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y. Ori�inal to Cit7 Clerk -. . • �ORDINANCE 24�003 . � COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ���� ORDINANCE NO ��� An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to � Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezon— ing of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Ghapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to "G" Residence District, to—wit: The west %2 of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7, 8 and g, Block 26, Merriams Rearrangement of Blocks 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29 Merriam Park; situate on property located on the southeast corner of Prior and Iglehart Avenues in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This or�linance shall take effect and be in foree thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. % �" � Yeas �/ Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci � b `� Carlson JDalglish � n Favor Meredith ' � � Peterson � JSprafka ✓ gainat v► Tedeaco a� � D Mr. Preaident (Byrne) '�` Approve • Att t• � � C' Clerk �. r �O �Form approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHED JUL 2 5._1970 �-�- o�.;�,�,��,� 249`��1 a� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRES�ITED�T COMMISSIONER DAT� Page 2. "An ordinanee a�endin� the Zoning Code, Chapter• b0 to 64, inolu�ive, o! the 3aint Paul Legislative Code, p�rtaining to Uoe Districts, Heisht Diotrtt�tt end xesoning ot Qertain properties in the Citq oi Saint Paul, as a�ended. THE COIINCIL OF TBE CITY OF BAiNT PAUL DOES ORDAINa 3ection 1. That the Zonin� Coda, C�s¢pters 60 to 64, inclusive, oi the Saiat Paul Legislative Code, pertaintn� to Use Distriots, Height Diatriots aad Re�doaing o! aertain propertiee in the City oi �aint Paul, ao a�u�nded, be and the same is hereby iurther s�ea�ed ao as to resoas the iollowin� de�cribed propertq troa� "8" A��idanoe Di�trfot to "C" Aesideace Distriat, to-witt The weet � oi Lot g, all oi Lot• 6, 7, 8 and 9, Blook 26, Merriamt��Be— arraagement oi Blocks 24, 25, 2b, 2�� 28 & 29 Merries Park� situate oa property loeated on the southesst corner oi Prior and Iglehart Avenuea in the City oY 3aint Paul. Seetion 2. Thie ordineaee �hall take eifeet and be in force thirty (3�� days iros aad after its pa�►sage, approval �nd publication; " and, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka ffiayor ro�inst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� p����,�.��� 2497�1 .,. '' � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCr� NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � "' COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESf3�1TED�Y CAMMISSIONER DATE Page 3. FURTHER RESOLVEb, that the City Clerk correet the Couneil minuteffi �or June 4, 1969, to read ae lollowsa "C. F. 244003. FINAL ADOPTION Ari ordinance rezoning the Meet -� oi Lot 5, all oi Lot$ 6, �, 8 and 9, Block 86, Merriems Bearr. o� Blocks 24, 2y, 26, 27, 28 and 29 Merriam Park, gituated on the southeast corner of Prior and Iglehart Avenues, to ��C" Rasidenee Diatriet. � � � Roll call on Final Adoption of the ordinanoe. Yeas e 4 - Comsra. Carlson, Meredith, Petereon, Tedesco. Nays - 3 - Comsrs. Dalglish, 3prafka, Mr. Pree. Byrne. Adopted." ;��, 2 2 19?0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._. Y� Na3re J U L 2 2 1970 - Butler Carlson Approv�l 18� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �'� V gamet Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� i o�.��,�,��� 24s`��1 t� , CITY OF ST. PAUL C�A�ENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ^AT� WI�REAS, Miobael J. MeDonough made applioation to re�one lour ead one-half lota eituated on the southeast eorner of Prior and Iglehart Avenues in the City o� Saint Paul from a "B'� Reeidential Dis�rict to a "C'� ftesidential Di�trict Yor tbe conatruction of a 32-unit agartment buildingf and �+,HEREAS, the City Council 81d vote �n Juae 4� 1969, by a tour to three margin to rezoae the property; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk, pureuant to Section 64.06 of the St. Paul Legislative Code which require� a two-thirds a�t�ority vote on rezoning mattere, re�orded the vote as "Failed o� Adoption" and reiused to publieh same; and WHEREAS, Michael J. McDonough did appeal to the Aameey County District Conrt for relief; and WHEAEAS, the Honorable John W. GraiY, one oY the �udges oi the Ramsey County Di�►trict Court, a�ter hearing argument from counsel ior Mr. MeDonough and counsel Yor the City did rule on rlay a5, 19?0, that that part of Section 64.06 requiring a two-thirds ma�ority vote was invalid, and did turther rule that the Council vote on June 4, 19�9, constituted a lawtul adoption of the ordinance rezoning the four and one-half iots 8t Prior and Iglehart Avenueg in the � City of Saint Paul from a "B" Residential �istrict to a "C" Residential District; and �'HEREAS, the Honorable John W. GratY did order the City Clerk to publish the ordinance pa�eed on June 4, 196g, and to correct the Courlcil minutes for June 4, 1969, so as to show that the ordfnanoe wae adopted; no�, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the ordinance rezoning the Your and one-half lots at the southeaat corner of Prior and I�i�hart Avenue� in the City of Saint Paul �rom a "H" Reeidential District to a "C" fteeidential Dietrict be publiehed to read ae followss COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approvp� 19__._ Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Tedesco A 8'��t Mr. President, McCarty �� S� Merriam Park Community Covncil, Inc. St. Anthony Avenue at Wilder St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 May 23 , 1969 Mayor � City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: There is a rumor that an ordinance has been prepared and introduced to amend the Zoning Ordinance in respect to properties at the southeast corner of Prior and Iglehart ? If this is true , please inform me of the dates set for the various readings of this ordinance and, in particular, which one will be designated and publicized as the public hearing on this ordinance. On May 16 , 1969 I suggested to you that you had conducted on May 14th a continuance of the April 8th hearing on the report from the Zoning Board, but that you had provided no public notice of that continuance . I ask again that the ordinance , if any, be withdrawn and notices be sent out announcing the date on which the April 8tY} hearing will be continued. Certainly you do not pla�f� to proceed with an ordinance heedless , for example , of the six questions raised in my May 16th letter, and in disregard of the fact that two members of your body were absent on April 8th, and have never been exposed to the arguments presented by the opponents to this rezoning petition? Another matter has been brought to my attention, and will be of interest to you. The Zoning Board Rules of Procedure , Article II , Section 7D reads as follows : "After hearing all those affected by the matter, the Board, by majority vote of those present , shall make a recommendation on the matter and shall transmit in writing, by the Secretary, its recommendations to the Council , together with the reasons , thereof, and the vote of each member. SS Page - 2 - May 23 , 1969 The underlining, above, is mine. In its April 7 , 1969 letter of recommendation the Zoning Board did not give the vote of each member, but , more important , failed to give any reason for the Board recommendation. Adding to the incongruity of the recommendation, the Board' s letter is at some pains to point out all of the Zoning Board Staff' s reasons against rezoning! It is also interesting to speculate on how, in view of the April 7th date of the Zoning Board letter, it was possible for the City Council to establish an April 8th hearing date on that recommendation? Moreover, the Zoning Board apparently violated the Zoning Code in failing to file with the City Council their report within thirty days of referral. Very likely this failure caused the petition to expire as it did under similar circumstances in the case of Kiges v. City of St. Paul 1954 , 62NW2d 363 . In summary: l. Has an ordinance been introduced, and, if so , what are the reading dates and public hearing? 