244027 ORI�INAL TO CITY CLHRK 2j4�o J� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. �z� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � COUNCIL�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V1CtOP .T. Ted.esco � May 20, 1969 COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREA.S, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the City Architect that the vacant and. open building located, at 570 W. Central Avenue ('sNew File, ") in the City of 5aint Paul is a proximate hazard to the public health, welfare and. safety; and. WHEREAS, the last record. owner of said property, Jessie L. Freeman, et al, has failed. to secure the same against entry by unauthorized persons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod.e; and. WHEREAS, the said. vacant and. open 1�uilding is found. and. d.etermined. by the Council of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public heaTth, welfare and. safety, and a public nuisance, which must be immediately abated. to prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the City Architect is authorized and directed. to immediately secure said. building by the use of City forces or contract labor, pending the initiation of proceed,ings under the hazardous buildings act; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing such building be paid out of Fund. No. 0979�2b9, Summary Abatement, and. that the Corporation Counsel be directed, to take appropriate action to reimburse said fund by action against the owner of said property. �� � � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,��, , ,� --.� '��'� Carlson � � '' , � Dalglish pproverl 19—_ / Meredith '_i�In Favor Peterson � l Mayor tJ A gainst Mr. Pres dentCByrne PUeLISHE, MAY 2�� 1969 O DUPLICATE TO PRINT6R 2���„��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMISSDONER Victor J Tedesco �aY �Q. ���� DATE W',i'l�R,EAS, t;h� Coexncil of the City of �aint ��aul is informed by the City .E!.rchitect that the vacant and open building locat�d at 570 tiV. Central Avenue ("New File, ") in t�e City of Saint Paul is a proximate haza,rd to th�: public health, welfare and safety; and �iEREA.�, the last record owner a�f said property. Jessie L. Freeman, et al� lzas failed tc� secure the eame against entxy by unauthorized persans in violatioxi of aectits� 192. 1$ af the Saint I�aul Legislative Cod�; and tiVHEREA�, the �aid va��.nt and ogen �.i�ilding is found and d�termined by �he Council of the City of Saint I=�aia.1 to �onstitute a menace to the public health, welfare and safety, and a public nu.isaaace, which nzust be ixnmediately abated to prevent lo�s of lif� or property; now, ther�fore. be it RESC?LVLD. �yr �he Gouncxl af the City of S�.int T�-'�.ul, tha� the City .Architect is authorized and directed tc� immediately secure said building by the use of City forces or contract labox. peaxding th� initiation of proceee3in;� under the hazardous buildings aet; and be it FURTHE�t �.�SOLVED, that the expense of eecuring �uch buildin.g be paid out of Fund No. 09?9-��9, Summary Abateanent, and that the Corparation Coo.a.nsel be directed to take apprespxi�.te action to reirnburse said fund by action a�ainst the owner of said pro�erty. � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith '" , Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor ��afi�a—' �; A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O