244276 I � 244��6 � OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �'� DATF � RESOLVED, That John Wood Company be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 55—car employee parking lot on property located on the southwest corner of Front Avenue and Kent Street, more particularly described as follows : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 18, Block 2, Denslow' s Addition; all in accordance with plans dated Received April 28, 1969; subject to the notation of wheelstops along the Kent Street property line and the buffer space along the alley and bituminous oil treatment of the stabilized gravel parking surface; subject further to the notation that the steep bank is to be kept free of weeds and trash; and subject further to the condition that the applicant meet all standards of the City Codes. f� AP ROYED� � AMt.�ation Courael � �_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �UN '� 19f919_ Yeas Nays �uN 4 Carison �969 Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith T� Favor � � Mayor Sprafka gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISItE� JUN 7 196� 0 Idarry E. Marshall �tTY �F� Albe� a.Olaon Ci.ty Clerk and �`�4�a'}0 3"'°yi°� Council Recorder •Commis8ioner of Registration � � ��� _��h� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS S88 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 6510� � 29, 1969 � � � � � � � � r�ar 2 � �9s9 CORPURATION COUNSEL' Mr. Joseph P. Summers Corporation Counsel Building Deax Sir: The City Council today requested that you prepaxe a resolution granting the attached application of the John Wood Company for a permit to install a 55-car employee parking lot on property located on the southwest corner of Front Ave. and Kent St., described as Lots 1, 2, 3, �+, 5, Ee 18� Block 2� Denslow's Addition, SUBJECT to the applicant's meeting all standards of the City Codes, AND SUBJECT to all the other conditions as listed in the attached letter of the Zoning Boaxd. Very truly yours, ��� City Cle � ng O � . � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 � PHONE: 223-4151 May 28, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall & Courthouse Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Sir; This is written in response to the application of the John Wood Company for a permit to install a 55-car employee parking lot on property located on the southwest corner of Front Avenue and Kent Street. Thie property is further described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 18, Block 2, Denslow's Addition. This matter was first considered by the Board of Zoning at their February 6, 1969 meeting. The staff reported that the site is approximately 15 feet below those properties fronting on Como Avenue and is at the grade of the intersec- tion of Front Avenue and Kent Street. The site is presently being used as a parking �,ot without a special use permit. It was noted that there is a ,need for off-street parking in the area and that plans could be revised to meet re- quired design standards. However, the adjoining unimproved alley should be protected from encroachment and the differences in elevation should be provided for. Subsequently, the Board discussed the proposed plan, the condition of the prop- erty and treatment of the elevation differencesnwith Mr. Guy Foster, an area resident; Mr. Irvin Fine, owner of the property; and Mr. Eldon