244131 ORIGINAt--- CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. 24413� CITY CLERK � 'COUNCIL N� 3612 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ' R"E FOR AU HORI ATION OF C IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. � _ � � DATF 19_�. • RRSOLVBD, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of t1�e Contract Crnmnittee, therefor and hereby awe�ds contract for furni�hiag all labor, raaterial and equipment required far the graaing, bituminous surfacing, concrete curb and gutter, the installation of sewer service connections and all other work shawn, described or im�li�d in the Plans, St. Paul Specificatione and Special Provision on BARCIAY 3TRBBT (Idaho Avenu� to Larpeateur Avenue); DI$TSR STRBBT (Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue); CLBAR AVSN[TE (White Bear West 240.24'), City of Saint Paul, Department of Yublic Wor ks, to A�t08 COAT COAiPANY� INC. for the contract price of $22,304.92 (Plue Engineering and Inspection 14.5� - $3,345.73; Water Dept. C�arge - $5,224.00; and Collection Charges - $735.03), in accordance_with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and Foriasl Bid �3547 of said Armor Coat Cos�panq, Inc., such bid being the lowest and said Armor Coat Company, �nc. being a reliable aad reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper Cfty officials hereby are autborized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid �3547. G-1898, G-1899, G-1901 22 304.92 CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - ' - - - - - S � q � • DEPT.CONT.NO. �— WpTER CONNECTIONS,DETOURS,SOUNDINGB,ETC. - - - - = S)�`��`�" ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: FINANCEDEPT.CHARGES - - - - - �y- - - - S �} ENGINEHRING and Iaspection_14.a Sh - - - j 3,345�I 3 s 25,161.00 Collec�io� Cha�ges - - - - s 735.03 FORMAL BID NO. .7JY7 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - j 31,609.68 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS 70 FUNDS AVAILABLfi BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED A6AINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - � - - - A- - - S 29�OG��6O 2. APPROPRIATED FROM C1TY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE 0720 ; 2,586�O� 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE _ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE S 5. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ' ' ' - S 6. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. 7. ; TOTAL ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' s 31,609�60 `---' COPIES TO: �,wl HEREBY CERTIRY THAT THERE IS AN UNFNCUIdHERBD BAL- CITY�CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN TH'E ABOVfi BTATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMEN� NO . COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEM6NT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. ,OSC�III J. Mitchell PURCHA3ING �+� DATE FINAL ORDER 1\DOPTEo COMPTROLLEr+ Cl WD1p�OlIOI' - BY C Irii1 COUNCILMEN MAY 2 8 1969 YEAS NAYS /� ADOPrED BY THE COUNCI� --- . • � Sprafka V IN PAVOR �VIAY 2 3 1969 i�cx Tedesco Meredith APPROVEn �___. Peterson °A1NST �X C8Y�.80ri Mr. Presidenf,� BuTilE 5/23/69/beaudlq/t�l MAYOR, soo 2-85 � pUBLISHE: MAY � �: �y