandise, eYCept th�t in public buildings, institutional builcl- ings ancl residence buildings, the automatic spri�ikler equipment <<;ill be required orlly in such por•tiolis as are used for storage purposes o� as work shops. . k. In buildings occupied as a place of assembly and having � stage arrangecl for theatrical, operatic or simi!:�r purposes, appi•oced automatic sprinkler equipment shall be providecl uiider the roof of the stage, tmder the gridiron, the rigging loft and fiy and tie galler- ies, under the stage, in dressing rooms, scene docks, �vorkshops and - - storage rooms. This para�raph shall not apply to incidental platforms in connection �vith gymnasiums and amusements rooms in churches, 1-1-65 � 393 . . 14.02 LEGISLATIVE CODE �� schools, and similar builclings, which are not primarily for use as a • theatricaI stage but may have occasional usage as such. 1. All schools hereafter erected in which area or space is pro- vided for shop facilities as used in connection with cotirses of instruc- � tion in various shop courses shall be provided �vith an automatic � sprinkler system as approved by the Bureau of Public Buildings. m. When adeqttate heat is not provided and in the opinion of the Bttreau the hazard is not severe, stich sprinkler system may be replaced by a system having zppi•oved automatic sprinklers, but with supply only from a fire depai�tment connection on the building front, or with an approved protective device with fire department connection on the building front, by which water can be applied to or� directed at the fire by suitable control equipment from outside the Building; there being in each case an approved automatic fire alarm system con- nected to an outside gong or to the. central station of a supervising company. . . (Amended, O��d. 1263�.) 2. Installation and Approval . a. Required automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed � in accordance with detailed drawings of the complete sprinkler layout which have been submitted to and approved by the Bure�u. EYCept as otherwise provided, or in duly adopted rules, the "Standards of the _� National Board of Fire Underwriters for the Installation of At�tomatic Sprinkler Equipment" Pamphlet I\TO. 13, June, 1943, shall be deemed to be approved methods of design and installation. b. Sprinkler systems shall be desianed to "�ithst�nd, �chen readv for service, a water pressure of not less than two hundred (200) pounds per square inch for two (2) hours withottt leakage a�t joints, valves, fittings or any part of the piping. c. When ready for service, the entire system shall be inspected and tested in the presence of the Bureau. Defects developed by such inspection and test shall be corrected before final approval. d. Only approved sprinklers, fittings, connections and valves shal be used in the installation of .sprinkler systems. e. Every sprinkler system shall be provided with an approved outside screw and yoke valve or indicator gate valve, located to be readily accessible to control all sources of water supply e�cept that from the fire department connection. f. Branches from underground �vater mains to sprinkler sys- tem shall be flushed out thoroughly before connecting them to the sprinkler riser. 3. Water Supply � a. F,xcept as otherwise provicled in paragraph 1 of subsection 1 of this section, each sprinkler sy�stem shall have at least one auto- matic wa,ter supply of adequate pressure, capacity and reliability as determined by the Eui•eau. -�� . 4. Fire Departntent Connections �i a. Every sprinkler system shall be equipped �vith one or more approved fire department connections. The pipe from the sprinkler • 394 i-i-ss ���i� ' �,,,,� �+� (.c J.Q—0 �`_' / '�� �'J� t� (I � � � � rn�-. m�-�- r�1 ��� �� � � � �"� � � �° � �`7� �.�.��..,�r . l� . � I st • 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � �.Adopted � ' �`` � ��' � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison �arlson - Dalglish Balellislr Meredith ����� �eredith Peterson �Peterson � Sprafka �prafka � Tedeuo desco Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O