244173 . , OR161NAL TO�CI4�'CL6RB� 2441�7�� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CO IL RESOLUTIO —G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED, by the Council ot the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the City's Fiealth and Welfare Committ�e, that the City' s Group Contract with Minnesota Hospital Service Association (Blue Cross) be modified in accordance with the suggestions set forth in the memorandum dated March 26, 1969, to the City of St. Paul Health and Welfare Committee from Donald P. Dix, District Manager of Blue Cross, a copy of which memorandum is hereto attached, marked Exhibit A, and incorporated herein as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim, exeept that under the definition of dependents set forth in the aforesaid memo�andum, the definition of dependents in Paragraph No. 1 shall be stricken therefrom and in lieu of said provision the following shall be substituted therefor and inserted in the contract between the City and Blue Crossr . "1) The subscriber' s spouse, if not divorced or separated from subscriber pursuant to a court order which, by its terms, relieves subscriber of legal responsibility for covered hospitali- zation charges incurred by or on behalf of spouse."; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the aforesaid moditications of the � City's contract with Minnesota Hospital Service Association shall � � be effective during the present term of said contract beginning � January 1, 1969; and be it ' c �. o � � � FINALLY RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby a � authorized and directed to execute the requisite riders amendatory "= ci of the aforesaid group contract between the City and Minnesota Hospital � ; Service Association. a °' a MAY 2 9 1969 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays MAY 2 9 1969 Carlson Dalglish pproved 19—_ �� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ` Sprafka ayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. President, Byrne �UBLISHE, ��N � �969 .... - �.,. � O : ; . - �;� � . 2 - . ' 441��`� , . • MEMORANDUM � , • TO: City of St. Paul Health and Welfare Committee � . FROM: Donald P. Dix, District Manager . ' Ivlinnesota Hospital Service Association . � DATE: March 26, 1969 � � RE: Contract Changes � Minnesota Hospital 5ervice Association proposes that the City Council pass a resolution to allow them to make the following changes in the existing group contract for City of 5t. Paul and Board of Education employee s. � MAT E RNIT Y '_ Present language to be amended to read as follows: "Coverage for maternity will be applicable only under a family contract ' � when by reason of pregnancy, a female subscriber or a family dependent wife is confined as a bed patient in a hospital at the recommendation of a physician, such participanl: subscriber, and newborn child, shall be entitled to the family dependent coverage which was in effect on the date of conception, provided both the subscriber and the subscriber's spouse have been continuously covered under the Contract from the date conception � occurred through the date of admission to the hospital for such pregnancy. " DEFINITION OF DEPENDENTS The definition of dependents will be amended to read as follows: 1) The subscriber's spouse, if not divorced or separated pursuant to a court order. 2) The subscriber's unmarried dependent children from birth to age 19, or to age 23 if such unmarried dependent c}a�ld 19 years of age or older is a full-time student at an accredited educational institution. The term dependent children shall include the employee's o�vn children, legally adopted children, foster children, and step children. The purpose of these changes is to make the Blue Cross contract language consistent-�with the language used by the medical-surgical carrier, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. In effect, these changes allow maternity coverage eligibility to be based on date of conception rather than to have a nine month �vaiting period, and redefine the language to include only female employees or dependent wives as eligible for maternity benefits, � � Exhibit A y � � . �r . . . . . � � Page 2 • . The dependent definition adds foster children and step children to those already included as eligible under the present contract. It is proposed these changes will be ma.de retro active to the renewal � date of the present contract, January 1, 1969, and will be made without any change in the raL-e for the current year. DPD:jn ; ... ' Exhibit A �OR16tNAL TO CITY CLERK 2441.'�,� . " CITY OF ST. PAUL OOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the City' s Health and Welfare Committee, that the City' s Group Contract with Minnesota Hospital Service Association (Blue Cross) be modified in accordance with the suggestions set forth in the memorandum dated March 26, 1969, to the City of St, Paul Health and Welfare Committee from ,Donald P. Dix, District Manager of Blue Cross, a copy of which memorandum is hereto attached, marked Exhibit A, and incorporated herein as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim, except that under the definition of dependents set forth in the aforesaid memorandtun, the definition of dependents in Paragraph No. 1 shall be stricken theretrom and in lieu of said provision the following shall be stzbs�ituted therefor and inserted in the contract between the City and Blue Cross: "1) The subscriber' s spouse, if not divorced or separated from subscriber pursuant to a court order which, by its terms, relieves subscriber of legal responsibi�.ity for covered hospitali� zation charges incurred by or on behalf of spouse."; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the a�oresaid modifications of the � City's contract with Minnesota Hospital Service Association shall �- be effective during the present term ot said contract beginning Q � January l, 1969; and be it 4i c > o � � FINALLY RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby a � authorized and directed to execute the requisite r�ders amendatory '� c� of the aforesaid group contract between the City and Minnesota Hospital o � Service Association. �� � ��sg ^ �� � COUNCILMEN l�dopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �,�,: .�' . ''��-��1� Dalglish Approved 19`_ Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O . � ^. . . . �4 . 41�� . MEMORAND UM � � � , • TO: City of St. Paul Health and Welfare Committee . FROM: Donald P. Dix, District Manager . ' Minnesota Hospital Service Associat-ion . � DATE: March 26, 1969 � � RE: Contract Changes � � Minnesota Hospital 5ervice Association proposes that the City Council pass a resolution to allow them to make the following changes in the existing group contract for City of 5t. Paul and Board of Education employee s. MATERNITY �. Present language to be amended to read as follows: "Coverage for maternity will be applicable only under a family contract ' � when by reason of pregnancy, a female subscriber or a family dependent wife is confined as a bed patient in a hospital at the recomxnendation of a physician, such participant subscriber, and newborn child, shall be ent'itled to the family dependent coverage which was in effect on the date of conception, provided both the subscriber and the subscriber's spouse have been continuously covered under the Contract from the date conception ' occurred through the date of admission to the hospital for such pregnancy. " DEFIIVITION OF DEPENDENTS The definition of dependents will be amended to read as follows: 1) The subscriber's spouse, if not divorced or separated pursuant to a court order. Z) The subscriber's unmarried dependent children from birth to age 19, or to age 23 if such unmarried dependent chj.ld 19 years of age or older is a full-time student at an accredited educational institution. The term dependent children shall include the employee's own children, legally adopted children, foster children, and step children. The purpose of these changes is to make the Blue C ross contract language . consistent�with the language used by the medical-surgical carrier, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, In effect, these changes allow maternity coverage eligibility to be based on date of conception rather than to have a nine month �vaiting period, and redefine the language to include only female employees or dependent wives as eligible for maternity benefits, . Exhibit A t � � . • • � • �, Pag e 2 ' . . � The dependent definition adds foster children and step children to . those already included as eligible under the present contract. Yt is proposed these cr.ariges will be ma.de retro active to the renewal � date of the present contract, January 1, 1969, and will be made without any change in the rate for the current year. , � DPD:jn ;-,, � Exhibit �!