04-1149Council File # �' �� � Green Sheet # �9`�� Presented RESOLUTiON CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Zq Referred To Committee Date Support for Homeless Transition Supportive Housing funding 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul believes reducing homelessness is an important goal which improves the lives 2 of families and individuais, and is a first step in moving a person toward a working and productive life style, and 3 is an indicator of a city's ability to sustain a good quality of life for all its residents; and 4 WFiEREAS, the City recognizes the value and efficiency of supportive housing in assisring individuals with 5 temporary or chronic problems to become productive and self-sustaining citizens; and 6 WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Ciry Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work 7 is inextricably linked to the City's Legislative Agenda; now therefore be it 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the following and urges legislative passage of a capitai bonding request or $20 million for Supportive Housing, and expenses; and be it Finally RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul support efforts 3n providing funding for the necessary social services and related operaring costs of Supportive Housing pzojects. Requested by Departrnent of: � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey Adopted by Council: Date 1� C e-�'rv�C � oZ O ��-- Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App� � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council -_ �- _ �, m.=,.-_,� _„� __,-- __ -�� �-- ,. -� _-,_,...�... ,..,�,. ��. -- -- — - �l•���� OFPARTMENTlOFFICElCWNCIL DATE Wmn1Eu CITYCOUNCII. Decemberl GREEN SHEET Ho �Q 1007 CONiACTPERSON&PFKKJE ' MipaWab InXWIOah Councilmember Lee Helgen 6-8650 ce.�rt�ronarort ancau+w. " MUST BE ON CpUNCf� pGQ�IOq BY (OAT� December 8, 2004 Consent �" wrBFftcort an�nowav ❑rnraauc RdRING �� wuxnu.aoixc¢sw+. w�n�aomnecrn ❑r}YOrtlonll4a4ffAxi) ❑ TOTAL # OF StGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUE57ED Approval of Resolution Supporting Homeless Transition Supportive Housing Funding REC MMENDA ION Approve (A) or Rejed (R) KOM Q K N\ ER THE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: act for Mis depertment7 PLANNINGCOMMISSION digilalscience°�� � CIBCAMMITfEE � ' CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IypossesseU by any current city em0loYce? ch to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Whe ADVANTAGES lf APPROVED V+:y:':.;-- , ..� � : � SB�ds 3 _ pISAD ESIFAPPROYED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINPNCWIINFORMqTON (IXPLAII� � � �ROU,TING ORDII2� �� � � � �' � � � � � �� � � � � � , . . � � � �� � � � , 1 w of Be a are corred rouUn for the six most dociimegts: Ss fre4uentty�es . � � � � � � � C'O�NTRACTS asnmmes authon��ed' bud e7osfs COUNCIL,I2F.SOLVCIO23 mmend hud I ' < B� , ) C s�s!ecce�t g�ncs} 1: OiitsideAgency , 2 DepaiUnieu[D"uector 2:',Depactm�tDirectar' 2 06o`eafFm9nciat,Se�c�tcesDicecfor , „ ,' 3.,^CityA�kOmep'�� � �� � � �� � � 3 Citp+e[ttomey�,� � ,.. �� � �4.Mayo�A��m 4 TvfaYw�tl�ant�,,i. � � � � 5'.'�Awnmi�RiBhts(forconiraatsove�$50,000) ''. , 5 Citp.�'nncd � � � � � � � � , ' 6.,O�ceofFinancialServices-Accoimting ,,' 6. Officc,ofFwanciak8eraices-,Acoounting „ „ . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDII2S (Bvdget,Rev�sion), ' CO�J�ICII,R�SOLFJTION (a}1 ofhers and Oidmancesj ' � 1 AchvrtYMane$erocDepartmentAccountant ' ,, 1 De��actmentDuector � 2_',DepartmeritDitector � � � . � � � 2'. CityAttoiqey� � � � � � � � 3. OfficeofFtuancia[SecviicesDirector , ; 3. Mayor/Ass�sfant �, 4:City'Cle[k� � ���, � � � 4��itry;Coimcil-� �� ,� ; � 5. 0ffice ofFinmcial' Seibices�-� Acco � , rmtiog � � � � � , � , � � � � � � � � � t1IDMB`IISTRAITVE; ORDERS (s11 othess) EXECU,ITVE ORDIIt � �I.` DepmtmentDirector �� 1 Dep�tDirector � �, � � � � 2: � Gity Attoiaey' � � � � � � � 2.' C� Au°mey , � � tto �' , � � � . . . . � ���s � � �� , 3.OfficeofF�nancialServicesD�ector 3 MayorfA.�stant,, � 4: �'City Clerk � � 4 Citq Ciak � � � � � � � � � ' , . „ ', � TOT�ALNUMBEROFSIGNATUKEP,E�GES � � � �^ � � . 1 ��,� `� � � � Indi� fhe�# ofpages on which`signamres are reqaired andpapeieLp o�t�a'� eacL ofrh�h�ae pages..' � �� ,, r, � � � „ � ACITONREQUESTID �� � � � � � � �. .. � � � � Desc:n'bewhat{be seekstoacoomplish'�uertherchronological,o[der,or ofimQortsuce,whioheqeris °� ProlecUracP?est � , �°F� mosF'appropriate for�e iss�: Do not'wcete complete,�ces_'�Begen eacli item m Fourlist iuith a verb. ,' , � � . � � � RHCObIMENDATIONS," � , � � � � � �� � � �, � C.omplete if the iss�e m quesEionLas beenpresentedbefore auJ' bodY Pnblic orpnvafe ' � � � .' PERSONAL�SERVICE CONIRACTS: � � � � � � � ' 'on' be 's 'abiii forndorkers . onclaims aud civrl Tlus informatt will used to detetmine the ci h taxes , tY, tY comPensatt , PraPel , � service�gn��s�. ',� � „��� �i � � � rr . � � i ' II3ITIATINGPROBLF.M IS3UE,OPPORI'[INITY , � or-. ��� '�.�� , � , � E' lam the sitaetion condtl�ions tha created'anced for ur [re XP 9n Pml 4Qest „� � „ � � � . � � � r � �„ � � � " � , AD�ANLAGES IF APPROVID ;- - � . . indicate wheth�,llvs �s simply an amiusl budS� P!��e F�L�� �F lawlciiatta or ,whethet 4kere are �c ways �n ' wlnck the City,of $aintPgul'�d its, citi2enswill benefitfrom tlu�'pro�ect/actio� " . , ;, � � � � pL$ADVANTAGES � APERO�, ' � � � , , ' � �� � G � � � � � � � � � � WLatinegative effeds ormaj� ehan�s'to e�vstingor',PastP�ocesses,m�C� P�J�1e4� Produee �f it �s passed �' Ce'.&,Yr�c'delays,nou��t�cincreasesorassessments)? Ta,whom2 When2,F��owlqng`� � � � � � ,,, �,,, , � � �, � DTSADVANrAGESIFI�OT'APPROVED " " ' ' ' What witt 6e fhe,negalive consequences iftfie promisecl acfion is uot aPPFQVed� Inability to delivei service? Contrnne ', , , fiigii4affic;noise,'accideM;rate? Lossofrevenue7 ' ' � , � EFNANCTAi.. Rv1PACT , � � , _ , rovi , w�.are, �m � ���oumnsbanswer� " , „ � , " / I , �� �� Altfiough Yoir-va�st Ya1or the mformshon pot�g , de; herefo the �ssne y i addre�n&, 8�'�,Y - � ,�: . , fivq`',qneshonsr How much�ns �it'&nm8 to �cost� Wbo is gou�g to pay2 � .�� „ , ' , � , ' . , . ' , ' i � „ , , � , , , � �, � ��0 u ' � � i ' �'� , ' , ' ' , .. � � �� r . �� � , , , , � , ,' ' - , � i i i, i � � 1 , � +� � ,�' , r �I 1��. i� � i � i r ,�. � �� , � � i„ � .,. , � , .,. . i. ,. .� � . , , } , ��� „��� v , i . i' � i r�i � , i i - i i i�i i� i i i li � '��� . II � ��� ',�I r� � i V���,� F P.Fi �)J�,��� li sn'I.IV I�I IY�1� i 1' l I „� Y J.iL .!1,�. � '., 'J�� .L�� ,����„ i . ^ � .'.','l�n'... � T.k .�.,1k)� ! 1P'.�4d��a rdllro,d�..��;h�qlo ,a�m�M�lo,'��d I� d,,,�.r.li J�,���h�.u=:�Ill u�, k; i I