244280 Ori�inal to City Clerk . � ,y YORDINANCE 244�80 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY -���� ORDINANCE NO ,��� D v An ordin.an.ce amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per- taining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That _ the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to-wit: Lot 4 and the west 9 feet o� Lot 3, Block 8, Hamline Addition; and the following described property from "B" Residence District to Commercial property, to-wit: The east 9. 21 feet of Lot 5, Block 8, Hamline Addition; situate on property located on the south side of Englewood Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Asbury Street in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. JUN 2 0 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CounciL Carlson / i Meredith ��� In Favor Peterson �� li Against Sprafka Tedesco ,��JN 2 0 196'� Mr. President (Byrne) Appro test: � C' Cler �, or O � �. , n� Form approved Corporation Counsel By�1�-- � � ���s'��� �l 2 8 1969 Duplicate to Pdnter ORDINANCE 244��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY _ ORDINANCE NO � � � An ordinanee ata�ending the Zoni.ng Cocte, Chapters 60 to 64, inc�lusive, of the Saint Paul Legi�la�ive Code, per- taining to Use Distriete, �ieight Diatriots and Rezoning o� oertain propertie� in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE CQUhTCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL a�O�S O�DAIN: Sect3.on 1. That tbe Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, o�' the Saint Paul Legi�la�tive Codei pertaining to Uae Distr�.ets, Iieight Districts a�►d �ezoning af certain propertie� in the City af Saint Paul, as amenc�ed, UE r�nd the same is herebq further amended so as to rezone the following �e�eribed property from "B" l�e�idence Distriat to "C" Fesidenee �iatrict, to-wit: Lot 4 and the west g �ee't of Lot 3, Blvek S, IIamline Addition; . and the following descri.bed property from "B" �.esidenee Di�trict to Commereial property, to-wit: The east 9•21 feet of Lot 5� Bioek 8, Hamlin� Add3.tion; situate on property located on the south side of �nglewood Avenue b+otween Snelling Avenue ar�d Asbury Street in the City of Saint Paul. Seetion 2. This ordinanee shall take ef�ec't r�nd be in �'orce thirty (30) days from and ��tsr its passage, approv�.l and publication. ��� 2 � 196� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson • Ba�gl'is�r In Favor Meredith Peterson � Against Sprafka Tedesco ,,R a�.,�, � �, ���j� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: ~�"`" Attest: City Clerk Mayor O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Har�y E. Marshall � ���tTY �FS Albert B. Olsoe City Clerk and �`�'y. Councal Recorder Commissioner of Reqzstration �' ,�= � `y� ° ^c 244��0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � ° BUREAU OF RECORDS ( �" S88 City Hall � St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 May 29, Z969 � � � E ' � � D �I AY z � 196g CORPORA710N COUNSEL' Mr. Joseph P. Summers Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Couneil today requested that you prepaxe an ordinance granting the petition of John S. Hasslen� Jr. to rezone from "B" Residence to "C" Residence and Com- mercial property located on the south side of Englewood Ave. between Snelling Ave. and Asbury St., more fully described as follows: Lot 4 and west 9 feet of Lot 3, Block 8� Hamline Addition to "C" Residence; AND east 9.21 feet oP Lot 5, Block 8� Hamline Addition to Cormnercial. Ye truly yours� City Cl k ng � � 1 � + BOARD' OF ZONiNG, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 May 28, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall & Courtl�ouse Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir• This is written in response to the petition of John S. Hasslen Jr. to rezone from "B" Residence to "C" Residence and Commercial property located on the south side of Englewood Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Asbury Street. This property and the proposed zoning is more fully described as follows: Lot 4 & west 9 feet of Lot 3, Block 8, Hamline Addition to "C" Residence; and east 9.21 feet of Lot 5, Block 8, Hamline Addition to Commercial. This matter was considered at the May 1, 1969 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that an ap�eal to extend the Commercial zoning on this site was denied in 1931. The p�°oposed use on the east portion of the site, petitioned for "C" Residence, is a nine unit apartment building. It was noted, however, that this site with an area of 11,972 square feet would require a successful appeal if it is to be allowed. It was mted that the Comprehensive Plan rec- ammends that this site and most of the surrounding area be used