244174 .�R16INAL TO.'•�Y.CLERK ` . • " ' �` +���� j , �'" CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY GLERK FILE N4'• O NC1L RESO TI —GENERA FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE T � � ����� � � M�-^N �. � �� I WHERE�S, The resident of he ed States, His Excel ency Richard M. Nixon, has nomin ed the Honorable Warren E. Burger, a native of the City of Saint Paul , to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America to replace the present Chief Justice, the Honorable Earl Warren who is retiring in June; and . �. WHEREAS, The aforesaid nomination has been received with a great deal of pleasure by all o� the citizenry of this City, including all members of this Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby extends its warmest congratulations to Justice Burger on his nomination by the President of the United States for the position of Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court; and the Council further desires at this time to extend to Justice Burger its best wishes for the speedy confirmation of his appointment by the Senate of the United States and to wish for him success and happiness and the blessings of Almighty God during his tenure as Chief Justice; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is directed to send a copy of this resolution to the Honorable Warren E. Burger forthwith. FORM APPROVE i ��i�� � � Asst. Corporation Co nse� MAY 2 9 ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �� � 1 ���g Carlson Dalglish Approve 19�_ � Meredith Tn Favor , Peterson Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �� � � 1969 0 , � , � � � / �� THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 5, 1969 Dear Mr. Marshall: President Nixon appreciates your courtesy in forwarding the copy of the resolution adopted by the St. Paul City Council. He is pleased to have this fine tribute to Judge Warren Burger and asked me to thank you for letting him know of this action on the part of your organization. With the President's gratitude for your support, and with his best wishes, Sincerely, � _� John R. Brown III Staff Assistant to the President Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall 5t. Paul, Minnesota 55102 pUADRYPLIRA�TQ D�ARTMBNT• ' . - � 244��7� < , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �: � '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 11�EA�� 'll�t! t!!#►�1t�at O! #�1t IIA1t�d itata,� 8i�! szs�ila�►e�► ltio�utsd l[. lfi�►, i�as s�ia+�►t�d #�� �e�r�►1r1� 'Marrs� t. �ar�sr�, a a�rti�+� �� t� Cit� ��" �airt r�l� Ls ti• c�.: ar�.tto� •i t�. s�r..� a+.� o� t� ��� nt�►�.�r e! A�ria� #a� rv�}lao� t�� pros�at Gf�i+rt Jruti�, tla �aora�►1� Earl W�rrr+�► �rho i. rr�tisi�s� la .�mut� a�a MB�, '!'�r �'es�a�� �sia��ioa► Ir�t i►�s s�rs�rr�rd r►ita a �at dal .t �i�aat�� trr,�rr ali at ��s oittsaucyr st latis Ctt�, ��a�dia� all �s� i� t�i• Corasil� a�+►, th�s�lsri, D+r it ItYSOL1IS�, !'1�at tt�t �ami�lil �t t� C1ty �t �ais! l�a�l ��tr�► s�el� ita �a�t a�rai�.tati�r t+�r �ti+� i�rss�r oa� �#• aa�rlaatifa �j #lu� l.�id�t o! tl�� '�i�� atat�r tar i� p�i�i+�l► st C�i�rt J"tutiA! o! il�� �t�4 stat�! ��"I�r El�urt� s�+d il+� Co�►4i1 t�trt�t�r +�►sl��s� at t1ti� t1M► #� �ct�il �O ��t111! ��� �*f 1hi� lti�i� �!! ��! it+!#� ��if1li�'���ft Ot 1�i ������ � thi �1��• !�t ��i �f;� 8t��� �� '�+� rris! !`+rs i�fae �ans �a i�y�►ia+�r� �t t� Dl��i�i et A1��irtT O�+t �rpr� �tls t� as C1�1st dtu�tlo+rs !� it �net�e �oLV�, �.t e�s e�t�► ai.a� i. a�raeta �. ..� a ..#�r .t ��it. r.�oi�rtiaa i� ta. aa�.�ue►�r�. xarr�► e. ��rgsr tsrt�i►��t. MAY 2 9 1�69 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays �Y � 9 �9��` Carlson Dalgliah Approvec� 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor i Tedeaco ASainst Mr.President, Byrne , �� a �y 29, 1969 �1 41 ". E ; 7 � � ; 1 The President oF the United States ���------� ' •�-------__..___._ � The Whi�e House 1� '� Washington, D. C. .��,'� ,..---� \� �`�,> Dear President Nixon: /;�'r�, y � Enclosed is a copy o�' a re� ution o��i� Saint Paul City Council, congratulatin� Honorable Wax e E. ger on his nomination by you C�r the position of ChieP Just c g�the United States Supreme urt. �\ ,--- �'%".._....`,`,°Y �°'�,` The Council also �(a�shes to e end yr�u� Mr. President� on your excellent selecti;on fvr this ination. � '� t _---� �`� _�--',,1 Very truly yours, ' �_.��----� I / AO�n� � �� City Clerk ��� �� , , � �,,\ ..`_._�--- i �.., May 29� 19�9 z � �; � i `-, � �,,,__��� , �----,______-. �� ,\.`\ � ,�'�� �Ionorable Warren E. Bur�er ,,���,\ Lr. S. Cireuit Court of Appeal�r,/ ,� ` �.Tash3ngton, D. C. !,%r 1� � �, �\ �j ,r Dear "ir� ` . � `'�f"/ Enclos�d 9.s � resolr����� the a`�`�� t Paul Ci�y C�uncila eactending warme�t �pfi�ratu�ons t�ou on your nomina.- tion by the Pre�i��nt of the �ited �tates for the position of Chief Justice �o the iJnite �States Supreme Court. I ; d �, � \ '� , Very truly yours, ,..-__, \�`�.e�.%-�` �>>— -✓ ;%/ , �' / i � i � , City Clerk AO/n� �, i �� �\� _--._ -�j'f __,