04-1165Council File # � ��O Green Sheet # a � °� 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul applauds the efforts and contribution of all its working residents; and WHEREAS, the cunent minimum wage is not a living wage; and relegates families and individuals to poverty status if they are attempting to live off minimum wage pay; and WHEREAS, according to an Economic Pollcy Institute study, if the minimum wage was increased from $515 to $6.65 per hour, 91,120 Minnesotans, or 4% of the state's total workforce would benefit; and WHEREAS, the minimum wage in Minnesota is $515 per hour for companies with annual payrolls over $500,000 and $4.90 per hour for companies with annual receipts below $500,000, and has not been increased in a number of years; and WHEREAS, the cost of fuel, food, rent and other essentials have continued to increase; and WHEREAS, the minimum wage today is worth 2<F% less than in 1979 and has not kept pace with inflation; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul and, as such, its work is inextricably linked to the City's Legislative Agenda; now therefare be it RES that th e C ity of Sa int P support legi effo rts t inc the Minn mi nimum wage. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Adoption C By: Approved b By: ;d by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil �upport Ior Nlin�mum Wage lncrease Adopted by Council: Date �Q..t2�^-�4� �,�r�-� DEPARTMENTlOFFICFICOUNCIL CITY COUNCII, CON7ACT PERSON & pF1pNE Counciimember Lee Helgen 6-8650 � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA"f� December I5, 2004 Consent l�lf- JltoS December8 GREEN SHEET No �OFa34� cox TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES InitlWUete InkWlWle or,An�e+roaECmx enrea�Gn.. . .. ❑ CRVATfORAEY ❑ tlfYCLFRK ❑rruxnn�arnncesou� ❑snexcia�amvuccro ❑wrortioRass�s'rapt� ❑ , (CIIP ALL LOCATIQNS FOR SIGNATURE) ' Approval of resolution supporting minimum wage inerease PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMNIISSION I.[HY Has this ce�soMrm evx worked under a cowact tor Mis EePerf+neM? YES NO ties ma personlFnn ever teen a aty emabree9 VES 1� Does this PersoNfiim P� a s16tl rat nartiallYP�d �by ar+Y curre�t citY emplaYee? VES NO Is this Gerson7firtn a tar8eted vendorr YES NO 1TAl AMOUNT OF TRPNSACTION S NDING SOURCE 4NCW.INFORMAT�N �IXPWN) COSTIREVENUE BU06EfED (GRCIE ON� YES NO ACTNfTY NUMBER � ROU�ING ORDER: Below are comectroutings for the suc most freqaent lypes,of doc�eNS; corrrxncTS �� �no�a b„a�c �� , courrcb xESOiuriorr <�a t,�a�� �c�> i. o�LieAgency, 1:,nepacmientDuector' 2_ DepazlwenbDinector. 2. Office�ofFvxanciat SeivicesDicec[or' � � 3. C� Attaneq � � 3 City Attomep, �� � � � a. ivrayodn.�si�c �� �� o�� szs,000} � a. a����, � � � s. Eiun,anilignts (far oonuacts over $so,000� s_ city co,mo;l ' 6. O�ce of FinanciaT Secvices - Accounfing 6. Office.afFioancial Seivices - Accoimfing � � �� , , nnMINrsTRAZIVE oRnmS {suaget xevision) courrcu. RESOLU1TOx (au o+he�s,m,a ar'din�ces) I. AMivity.MauagaorDepaztmeotAcconutant" 1. Deperlmea�YDirectaa � � ' 2. DepartmentDirector " 2. GityAttomey 3. OfficeofFinancialSeivicesDirector 3. Mayor/Ass➢stsat 4. City�C,ledc 4. CalyCwncil ' � � 5. Office ofFinancisl Seivices - Accountiag , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS' (all others) EXECUTIVE ORDER � 1. ,7,leparlm�tDi�ctpr . � � , 1. Depaziment-Diiector'� �� � � � � 2. City Atiorney , 2� C?g' Attomep 3. QfftoeoEFioancialServicesDirector ' � 3..Mayor/Assistant � 4. Citp Clerk � ' � � � � � � � 4'. City Clerk � , � � TOTAL NUINBII2 OF SEGNATURE PAGES �� 7ndicate the # ofpages on whicfi'signatures are requi;ed and paperctip or tiag each ot't6ese pages. ', � � � ACTIONREQUESTED � � � � � � � � � � � � � Desc�ibe afiat;ihe project/request seeks to'accomplish,in'either chconologicai ordec or order,ofimpoAance, whictieve; is � mostappiopriate�for8ieissue: Dpnot�vxifecomplete§entences.