244002 1 �RI6,�NAL TO CITY CLBRK � • � ������ " , ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ' DATE RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by William H. Weitzman, owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as follows: FOj� A PROVED . � Ca��� o�� ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—._ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O � %; ' • . , . " � . � ,� I �. . . 4 ���2 /� _ Page 2. Horth Onm-�Sixth (t1 1J6) og Lo�s On$ (1) and lbro (2}, Block 8, Baxill�s and Giiex�in's Additxon, Ramsay Coun�y, Minnesota9 accordfng ro Lha r���ard�d pl�t th�i�sof on file and of r�corci in �h� offic� o� 2he Register of Daocls in and for said County and S�t�. � Northarly Tua�lfiirds (N 2/�) of Lc't thrQe (3)9 Blcx:k 8� : �azillQ ��a ase��n�� �.�a�ti�:� fid'St. Fau19 R�nsgy County9 ; Minnesota ��oos�din�g te �!.e ��o�d�d pl�� th�x��of on filo and of r��ord iri �h� o:rf3ce nP �ha R:�gist�r of D�Qds in and . for said Ccnn�y and S����, Sou�h Ta�en4�rrfiva (S 2�°} ���� of Narth S���n�y-�fiva (N 75') fset af Lots �tr� (1) a�d Tra� (2), Bl�k Eight (8}o BazillE and Guer�in's Addi�ion �a S�t, P�ul, Re+�:aey Courzty9 Ninn��a��a a��ordinp to tra ��e���d p?a� �hv��g on fila� and of r�cor3 ' ie� 4h� offric� of �hcs R���s��x of D��ds in and �o� �aid County � and S�a2e, So�ath 'P�r�n`�y��iv� (S 25°) f��� af 3darth Fifty (N 50') Pe€t of ' Lvts Om (1) �nci 't'uxs {2�¢ �3 c�ck 8 , �azilla and Gu�rin's Additian ta St. P�LQlg R�r����s► Ca�n�grg klinncsofi�9 �?ccording ta thm �aa�ded p�,�t th�x��o� ��i file and ef �card in the officQ of the R��ist�r of D��d� i.n ar.d f�� said Caun�y �nd Sta�. � The North�rly Teao��h��� {F3°ly 2/3) of the S�ith���.y ona�half (S•ly L/2} o� LUt� On9 (1) a�d TtisB (2)� both in Bic�k Eight (S) of Bazillr� and Gu�rir�':; A�dition t� St, Pc.uly dccoz�ding 4o th� plat th���f on fibs �nd cf t�anrd in ':he a�Pi�e of th� R�gisfe� og ��ds in a�d for R��m��y Countp� Minn�s�•�a, — - - - - • - • - - _ ... . ...._ ,. , OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK - �� 24Q0�2 ' • _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 3. that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and the density and lot coverage requirements for said premises are hereby relaxed so as to accommodate a proposed 197—unit high—rise apartment for the elderly which is to be sold to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, subject to the condition that said appellant, and his successors and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. MAY 2 ;. 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �Y 2 ,� �96� Carlson Dalglish / Approved 19—_ Meredith ��' Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor ��_ A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� MAY 2 4 1969 O • ' y . . ' e` • ^t � • BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 May 7, 1969 ��4�7 �� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City Hall and Court House Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of William H. Weitzman to relax the density and lot coverage requirement of the Zoning Code as they apply to property located on the southwest corner of Exchange and Wabasha Streets. This property is further described on the attached legal description. This matter was first considered at the March 20,1969 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the proposed use is a 197 unit high-rise apartment for the elderly which is to be sold to the Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority upon its completion. Because the highest residential density permitted by the Zoning Code is 1,000 square feet per unit, an appeal is required for this proposal which provides 89 square feet per unit. The Code also restricts building coverage to 35 percent of the land area, whereas this proposed development covers 42.86 percent