2 . If there is an ordinance will you honor our suggestion to withdraw it so that we can all return to a legal and orderly procedure with a continuation of the April 8th hearing? 3 . What is your reaction to the Zoning Board' s ignoring its own Rules of Procedure , and what is the affect on the status of its report to the City Council? 4. Does your Corporation Counsel agree that the Zoning Code was violated in terms of procedure and required schedules of action, with the result that the petition, in fact, expired? My employment again takes me out of the city next week through May 27th at least. May I have a response by May 28 so that I can report to our Community Council which meets that evening. Better yet, may I extend to all of you an invitation to attend that meeting at the Merriam Park Community Center? S 'ncerely, � L'w�,..ir l\ /'��''l� Doug �Celmi Council President 2107 Iglehart Avenue 7 Harry/ E. Marshall cITY oF Albert B. Olson '� A City Clerk and �``� %L Council Recordeir .�°"`�' CUrnmiaeioner of Registration o � -� � __�=� ,� , �,� o hc OPFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS S88 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 February 7, 1969 Zonin� Board Commerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Council referred to the Zoning Board for reo�mmendation the attached petition to rezone the following descr3bed praperty to Class "C" Residence District: The West Z�2 of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 26, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blocks 2�F, 25, 26, 27� 28 and 29, Merriam Park� also described as 262 N. Prior Ave.; 1930 I�le- haxt; 1936 Iglehart; a,nd 194�+ Iglehart Ave., at the southeast corner of Prior and Iglehart Aves . ery tru],y yours, c�-��� C' y Clerk �'r ng l�— � �. , � • , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House,b5102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Deputy Commiuioner Phons:223-4646 February 7, 1969 To the Conncil City of Saiat Paul Gentlemea: I have checked the attached petition of Joseph A. Rheiaberger, Emil E. and Irene A. Ceplecha, Leo G. and Gladys L. Lind�uist, Clarence Aunt, Leo Hunt Jr. , Gertrude Sletner, George Hunt, Arnold Hunt and Agn�s Schreiner, filed in the mstter of reaoning, The West 1/2 of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Elock 26, Merriam's Rearrangement vf Blocks 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Merriam Park, also described as 262 North Prior Avenue; 1930 Iglehart; 1936 Iglehart; and 1944 Iglehart Avenue. The property is located on thd south- east corner of Prior Avenue and Iglehart Avenue, frc>m a Class "�" Residence District tc a Class "'C" Residence Dis- trict, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, ^ r`� � f �� !��� ,. affies J. lglis : ^ Co�aissioner of Finance Re: X-670 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Aeiden Frontage; 100x Parcels eligible - 19 Yarcels signed - 13 or 68.47. Needed - 13 or 66-2/3X �O �3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 March �],, 1969 City Clerk File X670, Page You are hereby noCified that a pnblic hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hatl and Court Rouse in the City of 5t. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on April 8, 1969 on the petiCfon of Joseph A. Rheinberger and others to rezone from a "B" Residence District to a "C" Resfdence District the following prope�ty: the west 1/2 of ' Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 26, Merriam's ReatrangemaRt of Blocks 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Merriam Park. The properCy is located on the southeasC corner of Prfor and Igl�art. For further 'fn£os-�nati.on cantact �ianaia�, Board,. $,ao�n t0�1Q13ommerce. Building or phone 223-4151. JAMES J. DAL�GLISH Commi.ac io�r o f Rinance � O 1b + _4_. • � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I t3 Court House,65102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Depu+y Commissioner Phons:223�{646 �iarch 19, 1969 To the Council City of Saint Psul Gentle�en: I have recl�ecked the petition of Joseph A. Rheintierger, Lmil E. and Irene A. Ceplecha, beo G. and Gladys L. Lind�uist, Clarence Hunt, Loe Hunt Jr. , GertIIUde Sletner, Gearge �iunt, Arnold Aunt and Agnes Schreiner, filed in the matter o� rezoning, The West 1/2 of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 26, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blocks 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, rierriam Park, also described as 262 North Prior Avenue; 1930 Iglehart; 1936 Igl�hart; and 1944 Iglehart Avenue. The property is loceted on the south- east corner of liior Avenue and Iglehart Avenue, from a Class "B`r xesidence District to a Class "C't Residence Dis- trict, aad find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, ,} ames J. glis Co�issioner of iaance xe: R-670 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Aeiden D. Kelm P'rentage: 100'x Parcels Bligible - 18 Yareels Signed - 13 or 72.22x Needed - 12 or 66 2/3'x �� ,� /�G L BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 Apri]. 3„ 1969 Mr, Harry E. Marshal.l Cit,y Cl�rk Room 386 City Hal.l and Courthouse Dear Sir! Enclosed p].ease find a copy of a ].etter rec�iv�d by the City Planninp Board from Mr. ard Mrs. Emil E. Cepl.echa. This letter, along with a copy of MichaeY J. MaDonough's petition, was r�ferred to the City Attorneyy Mr• Joseph P. Summers. Vesy t�ul,�! yours,� , , � _ `�� �y�� � % ,.��.��-- � ° � ` � ��� � No1ar►cl R. H�iden Director NRH:cv SK Z.F. #6711 Enclosure (1) � � � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 i ``-'' \ . ���. _ �u� '���� � k �t�`� coa� a��ed�e��► au 1���' , aIi o€Lots 6, 7,8'� I.ot April 7, 1969 ���� ,� ��°� .���� �.��. �,ru F. on tY►e sout�i�� �' d uce�D A°e�y�..�or . o�tf A�ril.�haa Sx�}��� D �9� �;.� o �� Mr. Harry E. Marshall r��e'�ci��� �►�cu�� '� City Clerk a�'u °�p���a�� �►ui=�, �enaatiotte r�{�p; : �� Room 38 6 �,�,�„t, City Hal.l and Courthouse �� �� u,.