04-1148� Z� ��� �l Presented Referced To Committee Date Supporting the Reorganization between the RiverCentre and the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors Bureau 1 WF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul believes that the RiverCentre and the Saint Paul Convention and Visitor Bureau each 2 perform vital functions which enhance the experience of residents, visitors and tourists within the City of Saint Paul; and 3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul supports the measures taken to merge the two entities into a new corporation to improve 4 long-term effectiveness and financial viability; and 5 WI�REAS, state law needs to be changed to pemut the merged organization to take over the functions and responsibilities 6 of the RiverCenCre and the Saint Paul Convention and Visitor Bureau; and 7 WHEREAS, the new corparation will enter into a contract with the City of Saint Paul obligating it to provide for the operation 8 and maintenance of the RiverCentre and for the provision of convention and tourism services to Saint Paul and the East Metro 9 area; and 10 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work is ll inextricably linked to the City's L,egislative Agenda; now therefore be it l2 RESOLVSD, thaC the City of Saint Paul supports and urges legislauve passage of the following: l3 4 The reorgani2ation and merger between the RiverCentre and the Saint Paul Convention and Visitor Bureau to reduce 5 administrative expenditures while increasing sales and mazketing. The new organization will be govemed by a Board 6 of Directors with a majority of inembers being appointed by the Mayor of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul City Council. 7 Three Councilmembers will sit on this board. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date �-e c.e.�l�-er � a o� sy: Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy B .,, � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � "1 " � �`� � Green Sheet # �� 7bb� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �!-tt�tg CITY CQUNCIL Councilmember Lee Heigen 6-8650 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES n�m�� i, zooa � GREEN SHEET ua,x,�r o�croR No �o�ao8 m^u [-�::-a FOR ❑ C!lYATTOnI�Y ❑ C11YC1JFIC _ ❑ R1aNCw.aFnv�CEaOw. ❑ sNnucw.sEaviucia ❑ WmrtlaRwttsrpM� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FpR SIGNATURE) Approval of Resolution Supporting the Reorganization hetween the RiverCentre and the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors Burean PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNfL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED i �fTta'??�";o �ZPcnar' _ - Y DEC �.2a�4 �SAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION S INDING SOURCE Has tltis Pe�so�rtn ever vrorketl under a cortmct tor this CeP�rtment7 YES ND Has this persorvhrtn ever been a ctily emqoyce? YES NO Dces tYns per�rtn possess a sldii rwt no�mallYpossesseE DY anY ��M city employee? YES NO Is this person/firm a tarpeted ventloYt YES NO COST7REVENUE BUDGETED (dRCLE OH� ACTNITY NWABER YES NO ANCIAL INFORMAl10N (EtPWN) . , � . . , .. , ,, ' , ' „ � , ' � � ' ' , , , , , , � � , , , . ' � i , ' � � . ' ' , . , , , ' . , , . � ' , .. �, , � i � i �, , � � �.ROiITiNG�ORDEIt: � � � � � � , ' � $elowaiedorrectioritingsPordie�siYmostfrequenttypesofda.wueots � � � � �� ��� � � CONTRACTS'(assumesautiwrizedbudgetexist4), ; COLTNCI(.RESOLUTIOAI(auiendbudge�slacceptgcantsj � , �� 1: Outside�Agenay : , � � � � I. �IlepartmentDuec�or� � � ' � 2.'17ep�entD'uector 2� OfficeofE"mancisTServtcesl3�ector , 3_ Citg A#oiney ' ', , � � �. � � � � 3 �,City, tYltorney , � � � � � � � � � � � 4, 'Mayotins.�isranc (for confrads over s2s;aao) , � � , a 1vlayoiiAsvstani �� � �" , � � _ � � � , � � � � �, � �� � 6. o� ����at -�� � � � � ' 6: Office ofFinanci9l Services -�rlccounhu � ' Services,= Acoo '- � � � � � S � � �a8' „, ` � � � � � � � � � �� ADM[TIISIRA,TIVEORDII2S(&ndSetRevision)„ , COUNCILRESOEd7�QN,(allo,ihecs,audOrdm�oes) , 1 ' 1 �I?eP,ar�e�tDu�ctor , � � 2:� DePaztmept7a+ieptor � � � � ; 2 City�E�ttome� ,';''' ' i ,�� � � � � 3�„ ClfficeofEidancialServicesDi[ector � 3. iufayor/ilssistanY � ��� � � � � � 4.� Cit�Cledc � " � � �� � q CiiyCairncil ' � 9-,O�fficaofFinencisl9emi�s=,Accoimting �� � � � '' ' � � '� � � � � � ADMINISTRA'fIVE ORDIILS aIl' oth�s , • EXECUTIVB ORDII2 � C ) . � �. � . � � .