244072 , . _. , . , , �� - a /� � . - �'2���� ... _ . T • � „� :� � . � FINAL ORDER � �OUNCIL F�ILE 1'�0. i gy � �� File Na ��li4 � � In the Matter of � a�t a�rD�si� tri�t �L�i�l� �Itt�at#iI 1�t � �;q � � � , �ft., ��, +`MT�! lli�1� �ri �ic. 3, �'t� � �.�r++rt�l�rri �s'�r�+r�r i�w. 1� el�M M-� T� �tl��r �r �« �. � 1MMde. t!�► a�a��qnMS� ���s�rrs l�rrr �ow�rrs�re � � � . �IMt N�R !Nr i� � lr1, !� �11M1 M'�i L�t � �1t. ��_�► !�. ,; ', , _� - � . .. . � . � � �j � . .. . �. .. � . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . �. . .. . .. . . 'l .�_ . . . . . . . . � ., . � . � ... � . . �� . �. . . . . ��. . . . .� .. . � . . . � . � .� � ' � under Preliminary Order ''�i`�i approv� /�' �'�* �l�i .,� � Intermediary Order approvecl � A public hearing having been had upon the above itnprovement upon due notice, and the Council - � having heard all peraons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consiclered �� the same; therefore, be it - �; RESQLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise xtature, extent and kind of im- �::' provement to be made by the aaid City is � � tir � a�i �sa� +�d� 1�a.la�r ��r?, tl� '� a� �s:.i�. �. � M!R � � �� �s � � �► �.'���� �� �'�r � � �� ��� � �s � -''9 � , .�,.� �� . � �• �# !�Ml�'�1lt �f�t � �'�Il�t#Ntt�! � ��i��� q� � � a�itsla��i �, r�M�s! a� a�s �t #�r �t. �, q�i� �. �- ; � f` � ,�. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepaxe plans and specificationa for said improvement, and submit same to the �ouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby=authorized and directed-to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �Y 2 ] 19�9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council - _. Yeas � Nays �Y 2 7 l,s� ��ISh Approv . p,.,.��� � �`.,rap� � Tn Favor � , � Mayor � ��� �,g�st PuBUSNE� MAY 31 1969 �� � 6-66-8L[ '� R.1 `�' 31 ' � � 2440�2 i ��3.�b- s t : • ��� t���►31� OFF ICE OF THE COMM I SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS ��'-� ��(• `��4y � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE R " � Jn L � � �XN c�. � �/` �y °v° � �,.�, �, �y.�o�o � ��� � ` �r December 31 , �9� To the Corrxnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paui : The Commtssioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Councii known as Council File No. 241386 approved December 19, 19 68 relative to grade and surface with bituoninous material the E-W alley in BLK. 4, QUINBY PARK and BLK. 5, L01tERING PARK from relocated Fairview Ave. to the N-S alley in Blk. 4, Quinby Park. ALSO construct a sewer for storm water purposes in an easement to be obtained on, under and across Lot 6, Blk. 4, Quinby Park. ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports; i . The estimated cost thereof is $ 4+023•94 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition issioner of Publ ic Worlcs ��-� �^�:.�,, ;,�,+ '���.. ��!�� ��� � � �� �� � � , � , . _!.. 1_:.l L_____.,' 1�..1 �_____� � �_____J - -_ ' - --{�-fEvV . A�'`�-7� �1 : r---, . , � , i � ' � / � / -' --- � --- �/ �/ - - � / __\ � '/ . / ' ^ / /�� �t t � � �v' i N/f1EEL E�¢ 5 T. _ r � � a .�y / � � i 4 ^ a ' O % � � � , ,� y ^ /��, /� � `� � HF�ZSC/��L ST. � �, k � aa i ._ � � � /^ �� � � � o � / � ,_..,.__ .`��c . -- - -- o.� _ ° � � _/_�rL_ ��" � . . � Dm - � _ ��, �r n � • � i' � =�� � � � o t,, � ' � ; ��, � � �_� � � � � � ° � �� � . � � � � � � PiE,ec� � 3r.�, � ., _ � , � /, / _ . � ; , �� �/ . r . . � : . ,� � � / -- � �V ,:r , � ; � � � ' F.¢Y S'T. , i , �• , � � � a �• � ; , R � � � i� � t . � � � - � . \ ` � D, � � � � � f , // / ' - � / / .-SNELL/NG - - — A✓E_ - 4 ' ��� --. ,. . /� � � ' � . / ' � / � � . r y� �.., a � . t 1.��� —�°�� - ROBERTS � PROPERTIES r � � ; commercial leasing � 175 West larpenteur Ave. St. Paul� Minnesota 55113 ' Phone: Office 488-6795 April 8, 1969 Cit3 of St. Paul, Department of Finance 113 Court House Saint Faul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: In re: File 17356, Page 1 We 8ish to go on record as being against the improvement of the East�est alleyway east of Fairview A.nenue as we do not feel we $hould be obligated to pay any assessment for this improvement as we installed and surfaced the na�th-s rnath alleyway ourselves. Very truly yours, ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION, IldC. by ��. �� ����w` '��l� Clifford W. Lund h1�,Y �, 1969 {�� � F�an« James J. Dalglish j � (,"1Jt118x', 43" �'�.X1At1C�@ � � � Building �._________._� !, °-------_�__ �. n�aar S�ix: ��\� \\ The City Cauncil �a�d�y 1�3.d over Ma?