��,`. ��ci��`��• Dear Sir: � t����� ; This is written in response to the petition of Michael J. McDonough to rezone from "B" Residenc� to "C" Residence, property located on the southeast corner of Prior ar�d Igl.ehart Avenues. This property is further described as the west 1./2 of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 26, Merriam�s Rearrangement of Blocks 24 thru 29, Merriam Park. This matter was considered at the March 6, 1969 Board of Zoning meeting. Th� staff reported that the property has a frontage of 225 feet a1,.ang Iglehart Avenue and an area of 31,865 square feet on which the petitioner proposes to construct a 32-unit apartment building. It was noted that the Comprehensive Pl.an calls for medium density residential use of this propoerty at a maximum of 15 dwellin�s per acre or about one-third the density proposed by this rezoning. The proposed rezoning �lso represents an encroachment into a lower density residential area and would create a poor zoning district boundary line which s'hould be main- tained at the alley on the site's south property line. It was also noted that four varianc�s (density, setba.ck, lot coverage ard narking lot buffer) would be required for the propos�i development. Mr. John Daubney, representative of the petitioner, stated that r�n- conforming uses currently e�ci.st on the site ard that fit� proposed d�velopment would pay about $16,000 per year in ta xes. Mr. Doug Kelm, President of the Merriam Park Community Council, noted that the Community has �quested the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to study the area and has also requested a forty-acre rezoning study and, �.n the meantime, desire that no rezonings be approved. He also stated that apartments do not produce the necessary revenue to offset the services required, The sufficiency of the petition was al.so questioned because of the signature for the Board of Education, the desire of one of the owners of the property to withdraw his n�ame, and the statement of one of the property owners within 100 f�et that the cur�ent proposal is different from what was explained to him at the t une h� had si�ned. � � .. . � • Mr. Ha.rry E. Marshall -2- April 7, 1969 Sev�ral other area residents aleo snake in oppositian to the psoposed rezoning. Subsequently, the Board of Zoning voted four to one to r�carnmend approval of this petition to rezone from "B" Residence to "C" Residence. V�ry truly yours, P �'e J. Ma ietta r ary PJM/RLA B : Robert Ame ' CLS Chairman Z.F. #6711 1 ,�: `: � �h . M., . ;^ , �3 _ ,;; , . . :, . `:,, �' � . n 4 ����^ � �'� r ,.�. � { A� 1 �M � � f^ 1 ' � � . . . . � � y '�� �3 ^_�,a,?'�'; . " ` a� �' , ' i � ' . � ' , � '. � 193,6 Zglehar.t. Av+a. ` : � , -f , _St. '1'sul, Minnesc�ta '} q ,: :, ; ; . , ; , �.': <�, . . • F . , A ri1,�::1, Y969 �",.4... - . ...: . .. . . , ' . . . , •` .� . ;. ;' ; � . �.j a a.r�' _ E�K Ci���r :�'1��.�_��ard oP' S�.� :.Pa�.� �� � - . :. � _ `� �,��*_ �r. Ai�r�� flra�� . ��fa � � _ . � s., . . t : � �N ' . '.. . ' . � . . . . �� 1 � � . . .. . .. . . . ° &'a` :83� �. � :� '�t . �t • ' �: .� , '. ' ": . i � .i = ; ,, .°�xi ;�'�arid �� the,;'�c Dt�ougb, pet�.'�i43s`��'�n �ezd�e Prior . � �� :_ „ ., : : . . �� .:. : a�l.`��,�i��ra� �zo�re� ���o ���� �:, i�e .requeat t�ha�t our nam�es� .�� ; '.. : ; , Y ,,' : �: �.: �, �+ • .. , .� •�_, . . ! � � e � �� "�,r;;:� ���1lt �i�1�3 '�'�i�.,�' �� �02` C'�i�1� ���,��.@Wj.f1�. Z'8t8.St�318: � "'� � ga� � . . .,�i .. �"'` � . . . � t ��� � w}`� � � � . , � . :f 3k �s� l��� � a .,x � . . . . ` ... .•. ; , " . . A' }i .� � � �" �,:�, �:�� ��:;�� do ��� ..bele����•t�e-.��titl� on f�.le �� ���` `� � �the a��$i�al �hat- r��. ��l�t. • ��� �'i . � k �� �. � .. ' � , : . �,� • . , ;z �,' r � � .= F ; � � r..:.M� l�c��a��h �vras �not p-x'esent w�en. we ! ' ; '' � =a�.; ed. - . �e �t�, �kR{.. � � - .-- . . . �� ��_ � '{ r3.`�� ".. . . w �F�. ' . 1_�� . .. . . .� � �. � � .. - '�B� ('�� � � .1� �. � � . . ,-: ..,' � ,, , . : " . , ;-. . • ,. ��. 1•' � . r, � �_'. .. . .. . k � ;' _ M�r t: . �' • � � � - ' . �� ... :. � .. 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Iglehart Yz�:x zone 3 �,o zm.z� C., c�� request tha.t ot� nam�� be w�'�+d.ravon freym °,� pets��cm; �'r�r the YAliOwing re�.sc�►s t �,� ��'e do no� b�!leive the pat3tic� oa Piie � is th+� a�1�n�.3 �ha.t we slgne�E. 2y l�r. �3c Do�ta�ti► �r:s not pro�ent t��h�rt aret ��.gn�3.. � s � o ,� � �-�--�--� � � Mr. & �fr�. .�il �. Ce�.�a _ ,� / � 1 '%� ,,� ,� , �';, � � � �3 1919 Iglehart Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota �pril 2, 1969 R� C � IVEp Mayor Thomas Byrne & Council Members APR-- 71969 Cit� Court House St. Paul , Minnesota �Y��f � Dear Mayor & Council Membere�, In consideration of the misunderstanding I had con- cerning the rezoning of the property to the Southeast of Prior & Iglehart; I would ask that my name be withdrawn from the petition for rezoning. I had requested this at the rezoning board before their voting on March 6, 1969�, but they had no interest in being concerned with my request. Sincerelg, G'��L� �� ������ Mr. CYla.Pl@S N. Berres �� J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROYE. BREDAHL, �.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ass�t Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci+y He0 $aint Paul, Minnesote 5510'� �55 April 8, ]_969 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk Building Attention: A1 Olson At such ti.me as the rezoning petition of Emil and Irene Ceplecka pertaining to Wz of Lot 5, and all of Lot 6-7-8-9, Block 26, Merriams Rearr is rescheduled before the City Council, please send a notification to the following: Mr. Douglas Kelm Merriam Park Comm. Council 2107 Iglehart Ave. St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Charles Berres 1919 Iglehart Ave. St. Paul, Minn. � Yours truly, r. a' � Pau e Valuation Technician PFD/lo a8 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,b6102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiuioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Dspufy Commiaioner Phons:223-4W6 May 12, 1969 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: I believe that the matter of rezoning and other requests re� lating to it on the corner of Iglehart and Prior will be before us on May 14. Mr. Kelm asked that you be advised that he will be unable to attend this meeting. This is certainly no indication of a lack of interest on his part but important business makes it impossible for him to be there. He reminded me that he had sent in a complete statement of his position in writing which should cover the subject. I would appreciate it if this matter is brought to the attention of the council on the day of the hearing, Sincerely yours �d�o , aL�(�-�. ' t � mes J. glish � ommissio er of Finance �� �� Emil E, Ceplecha 1936 Iglehart Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55104 Mr. Ceplecha said his option to Mr. McDonough in the matter of Prior and Iglehart area expires on May 15, 1969. He says he will not renew or extend option. 30 �. Merriam Park Community Council, Inc. ; St. Anthony Avenue at Wilder St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 May 9 , 1969 Mayor and City Council City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota Gentlemen: Thank you for the notice that you intend on May 14 , 1969 to take up the question of whether or not an ordinance should be prepared in respect to the petition to rezone the property at Prior and Iglehart. Specific demands of my job make it impossible for me to attend that meeting. However, I think it unnecessary, and perhaps even inappropriate , for additional presentations to be made by proponents or opponents at this time. We are so advising local residents. Merriam Park feels that the evidence pre- sented by our council and by the professionals of the zoning staff was so overwhelmingly convincing that it would be a waste of your time to even have a rezoning ordinance prepared for a series of readings whose logical conclusion can only be rejection. I have suggested to the immediate neighbors that they forward to the City Clerk in advance of May 14th, the anti-rezoning petition on which they obtained over 800 signatures of local residents. 