�Begineachit�ninyo�listwitha'verli: '� � � ° � � �� � � ' RECO�ATIONS � � � � Complete9f8ie 3ssue in question has been prescvted before anY �Y>' P�lic or private. . �� PII2SONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS: This infonnati� will be used to deternmine the cily's liabiliry for workecs compensaticxi cla�s, ta�ce's aud proper civiY servicehiringn,�le.c. - � 1NITIATiNGPROBLEIv� ISSUE, OPPORTUNII Y' � �� � � F,a�ilain the sikuatioa ar oonditions that creazed a need for yourpniject'or cGquest. � ADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED � � � � � � � �� � Indicate whethec this is simplp an annual budget procedure required. by law/eharter or whether there sze specific ways in ' wfiich tlie City of Saint Pani and its citiisns will benefitSmmfhis pro}ectlactiw� DISADVAL3TAGESIFAPPROVED , � � � � � Wliat �gative �ffects.oz majo; changes to eao'sting or past proce,cses;mig6tfhis projecflrequest pro�ce ifit is passed (e.g; �affia' ae]ays, noise, ta�c incmases' or, assess�ents)4'To wlidm? ' When7 For how7ong7 � � �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � � � � � � � � � Whah will be fhe negative conseqoences if the promised aclion is not approved? 7nability to deliver suvice7 Continue Irigh iraffic; noise; acci�Y rate? I.oss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ' Alttiough you must tailar )1� information you provide here to t� issue you are addressing, in general you mush answer two'qu�;fibns:How�muchisitgoingtocost? Who,isgoingto�P�Y� � � � � ., „' � � � � �,�, . � '� ., �� Council File # � 1�o .�s Green Sheet # a t� � WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul applauds the efforts and contribution of all its working residents; and WfIEREAS, the current minimum wage is not a living wage; and relegates families and individuals to poverty status if they are attempting to live off minimum wage pay; and WT�REAS, accarding to an Economic Policy Institute study, if the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $6.65 per hour, 91,120 Minnesotans, or 4% of the state's total workforce would benefit; and WHEREAS, the minimum wage in Minnesota is $515 per hour for companies with annual payrolls over $500,000 and $4.90 per hour for companies with annual receipts below $500,000, and has not been increased in a number of years; and WHEREAS, the cost of fuel, food, rent and other essenUals have continued to increase; and WHEREAS, the minimum wage today is worth 24% less than in 1979 and has not kept pace with inflaUOn; and WHERBAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul and, as such, its work is inextricably linked to the City's Legislative Agenda; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports legisla e f f orts to inc r e ase the M inne s ota mi wage. Requested by Depamnent of: Adopdon Certified by By: By: Form Approved by City Aitorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo : Date � B � o aupport tor ivl�nimum W age tncrease AdoptedbyCouncil: Date - �'.C2� ����`t .,� c��covrrca. D�n�s,zooa GREEN SHEET nto 206393 . GONTACT PF�250N g, PF{pryE N�yyipy� Mry�yrpay Counciimember I.ee FTelgen 6-8650 oer.x,�rrowEeroa cnrceiwea .� . . MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (OA'f� ❑ ❑ 0.431GN December 15, 2004 Consent a ,. r „� ,,,.,� xuxeaeFOrt — RWTIXG � A4Mtl4LiERNCEfqR. ❑RMMCW.fERI'/KCTG ❑ pAAYORI�MAEaSfANi) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approvai of resolntion supporting mmunnm wage increase PLANNWG COMMISSION q6 COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSIQN IFAPPROVED Nas th�s persoNfirm everworked untler a confract furthis tlepartrneM9 YES NO Has this persoNfirm eve� heen a clty empbyee? YES t� Does this persoMrtn possess e skill no[ normalNOOSSessed bY er+Y wrrmt city emObYee9 YES NO Is this per�rtn a targeted ventlorl YES NO D5�- I/�S OF TRANSACTION C0.ST/REVENUE BUDCETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNOWG SOURCE ACTIVITYNUMBER FIWWCIHI.INFORMATION (IXPWN)