Berry, repre- sentative of the applicant. It was the finding of the Board that this matter should be laid over two weeks to resolve proper treatment of the elevation pro�lems. ' This matter was again considered at the February 20, 1969 Board of Zoning meet- ing. The desire of the applicant to again lay this matter over to allow sub- mission of new plans using only a portion of the property for parking was re- layed to the Board. Mr. Foster again appeared and expressed his desire to see the property brought up to Code. The Board again discussed this matter and the proper treatment of the elevation differences and the unused steep slope adjoining the alley. Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning, by a vote of 4-0, to recommend approval of the proposed parking lot providing the applicant meets all standards of the City Codes. New plans received April 28, 1969 provide for about 15 feet of buffer space adjoining the public alley. These plans would�meet the required design stan- dards and the approval of the Zoning Board with the additional notations of ( -�- ��� ,�. .�' � 80 �f' F 4 ,.t-�-� 1i '`c • Mr. Harry E. Marshall -2- May 28, 1969 wheelstops along the Kent Street property line and the buffer space along the alley; and bituminous oil treatment of the stabilized gravel parking surface. The applicant has verbally agreed to these changes. The Board would also require the notation that the steep ba�k is to be kept free of weeds and trash. ery ul o , a �eta�, Board of Zoning PJM:j ld v���� • CLS , ' � � B4OARD` OF ZONING REPORT AND A�CTION February 20, 1969 Yl,at Nl�p � 25 .� ' Aa�in�� undar Legislatiw Cod� Cl�tptar 60 thru 64 F�l� No. �* psss�d August 22� 192Z as a�esnd�d to Ilpril 6� 1968 6629 �> Al�o #`� 1. APPLICANT'S NAME s John Wood Compaay 2. CLASSIFICRTION s �lt�aendnNnt Q Apposl QP�rmit ❑Oth�r• �` 3• Pl1RPOSE 3 Install 55-csr employee parking lot . i ,o.: .; , ;`_ • 4� LOCATION s Southwest corner of Front-_Avenue and Kent Street �.� 5• LE6AL DESCRIPTION s Lote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 18, Block 2, Denslaw's Addition ,,� .� � .'a Y�; . 6.. PRESENT ?Arill� s Light Induatry ,a • , . .7• PURSUANT TO Zonin� Cod� C�ap��r� 60 Ssctions .23 p��ph� 4-2 �' 8, STAFF INVE5TIGATION E REPOSTs Dat�� 1/29/69 6 2/13/69 Byt � CLS t ,�! A. SIST_O�Y: Noae •�� B. ABEA ZOpING: South of the site is zoned Com�ercial, the rest of the area is 1r�f san�d In�dustrial. , C. DESIGN STAI�IDL�DS: New plans with revisions requested will meet desiga staadards. D. FRONTA�GE b ARFA: TriBagular tract with a frontage of 248 feet along Front,Avenue b 194 feet along Rent StrQet with an ares of 24,064 square feet. '� E. TRAFFIC ENGINEEB: The Traffic Eagineer approvea the plaa as it relates to traffic. �`�� F. SITE CO[�TDITIONS: Site ia approacimately 15 feet below the properties to the south � a a►nd Weat and t the grade of Front Avenue aad Kent Street iatersection. Pre- ;�; sently usmd, witbout permit for off atreet parking. ; , � G. AREA CO�ITIO�N.S: T�ere is residential development north 8ad south of the site '== with induetrisl usea to the eaat and aortheast. i 1 � I�a t ;�.� � r:� . . . . . . . . . t . Ous�cil L�tt�r� 9. BOARD ACTIONs To R�a1��ad LJ Apprpval �D��ial Dat�d � � � �I�i Hov�d bys McPartlin Y�as Nays Dat� o! H�rin� l��� X MIM ��, S�cond�d bys Gadler Cob�n � x Dsnns Ullta Cotit�il A�etio�i �. X Gsdlar �,p ���r ' S�cr�tsry'� r�arks s M�i,�tta Dot� ��, '� � � Subject to conformaACe to all X� l�IcPartlin (Il,tt) � � � � ������ �<_ � City Codes. . IRsnsur EAlt) �` "� � , , �� �, . � i LE6AL IIOTICEa OH TE�E HAiCK OF THIS SHEET � � ;; �� �. �°� � , � �: :, Y . . � . . .. . .