'ncerely, � � Doug el Cou il President 2107 Iglehart Avenue bw .. s , �/ CITY CLERK To be presented befor� the City Council on June 4, 1969 regarding the rezoning of the Southeast Cort�er of Prior and Iglehar� . Z'1 Ther are a�er $�69- aignatures on this petit3.omt� whm VIGOROUSLY oppoae this change from zone B to zone C in oYrler to conatr�c� a 3� unit apartment buildir�g on Prior and Iglehart. - �y . . . . � j'� "� � � .r� -_ .- . _ .. ._,- . . .. . , _�-_. �..., .�.. ...._ , �.. .. ...... ...�.. _ .... ... . ._.. .. ..._ at.'f �c.�Y:r�'.� `. yy ,�n :.n •1�' � v �4 . • ... .t . ., .. . 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Neily 1961 Selby Avenue Saint Paul, Minn. 55104 � ' �� �' � �� %�� �� � �.t � � � � � ��` J U N 2 1969 ��-t��✓� ����-�� �1�'�R�S �# , 'S ;✓L j�(�!�'"� �'Z�-���. c� � �� u� �J pen phan2 ca.�.�b G%�-�J AT PRIOR ANU � AGAINST REZONING IGL�NART � � ��C�(� '�%- `? � L ew�.b May►�and � � "— � Mna . J • � �� � 1994 Pan��and � �: _ � Jvhn Chehmah. 1 g7 5 Canno�.� /�� Mna . An.ch�.e Ande�e°Caun� 2068 Temp Gnace Gheen 21 54 1�ay�a n Mrs . A. J . Rosen � 1906 Dayton /' �n. 8 Mne . R.i.g a�ub u 1941 Pan��.and �-°' ° %��' r�f�C �°_�s.-a-.�—l��. .. - — — - yS 1924 Iglehart �ve. St. Paul, Minnesota 5510�. � May 31, 1969 . Mayor Thomas Byrne R E C E � ��"� �' � Court House ��lN� 1969 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ����s �� Dear Yr. Byrne: I am very much opposed to the rezoning of the area at I�;lehart and . Prior Avenues from Zone B to Zone C in order that an apartment building may be eonstrusted there. �[y home is at 192l� Iglehart, right next to where this proposed apartment buildin� would be constructed. It would just spoil my home, cutting off the sunshine and air from the west. It would also cut off` my view of the lovely lawns toward Prior Ave. Please, Bdr. Byrne, vote against this rezoning. It would hurt the value of my h�me. �tore tha.n 60� of the land slready zoned for apartments in our eommunity i� still available for apartment develop�ent, so we don't need more rezoning� This would be a clearly illegal ease of rezoning. 6 petition was read at the meeting of the Masons by theirt, secretary at the Yasonie Temple at I�lehart & Howell A�enuea. If you will refer to the signed petition, which was given to the Mayor and City Council, you will note that the �dasonic Lodge yoted unanimously against this rezoning and signed the petition "Tri�e Lodge 190 A.F. & &.1�. (740 members) 1$98 Iglehart Ave." �lso by a unanim�us vote of the delegates from the follo�ring organiz- ations, the �derriam Park Community Council is opposing the rezoning attempt: First Trinity �ethodist Church �Aerri�m Park Presbyterian Chutt�t � , St. llark's Catholic Church • St. 91ary's Episcopal Church Longf'ellow P.T.A. St. �ark's Parents Club Merriam Park Library Good Counsel Cancer Home Merriam Park Community Center District /;8B D.F'.L. Club District l,�B G.O.P. Club l�erriar� Park Residential �ssoc. • Yerriam Park Parents Club Kindly do all you can to oppose this rezoning. Sincerely, ' � . (Miss) Alice L. Helson k� Merriam Park Commvnity Center, Int. 2000 St. Anthony Avenue � � St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Phone: 645-0349 !2s �a.x S i; �. . �'. �` �� F.; � xF�� June 2, 1969 .s�.�!V � ��fi 3 OFFICERS: �`y�t� ��K� Mrs. Edward Titcomb President Mr. Edward Stringer Vice President Mayor Thomas R. Byrne Miss Mary Ward City Ha 11 Secretary St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Mr.Allan Vagstad Treasurer Dear Mayor Byrne: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOFa Mr.Joseph D. Holewa I wish to express to you our concern regarding the BOARD OF DIRECTORS City Council ' s action on the rezoning of the area on Prior Mr. H.J. (Mike)Abbott,Jr. ar1Cl Iglehart for t�'1@ construction of a 32 L1I�11't apartment Mr. Richard Bancroft,Jr. Mr. Edward G. Bohanon building� Mrs. Gordon C. Brown Mr. Robert F. Donlan Mr. Litton Field Many neighborhood persons, as well as myself, are Mrs.Truman Gardner RL Rev.Msgr.FrancisJ.Gilligan opposed to tl'11S change 111 zoning• Mr..lames Goossens It 1S another encroach— Mr.John Hannatord ment ].ri't0 d "B" residential C�1StY'1.Ct and definitely an Mrs. Harry G. Huse n�iss�caren.lohnson illegal case Of S,pOt rezoning. Mr. Lloyd La Fountaine Mr.J. Daniel McCarthy Mr. Francis T. Markoe Rev.Sherman H. Miller Any support you would lend to our cause, would be Mr.Gordon Miniclier Mrs. Michael o'erien deeply appreciated. Mrs. Lewis Paper Mr. Russell Ratigan Mrs.Charles E. Rea Mrs.Wallace Ritchie Tha nk you. Rev.Stewart T. Robertson Mr. Edward C.Stringer Mrs. Edward Titcomb Mr. Allan G. Vagstad Sincere Mn.Carleton T. Vangsness � Miss Mary Ward Mr.Thurston Wood Mrs. Robert Zack HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS ep • OZeWa Mrs. Evelyn Gindorff X cutive Director Mrs. Frank Ward Dr. Milton Walls �H�du Mrs. Frederick Weyerhaeuser . • Membe� of Greater St. Paul United Fund i Councils Ina. . �� i I I • I R � CEIV � p _ _ ) JUN3 19fi,9- Ma4YOR'S OFFlCE • � _ �/v G�-�(�J � ��� � �" � .��2�l� ' I �� _ � � . _ _ _ _ � �'��// ��� . � � �' � ` _ ���'�� � � , _ ..��� � � � ��� ��� r'�� . • ;�� . ���� ��� � f . �. G'� - a� _ ��� � ����� ��� , � ...��� , �f � ��� . � .., .��� ..��� .���� �- _ . , � ....,�'�� �� . G��� .cv.�!� � ��.�Q • G',� �'� G�.e� ��,v-n,, f i � - � � �rJ n J �✓ V . ��i�':����J. _ " . . V . �������������� � � �� ' i I I • � �I i ` ; �. _ _ _ . �. �t;��'�l/ .. • .. f �V�J�L./ V'� '/ ` y �` ' • �����i�� �-�� � � � � y j � . I � 4 _ � _. . _ _ i - - . .. I li��',�/l/� .���� ll�� .s/�// l/`� � . ,_ . _ . � � _ . � . . . ��� ^ _ . . . i • � � � / i ^ • � �� i � . . i . ��� . :�`����^� li��!l.� � • . i `� `���/��/`������ � i �S'/a `� � . , � . __ i ; ,, _ . ;, � ,I . �� � I I �� � _ : � � � � � �, �� UNIVERSITY OF inn�sota COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES • OFFICE OF THE DEAN DIVISION OF SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 128 MILLARD HALL • MINNEAPOLIS 14 June 2, 1969 � �:c . w.- t�,n "�2 g «� ,�' �.�1 Honorable Thomas B�rne, Mayor �f�r�;� { � ` City Hall t��s St. Paul, Minnesota �'A�O�'S ��� Dear Mayor Byrne: I understand that you plan to consider a rezoning of an area of Merriam Park in the vicinity of Ig.iehart and Prior Avenues, and against the advice of the staff of the Zoning Board. I have Iived at 2015 Dayton Avenue for over thirty years and I object to this lowering of a zone that should be primarily for individual draellings. By allowing this change you will be hurting this residentiaZ area. And, if you do a.Zlow this, I sha11 never vote for you again. Respectfully yours, ���� Raymond N. Bieter, M.D. , Director. RNB/mbu sv � . , ��`� Q o3 Merriam Park Community Covncil, Inc. � St. Anthony Avenue at Wilder $t. Paul, Minnesota 55104 May 7 , 1969 Mayor � City Council City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota Gentlemen: On April 17 , 1969 I addressed a letter to you enclosing copies of letters dated March 27 , April 1 and April 3 . I complained that none had received a response , and asked that you direc� that replies be expedited. Since that time I have yet to receive responses to those letters or to my complaint of April 17th, a copy of which is attached. S 'ncerely, T /� Doug elm Counc 1 President 2107 Iglehart Avenue bw .. . . . . +'::.:�� �.�•.- . . � ...` r . , . . .. ti ,N�S�� t,��,'s. � .. '" 4 .. .. . . .. 1..' ' �. � . . �t ♦ � ' • Merriam Park Community Covncil, Inc. . t�` , .