04-1168Council File # �y' � 1 b � Green Sheet # �O t b Presented Referred To Committee Date 2� Support Saint Paul Regional Water Services Request For Legislafive Approval and Permitting by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, to Increase Well Capacity from 20 Million Gallons Per Day to 50 Million Gallons Per Day WF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul believes tUat a safe, reliable supply of potable water is essential to the City and its residents; and R'HEREAS, an altemative raw water source would provide the Saint Paul Regional Water Services with a reliable backup source in the event of natural disasters and terrorist attacks; and 4 WHEREAS, an increase of 30 million gallons per day would supply customer and commercial needs during an emergency and would $ provide necessazy fire protection ttuoughout the distribution system; and 6 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Regional Water Services wishes to increase their well capacity from the current 20 million gallons per 7 day, currently perntitted by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, to the avexage daily customer consumption rate of 50 million 8 gallons per day; and 9 WHEREAS, legislative approval is needed for any increase in consumptive use over 2 million gallons per day; and 10 VJHEREAS, a permit must be issued by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; and 11 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy maldng body for We City of Sainf Paul, and as such, its work is inextricably linked 12 to the City's Legislative Agenda; now theiefote he it 13 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports and urges legislative passage of the following: 14 Legislative approval for The Saint Paul Regional Water Services to increase weil capacity from 20 million gallons per day to 50 15 million gallons per day as an alternabve raw water source in the event of a natural disaster or tenorist attack and issuance of a 16 permit from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Requested by Depaztrnent of: Adop6on Cer6fied by Council Secretary � Appt � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] Adopted by Council: Date � 10 ¢+� ��L S a� ��--1tb� DEPARTMENTIOFFICEJCWIKiL DATEMrtiATED ci�coui•rcu, n�b�s,aooa GREEN SHEET No 20?010 CONTACT PII250N 8 q-pNE MM�I�te m�W�t� Councilmember Lee Aelgen 6-8650 oE..u�row[c.a� ancamn. MUSi BE ON COUNCiL AGENDA BY (OAi� December15,2004 Consent � NUMBERPoR q1YAiiOMEY OtYCLERK RWi111G � � wYtNtl�LaErtNCFSOW. ❑RLINeMlaElNiAtCT6 ❑ YPYOR(OR118LR1WI) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approval of resolntion supporting Saint Paul Regional Water Services request for Legislative approval and permitting by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to increase well capacity from 20 million gallons per day to 50 million gallons per day RECO MEN�ATION Approve () w eject (R) VERSONALSERYICE CONiitACTS MUST 11NSWER iME FOLLOWSNG QUESTIONS: 1. Hastlfisperso��nneverworkedurderaCOn4ectforthistlepartment? PLANIJING CAMMtSSION YES p10 qB COMMITTEE 2 Has this persoMrm ew bem a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YES NO 3. �oesthis persoNfifm poss,ess a sltiN t� rwrmallYP��d �TJ any curzmt cary emWM�ee'7 YES NO 4. Is this peison/firtn a tarpetetl vendor7 YES NO E�lain aN Yes arvswers on separate sheet a�M attach to Oreen sheet IIJITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUP7ITY (Wtw, What, When, Where, Why) A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED DI AGESIFAPPRO`JED OISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPR�VEL TOTAL MA6UNT OF 7RANSACT{ON S CASTIREVENUE BUOGETED (C{RCLE ONEy YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNI7Y NUMBER� ' FINqNCNLMFORMATION(IXPWNj '