•^���� _ '. . . . � . . . .I({ ��. . . .. .. . . . � � .. �� . ... . � . . � � . . . .. . .. .. . . .. � .. . � . . . .. . . � .. . . .. . .. . ... '� -. . �..,...... . . I -.. . ,..�s.:.,... ... �a ;r . . t} . 's � � : + �C� , �' • . . '"1INUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE 90!�R� 4F ZONIY� 4H THllfiSDAY, FEHRUARY 20� 1969 ?RESENT: Chairman. Ames� Messrs. Danna� C,adler� Manaur, ttcPartlin; �� Dr. Hafden, �I�c. Sorenson, and Mias Schirmer of the Staff. : Mr. McPartlin rnovad aptx�oval of ths minuta of tb� csrevious r�eetin�. . seconded b� Mr. Gadlsr ard carri�d ut�animously. J4Nli KOJD COMPANY: An spplication for a p�rnit to install a 55-car oarkinp ot on • sou �+as! cvrn�r of Front Awnu� and Ksnt Strwt. "Ir. Ames fnquir�d it thars was at�yo� preseAt int�r�st�d in this matter. There ,+3s � no rssoos�s�. Mr. Sor�nson stat�d th� appliaant had indioatsd he wis!�ed t!�is - _ , laid ov�r to alloa suDwission of n�w plans usis�q only a portion of ttie oroperty • tor parkin�. Mr. Sor�nsan stat�d if th� applicant daveloned the entire �op�rty a eostly �benlaa�nt would hsw to b� iastatlsd to hold up the � � �ubl.ic ali�y rh�rs sanis Rarag�s ar� �aitti�. �Ir. Guy Foster, 5�7 Co�o Avenue� s�id Mr. Mood do�s swt omf ths proparty. Thar� ntay ba on� 9hed on t�e alley. I� is d��rsd this proptrty b� b�ou�lt up to Cod�. Mr. Am�s cor�unented sane � ' r�co�attdat3+on should b� �ad� to th� Councii. If th• 9osrd vote� for denial � it should b� ststrd tbis is an illfqal parking lot; if it fs l�qal* they should bs wad� to in�prow it. Mr• fior�nsoti statsd tU� ap�li�ant !�as said he ° , will use osf�y s portioa o� th• propr�ty h• is l�aait�pc ahich aould be on the grada o! Front StrNt. Nr. Sor�nson showd ths applicant's plan ahich :neets all o! th• d�sign atandatda �xc�pt s�ri� tr�atrAent of the qrade diff�rence. � In r�spcnss to a �ssti�n of Kr. Fostsr� Mr. McPartlin safd if tha aernit is Rrant�d for a p�►rking lot bt•will haw to rl�an uo th• rubbish and tha alans aill b� spprowd only if h� cl�ans it up and abides by the Code. Mr. Am�s statsd ths aoplic.�►nt aill hava to conform to the off-street parki�g requir�n�nts for that ai"�a on w!�ich he will park cars and ff the ot`�er � property is in twn-confor.nat�ce wit'� th� Code�� it �ill be raferre� to � � tha proprr ds�trtm�nt. Mr. Sor�nson stated if a n�w plan is subnitted it will haw to b� approwd aqain. Mr. Sorsnso� also said this �+ould not be � . . ssnt to th� Council uaRil a n�w p�sn is sub�ittsd and the new �lan ti+ould • shov i 1i�i�sd parkinp To�. "�r. Arae� stat�d there would he a more�sp�cific i � ola�n �t t�se tim� tf:is �as� to Council. '1r. Fost�r asr�d, "on 311 9ix lots?" � to which Mr, Aa�s said "wlNtawr it is". tiov�C by !".r. '!^.°+lrtlin, second�d j by Mr. ('.idl�t'� th• Zot}ip►, �t�d raco�nw�t►ds approv+sl ot�ovidinA the ���licant � � � �ts all s't�ndsrds oi thi City Code� and which should be in ttie recor►nendat?ons j of t:�• sta#f. "4otiQn aarl�i�d unani�nou�ly. (Mr. 'i�ttasur did not vote as ie was out of,th• roa� at this ti±ns.) � _.�•-�-'� I --•---�" � '"� w� � � t- �, � . . � T.��.,,.,..✓"' � ,Ma� ''-.