of the site's 17,500 square feet. It was noted that densities of 500 to 1,000 square feet per unit have been accepted for high-rise apartments for the elderly, although the development under construction at Tenth and Wabasha Streets provides only 140 square feet per unit. While the proposal does not provide for resident parking on the site, the Zoning Code exempts the downtown area from off-street parking requirements. It was further noted that the current Zoning Code does not deal effectively with higher density downtown residential developments, and that the question involved in this appeal is whether the proposed density will cause overcrowd- _ing on this site or within the area, and if the proposed land coverage will leave sufficient open space. Mr. Robert Dworsky, attorney representing the applicant, said that although their appeal calls for 197 units, the actual plan is for 194 units. He said that his client is interested in the improvement of Saint Paul, and while the .Capital Center Project is progressing well, it would be some time before anytling could be done by the Housing Authority for the fringes of the Capital Center, and his client is ready to go now. He said the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has a waiting list in excess of 1,400 people for housing for the elderly. He said they propose a 16 story building with 55% open space, and a commercial build- ing could be constructed which would cover the entire site. It was his opinion that a downtown location could vary from the density standards, and the standards of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority are different for the downtown. He mentioned Central Towers has a density of 60 square feet per unit. He said the -city average is 2.5 people per dwelling unit a� th�ir bu�.�iding will ' : have only 1.2 people per dwelling unit. Their proposal for Kellogg Square will have 2,2 people per dwelling unit. He noted that records indicate that only 12% of tenants of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority have cars � � � � :t,,�,• . J .. t � eo / �� / � . ` . Weitzman Page 2 He said there is sufficient parking in the area, that the facilities are occupied during the day by the people who work in the area, making them available at night. Mr. Dworsky mentioned the proximity of the Arts and Sc i.ence Center, the Library, Ch�rches, capitol grounds, theat?r�e� A stores, grocery stores, etc. as being favorable for the convenience of the tenants, as well as bus service. In response to Board discussion of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's participation in the project, and the Planning Board's review of the site, Mr. Dworsky said it is the policy of the Authority not to appear before the Zoning Board. �he facility will not be privately owned and operated. He ��p1���d t�at tt�e Architect does not start to design this building except within the tramework of the H.U.D. requirements. It was also noted that the .Housing Authority has voted 6 - 1 in support of this proposal. They build to certain tough specifications which are reviewed b� H.U.D. Nothing in the pro- gram will change after a decision is made. Mrs. Walter Butler, Mr. Harry Sweitzer and Mrs. Sweitzer, manager of Central _Towers, spoke in opposition. They questioned the suitability of the proposed site, the proximity to other concentrations of elderly population, the advis- ability of allowing the proposed variances, the availability of city services .to the site, and the sufficiency of review by various City Departments of this proposed development. It was noted that with this facility, there would be close to 800 elderly people in the immediate area, and that this area should be planned as a unit. After additional discussion conceming the proposed development, the extent of �City review and the merits of the