244065 Orlsinal to City Ciprk � � ORDINANCE 2440�5 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN ORDI�TAAI�TT�F SE��LII�T� THE CLAI� OF JACK PRAi�E,R A�iD PEARL PRAWER, INDI�TIDUAbLY AN� AS HUSBAI�TD AND WI�, AC�AINST THE CITY OF SAINT 1'AUL TFiE COtT1�CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAITL DOES ORDAIN': Seetion 1� �hat the proper Cit�r offi�ers are hereb� authorized and direeted to pay out of the Tort Liabillty F�nd 0035-�421, to dack Prawer and Pearl. Fra�er, individually and as husband and wife, �he st�m of $504.00, in fa.11 settle�ent of their claim for damages and in�uries �ustained by reason of a fall in �he stre�t at o� near �he inter�eetion of Seve�th and Cedar atreet�, Saintr Pau1, M3.nnesota, on J�.1y 1, 1968. �-----_ / Seetio� �. ��ia� said sum sha11 be paid to the said alaimants upon �heir e�e��ation and delivery of a release ir� full �o the �itg, in a form �o b� approved by the �o�poratio� Couns�l, fc�r �11 damages and in�u�ies" su��ain�d in the -- man�er aforesaid. Sectivn 3. 3'hat this ordinanoe sha.11 take effect and be in foree thirty day� af�er its passage, approval. and publica�ion. � JUN 1 � 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Carlson Me�edi h �In Favor Peteraon � Sprafka � Against Tedesco r. President rn ) Ap v d: JUN a: � 196g A st• . Ci Cler ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By 1�T1�'HE� ,�_�;�.� �_:� 1969 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 2�4��.5 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� �� � AN ORDTNANCE SETTL�NE� TI-� CLAII�1 OF JACK PR��'1"ilii �TdD YE�I�L PI�����si, TNDTVIDU�Li,Y AND AS HU�BATvD AFvL' Ld��t+'L, AG��-sTP::"T iti:� CITY GI' .�.AINT i'�1UL THF CGUTPIGT.I� �:+:+ T�a�� t:TTY OF .�,AIN`I' PAUL LG1.�S OPiDAIN: �:ection 1. �`iz�'c �:he ;�i=oper City �f�ices�� az?e �l�z°c"�y autho��izea ar�ci u%���ctec3 t� �1ay nu� ,:,f' i he 1'or� L:�a�ili�y Func� c�0;�-%+21, �� Jac��. Pz�at�vcr anc� F�ar1 P'rav�er, inGivic�uully and d� liusi�ariu arid ��1ife, 'ehe s�zrn Ui ��Q0.C7G, i,a iu�1 se�tlem�n'c �f tia�ir cl��i�;� :�or dar��t,es anci injurie; �ustai.i��� by reu::�n of a fa11 in tl�.� s�ree� at or nEar Lhe intersec�i�r� o�' �;���en�i� a�d �eclar ��tr�e�s, Sain� T�aul, i�'iinn��o�:a, on �►uly l, l�G�. �ectior� 2. Thafi �aid sun� �ha��. k�e �aid �o ��:e said claimant� up�n �lleir execution arid del3.v�ry of a .r�lease in full to the �i��r, in a �'orm to be apprav�d �ST �h� �a�-�oratiori CounsEl, f or al1 c�ama��s �nd in�urieu �utita�ned in thc: manner aioresaiu . S�cti�,n �. That th�s ora�.nar,ce sh�ll �a��e eii�cV �nd be in Fox�ce Ll�z.rty day;; a�t�i� �.ts ��ss��c, a�pr^val and gub�:�cui:.i,c�r?. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Mer�1� - In Favor Peterson (1 Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr Praairinnf (Rt�rnnl _ �� �� ` � �° � I st > 2n �-� Leid over to 3rd and app�—Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays . ,s. Carlson �arlson oa�9�,sh 2440�5�. ,s Meredith �eredith , � Peterson � * 'Peterson Sprafka �prafka Tedesco �desco � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O