04-1163Council File # �/ �� // Y �
Green Sheet # 3024512
Presented By
Refened To
Committee: Date
WHEREAS, Meuo Liquor Warehouse, Inc. d/b/a Metro Liquor Wazehouse has applied for an
off-sale intoxicating liquor license for the premises located at 854 E. 7`� Street; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.06(i)(3) restricts the issuance of off-sale licenses
where the location which is within three hundred (300) feet of residentially zoned property, a park or a
licensed child-care center; and
WF3EREAS, the council may waive the resuictions relaUng to distance from residentially zoned
property if it 1) receives a petition from seventy- five (75) percent of the owners and tenants of all private
residences, dwellings and apartment houses located within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed
off-sale location stating that they have no objection if the waiver relates to residentially zoned property;
and 2) makes findings that such a license is not inconsistent with the health, safety, morals and general
welfare of the adjoining neighbors or community; and
WHEREAS, a petition has been received and verified by the Office of LIEP with tl�e required
consents; and ,
WHEREAS, this business is purchasing the existing off-sale liquor store at 824 E. 7`� and
moving to 854 E. 7�', and relocating the business will not adversely impact the health, safety, morals or
general welfare of the adjoining neighbors or community; now, therefore be it
"LZ RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby waives the distance restrictions of Saint Paul
23 Legislative Code §409.06(i)(3) for the purpose of issuing an off-sale liquor license to Metro Liquor
24 Warehouse, Inc. d/b/a Metro Liquor Warehouse for the premises located at 854 E. 7`" Street.
RequesCed by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date C�" f 2•- WSo I`1 1,,,_(Y'M
Adoption Cer�"ilfied by Council Secretary `�
Bl' =
By: CJ`�`."-^i� ��
� Green Sheet Green
LP — 7acenseltnspecrion/EnvironProt
CoMact Person 8 Phone:
Christine Rozek
Must Be on Councif Aaen
o�- �1�3
Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Tofal ii of Signature Pages _(Clip Adl locations for Signature)
Approval of a resolution waiving the distance reshictions of Saint Paul Legislazive Code 409.06(i)(3) for the pucpose of issuing an off-
sale liquor license to Metro Liquor Wazehouse, Inc. dlbJa Mefro Liquor Warehouse for the premises located at 854 East Seventh
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Personal Service Contrects Must Answer
1. Has this persontfirm ever worked under a coMract Sor this departmenY?
Yes No
2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm passess a skip �ot pormafly passessed by any
current city empioyee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Green Sheet NO: 3024512
0 'c o 'o nvi n
1 'ceoselfes ' olEnviron Pre De arUUeeF Di r
2 ' A
3 a r's Office Ma or/Assistant
4 n ci
5 i Cler i Clerk
, Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, Pohat, When, Where, Why):
Legisl'a6ve Code reshicts the issuance of off-sale licenses wlrich aze located 300 feet or closer to residentialiy zoned property, a pazk or
licensed child care cemer. City Council may waive the resirictions if a petition from 75% of the owners and tenants have no objection
' and the council makes 6ndings that such a license will not be a detriment to the general welfaze of the adjoining neighbors oi
commimity. LIEP has received and confirmed the petiriton.
AdvanWAes If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Total Amour�t of
Funding Source:
Financial information:
CostlReve�ue Budgeted:
Activitv Number:
Cq�a�c31 ResealCh C'���tF�
DEC 6 2004
Council File # �ry � �l � �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
1 Wf3EREAS, Meuo Liquor Warehouse, Inc. d/b/a Metro Liquor Wazehouse has applied for an
2 off-sale intoxicating liquor license for the premises located at 854 E. 7�' Street; and
4 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.06(i)(3) restricts the issuance of off-sale licenses
5 where the location which is within three hundred (300) feet of residentially zoned property, a park or a
6 licensed childcare center; and
8 WHEREAS, the council may waive the restrictions relating to distance from residentially zoned
9 property if it 1) receives a petition from seventy- five (75) percent of the owners and tenants of all private
10 residences, dwellings and apartment houses located within three hundred (300) feet of the proposed
ll off-sale location stating that they have no objection if the waiver relates to residentially zoned property;
12 and 2) znakes findings that such a license is not inconsistent with the health, safety, morals and general
13 welfare of the adjoining neighbors or community; and
WHEREAS, a petition has been received and verified by the O�fice of LIEP with t�e required
consents; and �
WHEREAS, this business is purchasing the existing off-sale liquor store at 824 E. 7`� and
moving to 854 E. 7`�, and relocating the business will not adversely impact the health, safety, morals or
general welfare of the adjoining neighbors or community; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby waives the distance restrictions of Saint Paul
Legislative Code §409.06(i)(3) for the purpose of issuing an off-sale liquor license to Metro Liquor
R'arehouse, Inc. d/b/a Metro Liquor Warehouse for the preznises located at 854 E. 7�' Street.
Green Sheet # 3024512
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Cre�� S�et
DepartmeM7office/council: Date Initiated:
�p -�����„�� 0&DEC-04 Green Sheet NO: 3024512
Contact Person 8 Phone: Denartment Se�rt To Person initiaWate
Christine Rozek � 0 ' o n ecti vi
266-9108 p��9p I icense/In 'odEnviron Pro De artme t irector
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z • A
Routing 3 a or' 0t5ce Ma odAss nt
Order 4 u 'f
5 i erk e k
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Afi Locations for Signature)
AcHon Requested:
Approval of a resolution waiving the distance reshictions of Saint Paul Legislarive Code 409.06(i)(3) for the pucpose of issuing an off-
sale liquor license to Metro Liquor Wazehouse, Tnc. dfbfa Met�o Liquor Wazehouse for the premises located at 854 East Seventh
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Serv7ce Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this departmenl?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee?
Ves No
3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Erzplain all yes answers on separate sheet and akach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ,
Legislafive Code restricts the issuance of off-sale licenses which aze located 300 feet or closer to residentially zoned property, a pazk or
licensed child caze centex. City Council may waive the restrictions if a perition from 75% of the own�s and tenants have no objecrion
and the council makes findings that such a license will not be a deuiment to the general welfaze of the adjoining neighbors or
coimnunity. LIEP has received and confinned the petiriton.
AdvaMages If Approved:
Disadvantasaes If Approved:
Disadvantages if Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Transaction: CasURevenue Budgeted: �a,,,,,,,,,�� R ;^ -.�
Fundi�g Soucce: ActivitY Number:
Financiai lntormation: . QEC U ��a4