subject appeals, it was moved to send the matter back to the Planning Board for a complete report of the entire area, includ- ing the Capitol Approach. This motion failed for lack of a second. Discussion followed on what additional information might be obtained. Subsequently, the Board voted 4 - 0 to lay the matter over for two weeks to allow further investi- gation and consideration. At the April 3, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting, Mr.Dworsky reviewed the proposal and responded to the questions prepared by a Board member. He stated that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has approved the site, and the approval will be in writing very shortly; the federal government or HUD has no fixed density and parking requirements; downtown property cannot be measured by the usual stan- dards; there are no mean standards; each situation is different; similar projects in other cities have a substantial number of units per acre, in some cases as much as 457 units per acre with only 5 parking spaces, 230 units with four park- ing spaces, etc. He noted that the Traffic Engineer said a semaphore at the corner would permit pedestrians to cross with the light, and saw no problem, or should there be one, it could be solved easily. The fire insurance rates will be in the lowest bracket because of the building's location, therefore, fire is no problem. Mr. Ouderkirk, of Community Health and Wel€are Planning Council is in favor of the project; Mr. Crawford of the Capital Approach Planning�4�mmission stated that this is outside the area of its concern, and does not conflict with any of their plans. The Compre- hensive Plan indicates this area for a semi-public use but no specific use. . r ' , � , Weitzma.n Page 3 Mr. Dworsky said he did no!� think the supposition that this would become an "elderly ghetto" was well grounded. In the area at lOth and Wabasha and Central Towers, there are, or will be, 500 units; this is not an elderly ghetto; there are 3.76 units at Mount Airy and they have no problems. He said he talked to managers of such units in Minneapolis and from their exper- ience where they have as many as 500 units, the project does not create an elderly ghetto. �Ie said the elderly want to be where the action is; near bus lines, and this meets the needs of the people. There is a long list of people waiting the completion of these facilities. Mr. Harry Sweitzer again appeared in opposition, questioning the suitability of the site, and cautioned that the city should not make a hasty decision. It was the finding of the Board of Zoning that the question before them was the merits of the subject appeals, and subsequently voted unanimously to reco�nend approval of this request to relax the density and lot coverage re- quirements. Very truly yours, ,�� . ����1�;� ,� ��:� ,,./y' P. J. Ma�etta Secretax`y PJM:FGI CLS Enc 1. , . .. � . ��f.�..� o •LAW OFFICES � JQ �.. DWORSKY, ROSEN & RAVICH �C ROBERT A.DWORSKY WILLIAM 5. ROSEN 630 OSBORN BUILDING PAUL H. RAVICH SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA 55102 OTIS F. HILBERT TELEPHONE 227-7731 AREA CODE 612 February 10, 19 69 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c% City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In Ret William H. Weitzman High-Rise Apartment for the Elderly at Wabasha and Exchange Streets Our File No. 3308 Gentlemens Construction is planned on the above-described site of a 197-unit high-rise apartment building. A copy of the ground floor plan 'and a copy of the plat map of the site are filed herewith as Exhibits A and B. We hereby appeal from the application of certain provisions of the zoning cade, and we respectfully submit the following information: a) Name of Applicant: William H. Weitzman b) Address and Telephone IVo. 810 Osborn Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 