� . . St. Anthony Avenue at Wilder' . ; ^-� St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 . ^� � � �; . <;; April 17 , 1969 ; Mayor & City Council City Hall ` St . Paul , Minnesota y Gentlemen : The chronic dissenters in our society cry the government is not "responsive" . I don't suppose that' they are talking about unanswered �orrespondence , but attached are copies of three letters dated March 27 , April 1 and April 3 none of � which have received a response. Regardless of your happy intent to deny the petition for rezoning properties at Prior and Iglehart,, we believe that . these letters involve important points of law and/or procedure which should be settled. We therefore will appreciate your directing that replies be expedited. . �. Sincerely , Doug Kelm � . Council President 2107 Iglehart Avenue bw . ' . . " .. . .. . ,,�,C . . . `;' . . . . . �ti• '� - . � � � . 'j-� . . . ' ��� �� � � t � . " . . . .1 .fN *1ri �}� �"� - � � . �. � � " :;,,tT; � � ^� f �f 'ti,� �t ['.,,i t' `r ` . � . - � � . ' F� i:�.C� �t.,-t x `y � . , , . . .. . � ` y6 ^ _ . � '-� � � ��d }" 3 y . cR � � �`,ti y � d �'� l��.. � ,'i j ` .� � �. F y �� ,' � � , . . 1�'� �'"� �., ��� �'j�'Y � � 1 �, /.? R t.� l � � � � , rt( � � .�tu �'���..���"'�y�,"�'..�^`G � _�a' � ' . �' ss J�'�.� � �-" Merriam Park Community Council, Inc. St. Anthony Avenue at Wilder St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 May 16 , 1969 Mayor � City Council City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Many of you know the dismay with which we greeted your action of May 14 when you directed the Corporation Counsel to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning Code changing the classification of property located at Prior and Iglehart Avenues. Little that had transpired before , at , and since the hearing on April 8 , 1969 , prepared us for this surprising action. However, we are even more dismayed (after reading the Council minutes of May 14 and discussing them with a couple Commissioners) at what took place at that meeting before a vote was taken. Propertyowners in the area were not informed of this meeting, the date of which was set at the suggestion of the petitioner' s attorney. This would not have been so bad if the meeting had not been a full scale hearing, but without the voice of opponents being heard! I was personally informed that the subject matter was to be taken from the table , but I was also assured, by at least two Council members , that no presentations would be permitted and no new evidence would be entered. I 'm certain those assur�ances were given in good faith. Since no vote was taken on April 8th and since further presentations and additional evidence were allowed, the inescapable conclusion is that May 14th was a continuation of the April 8th hearing. The fact that a continuation was conducted without the various notices required by law would seem to void the action taken or at the very least require , in equity, that you vote reconsideration of the May 14th action, establish: � new date for continuation of the April 8th hearing, and publish the requisite notices . Following is not an all-inclusive list of points warranting your consideration. I cannot take the time to argue each of them in detail in this letter. r3 Page - 2 - May 16 , 1969 1. Our questions on legal sufficiency of the petition should be settled before the petition is acted upon. There were at least four questions regarding .consent signatures , and there is now some new information in this regard. 2 . The Council has made no finding that there are facts con- cerning this property which distinguish it from like properties in the district so as to render legal this requested spot rezoning. 3 . The Council may be preparing to rezone this property with the full knowledge that the petitioner is pleading that the new zoning will impose undue hardships from which he must be relieved. If you act on the rezoning with this pre-xnowledge , will you have any option in handling the pleas for variances? 4. A new entry at the hearing on May 14 was the presentation by the President of the Building Trades Council of a resolution supporting the petitioner. There are a number of things concerning that matter of which you should be made aware, particularly since one Commissioner indicated that this position had influenced his decision. At this time its suffice to say that the voice indeed was the voice of Radman but the hands were the hands of Daubney. 5 . It appears from the minutes and discussions with Council members that Mr. Daubney left the impression that the desired variances would simply allow 32 instead of 31 units . This is a gross inaccuracy which we will correct at the hearing continuance. 6 . Two Commissioners tell me that counsel for the petitioner was very selective on May 14th in reading from the Zoning Board minutes so that the entire truth may not be known in this respect , particularly by Council members who were absent at the beginning of the hearing on April 8 . I wish to repeat our request that a new date be set for the continuation of the April 8th hearing with notices provided as required by law. Finally, I wish to disassociate myself and our. Community Council from any presentations made in our support by non- residents of our community, except by legal counsel of community residents. Unfortunately, I will be out of town on business most of the week starting April 19 . 'ncerely r �-�";; �. �� Doug�elm Coun il President 2107 Iglehart Avenue r 4 � k .� ' : . ` `` CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA !l)� � h � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � j��� Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- 1 r�- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the �� rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. �' (Please type or print) '��� Date; January 23, lg6g TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �`�`'� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall � �,�X City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � ����� Purs.uant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of � `�,.s two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of �-,�� the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described prbperty;" (legal'description a�ld street 'adclx'ess) ' - _ ` � of Lot 5, all of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9� Block 26, Merria.m's Rearrangement of B.locks 2�+, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Merriam park 262 N. Prior; 1930 Iglehart; 1936 Iglehart; 19�+�+ I�ehart � from � -�u,�t /;,�t �. ; , District to � ��SidcNC � District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; 1 ih�"�.e�i1-� i��q2R�6��rn;%+f-j � s L-� 4�- ' �c `D-!/ $ of=K3lcciG.t a�.�S.�-(� ��r' � /�1�-iC/Ciitii� � � C _ li.: ��.�%�'tC�"� � c7 f 1 eZ�l OZ f0 `��i c��` Y L' h! �� �7if � Cr '' bv�N< C. sPf�r-ss ioc�`' � r- t �. . �,.��� � � �6e ,C 7 Y/ - -S � .,�.f �i��,ti ��Kr� '� `1�FS �l�'e_ �3R� � �c��� o�f 'r2�2�A F�2 - 1 ;�/Y�n.i� ✓ /Z!i ..�� a'T-I l� o /�rR-K.y.h �?tl4f'L/LF7E� aa'GF � t Jv - y � a fs:i-c-rc a�t �S J b a ,�j �'i 4 `�, _..,, '- -- _� nie7¢K�rn.; .' '� � � � � fki�L � ,��G� �C t tl� �d �J - `�� C'�" it 7' ���� � ����`��_»s�'v _ ) p a2 r/1�°�ht /�i9-. � �Cc Z? �� C t ' 7iv'- . • " c t/�' � ��1 t /�i�/!�'is l �i j►�CL`� C�Yd�' s�i; �%�=-.r✓i-�� - ��� '� t 2 �c` C 2� s ' i2 t's �� �'I t"2����� �� ` 2[- "s7z.t-r�.0 �( °it/'�G-�. r 1 ��L��� � -1 Z I ��/� - L 2/Z L S � � � �"/2�/�. p� /�/� ,� G,n� �C[:^ K 4i- 7�t - - ��- f F/z/�// fQ/'� EasT � a - ��- LtG = L� cL.So a��ot'$ .�2� !