244186 � ^4,.- �: ... . .. . . _,�C..,� � _ ,� { „� , . .. � ����7✓� . . , . � '�� _• . �,,..,- . . . . . , . . - � � � .. . � � FINAL ORDER Co���L �� Na . ; , ,By t'` File No. �l� In the Matter of �� tlM ��Mlls� M i�1t ��+/i�M� i��l�q �t+ !� �i ��. #�► �l+i �t� 11�11 �' M� �l ��t +M�t t�i�i� #A �1MMf�Ni1MR�' Mi !� F. . � . . � �. . 1�� '� �� � ��+ „� � E .N.�a; i, . . . . . . .. ,.... � . .. . .. . . . . � . � - � �,,,... . . i . .� � . . . .� � . � � . under Prelirninary 4rder �� approved � +�a� �� � - Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the CounciT having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the saane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Conncil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im= t provement tc� be �nade by the �aid City is ; i! �IMl�ellst i�NM ��t�t +y MlA� 1ti�ii !l � A�nt� f� #�t �t. t� �lr1 �. � st, a�t i!' is� a1i �tl�e wwdr�c�rt�#� f� a�► �ri �� t+�► +rr�►�t � ,� : _ � .��rr�rrtiri,� � �t �1 a�# i���t �rw� ri�i�w31e�► *w► ssft��. �. E: � . .. ' .. . .. . _ ,. . . � , . . .. - . . � �'. . , . . . . - � � . � . . and the Council hereby ordera said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cammissioner of Public V�orks be a.nd is hereby instructe�i and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- .- ceed with the making of:said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN .�UI� � 1�69 Adopted by the Counc�l , Yeas Carlsor� Nayg ��M 3 1J6� Dalgl i Sh Approved Mereditt� � Peterson Tn Favor . $prafka Mayor ;�'edesco � �yflla Ag�ainst e.�z� �o � , TO�I�sHE� �UN 7 1969 � � " � Dist. No. 3 . . B.S. Reaney Ave. - Germain St. to K�nnard St. ��� �,�� �. �, 244186 ,2��[� a. a�y OFFICE UF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS V�4 i^ P����� v�° �' � �� -,., p;' R��.�, �� ;�"� REPORT TO COMMISS I�AIER OF FINANCE ` �,13 ,( t �� �:,�_ . t .�.,,r' � � ,, _.r ..�. �(��L_,k�4���:,.;' _ _ ;,,.- � � �' ';f ��,J April 2nd. lg 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Panl: The Coimnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Cvuncil File No, 242��3 approved �rch 25th. lg 69 relative to recnnstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Reaney Ave. from Germain St. to Kennard St. and by doin� all other work which is necessary and iacidental to com- plete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein9 herebq reportst la The estimated cost thereof is $3a50 per line ft> for standard sidewalk S. fto wicie and $�+o2U per line ft, for standard sfdewalk 6 ft, widee 2o A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereof, 3> Initfat�d by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4o Improvement is asked for upon petition Commissioner of Publi or}e� ��r �-� � `-