222-0586 c) Legal Description: Set forth on Exhibit A d) Street Location: Southwesterly corner of Exchange and Wabasha Streets . e) Present Use of Froperty: Commercial f� Proposed Use of Property: 16 story high-rise apartment for 197 dwelling units. �� ����a 1��L� ��� ' _ � . . '� . The Honorable Mayor and City Council Fage 2 February 10, 1969 g) Purpose of Appealt To obtain variance from the Iand coverage provisions and density controls in the zoning code. h) Need of Appeal: Proposed land coverage of the building and number of units f�r the proiect cannot meet the requirements set forth in the legislative code. i) Legislative Code Sections Appealed Froms Chapter 60.24 and such other provisions as may be applicable. Very truly yours, WII�L , WE ZI�AN f by Ot s F. Hilbert, attorney and agent ,�,�,�.- -.,.�:�:,�.---""._..,. � ZC)���� �'� .�� �.f�.l'�;� . ._ � .fi:..,r.rx - , . � LAW OFFICES ROBERT A , DWORSKY 630 OSBORN BUILDING ROBERT A.DWORSKY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 TELEPHONE 227-7731 OTIS F, HILBERT AREA CODE 612 February 17, 19 69 The Honorable A/iayor and City Council c/o City Clerk RQOm 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 In Re: William H. Weitzman High-Rise Apartment for the Elderly at Wabasha and Exchange Streets Our File No. 3308 Gentlemen: Please be advised that Mr. Weitzman wishes to amend his February 10, 1969 appeat from certain provisions of the zoning code. The total number of units planned for the site at Wabasha and Exchange Streets is 188, and we request that Paragraph (f� be amended to read as follows: (f� Proposed Use of Praperty: 16 story high-rise apartment for 188 dwelling units. Very truly yours , WILL . WEITZMAN By F. ilbert, Attorney and Agent . _,.._.-� "" . . l . � � �,1 t�,' y„_,:y..,�.....� r__� �.- ....__ _�.,-���. ___ i � � LAW OFFICES ROBERT A . DWORSKY 630 OSBORN BUILDING ROBERTA,DWORSKV SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 TELEPHONE 227-7731 OTIS F, HILBERT AREn CODE BI2 March 3, 1969 The Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, �liinnesota 55102 In Re: William H. Weitzman H1gh-Rise Apartment for the Elderly at Wabasha and Exchange Streets Our File No. 3308 Gentlemen: Please be advised that Mr, Weitzman wishes to amend his February 10, 19 69 appeal from certain provisions of the zoning code. The total number of units planned for the site at Wabasha and Exchange Streets is 197 , and we request that Paragraph (� be amended to read as follows: (fl Pr�posed Use of Property: 16 Story high-rise apartment for 197 dwelling units . Ver y trul y yours, WILLIAM . TZMAN /' • '` B tis F. Hilbert, Attorney and Agent , _ �t : �� �� � � `., ,.,:s , ,._ .. .._____ __._._ a !.,___._..�.�..`....._......,_..,.._,......�.T,.......-�...�.�..- _...._ _.,_,...,�_....r.�.. . � `,,, , ,�� ` �30Ac�D °OF 7ANING REPORT AND ACTION April 3� 1969 Plat Map 4 Actinp, undar Lsgislativ� Cods Chapter 60 thru 64 Filo No. passed Au�ust 22� 1922 as am�adad to April 6� 1968 6�Z2 Also 1. A�PLICANT'S NAME :, i1i113ser H• W�itzasn 2. CLAS5IFICATION s �1ltm�ndm�nt Q AppesL u P�rmit ❑Othsr 3. Pt�RPOSE � : s 'Re1sx deYritq �tnd 3+ot a4v�erasa 4� IACATION s �outb��t cornar of Exchange anid �tabaeh�t Streets 5. LEGAL.t��RIPTil�� ':t � stt�¢h�d ;t "�: . ,. . ,� 6. PRESEt�'�:;�lRl� s t��+f�t�tf.�t,1 �;, �: :, , , : - 7• PURSUAi�T 'fi� Zot►3.n� ��,�C�p�SP't�'t �6� S�ct3on� .�� : F�t��Pl�s i .:° -, . 8� STAFF I�T��i.'1`�Q�t � Y��ORTs F�►i 3/Il/68 �y t� ` C�S < .. :. . ���. �r,;. � . ,{ . .. �� � . � .. ; A. `ZANTNG ' : �o ��iol�� ; : H• ' �'' .' �i.���� ' ` : i, a C..t����;•#�' � � .��'� a I'B'�-��t :h�gh ;-�a sgs��ti�t �� t� �ldarlq as � ` ' , -'ttu�t�� � ��;�� ` i '. ; : �� : . D:. iP�D �'QR`,t�+"FElti� � � � '�a propp��d' u� aexs�ds � !