�- ��� � �, � �Y. Deparanentn,rector� � 1. De��eniD,�+e�;tor ,,, ��, � 2.vE?k}'Attorne5','� �� � � � 2,C�'�Y .`..f � � ` � � ` �3. �dffice;bfFin�ncial,SerqicesAffectorr � , � � � 3 'MayoFlAs�stant, ' .: 4.��CrtyClerk 4�CityClerk �� � , w , . – ��TbTlr�.E3LTMBIIZOFSFGNtI'£[UREP,AGES,� , � � �, � �� . � � Indicate tfie#� o wLich are� � "g tLese ea.` , , ., � " ' � � €pa�es �, � ���s,gnat�ures req�i�ea and g4�iercLp ortla each o� � rag � � AC1'IONREQUESTID � ' ? � �� � �� ��� � � 17escci6e what the,Pm�ect/reqoest�seet� to' accowplish �u ed8ei �cliconolog»cal,;order or or8er ofimpoxtsnce wlnGhtver is , � . lo mos��pr�n��g�orthe,is�ae;�DonoYbrtitecomple��senfiesces.°��egm�each�itemmpourl�stwifha�erb '� . � � — �CO�DATTONS�' � � , �� �� ' � � � � � � " � . CompI�e iffhe issue m qaes4ion has heeqP=esenfed i�fOTe ffi9 �Y P�hc,orpnvate: "' r', � � � PERS,ON�,I, $ERVLCECONTRACTS: ' � � � � � , � �, � � � � � � �' � � � � , �'�fiisiwfoxmafionavillbe��u§efltndetenqinethe�citg'sliabilitpfoi��kers'compensafion`,cTaim�takes�dpio�ertciviY , � � sei�ticzh�tingzuleS. • �i� � � � y IN117ATING RROB fSS[JE OPPORTUNITX �� . , � � �iipiam the'situarian or con8itions ttiat crea4ed a needforyoifrpmjeat,orzequest. , � � � � � � � �'� �� A�SVANTAGES IFAPPROVED ��, � � � ; � � �� r � ��, ' � � � � � � � ' 7ndicah: wLeUier ilus is simPlg an, annual. budgekproceduce re4vued bp law�ha[ter orwh'ether there are speciftc'ways m whicli tlie City of Samt Paul anck its citi�ns witt benefit fromthis;prcr�ecUacti�. ` �� � � �� � ,, � � DISAD�AN�A(�S IF i1PPROVE� ", �� � ' � � � � �„ � � � � �� � � � � � � � GVhat negati,ve'effects or ma.I� �S� �'��5,� P�P�� �8�?b!s Pro�ct/reqctest Prad!ice �fxt is psssc�d � (e-&, 4raffic r�elays, �ise, t�, mo�ases or assessmenis)� To whom2 When? Forhow lon� ,, � DFSAD�ANTAGES IE F70T APPROVID , , � ,"; � � � � �� � ° � � � � �� �� � � What, will tie 8ia negative con�equences if the promised actton is aat epproved� Inabel�ty,to deltvcs seivice? Con'twue ltigh tiagc, noise, accideatrate? I.oss ofieYenue? — , „ '� ��,, � � � F1NAI3CIAL IlNP:4C�- � ' , , ormati fiece to the issue ou � m � aF ou� ans�ver Ai mustm�lor�'ivf � �9uP� X� ,. � Y°u P��� , � �� B�{ . F rivo'quesFions:'Howmvch is it goiug fo cost7 'VPho, is gomgto pa}�`? i a �� . ��, � �� � �� ��' �� � � 4, �� � � � � � � � � � � � � �, � „ � � � �� �� � �," , � � �, � , � � � �� �� � � � „ � � � �� n. � � „ , ? �'.' � i„��q �,��� , ' �� .� �� � .. ��, I .�e,.d rSi�ar�I��r�ll'4��d�Bx„f%�.4u�a�, nt�Hb�,�id.�S ..r�C�ii.� � ��I.,�r �a..�.,�.�i9i ���f� Council File # (�-1 ll�t Green 5heet # t tk� � RESOLUTION CtTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Fresented Referred To Committee Date Supporting the Reorganization between the RiverCentre and the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors Bureau / 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul believes that the RiverCentre and the Saint Paul Convenrion a is�tor Bureau 2 aach perform vit�l funcuons which enhance the experience of residents, visitors and tourist thin the City of Saint 3 Paul; and 4 WHEREA3, the City of Saint Paul supports the measures taken to mer� e two enrities into a new corporation 5 to improve long-term effecriveness and financial viability; and " 6 WF�REAS, state law needs to be changed to permit t merged organization to take over the functions and 7 responsibiliries of the RiverCentre and the Saint P onvention and Visitor Bweau; and 8 WHEREAS, the new corpora6on will en mto a contract with the City af Saint Paul obligating it to provide for 9 ihe operafion and maintenance of the verCentre and forthe provision of comention and tourism services to Saint 10 Paul and the East Metro area; 11 WHEREAS, the Sain ul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work 12 is inextricably li d to the City's I.egislative Agenda; now therefore be it t3 l4 5 6 RESOLV�b, that the City of Saint Paul supports and urges legislarive passage of the following: / The reorganization and merger between the RiverCentre and the Saint Paui Convention and Visitor Bureau to reduce administrative expenditures while increasing sales and marketing. Adoption Certified by Council Secretaty By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date