244178 ,
• •BY •
In the mstter of
Opening, widening and extending WACOUTA STREET (City Project P-45o�) by
condemning and taking the follawing desc�ibed lots and parcels, all in the City of
St. Paul :
Those parts of Lots � and 10, Block 3, in Whitney � Smlths Addition to St. Paul
(Note: inciudes Blocks 1-12) which lie westerly of the following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 9, 18.85 feet northerly
from the southwest corner of said Lot 9; thence alang a straight line to a point on
the northwest line of said Lot 10, 1 ) feet easterly from the northwest corner of said
Lot 10 and there terminating.
Also that part of Lot 3, Block 2, of Hoyts Addition to St. Paul , bounded by the
following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, 40.65 feet northwesterly
from the most southerly corner thereof; thence northeasterty at a right angie to said
southwest line of Lot 3 a distance of 0.33 feet; thence northwesterly along a straight
line to a point on the hereinafter described line designated as Line "A", said point ,
� being 13 feet from the point of intersection of Line "A" with the southwest line of
said Lot 3; thence southerly along Line "A" to the southwest line of said Lot 3; thence
southeasterly along the said southwest line of Lot 3 to the point of beginning and
' there terminating.
� LINE ��A��
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, 55 feet northwesterly
'i from the most southerly corner thereof; thence along a straight line to a point on a
II line run parallel with and distant il feet southeasterly of the northwest line of
' said Lot 3 and 25 feet southwesterly from the northeast line of said Lot 3 measured
- � along said paraliel line.
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Also that part of Lot 3, 61ock 2, of fioyts Addition to St. Paul � bounded by the
following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, 40.65 feet northwesterly
� from the most southerly corner thereof; thence northeasterly at a right angle to said
; southwest line of Lot 3 a distance of 0.33 feet; thence northwesterly along a straight
line to a point on the hereinafter described lirse designated as Line "A", said point
being 13 feet from the point of intersection of Line "A" with the southwest line of
said Lot 3; thence southerly along Line "A" to the southwest line of said Lot 3; thence
� southeasterly along the said sauthwest tine of Lot 3 to the point of beginning and
� there terminating. �
LINE "A" �`
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, 55 feet northwesterly
� from the most southerly corner thereof; thenc� along a straight line to a point on a
line run parallel with and distant 11 feet southeasterly of the northwest line of
; said Lot 3 and 25 feet southwesterly from the northeast line of said Lot 3 measured
; along said parallel line.
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being 13 feet from the point of intersection of Line "A" with the southwest line of
said Lot 3; thence southerly along Line "A'' to the southwest line of said Lot 3; thence
southeasterly along the said southwest line of Lot 3 to the point of beginning and
there terminating. ,
' LINE ��A��
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3> 55 feet northwesterly �
from the most southerly corner thereof; thence along a straight line to a point' on a
line run parallel with and distant ll feet southeasterly of the northwest iine of
said Lot 3 and 25 feet southwesterly from the northeast line of said Lot 3 measured
- .along said parallel line.
. Mr. Pres i dent _ _ _ . _ __ _,
, Byrne
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To the Canmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul :
The Commissione� of Pubiic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
o�der of the Council known as Council File No. 241196 approved
Dec. 4 �9 b8 relative to
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Y Throse�parts of �.ots 9 and 10, Block 3, in Whitney & Smiths addition to ' .
St. Paul (Note: includes Blocks 1-12) which lie westerly of the following described
Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 9, 18.85 Peet northerly
Prom the southwest corner oP said Lot 9� ;thence along a atraight line to a point on
, the uorthKCSt line oP said Lot 10, 11 Yeet easterly from the northwest corner oP
ssid Lot 10 and there terminating.
Also that part of Lot 3, Block 2, of Hoyta adci�tion to St. Paul, bounded by
the following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southwest line oP said Lot 3, �+0.65 feet north-
westerly from the most. southerly corner thereof; thence northea,sterly at a ri�t
angle to said southwest line of Lot 3 a dista.nce oP 0.33 feet; thence northwesterly
along a straight line to a point on the hereinaPter described line'desi�nated as
Line "A", said point being 13 feet i'rom the point oP intersection o� Line "A" with •
the southwest line of said Lot 3; thence southerl3r along Line "A" to the southwest
line o� said Lot 3; thence southeasterly along�the said southwest line of Lot 3 to
the point oP beginning and there terminating. -
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Beginning at a point on the southwest line of said Lot 3, 55 �eet northwesterly .
Prom the most southerly corner thereof; thence along a straight line to a point on
a line run parallel �r3.th and distant 11 Peet southeasterly o� the northweat 13ne oP
said Lot 3, and 25 Peet southwesterZy i'�om the northeast line o� said Lnt 3 measured
along said parallel line. -
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