� � � e�,cEn7_ 3nc( aGr `� c dL- 2 w c:s7�w' r � ��c r y Z 6 o I� L'�il`oc ks Z� Z"Z� t 7��2�,-�-•2`I rr�a.r• Parl� State of Minnesota � ss County of ftamsey ( s ��'�flX-�t.(.4� � being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circula d the within petition consisting of :3 pages; that the parties described above are�the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and corx�ect signatures of each and all of the parties so descri edl.�,_ � Subscribed and sworn to before me �Y��- �� 1��--��vuf�-�-�' � � this ��rd day of Januarv, 1969 I 93 � /1'I1�iC�sl���-- /'� � Address: �� ��� ' � Margaxe - �t��t� Telephone No. (�C�J -�/,3 d Notary Pub ic, ���i� Co ty, Minn. My commission ex r s ept. 22, 197o Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 • �r� � 'a � � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. Fvr further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: January 23, 1969 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�TD CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q, or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing descril�ed property: (legal descri tiq� �nd street ddress) 1'r2 uf L�t 5, ali .�f Lot� b, �7, t3, , $1 c:k 2�, M;�rr�um's Rearr�n�t:ment of Blocks 2�+, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Merriam park 262 N. Prior; 1930 Iglehart; 1936 Iglehart; i9�+�+ z�ehart from District to District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; p '/ $ t,�;, a� / /►��,e�eiN�»s ,t'ti�L.f',��36'Ei,>e:w�'� ' '� � i �T GiGE i2 (�v �2 iv . �' cr �— .� E7 0.£' t3tvcic'S .�u ��,.—,Z�,� :�,� � � �`�� �/r�.� �,�,/fm f�oP��' � - '� � � � ���lZ � =3 '� S �' 0� ° � �QC9 ��L� C�/ � �� �� / /!iL�Kirli�� �('a I+Kilf►dEra�ry a 1� ' o`�-fc aF �c��ics �-�a��a G� � )�5.7�y- �e o17 ��b'`�a-> ��;� '�( ��• �0 1�CL L�/�R-2 �c,�'E �/ �, °l�b � � ��tK�",�rh j�/hrK �. � .�r�'�Yr� • (,r�y � ` � k L .�b Ih�K2i/Yrh3 �t��1pK�L+`��t��r ��-r °;�.- ;�; .� �,y�,� ,�i;;�. �/r' � � !!P ,�!�-oc��S �.�/� :ia���j 2.3 c c- E'E:� y(,'DL Q �'�v j 7 Jl `.C�C//i�i� r�iC'/�, � � ': �>v r.;��'Y�'�. /1/rK�C r�iy�� �'e��,�/ciM-��1�.,/s � rZs L�.- l'�' , "tnr t � i `^� .��_ � �a�z 7� �� �s���� �y ��;�c, /� , L.G - . %C/C'i/�s1i��C 1 k�a..�1,.�4 i � ��"��� q `'1 / 1- E� '\ G �02/ CXGc: 7 O� f�1E"!'�/��//f�itJ /����/C�/�d(r7 � � � ' �,/ Gt'.�:.Gt � -!/lt��C ? � �F A�i.-o c/CS ��3 i�26 �� l� '�-1�-'�'-A... .._. t c �`��' �9 `/�-F - oi=' � a R,r3ivjP Ra�b t�Wt_s ` --,. �vo " " / „� ��i^(',,' „�� � lY/G-`/Zlzil�''i7�`,f h�L-Hkut//Gt/r/tJ+� � �► s �c%-- - ,� � r �.-,.� ��l ��- ��� _S � 1,��,,», � > 'f�� � , �r e� �`�' ' � � v F L� l7 3b', ..a-g� <�!r•Iz�e����r! �l�ieie/� ,�� �^ �c�<� ;�i���l'°.�r,�i�� . l.� �� m'�rri�� ,F�d��� State of Minnesota ( �� — County of Ramsey � ss �• � !►�v�- being first duly sworn, �eposes and states that he is the pers n who circula he within petition consisting of pages• , that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so describe . Subscribed and sworn to before me ��z �� �� ���� thi� 23rd day of January, 196g --�--- 1 93 GI /yl A1�f/c�is'L G � - � 1� -- Address; : c���`' � �' �.�-. 3 U Margar� �e ni Telephone No. ��S � / Notary � lic, Co �nty, Minn. My commisszon pl°r ept. 22, 197o Approved as to form 1/4/65 FGI 1/5/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel * . // . „ ` �. . �+ ,,, , � � `� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTER� 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE , Note: The` signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fieation before signing this petition. FOr further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: January 23, lg6g TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�TD CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Purs.uant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing descrit�ed property: (le al des ri ti nd street .address) 4►� �f I.>t j, ���. .� T,ut� �, �y � �: �3.: �k 2b, ,g,3r:r iucu'+� R�asrra�e��zt� .%f B1��hs 2�, �5, �� �7� 28 and 29, M��rria�n �ark 262 �1. Priur; �,93o I�1.ehe.rt;. 193Ei xg�.eta.eri:; 1��+ z,�l.i�rt � from District to � - �?c S,�IC�ifGc District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) KECORD OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BIACK ADDITION Subject Property; ,� ' w �� :� /r °� SuvTh r � � � Z6 � enjc+rr+Pa � � �. -�'" � 2� , � �--�- � d.,d TKr � '� ( t' ►- ..,'° .0 /� '"� y-{ Z(o � a �� r� �l0�o F 6,. � r _ '✓ l l� - .t, _..�� Z G a� r�a r.� , �s'o� � ,'o�- � g Z 6 �; � F ' � Z6 qa lt,�. ExNtpr o.�-lo' 7►,c.-e e� �A� �C//r �. 1 'a' ! rT' F • %�• :35�f 8 7_(� 3�Ni. �.t�. Tc 1y ��i�•rT - . . �� . ,�l � .. . . � � � �� . . ' ,/�✓u'�-' � � � . � � E, ,i •, r � ',. ti� w` �' � � � `y �r r id�r� /d F-r t,i' \ ` �.0* 6� - z 6 „ �,.,�+1' � � � �r � � � z� ,� �� � , , � �/- � �� �r ✓e. �_�� ��\�`'-�����rJ' zb ,�� -�3 z�'a� z� � ��„ � ,.� t�,1:c.�rs .t�,x,. � '�'-� 2���.-I' I qS.S' /iJarsba//av "e=�'"rww�,.P� r.G ' � � �..�, � �7�Fest `� ' e rr �'F. � �O �'f - � �Pdr a�� irlF��r ` IS;�8 � r � °2 G 6��IoP.�S d S�2S�26 2? l��2� State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey � ss '' ' �1C � being first duly sworn, deposes and state's that he is the person who circ ated the within petition consisting of .3 pages• ► that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. y" Subscribed and sworn to before me y��- �� �l'. � . `< this 23rd da y of January, Zg6g �y� y rn��S/� L� ���- ,'",� ' //;: Address; � ��� '��� �-eC� ��1/c'�. Tele hone No. �� � Margaret $ n�ar P �i�J -� Notary blic, ounty, Minn. My commission expires Sept. 22, 1970 Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI lf5/65 � �� ' , t� � . ' , �.--:�;�.� .;; � ' M ;u: i. a:iunt:su�aa iinitorm Coavrfm.:,. �.: �.�.::i. � i::�.:.ci�c.c. ....�. .� .. .. . . . . � • � �i � � �� 76 ���� ��E���ttt� Made and eutered into this.__..__ ._.._.. ��::? dap of _.._._ A1;�1�#� , 19.�., bp and between._.. = ._-' T=----`-=n-�--==utr_.'s...�::��__.._ �:UZ�lYI .� .C% �: husband anci wifQ, par i t'�of the first part, and..�..::....i2��•ed tl. �e:;rl�ir. Gr.d '.Ivi-na S. Oehrlein, i�us�»n�y and wi.fe, �.._...._._. ._...._.__ ... �_.._.._._..._._....�._.__._.-..._,Parties of the second part; �iiine�get�j. That tbe said part.?:.:�of the first part, in consideration of the covenants and agreements of said parties of the second part, hereinafter conta.ined, herebp sell._____and agree_._..to convep unto said parties of the second part,as joint tenants and aot as tenants in common,tbeir assigns, the survivor of said parties,and the heirs and assigns of the survivor,by a�i_��:?'��!1'..__..._._.:____.Deed, accompauied by an abstract evideacing good title in part��sof the first part at the date hereof, or by an owner's duplicate certi&cate of fitle, upon the prompt and full performance bp said pasties of tfie second pari, of their part of this agreement, the tract.___of land, lying and being in the County of _.�.M,..„,,. ii��g;�,,..._...._......_._and State of Minriesota,described as follows,to-wit: Lot Ten (10), Llock Tk�enty-one (21), i�ierria.m Yark, I�arr�sey County, TP3nnesota, �cco.din� to the plat tn�reof o:� file and oi record in the office of the Registor of �ee�� wit:�in nnd for said County and State. And said parfies of the second part, in consideration of the premises, herebp agree to pap said parti?�.of the first part, at_...�_ ��h�"�5::.aiwa+:��s3.------ -. --------..----- �;.. �. �; ��'.�.._ es and for the purchase price of said premises, the sttm of�:���`�.�;�i�_::�:..�:�z:Sax'�..:.'.. �_.__... �. ,� :� -�---•--:!.:.._-._.:"._�.- - - �.'..�.�_' ' .::.._�.�_.