244107 e " 244�;0� OR161NAL TO CITY GI.6RK , � • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. --- ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the International Institute of St. Paul, 183 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, is hereby authorized and permitted to use Exchange Street between Kellogg Boulevard and Fourth Street from 10:00 a.m. to midnight on Saturday, June 7, 1969, for its annual Street Party; be it . FUR,THER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to said International Institute of St. Paul for the use of said street upon and subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: 1. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this resolution; � 2. That said permittee shall furnish a bond of �10,000.00 to the City of Saint Paul, con— ditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution and to indemnify and save the Gity harmless from any and all loss , liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages, or expense that may accrue to person or property occasioned by the use of said street; 3. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees, from any and all damages , claims, losses , judgments, suits or expense arising out of or occasioned by the use of said street contemplated by this per— mission and authority; 4. That said permittee shall not proceed to use said street or be issued a permit unless and until said permittee shall procure and COUNCILMEN �ORM APPROYEq Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays „_� Carlson • � �����,P'" � Dalglish � Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O `_ 2441��'7 '�OR161NAL TO CITY Ct6RK � y • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DA7F furnish to said City public liability insur— ance covering itself and including the City of Saint Paul as co—insured against any liability on account of injury to person or property resultin.g from the use of said street in an amoun.t of �250,000.00 for each individual who may suffer personal injury and �500,000.00 on account of personal injury resulting from any one accident and affecting more than one person, and in the amount of �200,000.00 because of injury or damage to property on acaount of any one accident, such insurance coverage to be evidenced by policies of insurance approved by the Corporation Counsel ; 5. That said permittee shall file its written acceptance of this resolution and of all the provisions, terms and conditions of the same with the City Clerk and shall submit to the Corporation Counsel for his approval, the aforesaid bond and insurance coverages which shall thereafter be filed with the Comptroller of the City o� Saint Paul, not later than June 6t1� 196g, and in the event of its failure to do so, the per— mission and authority hereby granted shall lapse; 6. That permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works when the street is requested to be closed, and all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing and removing of barricades, signs and other control devices shall be paid by permittee. MAY 2 7 1'�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �Y � 7 Carlson �,�g Dalgliah pproved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne Pug��sH�� MAY 3 � �969 O Saint Paul, Minnesota May 28th, 1969 �o the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned� do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms arxl conditions of Council File No. 24�+107, adopted by the Council on Ma,y 27� 1969. I T ONAL N I OF ST. PAUL BY , ' ' Charles P. Driscoll President, Board of Directors !'�?'� ��TY oo PAUL J. KELLY Arae Code 6�2 w ''' THOMAS J.STEARNS �Z3��2� '�~` �� � " „, y JON R. DUCKSTAD `�I:?:�w�:: ; ARTHUR M. NELSON �„ ° h� JEROME J.SEGAL THOMAS M. MOONEY ROBERT E.O'CONNELL JAMES W. KENNEY Fint Assistan+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK PAUL F. MeCLOSKEY,JR. DANIEL A.KLAS LOU15 E.TORINUS Special Aaistant LE6AL DEPARTMENT JOSEPH E.CARTWRIGHT 316 City Nall, St. Paal� Mtnee:ota 55102 JOSEPH P. SUMMERS Corporation Counsd June 5, 1969 Mr. Charles P. Driscoll International Institute, Inc. 183 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Driscoll: Enclosed please find the uniform license and permit bond which was sent to this office on June 4, 1g69. We request that you complete the corporate acknowledgement on the second page of the bond, to-wit: indicate in 'what capacity you are signing this bond. Also enclosed is your letter of consent to the terms of Council File No. 24410'7. Again I would request that your indicate on that acceptance in what capacity you are accepting the terms of said Council File No. 244107. When these documents are completed, please forward them to the undersigned. Sj�cerely, rJ�� � 1 PAUL J. KELLY Assistant Corporation Counsel PJK:paw � ���� � �� al��I �pp.pp ��9,�j� enc. ��`/� � �dUNS�'�Y �� ��1�� �? � 28, 1969 ,; 9� �; Internatione,l Institute of St. Paul _ Ey; 183 W. Kellogg Baul�vaxd �--__�y�=� ''� St. Paul, Minnesota ��`�� '� Gentleme n: --•,� �_�� ` ,� \� `�f/' ' � Enclosed is a capy of a respl�ion o�,,�111e City Council„ Council File No. 2�+�+107, adopted N�t�7i 196f,�=�authorizing and permitting the Intexnationa,l Institute d�`�t y�,acixl to use Exchange St. between Kellog� �3oulevaxd and Fourth 5����''o�rf� Saturdayt June 7, 1969� �or its annual Street P�.y....._.�,,� �°�,�,,\ � `� � We call your speqY�l attentio�io,to the provisions, terms anfl conditions o:f the resolutiot�,� requiring �Y�+e filin� of a bond, public liability 3nsurance, and a eceptance � the terms and conditions of the reso- lutivn, which mas �e file� later than June 6� 1969. __.___� ���-____.��� A bill'�'tir the cost of pu"6�lica�tion of this resolut3.on will be Por- warded�'to yau at later date. � � � i ( � � � Very truly yours, �, ; ,' ,, ' � ,�`` �._ City Clerk AO�ng ORIGINAL � CITY OR BAINT PAUL TO PAYOR , OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - RECEIPT N° _ 2953 � --.��l�� �O �q�� RECEIVED OF C, ��,�- $ �oo Fp �.� nc��.�Y�,o� 1 ��ot.�t�te__ a � _�c u � -� �t'sZ, ',�-- �Go �.�,a.s� � c.s1n«�n�, .�.. r. �,sz�'. ��1 I o �`U , �- � 1 O',0 � vm. '� tM� �('� �� . ,�1�� �� �o� ��, �,�,,�,�1 ��� CITI( COMPTROLL 1 � � ,�,o C.'� . a'�fti ,D'l BY c�rm