244053 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r_ a4o15� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �COE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pqTF RESOLVBD, That the Couneil hereby concurs in the action of the Purchasin� Comnittee therefor and hereby awards the sale of the following approximate quantities of Scrag Metals belonging to the Water Department to SCHHI�TITZER IRON � METAL GQMPANY - Item No. Approx. A.mount 1. 170,000 Pounds CAST IRON SCRAP @ $1.49 Gwt. totsl amount bidder to pay City approx. $2,533.00 2. 30,000 Pounds STEEL SCR.APS @ $ .77 Crat. 231.00 total amount bidder to pay City approx. 231.00 3. 50,000 Pounds CAST IRON SCRAP @ $1.425 Cwt. total amount bidder to pay City approx. 712.50 4. 16,000 Pot�nds STEEL SCRAPS @$ ,67 Cwt. 107.20 making total of approximately $3,583.7U, such bfd being the highest bid received on Formal Bid #3539. Condetnnation #4244. MAY 2 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson "�4°" :' ����' ,,.�,. Dalgliah � pproved 19_ Meredith "� Tn Favor Peterson ` ��� � Mayor ^ A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� MAY 31 1969 5/19/69/gleason/nl O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 244053 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIQNER DATF RESOLVBU, That th� Council herebq concure in �h� acti.o� of th� Purchasin� Committee therefor an� hereby awards the �ale of the follo�c�ic� approx�r�at� quantities of 5+���p �ie�ala belonging ta the Wat�r Dep�rtment Co SCHNITZER IRUN & ME"�AL GOMPADIY - Iteaa No. Approx. Amount ..._..._.__. 1, 170,OOQ �?ownda CAST YRON 5C@tAP C� $1.49 Gt�at. Cotp1 an�o�.nt bidder �o pay City approx. $2,533.00 2. 30,�t70 Founda STSEL SCRAPS t� � .77 Cwt. �'31.00 to�al amaunt bidder to pay City sppxax. 231.Ot� 3. 50s000 IPouttds CAS7� II�QN 3L',R�AP' t� �1.425 Cwt, �otal amount bidder ta p�q Citp approx. 71�.50 4. 1b,OQ0 Pounds STEEL SC�APS C�$ .G7 Cwt. 1�7.20 malcing total of appraximately �3,583.7Q, euch bid beireg t�e h3gtee�t taid received on Farcnal Bid �3539. Condemnation �4244. ���»... COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith ` n Favor Peterson Mayor `���� �� Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 5/19/69/glesson/nZ O