�'.."'�..._::_:'--..'...'.....m...�.-, - - - - 'Dollars, ��+c.a.�.::-...-�' . in manner and et times following, to-wit: I'our �'nausan3 tive iisrt�r�:d (;1�,�00.00) �ollars ;n cr:�'r: the rec�i�t oi which is hereby acknowledryed. :hL �ai�;nce of Einht ihousand �our i;�:.��c;cr<�d ��if�y (�„3,l�50.00) Ilollars �hall bQ pay.�i�le as �'o1lor�ssSeve:�ty-two (:;�72.GG)uo2lar� , an or ';a�or� Septc:^�;rer l, 195? ar.d ;�72.00 or �.are on or i:Gfore ��ie lst da;� of eaciz <.nd ev�r;; month th�raa�ter until the �ntire a::ot:nt o� tha pu:chase Fric�: has t�c�n r.aid i.n f�a].1 ta�;�:.�t`:ier with interest t�arean at 6;v per ann�a^� on def'crred c�rinciral. �nterest shall be '�,� cr,,;;�u����' r:onthly �,nci first dcducted froM e�ch month'l;� pa;,�r:�ent, ti�e halane� then he�n;; �nr.liec towarc3 recuction of princi�al. wt is aRre�d t'riGt the second pai^tie� are to acid to �'� e�cii mo.:ts:l;� �.y':��:nt a surn ecual to 1/12t?� of,the annu�l �ca.� i.state t��x �nci 1.%12th oL �n� :l?'1:`?:^1 �rer.�:.L'f: �QZ' I'],T'C a.'1d (:?vGT'iC.�C� COVf'Z'u::;e insur�nce on t.t1@ prerises, .fOI' 8Y1 Z':0�..� S� le��;, �� la;:Ye a� t;:e unnaid Y,al��nce, if c•eaues�ed by tne parties of t'r.e �trsi p�.r� sa to c.� Ii�a.s iind�rs��ad a��:� ��-iae� th,-� t��e f�rst par•�ties r:ay secure a first mortra--e, r;t t?�eir �an exr.ense, at any ti:T.3 e.,Zd tr.e secon� p,�r�i�s arree to joiri in tho executian oi s�;�;�:, ..,rovid-�n;�; the : o���hly nuy:Tanys or tye in��r��� ra�es do not exceed those set ior�rt ir. t':�i� .�c�.�tract i'o: d��e�. `'�'he secor.d �arties a�ree to ke�p 1;i�e property in ?ood repair, rf:u�onable �:�e:ar, tear �;;,c; �:ra��a7e i;�� �'r,� ele���en�s alono ehcF:�ted and not to }er:-.zt ?�y i-�ens for ��r.�aid la'r,or or r�i�;.t�r� c?�.�_�-� or o�ner liens to ac^rue �r +o be fi�ec� a<•ajns� tFe rorer�y� Sai arties o�Zlie aecond part furLher covenant and agree as folYowa:to pay,^before penaltq attaches�ereto,all gazes due and payable in the year 19�3,and in sabsequent yeare,and all apecial assessmeats heretofore or hereafter levied, __._._......�_.; also that any buildinge and improvements now on eaid land,or which ehall hereafter be erected,placed,or made thereon,ehall not be removed the:efrom,buL shall be and remain the property of the pnrt.��.�_of the firat part until this contract ehall be fully performed by the pxrtics ot the second part;and at their own expenee,to keep the buildings on eaid premiaea at aU timea inaured in aome reliable insttrance compnny or compnnies,to be approved by the part ie".of the Srst part,againat lone by fi�e:fO�G'KICiC�t��'*'-.3?n+�nf _ �' �;zui ;�-c,:etiri�.�i Cov..ra-e f'or at least �ho -��.o�:nt c,f thcs �n��.ic;��l�.:e� �„';�� iru �' 7 ` ' ' ., -.........................•-••- uTiY.IC�S�1tiwCtD53L:L'y:u/iS�d:Ya�cLC:[c47�tt:i4tlilsGitiLNku4Y�fi�C.—••_--___•-•....._.--•---......-•-...-._•----....._.._._._...._.. ....�..._ ._.._.....--°_._. ��0�� payable to said part�1:S—of the firat part, �.L'.1*' heira or asai�ns,and,in case of loes,ehould there be any surplus over and above the amount then owing eaid part?e�of the first part, t�n�'Z�' �eire,or aesigns,the balance shn11 be paid over to the esid parties of the second part ae their interext ehall appear,and to depoeit with the part 1e� of the Srat part policiee of said insurance.But ahould the eecond partiee fail to puy any item to be paid by eaid parties under the terma hereof,eame may be paid bq firat part�e S And ehall be forthwith payable,with intereat thereon,as un additionai amount due firet part ��S under thie contract. But ehould default be made in the payment of principal or interest due hereunder,or of aay part thereof,to be by second parties paid,or ahould they fail to pay the tsxes or assesemente upon eaid land,premiume upon eaid inaurance,or to perform any or either of the oqveunate,ogreaA?p�ait�l���a Pr oog�taua�0 harein�ntained,to be by said secogd partieo ke�t or performad,tho oaid part iE�, of thp dre��+�6�aay,n�..--.--�+��.......�..o��on,bY Wrikts�nat�a�dea4eac,Wolr aopt�wC caaoolled aa��orpaluated�aad wA;lahtaR +�tl�,��;9 akt�.��? h ,� ���� r�t1�r,�a���td��`:tr�N i ur���?l�i�i?'}�`��t�a,�,11�?wl(iK1sll����ji����'c�s�n�tt�ti�6�`tq}t11�� �� �11�P(1 IIt{�!1�1lka�ii��l�lsl�s�d 11!'�lt���1� . �.. �� ... , ',7 4 ,�.� ,. � i . .�, � . r._..+.�_ , .::1..Ii y.i,,.:.._!.`Y..�.:€.t�1._.�iiu.�:.. .:L��� i...t...b �o...::.i j:..ti__.4---- .:i ��:.. (:...t jill�ii.tL�i:j�l�:�1l.iti.1�...ur�..�f�:t� �s.a�i.iti.�i �ltlii uontract by said eecond partiea,eaid notice to be in accordance with the atatute in auch case made and provided.Neither the esteneion ot the time�f paymeat of any eum or sume of money Lo be paid hereunder,nor any waiver by the part ��S of the firat part of �� �,,�„ .. � � _.... w - _ __'�`` , � _ �. 1�� - — - -- � ,i /~� y�� � �ighte to declare thie oontract forfeited by reaeon of any breach thereot, ehall in any manner affect the right ot eaid � � part�,_.�$to cancel this contract becauae of defaulta eubsequentlp maturing,and no eztenaion of time sh�ll be valid unless a^idenc^d I Anly ei�.�erl i�al �t.p..F A 1 ��.r ,f �: � «pl. .�.. t�4.. 4l. - aL F ti;;,. . `!I Iti,x{ (iI F Y, ;';� i f, ,r,•, y j t d.Siiri i I�� I -a r �r;j *-ir, b��{.�ff�l�i�5��1���ai tl��t�t llii����s�rtu���drl����n�4r ��au��IE�4I�sII�M��flnUt ilti��a+i�alfip��ff(�d,I��itt�'�i �,�.��'�<�..�t��i�w llr�6��4r�1��14�If ��E l W�����I:.jy to�tiiti'enidet eo��� --����----t�°pt�'�eaedon ot enl��rem�aa,�d���p�st tfiere�C, fE 6elfl��inderibo6d �hse ticEi1 euob defa�ul�, ba�d partl�e bf the eeoolid�att erb to hnva�bb�{on of daid pretnieee� �fi {� �tutualIp �greeb, By and between the parties hereto, that the time of papment shall be an essential part of this contract; and that all the coFenants and agreements herein conta,ined shall extend, rua with the land, and bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the respective parties hereto. �tn �e�timo�p 3��jereof. The�arties hereto have hereunto set their hand s the dap aad pear &rst above written. � � .__..��'�-� ���r� In Presence of � -����M�M�-��� • J /L/ , ,j _ �`��.�.e �� �����.. _�.� � ��,�- _._......_������- ... _ ..�1�-,� :�.�.1.�"�.._�� ' J:�.�� __._ � � Sttttr nf �inn�su�tt, . . Ss. County of F.�-.i�S r,Y �� . . On t&is.....,_......,._._ __...r_._....�`il.dap of._.__ "'a'-a�'� , 19�, before me, a .....`�x0�'.�Y;y_..1.'LiJ'..,��.:LC._..,_ . �42fI22ri BIIC�f01 S81d C0111IZj�,personallp appeared .�acZ:.�_T,.�____.�=.'�: as�i ��.t� ':,_=�������� hu:�� �,nd_ �nd �;iz"e and � G r ^'i._.{�..��'�1n'"!-��Tl. i'.si1CZ_=::mr=�S.��C'.�1»le�n.7._}�._._.�r:l _^r_A T.r1,�0 ._ ..___.� to me &nown to be the person_=._described ia, aud who executed the foregoing instrumeat, and ac- &nowledged that._.�he�._..executed the same as t�cir ,___�,�_,free act and deed. _ �--������._.______ Notary Public_ r..._._...._..R�3�� County,Minn. Mp commission eapires..�. %'��.:_� � Zg�2 . - C.J.FAL"K Notary �ublic Ramsey Cou�fy, Minn. My Commission Expires Feb. A, 1967 � i ..�.�.^ � w + � � �, 'U� i � i a, i i : � 'Z� ` ` � � ^� :'ty � `� � � ` o � � ' ` � a"� � � 3 " � � _ : I � c.+ � � � y � v !� a � s � � � ti s;� Q � � y ; i � ' o ? ' 'q A : � � A i� A ,� i �, A � �� A � : c� ' i � I � } as f � t � ' A +-qj+ • ^� „� O , O : �r j O ` O � � �� l�+ � �+ I ''Q� i y . � �" � M 2'i Q {� '�1 j,N O � i :C�I ' s �w � O � E 0 O�i ! G� � �U ~ � :y (+i ' �Y�l j 'r" 7 w�i � �N � � � � � � O q '• � 6-r � . �' ,� 'O O �M Ci ... � � : '�..' � � r.+ j y� � � � p j � � O j { i�.+ � ra V 't1 0.3 � ; 1" � � i V � 'tf i � : %() � v ti O m � O a> Q, :fYi v s i U �. �ai 3 � f i � w � .d..