��,s +���,� r;� ... � , �� �•, §� ,: �� ; �' �A,,,,��. ��;���� _ - i� . �,,,,.,.•�--- . . ; • . !� , � �' � � � �� � ,� � : � :� '�..,..,,... _ .� ; � �--���.�.. � � ����,..... . � Subr�itted by: �olonel L. Sorer.son Robert L. A�es, Cnair�ar. ` , , •�' '�",6;, `�� --i:l° - i T � . ',, / �• p - � 'i� �� � ,� .Q � i, . '. �a, , �., �, (1 �� --�►� •. ! i � V, � . � . . . �'� ��. // o I ' I i � TI i � �- > . �f ��(( O .� 1 I i � � � .. _ Y. / � I _T'��'_� '_ _'L "�"I. .1 '"'1 . -•�- -�1-�� � J� O ` -.y._ .y . .�. ,.`w\.� � ' '%� R�. � � � -- -- =--- � � i ` :��-- � �; � � . . �.���, , 1y�,1 �o� � . � _._ - - �I � , � '. / , e . y _ ( . '1 .� ' ; •'d� , f- Q I � I I O i -- _�__.,_._,' '� f� . �O f �. ` ,' ; . � � i�C c� o �� ,� . �H AT� N� � z - ____._� t,,7 � o '� ' � _ � _ � , ,_ � � � , ; W . ,. �,�- O �--_ , ` . a Q ; . � . . �C� � , c�, i- -__-=" __ � ! �e � � ; ,�o� __ , ��- _ �. �. � °; � � � y , --- - .___.z I;� o _ � � I . , � ,,� � � I ; i �� , , ^, � , i � � f � � � � � � - �� � � J � � � � � (� � � �;� � Sj ,-, � -- ► � �� � Q � � . � � '� � ��� . �----c.o-r�n��-Rc� -� — --1 ' -• _—�- ---------__. ' ^� R��-�--- AV E:- -�.- � � I _ ,. P r , , , � 2 8 �,� �'e,� '� �� � � �,:�� u-�}--,� . .f � C� i i � � (�`� i �_�,��� Q �a `� . ' t� v � f ��--I � .��-?,- , ,1;� ' 1 � � o '�y�' �a - l, , --�--�__ . � (_� �.� � --. _ -- - - _'1 � � � ' ' � `�.L� ..� �. - .� -s .a _ I / R ��C� Q Q . ..� ' I � ij,�' �t .� . � , '�� '� , � i t 1 �'`! 1 V V V V V �/ V V " � ' ♦ � �' i ;L� i .� -�} � � O ��C ;+rr .r.. � ��. V l�, ��'( � � �� �,_ � � � �� '•� , l f � ' p i ,i, ' � :�� . ' J-� ' '- ' �\ 'r �,�+ �.,r,�.,,,,.....,. ' ♦ �� O �• � Y, � '�}' � . � � ,I r N I Q � Q � y. � , , 3 t . '� � p � 0• ' � i i' r,. , + , �; , O � � � , i �I -. l � �' � O / =OI _ ' L ;.� ►� � ��_J!' � � � � " ---T.- - y ��� � P ♦ �� / �--J ' � �r�`7 ; ,.� .,.. , � � i� � 4 f ��5. • . i � �� � r �w �`.�� � •,� � � / �� � �It��y' � . �1 �t:, �' �' Q O O ���' I � �- �-�,,p� � � Q 0 I ,� i � • � � � ¢ �, �r :1 ;�....,,�.:_«w--r_�,� _ . _ . . , . �KS � oEPY. .sroRac�E � _..,�-�=t;-�-y— - ,�.,, �YARD , _.<.; :. � �.._. `�...:,_. . B U�G ���S ' S�. , . ; �;_.. �. N� ` ';, . ; ,`O C)O�O C�7 C� � O O t O �� 'Y C� �c � 1 . . r-+--� i ' � ,-� .. \I � ` I � . f . , : .. -- .I ��r i � � ��V � I 1 t l� � � . f � � � � � ' � .i i �=j .- I � � �•� .' � � O,O�OIi'�� i � iv i �. ! 'i t i � W � i I I'� C� (� n � O „ .. �-1�����1°�IV� John Wood Co. �,,,,,L�.�'1�.:.�D � �J��'��30�� Install a 55 car parking lot . �� /� �`� t-� � ��� h� V � . � o o���-r-a1;��i�Y � F',����.�.'.i���� zOI�l1��1G Light Indus try - . ' �' T�+It7-F.��i�i1LY PC'i 111t�11 SIGP���ZS �� THZ�rC-��/iMI�Y , i . FOU�� �'/-1�.i l!_Y � - _ � 7 ,MU��+I-.F/-1,�r11L.Y FlLC R!o. � a �CO;-1;i�'RCi/1l_ � � 6629 N4R�'�t � n � ���DU� I �����,.. ( . �/ 1/AC�-1N��' ; St. Pc�ul Pia►�ni��c� �3oc:�d� Date: Jan. z9, I969 ' �%' Pr��,erfiy under co�isic!�Yt;�ior . T,�.,.�.. « � ` , �. - � . � • Cit�r ot Saint Paul, Yiaa�sote _ - APP�+IGITIE�i FOR $P�CIAL OOtA1CIL US� PS�IitI',� . (Please p�lnt �x type) TO THS �RABii 1UYOA A�iD CITY Q00lICIL '� tb� City Clerlc City of Ss3nt Psul, Niaaesots � Applicstion 1� bersb �ade tQ remaclfl or recoaatxuct 1�a �zistinQ p ,�netAil atW �perate � ne�r (croas one out) ' � FIILIM� 3TATI0� ' No. of ialands etnd pta�ps ,: - � No. o! taaks and capaci�y: � �ARSil�id LQT !or (custaos�s) emp�oy�es) (p�ivste uie) (pabiic use) (ot,bar� - (indi�te typs) �t�tctty o� par�.tag �ot : �3'� To ba uaod in coonaec�ticai� writb: � YISCSIi�OUB• � • indicate !type s� ss D ve-ia' �es�at Staad, Us�d C�r Lot, Dry �Cieania� Picl�-tip Stalioa-,�xca Yeador, �tc.) Capsaity o! parl�ing srsa;: �Location : s Gti• �a�ne�2 �%lvrrj ,�.