244281 �, � , T R ' . Orteinal to City Clerk . � . - J O R D I N A N C E 244�81 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � � ORDINANCE NO .I���Q�— An ordinance granting permission to Richard Sagstetter to construct and maintain garages on the south 10 feet a� the public alley in Block 15, Merrilis' Division of Rice Street Villas. THE GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Richard Sagstetter to con.struct and maintain garages on the south 10 feet of the public alley in Block 15, Merrills' Division of Rice Street Villas. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Richard Sagstetter for -- the construction and main.tenance of said garages upon his compliance with the following terms and conditions, viz: a. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemn.ify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out o� or occasioned by the performance of the work contemplated by this permission. and authority; � b. That said permittee shall furn.ish a bond .��� to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten �` Thousand Dollars (�10,000.00) , conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and ' to indemnify and save harmless said City of all liability, loss, judgments, suits , costs, charges and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; � c. That said permittee shall provide public liability insuranee and shall protect the permittee and the Gity of Saint Paul from all claims or damages for person.al injury, including accidental death, which may arise from the operation, main-- tenance, continued presence and existence or removal of the aforesaid garages or arising out of the same, which public liability insurance shall be in an amount not less than �50,000.00 per person for injuries including accidental death, and subject to the same limitations for each person in an amount of not less than �100,000.00 on account o� any single acciden.t or Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson • Dalgliah Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedeaco ' Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk ayor �0 Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � 'OriQinal to City Clerk • " . - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 24��8� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ,L-! n�— incident, and in an amount not less than �50, 000.00 for injuries or damage to per- sonal property, which said pQlicies of insurance or certificates relating thereunto shall be filed with the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; d. That whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, shall determine the removal of said garages necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the removal of the same from said location, the said garages shall be removed from the subjeet public alley area, which public alley area shall be restored by the permittee at the permittee' s sole cost and expense; e. That said permittee shall, within twenty ���{ (20� days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ,lUN � 0 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson �` � �� �� In Favor Meredith � `r% Peterson Sprafka C Against Tedesco � � �9� Mr. President e App d: �l�� Att Ci Cler '11 or � �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By �, rU�trstt�� JUN 2 8 1969 , Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 24���1 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �� �' � incicte�.t, nuc� �.n �an amount not lesa than . ��50, :}��.a� for is,jurie� or �.ama�e to per— son��. �ro�aert�, wPaic� �aid glicies ai insur.a�.ee c�r certi�"�.cate� re�.ating there�anto �YlAll 1a� :�i1�d witka the �am�trolier vf the City n� �air�t �"aul; d. 7Chat when.ever the Council o� the City of Saint Paul, by its rasoiution, shall. cietermine the removal of said gara�es n�cesaary in the �ub�.ie interest and �ecordingly order tho remov�3 0� the eame �'rom said loa�tion, the snic3 gara�es �hall �e removeci fram the sub�t�et public a1�.�y r�r��,, whieh puwlic alley area shA11 be re�tored 'by the permitte� at the permittee' s sole cost �nc� expen�e; `f� �� e. That e�id germittee shall, within t�renty (20) c��ys �.�ter the passage of thi� orclinancos file a written aceeptance t]hereof with th� Gity C 1.e r�.. Seetion. 3. T�is ordinanee shAll take effect ��.d be in force thirtY {3C3) c��ys �rom and �.fter its pass��e, Appre��val. and pubiication. ,,.�{.�'�F < � ����� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ��n' -.�In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka C Against Tedesco , � ��� � � �� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplicate to Printer - ORDINANCE 244`��1 - COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ,L_�•-� G.� An ordinance gr�.uating permis�ion to �ichard S��stetter to conatruet an�l maintain garagea on �he eouth ].�J �eet oi the; �ublic alley ir� �31ock I>, i�AerrilAs' �fvi�ion of la].Cf: StroQt Vi7.las. T�i� COTT�,T���, ��:� T�L CITY OF �liIIaYT P1�UL �OLS 0�3.Df1IT1: Sec�ion 1. That permission and authorit�r are �ereby �r�nted ta �iehare� Sa�stetter to eonstruct and �aa.intaixi �arages o�a the south 10 �eei; o� the publia �11ey in �lock 15, ASerrxZls' �ivision of �ice St�'eet Villae. �aetion 2. Th�t the Co�miasioner of 1�ublie �,�orks is hereby author�.zed ta issue a permit to Richard �agsi:r�tter �or the construction ancl maintenance a� gaicl ga.ra��s upon hf� eo�+pl.iance wit1� the �ollowing terms anci con�l��:ionb, viz: a. `�hat saici permittee Qxpreesly �gre�s a�c: un�ertaY�es to �'ully indemni3y and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, ofiicer� and emp3.oyeea �rom r�ny �nci ra.IT. da�nages, claims, lasses, juclgments, suits or expen$es �xi�i�g out of or oecasfoz�ed by the per�orraauce of the work contemplateoL Uy this pexmission and �.utharity; b. That sai�I per�ittee �hall fur�ish a bond �o the City o� Saint Pau1 in the �um of Ten � �� Thou�and Dollars (�10,000.00) , conditioned to ' comply with a11 the terms o� this ordinance and to inc�emni�'y and save harmless ea.id C�.ty oY all li.ability, los�, �udgment�, suits, costa, chmrges and expense th�t may 8cerue ta persons or property occa�ioned by the ma.king of the improvement or arising out o�' the same: e. That said �ermittee shall �rovide public liability insurance and sha11 proteet the permittee and the City a� Saint Paul from alI c�aims or damages �or personai in�ury, inclu3ing acciclental cieath, w�iieh may arise from the ogera�tion, �nain— tenance, continued presence and existence or removal o� the aforesaid gara�ee or arising out of th� stz�e, aahach ��ubli�c liability insurance shall be in an amount not le�� than ?�Z0,000.04 ���r peraon for in�uries including aaciulental death, �nci sub,�eet to the same limit�tions �'or ench person in an amaunt o� not l.ess than ;;�100,U00.UC1 on account of any single accidoxat or Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Saint Paul, Minnesota July 16, 1969 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 24�+281, being Ordinance No. 14201, adopted by the Council on June 20, 1969. Richa S stetter . ,� � �Tune 30, 1�69 P'Tr. Richaxd Sagstet'ter �______=-� 1003 Van Buren l�ve. � St. Paul, i�.sinn. ,.--_ Pear Sir: `�Te encl�se a conv �f Ordi°�an �a. 142 % grantink; yoz� �ermission to cons�ruct and maintain �;�ra� w on e sout6i IO feet �� tYie pub- lic a11.e,y in B]_ock 15, .*�erri7Ll's sir�n of Riee S�reet Vi.l7_as; a.lso bill. in the su.m tt� r the cost of publ.ication of thi s ordi n�.n ce. /���� _' �ae ca11 you.r speci attenti.on P�r��;r�.�hs b and e oF ;;ection .?_, which require the ing of a b d in the amount specif3.ed and the fili_n� of t�n accept � �f° th erms of' this ordinance. �'he aceep- tance must-�se�ed i ice, Room 3H6, City Hall, within 20 days. , If not s�fi iled, the ord nance becomes void. � Very �ruZy yours, y-�f City Clerk ng � �- � - � I st � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � � dopted � ��`�J Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �a,,,Carison oa�9��sh 244�8� , �`, Meredith �eredith � Peterson �'"�Peterson Sprafka �prafka v Tedesco �desco Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O