for medium . density residential purposes and that the commercial uses along this portion of Snelling Avenue be eliminated. It was also noted, however, that rezoning the west portion of this site to Commercial would bring the zoning on that portion into conformance with the re�ainder of the use parcel. In addition, lower density residential use on the east portion of the property would be isolated between commercial uses on the west and semi-public uses on the north and east. Mr. Hasslen, the petitioner, and Mr. Robinson, president of the Hamline Com- munity Association, spoke in favor of the rezoning noting that the rezoning would be consistent with the present character of the area. The Board of Zoning concurred that the above factor was a valid reason and therefore, by a 5-0 vote, recommends approval of this petit�on to rezone from "B" Residence to Commercial and "C" Residence. r ry ruly o s ' � K . ` ��e*°:, , Board of Zoning P.TM:JLD �G"r�^��� • �,.,_F ° � �. � ,�. .,����,� CLS ,� eo �' � .� , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,56102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiasioner LOUIS H. McKENNA, Deputy Commiuioner Phons:223-�4646 March 25, 1969 To the Council Citq of Saint Paul Gentle�en: I have checked the �ttached petition of John S. and Florenee M. Hasslen, Jr. , filed in the matter of rezoning, The West 9 feet of Lat 3 s�d all of Lot 4, Block 8, Hamline Additioa, from a Class "B" Aeeidence District to a Class "C" Residence District AND The Bast 9.21 feet of Lot 5, Elock 8, Aamline Addi- tion. The two (2) deacribed properties are located apprmcimately 100 feet east of North Snelling Avenue betwden West Englewood aad West Minnehaha Avenues, froea a Class "�" Residence District to a "Com�ercial" District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very trnly, mes J. D glis Ca�issioner of inance Be: 7C-692 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden Frontage: 100X Parcel: Eligib�e - 13 Parcels Signed - 9 or 69� Needed - 9 or 66-2/3� O . _ ' • . .. .. - , - �. �=�. � � _ , � , accupied by a Qommercisl and manufacturing building. The portion proposed for "C" Reaidence is vacant but needs to be cleaned of cut down trees and r other materials accessory to the adjacent manufacturing use. The site is level aad apprrncimately 3 feet above the grade of Englewood Avenue. H) AREA CO�IDITIONS: Caao�ercial uses exist to tt►e west along Snelling Avenue and .� � Aamline University is north acrdsa Englewood�Avenue. A Masonic Temple � Building adjoins to the east. The larger area is occupied by �ixed density � resideatial uses. i. � . • � . � . � . . , �� .. , I - � . � ,,,. , �.� � � : ` . , , �. / � �� � � � �ti �, � . . , �, �<� � •� ;K, :.. � _ ' f, � y. i B�/1RIt Of' 7AIdIN� R£PORT AND ACTION May 1, 1969 _ P1,st Msp� �. . ,, � Actin�-und�r L�gislatiw Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No� � passed August 22� 1922 as arasrd�d to l�pril 6� 1968 6741 Also : 1. APPLICANT'S NAME :` John S. Hasslen Jr. ��, . ,� 2. CLASSIFICATION s t.�l4mendm�nt 0 Appesl ❑Parmit 0 Other � 3, PURPOSE s Rezoae from "B" Reaideace to "C" Resideace & Conmiercial - • 4, LOCATION s South side of Engle�wood Aveaue between Saelling Avenue aad Asbury Street 5� LEGAL DESCRIPTION s Lot 4 & west 9 feet of Lot 3, Block 8,. Hamline Addition to "C" Reaideace; and Bast �,21 feet of Lot 5, Block 8, Hamliae Addition to Cammercial. �� . _ . 6. PRESENT TANING s "B" Reaideace �`'i� ' . Ti . •7. .PURSUANT 'TO Zonir►g Cod� Chspt�r s 64 Ssction s ,p( Para�raph s `;�� 8� STAFF INVESTIGllTION 8 REPORTs Dat�� 4/25/69 BY� CLS � �� A) SUFFICIENCY: The Commioaioner of Finsace has declared the petitioa sufficient `� vith 9 of 13 parcels or 69� haviag aigned. B) HISTORY: Aa appeal to extend the Ccmmercial zoning to both portions of thie . site �as denfed in 1931. C) PROP06ED USE: Construction of a nine uait apartment building. The portiaa of .� the aite being petitioned for "C" Reeidence, however, has an area for only 8 uait�. ?'°`� D) FRaATA�GE AND ARSA: The portioa of the aite proposed for Caomercial zaaing has a frontage of 9.21 feet on Englewood Avenue aad aa area of 1,621.4 equare feet. The portian proposed for "C" Residence hea a frontage of 68 feet on Englei+ood Avenue and aa area of 11, 972 equare feet. E) ARE/1 �pNING: Saelling Avenue frontage south of Bnglewood Aveaue is zoned Co�er- cial for a depth of 100 feet. H�line University property to the north ia aoaaed "A" Residence, The west �rontage of Snelling Avenue north of Englewood � Avenue is zaned "C" Reeidatce. The remaiader of the surrounding area is xoned ',`' . ��8�� ��id�ce. • ;_ • F) C�IPREHENSIVE Pi.AN; The Co�preheneive Plan reco�enda that this eite and moat �: ,,_ .