� th the faI].a��.z� F�nal.Orders and x�qu+e�ted t�:� se�d e+w natfces to prcap�rty c�m�rs� advieing t a�' revisj� �coat�s: Grading � �urf"e��3n� E-W +�11�Y ,,/�+, �t1INBY PARK anc4 �31k. 5, LE7YEki2NG PA�tK ��.-.�'eloca e F�irview Ave. to N-S alley i� B1k. �+, �ui � t� 8#aruat a �aem�x for �torn� w�t�x pur�as �i.n eas to dbtair�ed �n�, under �: acra�� Lot E>, �1. �, Ruinby rk; Cc�nde�znin� & �a�in �.sernent i d neeeseaxy for slo�es, cuts 8� f i11.� gr & s eing with b3`Euumainou� meterial m F-W a�.I�y'� � . �t� , Eo Blk. 5, LO'V"�RIIaG PARK fxom reloca�� Fe3rvi.e� Av�s. ta �'-S all�y in Blk. k s t�uinby Pax�s; � Conden�n �g &�takin �. pez•r�anent easement f4r �e�r purpose� cm, over &� orqss�� Pt af Lot 6� Blk. �+, QtT,CNH7f P.A`RTC; A?.�t7 eondemn & ternpe+r�sy easemen�t� for car��truction purpa�es c�n W. 8� . I2 iwt. o� Lcrt �� B1.k. �t, c7►zinby Park, & W. 8 1"t. o�' Lot ?�, Blk. �+, Quinby P�s'k. V�xy truly your�, City Clerk ng EUGENE V. AVERY C I �Y O F � � I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CE2EA GHIEF ENGINEER ���. DEPUTY COMM18810NER Capital of Minnesota tSEPA►RYIVBENT OF PU�LIC V'IfORKS _ 234 City Hell & Court House 55102 � �t�, � ,. ,, - ROBERT F. PETERSON Commissioner _ `iFw;tn�.}r� . Apri I 9. �9�51 li�rt. d��s J. Oa t g 1 i s3� Ccars�i i�s i on�r of F t n�n�� City Qf 5��r�t F�r+u� �. I�c6�1�Fi'�' i'+i�.- l.cmdtn t��n� to L�.r A�t�r� Raad, �nd l.t�W�� 1�t�"�'63� Afl. • Wtn�hvr�p St. to 1Rclt�a#gttt �d. f�-13�1 j f9���- Slr: Pl�ass r�Z�:r �c� a�r ��et�a��° �� ,�pri i 2, �9��. '�'h� �¢�i l��r�� is th� carr�+�t�d dsscri�s�t�n: $ tr�r�su�it fu�r�wtth prr, dr�lr�ar� �Stim�t� crf cp�� �r�r �t� �oaastPu�ti�n of a pub 1 i c san i ta�r�r �e�r �n �c�1'�tT �� �r�rn �.an d�r� Len� to L�r ,�f�ca� Ro��, a�nd �n Li�t�R �161't��i �RA�7 frc� �fi��thra� ���e�� �c+ Aki�r�ight �c+ad {�-,�8�), uncE�t Pr�s t ir�i s�a r'°y+ �rd�t� �.i�. �Jk�. �42��`i, �pp�r���r�� �3a r�� ;, I��g. �tm v+ould lika to r�+��ast that i�dtat� atte�ntton b� givesn this �quest as the pr�p+artae� tc� � ��rved a�re naw u�in$ ��r��nr��ry c�s��ts and th�s�, in �i��, a�i 1 i prov� tc� �e a ��i tt� 6�a���d. The fina�ctr�g �s tt� r��in �� outllnod in tka� i�tt�r af Apct# 2� i9�+9, and ds �s fallrr�w�: Estla,at�ci Cc�r��tru�tic�n �vst �i$,51�.00 �ng�in�e�r3�� � 3 .3�i.Qt3 lraspecttcar� � � T0T�1, PRQd��"� C�QST � i 8 A�s�s;�rats �i24,I��.t10 Yours va�ry tr�ly. �ab�rt f. P�fi�r�rm Cca��ssic��er af �hsb1 ic Workx �FP/t�.�D/'�ILWlHWJ/�+s Attachm�nt cc: J. Sct�r�rtz, i�pt. �,ecoua�ta�nt .�. �I1 tchel l , Ce�pCrol ier �t. �lt����r. As�t. �hi��' �c�c�3ne�r 1�. �ur��c�rd, �v�� �nc�tr��o° �'f � '� ���, . April I1, 1969 Rober.�� Can�tr+:�ti�fon, Inc, 175 W�st L���+�n::sur Aves�u� �t. Paul, A�inne��ta 55113 ' Attention: C�.:I.�:Ea�sd W. I,und Dear Sir: fl�eturned herewith is your notice with r�fesence to improving the east-weat alley in Block 4, puinby Park and Blosk S' LflwerLng �ark. Your company owas all of the pzop�rty abatting the norther�y ec��e of the propo��d �lleq improvement and th� estimateci pr�pe��y agseeam�nt shown in the notice is baaed on assegaing your prc►perty f.or 141.75 feet at the eatimated "C" Reaideatial xate of $.�.�.5 p�r �o�t. We nr�t� that the improvement o� ehe norCh-�outh a11ey was required by aecond condition of Coancil File 212592, r�pproved 1`tay 7, 19Fr3, relating to the vacation of a portion of the east- �est alley and that Citv Aid in exce�s of $2,500.00 i.a contempl�ted to p�ovid� dr�inage for the a11ey. Und�r thes� circumstances, this department will reconemend ass�ssment of. your properry ae estic►ated above if the project is approved for construction. Yours very tr�ly, Forest W. Crowley Sup�rvisor of Asaessmenta FWC/rh 1 ene,. c.�. City Council 17356 •- �1/`� G���..,.� ^ �, ! �: � �