244203 � ,� � . - , :. . , � � . • . � II�ITERMED'iARY' ORDER �OUNCIL FILE N0. , By File No. S 8923 In the Matter of �pastrncting at�► sid�nrall� on �bs sen�h sidt oi� Shar�od Ava. frca Proaperity Ave. to flasal�rood �ve. and b� doing all other �rork �iah is asceasary aad iacidss�al �o cospl�t• said iap�ov�ent. under Preliminary Order— ��' 7�? approv� �'[+�7 �s 19�9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upos the above :improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the irnprovement which the Council recommends is to coastr�sat xaa sidavall� oa the south side of SharMwsd Ava. fror Prosperity Aw. �e ftas�].iremd Ave. aad by �oing a11 �th�r w�ric a�h3.a�. is aseessary aud iaaidsntal to aa�lst� saii is�►so�v�seat. r , ,v. Ti,�—_.- i...,.....<+-....,v-v.,..�..V-,y['_,_•:.'b....�.>y,,.. '�+R"�:.+m;.:..� . . . . .. .�.�. +-"'+�^+i.'�!�' . � . . . � with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is �•g0 Per iin. tt. for 3' �ntlt � 4.�0 per lin. i�t. fsr '' xalk Resolved Further, That'a publie hearing be had on said improv�ment on the ls t' day of .T�1�, 196! , at the hour of 10 dclock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Haii Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Co�nissioner of Finance give notice of said mee�ng to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total co�t thereof as es�imated: JUI� � 1�69 COUNCILMEN . - Adopted by the Council Yeas ` Nays JUC� 3 1969 Carlson _ Dalgiish Approved Meredith Peterson Sp►'afka n Favor ' Tedesco Mayor eyr"e � aroa��t P01�[I�►�E� JUN 7 1969 6-66-8�[ �� B.1 ��