-. Q� the enrrouadiag area be used for medium denaity residential purpos�a at � a mnciw� of tcwn or roa bouaee at 15 ds�ellinga per acre. The proposed de- ' . wlop4eat is at a�r� thaa t�+ic� thie deasity. The rlaa also reca�ende that Carr�rcial usas a► �lliag Aveaue be eli�inated. - 6) SITB COiiDITI0li8: �a partioo of the aite propo�sd for Caamercial 1�' ' (WgR� ' Cout�cil L�ttar - ; �F� � 9. BOARD ACTIONt To Aiaar�nd L1Approval �Dst►i,sl IIat�d ' Mov�d by�;ti�ger Y�ss. � Nays Dst� of H�aring . i ;` � - X Anlls S�aond�d bys Msietta Coh�n ' � I_` R Danna (Alta Council Action , - � X • Gsd1,�r � ; 1, ,, X Gau�ar �,�� Stcratar�►�'�s i�rks��__-� - X I�Isi�tta D�st� I � ,; � - - . McPartlin (Alt? � . ,; ; Manaur (alt) �1 r 1`! ' ��' 'i � LEGAL IpTICE3 ON THE HACK OF THIS SHEET , . � ' . �1 � � . `e .... . \ � : � ' . �, . . . . ..Q.: .. . . . . . . ���,y� �i• s � ' � i. .. dQ1 -t . y ' � ,, �,�'� . - .. � • � � .. . . . . � ., �.. � .— .. � • � � ��-r.. • �� �' "� .s�'� . ' . . � . ' . i, . - . e , . . . - � ' J . . `. ' y �. � a. � occupisd by a aammercisl aad manufacturing building. The portion proposed . for "C" Reaideace is vacant but needs to be cleaned of cut down trees and other msterisls accessory to the adjaceat mauufacturing use. The site is . lev�l .aad apprrn�imately 3 feet aboye the grade of EngleWOOd Avenue. H) AREA Cat�IDITIONS: Cootaercial uses exist to t�e west along Snelling Avenue and .� � Aamline University ie north acroas Eaglewood'Aveaue. A Masoaic Temple Buildiag adjoins to the east. The lsrger area is occupied by �ixed density � resideatial uses. � � . � • ( , i. • � j � � .. . , , a ;. , � r' �- .� . f � .� - � . � f��:'�.M,� . . . .. „ �.� . . . � . �.;>i�4 . � - . � � . . � � a .. . . . •.. ' i • i ' . . . , • . � �� .. I' � , ' . � . _.-� / . 1 . .. . . . .' � I . � . . � . . . � .. . I . . . \ : . � ' . . � ` T . . � � . . .'p'� . . . . � R� k ;'���.� i�. .��,�. � ,,.�� v -, ,���'�� r� f�.`�► z° ' ��- . ;�: � .,.��. � i� ���r • . ' �/ r. � , • . . . . � - _ , , x, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA `�h �� � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � aj �` �Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-` � fication before signing this petition. For further information about the �� rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. � (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qa or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- it1g de�cripe� g p xty: �lega� desc��pot�on anc�strleet adc�ss) Y �he aSL .,�� �L. O LO y, c 8, am ine. so knowf� ss 1564 Engle�rood. Lot Four 4) , and the �est ATine 9) , feet of Lot Three t3) , Block I;ight (8) , Haml�e. Also knorrn as 1560-62 Englewood Ave. E. 9•21� L. "B" District to "C commercial° . from Lot !+� 9�L•3 �Bn District to "C residentia141 District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) construction of G. nine unit �partment bldg. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BIACK ADDITION �����i� P a r t �1. Chester & Ann Hovels n 2 8 Hamline Alvin E. and Lyria � �~�-v�-�^� 1&2 2. Doerrin� � ��_,_-,���''-_ 11&1 8 Hamline �idway Lodge #185, _ - � / part ;�3 . and A.M. Incor . _ - - 3 8 Hamline Subiect propert� 4• h S. Hasslen Jr. �- ✓ Florence Margaret Has ,l�en , part �u� :��. & $ Haffiline scar . us Y part �5 . Jose h Bd. Husby . "�' t' �1, � �"'� $ Hamline Arthur x. gdams part � 6. 1 n B�. Adams % ' 5&6 g Hamline Alvida Borgstrom � — part v7• rom deceased 7&$ $ Ha�line garl �. �agener �'�s�=�� � � part �g . Glad s E. 1�a ener � L� 7&g 8 Hamline Richard E. Kgle - part �9• 8 8 amline Thomas J. Ryan decea ].0. Mar g. R ait 9 8 Hamline Medric . o ou �,� • � ��• So hia E. Godbout �� � � 10 8 Hamline . ,i Paul J. Reihsen part 12� t• � L�.�r�.--�-,�j 11&l 8 Hamline e rus ees o j $r e 5.�6.� of the S.�P.4 ✓13• Hamline IInieersit .� of S c. 27 T�s . 2 R. 22 i State of Minnesota � ss County of Ramsey ( �. �.., � ,r �- ���;� John S. HaSSlen dr. being first duly s n, �e� s�nd tes that he is the person who circulated the within petition on s� of one pages• � � that the parties described above are�the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true , � and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to befor me " t h i s 7'� d a y of ���d�d�:GG..z � � 'L- , ress: 1564 Englervoo K, . � z GoSerud � � Telephorie No. 61�.5-17'72 Notarv Pu'r.rlir, ftamsey County, Minn. � My commis�ior� expires �uly 12� 19'�'� Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 _ , . � � "U D '. Q � � .�.;. ' p o�o � ; n}� »� Q ` � O ,�_.� � m m � -p � � ---��{�- Q- �1 O -� `�-- -- � � _ tn � �� -- . _ ; � p � � l. �. : , � O � � � -+ m � f - � -0-- . .. : ,, ---� .. � - -- _.___ � j � ---4-- _ __ , . � � _ , . 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