� .�, :F � � ��'c�q o ,�.� � � Q. _ 'V i : j ba � �' a � o " � � � � � � i � i � ° 'M o :' � v ! � ;v � � ; ,,, + '" �"� M a� w � r.� y"�,, ` ..,� t .0 � ra : : '=s i � ci ��v ; u � � � �,; � i r., .� w � � � � CC � �j � = F.�. o � v o 'ii b ' w rn w 'U = � ty ! A o O � � � � s � ; � � �, ; ; � : ; _ � � � ,� � � � { � � + � ° � � ° i � o ; , � � , o ., � . . i U ~ � °w' °: � o � W�' , � , i ��'U i q�' F 'tt 'ab . W�, �' b ? W�, � 4 ♦ ,� ' ... . .. . V � .w.. .:. y f 1 � � April 3s 19d9 i Mr. & Mrs. Emil Ceplecha ---____�� 1936 Iglehart Ave. �,\ St. Paul� Minn. /� �� Dear Mr. & Mrs. C�plecha: I The City Council today receive d co /ered yaur request to have your names wl.thdraoan from t M augh petition to rezone praperty at Prior and Igl Ave . v "C" Residence District. The Council has dire d me to ti�'y that they would 13ke to hear further fro ou on this atter at the date of hearing on Tuesday, April 8 , and at th time, a decision would be made on your reques . ���J \� Very truly yaurs, '�" %�� � ' \ City Clerk AO/ng �.��� � �.__,- . �� �.. ,� r ;- ,. � A...4.� May 7, 1969 4'____ Znning Board, �\ C�erce Bld�. �,� � � Gentlemen: � Please be advised the y Council on Wednesday, May l�+th. will act tition of Michael McDonough to rezone pra at � e southeast corner of Prior and I�lehart e . \�\ � � ery truly yours, , i� City Clerk AO/hp / i i �, � �,�_ ,.,, � � � � � a June 20, 1969 l � !i L------.-. \ `�`�, � �Zoning Board, \ Commerce Bldg. � Gentlemen: � � � ; PZease be advised that� �. 2�+�003�, being an ordinance to rezone t iden• `�roperty at the southeast corner of or an leha \t� received a 4 to 3 vote at Final Adop n on June 1969�and, therefore, failed of adoption ;' ��"—� Very truly yours, / / City Clerk AO/hp �, , ����; ___�. �% . March lg, 1969 � Zoning Board, `--------- Commeree Bui�lding. �` � ��. . \ ,\� Gentlemen; � The Council rePerre o yc�tx attached Ietter of Ccammissioner Da1gli+sh stating h s -checked the of Joseph A. Rheinber�er g�� ,�� E�tition G. and Glac�ys L. Lind �r�ne A. Ce�lecha, Ireo Gertrude S2etner, ge Hu�t� renol t� a� H��, �r.' to rezone the Weat of Lot '�n�8 ��'�iner 5, oP Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, B.�ock 26, l�rriam's Rear . af Brlocks � 25, 26 27 28 and Perk, alao de�cribe as 262 Nor Prior Ati-enue, 1930 I�l�hs,rt�isan 1936 Iglehart; and 1 Igleh Averlue, loca,ted on the southeaat corner oP,.�r District�;�a,nd fi�a�tha,t aaid �t Avenue, to "C" Residence , � petitian is sufficient. 1 �, Very tru�y yours, \ \ / ��-�.�. hp City Clerk � � �o o Q.o:o o�o:o� � - -� _: � .. _� _ � ; _.__ --- �- � Q -o- a � r~----- . r- � � R.� -- - _ _______ ._^�-- - - --__ _ _ .- - ---------=- - � -- � _� y - -; . ; _ - ___ _ _..�:_ . _ __ -_�.�, _,_�.__ r��_ E:�f��- =�-�-p _,q�� �' ' c�.n _?� � __�_ _. -D' D; � ` �; - � - . , � . � v , � � , - � � rn --r rn � � --r:�� � 1� _ _ �r--- -- - -- ¢` : O�O � ---t--- �'-; �.; �, s r� O � ► � a:. o � � ; __ _ � _� .,o -Q- „ � � C"� � ' - �___ � � � �- � Z Z . �--. _�___�. - - - - - �� ' , - � • o O � � � ' � = Q � ! � ' Q�`' - - � z --i 4 n' __ �� Q ° ---� ; �- ' - --; � _. v� � `- � � - - - � �� �-- -- __ _4_ � _. . �, - . , V . .t__ �_p!'_� . - - o � � m D; -�_ _ � ,�r � �___� � � — N Z� _t--- � --- �-_ _ ��-- --- - - ; � _ � _ r �_7 - �1- ._, _ '. � c� o �� .� . ��� �. I ; d` ' { � � � z z ---1 1 --- ---- � . ; � �; � , 1 _ . __- _ � ,R , .�,, � ,T, Z .__._ _ - , , ;- 0 � , , , � � ,, -- - � ���, rt � _ _ �g ' " - ----- . ' � ' � _ o� � � o � .-�_ -�`�� T ; .���;: o 0 0 �; o o� � � a o � ' �� � 6 ' � � { . O � N .^1. F+� ' � � _ :r. .� �� r�� � , � . . � _ a � � OfD � 1 t ` � W� LflER 57'. E 0� i o ; � � � m � , .-, ,� ,-� � o z a = �- , ,I;�:r . i � il, '�' � � � � � —� _ ! , W -, � � � m �+ Q � �' °° O _ . . 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' , ?- �. _�_1__-�- �� o �.. ; o �,� ,. _ _ _.- - � _ :_____ _^_ Nc�;<,� _�` ..{: .: _ -� � r� 'j.��- ,�..�� ----�---� .r -- —----- - - - Emil E. Ceplecha - _ _ ..�.,_ _ , ?� r ar 1936 Iglehart �.ve. �/�„�,`�. „ _}� �.��,5,�E r" ' �.. � PM �� ���� �f�¢�� St. Paul Minn. 5510�+ , � - � �n z i E= ��� S l_ ' ..._ _�w 2 aPR �,� �-�r� � (�p io �969 ' I`I;!'1T li�l � ., '°"' ' r.. • ...... . FR4NKLIND.pppSEVEl7 CITY CLERK RECORDS Attm. Mr. Olson City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 .X ! < � ' �� I st ' ' x " 2nd Laid over to � 3rd and app`� —Adopted � , Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \s'rCarison oa�9�,=h 24�00 ' �a�9�,s � Meredith eredith Peterson �..�- �Peterson Sprafka Sp fka �^a� � Tedesco �desco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byr O March 11, 1969 �� � i i , � I� I =— . � �� Hon. James J. Dalglish \��� Comsr. of Finance Buildi ng Dear Sir: The City Council t�day ed to`ho d a public hearing on Tuesday, April 8th �,t 1C:G0 , � mat� oP the petition oP Michael i�c��nou�n i or rez�� g ti�e W � Lot all of I,ots 6, 7, F3, 9, Block 26, Merriarn' Re�2�r. of 1 cks 2�+, 25� 26� 27� 28 and 29, Merriam Park, also escribea a 62 N. Prior; 1930 Iglehart; 193u Igiehart; lq�; � gleha.r�t, ' �ated at the s�utheast c�rn�r of Prior and_�letia t to CI "C' Resiclerice i;istrict. � Will y� lease prepare the r,ecessary puUiic notice aiiu n�f:ices to proper Uwr:ers :: �� h. rsua� r^annc�:r,';' � � ,, � Lte��v �.ru].;� ��ouxs, \�J� � AO/ng City c;;.e-r}�: !Y March 11, 1969 �--------� 7.oning Board _��-��\\ Commerce Bldg. \, � St. Paul " Gentlemen: ' � ; � The City Cour.cil toda,y agreed o public hearing on Tuesday, ^pril 8th, ir. t matte o the petition af Michael AI^'�nou�;h t� rezone o Pr and Iglehart, described as the W2 of I,ot 5, 1 of Lo 6 t 9, B?ock 26, Merriam's Rearr. of Blocks 2 25� 26, 2 28 and 29� Merriam Park, also describ�d as ?62 N Prior; �93fl glehart; 1936 Iglehart; 194� Ig1_ehart, to C1a.s� ' '� Residen e District. i' '---J Very truly yours, ,� i , � � `, f ��t�- C'e7 k AO/ng \�\ � �`���'' �S �s 7, 1969 � l Mr. Charles 8erxes �� ���� � ��� 1g19 Iglehart Ave., �� St. Pa.tt1, A4inn. Dear Sir: Please be advised tha� h ty Council on Wednesday, May l�+th. at the regu]. r ouncil. meeting will act on the petition o�'��� MeDo h to rezone pro- perty at the southe s corner Pri nd I�lehart Averiues. . The acti of the Co il will be either to instruct, or not i ru�t, the rporation Courssel to prepare an ordinanc anti e petition. � /�--�1 / i � Very truly yours, �I . �� City Clerk AO�hp ��;� � �Y 7, 1969 ,--�------� � --------___.__ ~� � Mr. Douglas KeLn, -�_� � _� 2107 Iglehart Ave., / \ St. Paul, Minn. A Dear Sir: ` / , Please be advi.sed that e ity Council on Wednesday, May l�+th, uncil meeting will act on the petition o P4ichae cAon to rezone pro- perty at the south t corner Prior and Iglehart Avenues. The acti of the Ca il wfll be �ither to instruct, or not iu t uct, th orporation Counsel to prepare aari��nc� he p�tition. � 1 very truiy yours, �, � � , � % '� / ��----�/ City Clerk � AO/hp 11 7 From: T�Jiari e H.�yan. 199� Pontland .�venue St.Paul 5�1�?�-s �inn (Propert,y Owner) ^10 C3t� Council members : �7avor. . . . . . . . .Thomas Bgrne C�uncilman. . . . James Dalr-ish � � � � E � V � � " . . . .Dean P�ierecli th ��N A � " . . . .�:rictor Tedesco �7 �� . . . .��lilliam Carlson �x'Q�`� �� " . . . .�ob ert Paterson " . . . .Robert Sprafka REFERLNCE: 1'�LR�I�M P.�RK �ESID�'NTIAL AR�� _�s a probertP owner in the ab one area and will b e unable to attend final hearin� on June 4, 1969. I wish to go on record asopposin� the zone change from B to C. ?�esnectfull� submit.ted , : s �_�-���' ' �� �