�P A� �iTST Legal Descrip�iosn : Lot /f� ,� �/S�� � , . � J J a �� Bloc�c �' Additivn ���►sif,��! ��s APPlicant'a Niw : �h�rt tvd6� �,o . - Hose or Otfice Address: 3-p� �/Z.arjT �� . , pboa� xust�sr � : y�Jr - o Z�/ 1�0 T� APPLICA1iT, ,� �, � � . � � � � . � � , ' r���?-� �CT �- 1968 -- . . s ���r. ' d•tT CITY.r�.�tv��1N� ,� : Addresa : sa�uc P�, h�t+�AKU Pboai l�o.: , ` - �hen ccmpletad: tile three copios o! tbis appticatio� iorat sad tbree priats ot tbe grelito�l.nas�r 18�r-out plat�s�at tbe proposed Pacility witA tb� City Cierl�, Aoo� 388, City 8a11 a� Cou�rt Hovse, Saiat Psul, l�int�ssot� Z-3 8/11l56 �BRA�: 1. 5.�. c�s�aar ot lLain 3t. ead �i�st St. , 2. Soutb side o! 1[aia St. betwsea Ffrst �d �sccrt�d St. J ��'�� �!�� �� ^� � . . � � ��� , , City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �-� �ly APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USTs PERMIT � (Please print or type) TO TI� HDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUNCIL y6 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or.reconstruct an existing y inetall and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of isLands and pumps : No. of tanks aad capacity; � rARKII� LOT !or (customera) employees (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot �S To be used in coanectioa with; � [� a�iscEr�xEOUS: � (indicate type such as Drive-ia Refreshment Stsnd, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleauing Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *LoCation : �'�/ �',��2/1/�� �,f'v�:'T � ,�,L�NT STS', Legal Description : Lot Block Addition Applicant's Name : (�vNN !il/po,p �y,y��,�,vy n Home or Office Address: Sv�l ����T /�'�'� ' s? '�� 1 Phone Number : tf��'-U Z�f FO Y T� APPLICANT � ��-� �� -6� S gnature date Address . Pboae No.: Vlihen completed: file three copies of tbis application form and tbree priats of tbe preliminary Lay-out plana of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386� Citq Hall and Court Aouse, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/L1/56 *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. 3outh side of Maiu St. betweea First and 3econd St. t , : e yl� / � MINUTES OF COUNCIL � 10:00 .M. � May 29 h, 1969 CITY COUNCII, CHAMB S -- CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA The meeting was called to order by Mr. President rne. . Present - Co�en�s.�r�lso� Dalglish, Meredith, Pet rsan, Sprafka� Tedesco, Mr. Presi� Absent - � Rea.ding of the mi.nutes was dispensed with �\ \ .., Hearing was held in the matter of the pet tion of John S. Hasslen, Jr. to rezone from "B" Residence to "C" Residenc and Commercial propexty located : on the south side of Englewood Ave. betwe n Snelling Ave. and Asbury St., more ful],y described as follows: Lot �+ d west 9 feet of Lot 3, Block 8, ' Hamline Addition to "C" Residence; AND e t 9.21 feet of Lot 5, Block 8, Hamline Addi.tion to Corrnnercial. � Letter of the Zoning Board was read rec ending approval of the petition. � No one appeared in opposition. Comsr. Tedesco moved that the Corporatio Counsel be requested to prepaxe ; an ordinance grantin� the petition. Motion carried. Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 � \ Hearing was held in the matter of the ap eal of Milton L. Van Buskirk to relax the density and lot frontage requi ements of the Zoning Code as the;� anrlv to D1"OD�Z'TV iocazed on tne south s de of Carroii Nve. Qetiween r�-v St. and Snelling Ave., described as Lot 3 � Block 5, College Park Addition. Letter of the Zoning Board was read reco ending denial of the appeul. A letter of the Liberty State Bank was r ad stating that in 1960, it was Mr. Van Buskirk's intention to make this home into a duplex. Mr. Van Buskirk appeared and gave the ba kground oP the matter. No one appeared in opposition. Mr. Ames said there was no opposition fr m the neighborhood at the Zoning Board meeting. � Comsr. Tedesco moved that the Corporatio Counsel be requested to prepare a resolution granting the appeal. � Motion carried. Yess - ? Nays - 0 HeerinR was held in the matter of the ap lication of the John Wood Company ! for e permit to install a 55-car employe parking lot on property located ; Wood hearing on the aouthwest corner of Frorit Ave. an Kent St., described as Lots 1 � excerpt tt:raup.h 5 P� 1�, Alock 2, Denslow's Addit on. � t,�t°.�r o! the Zaning Ao�rd was read rec ending approval of the applicatiol a�blact to the applicant's meeting all andaxds of the City Codes and meet� lr.� cortain other speciPic conditions. � �� c�-�.c� h��c��reci in opposition. {"x�^.�r. '�icr.ca moved that the Corporati n Counsel be requested to prepare a r�?�:ution prnr�tinR the application sub�ect to the applicant's meeting All ' �"..a^•��4l1� O° the City Codes and sub�ect to all the other conditions as '-� �'•�"� :'� t':e letter of the Zoning Board. � ►"� �S� r�rrieci. j 1'*r• • ^ I �c��T� . n I ` "+'�',,� v'i►A hel.d in the matter oP the application oF Standard Oil, Inc. for � ' �°�+:E t.o reconstruct an existing filling station on property at the nort! �^ �'� °�rn�r op Randolph Ave. and Edgcumbe Road, described as Lots 4, 5 & E� �° ���'�a 'tit}on, I.,ot 6, Block 3� Lexington Park Plat No. 7, including vacat� / ��nSnF. :��•'�f ° .'}tt,�y r.oninp� Aoard was read recommending approval of the applicatio�, � • �• ��►7•+ � �nid t,� ]�.��s behind the property under consideration and as�e� �'-,� � `r.P �`,n"��"',,.�, nr n :;creening between the alley and the station, �pd �� rr�'�rr•� 1 t -, �;r;�s3F,q,t.l,y t.ra�h barrels etc. ;,',,.�,,:� !`yrt��� r�:'t.nr �orit'f>rr1n� wi.i;h the ZOTl7h� $OA2� representative, ���� th� j�lr�nx �I;�;w � `1-fit. i�r��tw�,;,ct Tettr_e to �ie constriicted alon� th� al.l.ey. ,.�, �'t1^+nC. !.. ife�r•fl Rl�)t�f"(� { }i'7f: f.hr+ C'.,....,,....i... _ ._ , i__ . . -_.._r..* n -ti i C°i�r: <_"/t r���:�—'�l !�; �; - .� � Y t�. � 4 r,r .r, ,, c.� � ��, rie,�t ��. �c c_j��:,�" 1^ `oa °�:{3�, 1 �zrd � va ve� ��is� w�Tu �i i"v;v� �Ar G J S c.�L ` �,ti 1, ��,` � `�, -�� 2 ' .�� ` -- _�._.�._P r c T�r t� L�n��.. __..___� A DO NOT SCALE. FIN. TOLERANCES: FRACT. f DEC.f UNLESS NOTED. — — REVISIONS BY DATE DRAWN SUPERSEDES SCALE M. S. MATERIAL TITLE JOH,N WOG[.� GO � r3 _ �' : �a' � �.9 � �'� pKIIVG � QT CHECKED SL1PERSED�ti Bv �$ /� D•Ls ..)OHN WOOD COMPANY � APPROVED PART CKD. 3UPERIOR METALwnRE DIVISION DATE CAT. NO. I DWG. NO. ST. PAUL 3, MINN. ,S/.a�'_�C � ,I � ��I W c o > 7�- ( F W m � JI 1 ( �� Z W � � r + : I I i _, ' � � � 1 `-r 3 1 � ' ` w I a !' i i ! 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