244231 l _ ��`
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' BY -- . -
File No S 8921
, In the Matter of rec�strnatiag the siisvalt � t1�� sont� side o� Cbaltos Ave. frai
Pri�r Avs. ta ?atm St. and �a tha �nst aids o$ Tatm� �t. frea G'��lto� �;ir+�t: t�p'� :
�iinaebaha A�s., � the xmrth sids of Chalt�s �ve. f�o� Prios Ave. t� aad inclndiug
Let 12, Blk. 13, Kiehvay E�ishts Ai�., ma the ust �ida �f ?stm� St. fro�s lli.��halas
Ave. nmr��, to and isclu�ing Lot 19, a1k. ,16, =Mid�rsy H�iaht� A�d. asd 17 doi�� all ,
m�bar �e�rk �hich ia aac�ssar� and ia��i.d�stal ts Qe�leta •aid iepxo�vau�t.
"under Preliminary Order- 2437i3 approved 1�ta� f� Yli� . '
The Council of the City of S�. Paul having received the report of the Commisaioner of Finance -
upon the above improvement, and having considered said rreport, her�y resolves.
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1. That the said report and thQ same is hereby approved and adopted,�ajnd the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is `
_ . ..
te r�co�straet t.hs si�a�alk oa tha sou�h sid� mf Chalt�a A�e. ts� lri�r Ave. t0 ?a�� �. �:: :
S t. aa� en the as s t s iie o f Za t� S t. l�r� Cha l tiea �v�. to !�[i�a�atia Av�., �s tbe a�r tl� ;
:iis of Ch�ltes Av�. frow Pri�r Avs. to aad isclndia= L�►t 12, f�k. 13, l�idwag rt�igbts°
�ii., oa t1z� e�s� aii� •f Tatua St. �rae �iuehahs A��. sart�, to aad iaclsiis= Let
19, alt. lf�, Kid�ray asishti Adi. �uai tiy �oi� a1L mthe� �i�.^t �iah is aaa�ssas�r and
imeaid�ntal ta co�lete said i*pr�t, exc�t �rh�re �ood snd s�tficient pour�d siis-
�►alks amr e�c ia t.
, with no alternatives, and that �he estimated coat ther+eof is 3•50 �sr lia. !t. for 5� �ralk
�4.20 per lia. �`�. fmr i' �aYk
Resolved Fur�ier, That a public hearing be had on said i�provement on thP ist = day of
J�ly, lfi9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.14i., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of S�. Panl. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Ch�rter, sta,ting the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cast thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Councit
Yeas Carlsor, Naqs
Dalglish Approved �UN 3 ��s9
Mereditt� ° '
Sprafks Favor
Todesoo Mayor .
�Against T�l�L.ISHE� JZ1N 7 1969 :
8-6&81d �°� 8.1