��j► '��amet��ta .snd ths buiic�ing ;`B �ovy�etv�l; e� tb� �3:��God�.. � _ . �° �. P'�ES�Nf� � I� '� ' �4,..A, �'-`�t�3t?spail�msa� btt�2�t�� ��t�� ',�97�0� aqusre f�et and �........ ... ��� . }� ` 1�o'Y�Rt�i�s,•. � �. � . � F�. i�. t�� 's3��� ����t:zr+e� of 17',5� seYuara' feiet����7g�5E10.;sq�ars feet �hort of �i�t �,+�t.� .� > t�Ol�'ed �vildii�g �3t}� an �e�wl� +�!'���500 ;�quarv� fest�;oov�e�cs ,,�Z `"+� Q��°; ,,� , t. . . G. S�T"� I�i�St ;' � . j� �trset ��id� slo��Ag darr�►;'ali��l�r to ttts southeast. :.�� • � " �'�'� � , a `��,i3� g, ,..baker� and gro+c+��y► .��+`o��s��,e� tt►e sf�e. � tl. A�EF.�► ���� .1�!`ICliS�, .C�e1i� �n �li���ea �re; no� aPP�s].ing�• .,Th��. ar►e s�a�1 sho�� ; rs, ��a ���d�;sttr�fn�l u�sea o# the bu�Id�.� '��, th• srea. : � . � � ; �� �� �: . �t:'a �. � . . ', ��,�•. ; °,�.� � :�, ; . �. � ; Councfl Letter 9. BOARD ACTION: To R�conraand �Approval LJ Denial �tad . Moved bys Coh� Yeas Nays Date of Hearing X Amea S 8/`' Ssconded by: Dsn� X Coh�n X Danna (Alt) Council Action : G�dler . . X , ��� � �� Sscretary' s re�arks s X Maietta Da.te �,. McPartlin (Alt) Mansur (Alt) LEGAL NOTZCES ON 1'HE 9ACK OF THIS SHEET . � •, r , � � WILLIAM H. WEITZMAN LEGAL DESCRIPTIONs #6722 North Ons•Sixth (N 116) of Lots One (1) and 1wo (2), Bloak 8� Bazille and Guerin's Addition, Ramssy County, Minnsaota, according to ths ra:ordad plat ,thersof on fil� and of raaord in th� oftic� of the R�gistl�r of D�ads in and !or �aid County and State. Northsrly Txo-Thirds (N 2/3) of Lot thra� (3}� Blxk 8� B�tsills and GLerin's Addifiion to St. Psul, Raaasy County* Mlinnesota acaordinp� to ths reaord�d pl.�t thersof on til� and of reaord in th� office of th• Register of Ds�ds in and t`or said County and Stat�. South T�nty-fiw (S 25') ���t of Narth Sevsnty-five (N 7S•) faet of Lots Oits (1) and '!wo (2), Bloak Eight (8), Bazill� a�ad Guerin's Addition to St. Paul, R�s�y County_, Minne�ota according t� ths rscorded plat thsroof on fil� and of r�aord in th� otliae o! the Req3ster of De�ds in and for said County and State. South '1'�nt�l��ive (S 2S') feet ot North Fifty (N SO'� ta�t of . Lots One (1) and T�a t 2)'� B1omk S , 9aai11� and t�wrin's Addition to St. Paul, RanisaY Co.nnty, Mi�sota, st�ordi� t�o the reaorded p1�at lhsreaf on file and of r��ord in the offica of th� R�qist�r of i�eds in ar� for ssid Cowriy and Stat�s. TM 1lorth�rly �a-thia�da (N'ly.2/3) o� the Southerly oe�s-half ts•iy L/�) o! Lats One (l) and TMo (2y, �oth in Block Eight • (8) of Baaille and Guerin's A�lition to St. P�ul* aocording to the plst ther�of on fiie and of xocard in thi otfice of � the Regisbr ot D�rds in and for Ra�aa�y Catnty� Minn�sota. ` — - - - - - - - - - - ... . ..__ _ ► • . � ° C'� � — t1 � �%r `��„y� �j`^ \ •„i • . . � � �� . �. � ..` <<, . ��;..� • , •,- , ;�c.. '�� ' �,;;� ; �`� ., .�s w t � � �`,. ` � , � � � �\;� � r� , �y,�`,Nc, c�r, � / / \i� SC�� . O ` � �. . , ,- , ., 9� �� � , . \� i �h v�' \/ /� � / f� }, �P CG .� , , ' ��� ♦ � �ti�c. ��Q . .� � � r�� `�`O"� `� '",, ,',• 11' � , ,� , c.� �. �' J► •� t � � \`i� `�l� ..� �Q��' �.��•�\� \\\�' ` �� .>,'. ' � �� `' J r �� .� ,,• . ''•' ` �J \ /"'�„ /' 1• F ' � v. � -1 . .� \ �. \ �. , �\ � � .; - . ' `\ fc'� ' � �: ,� � �.�, -f \.` , ��� F,. / :��P' . ��� +\. � � , ,��,,, . ; ���,�,,� .� `� �� , �� , � ... � /�f, :a�� ` � � , .� �:P . \� `'`\\ -'=`�1--- �` � .\;�t'--.��r�'� --..._..� \ A�� .; a ii�`:.� j / 1.\ ) \ �p►� ��'\ �. . 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'� I �, 1 � . � � . � "'� \�' . . ,�' b J ` • '� , . . �• c; . .: ;\�-. \�.� � � . . g . Q. �;:. + `' � _' : .,�; �, _. .�, . ' �,,'' � � . , ' � � . . - • ? _��2. � � „�: I� }..: t ��t' . • ,� . S•�X T,/,/ C-`--:• (f�`,;,,•� '�.. , � .s '� \ .`' L1.1 � - `�' • • . ,_�; � , , , e� �•. o � ,, ' a ; �1r � �u �,: � ,. , ,\ I C�j� ; a- � '`„ � �,�.. � ' / . r, - ^ ' ' ,'1 .�" -... . ., _ - , ' QPP��.ICA1�� Hfllia� }!. `�,itzr�an L�V�I�I� � i � : ,,.. � PUR�OSE Rel.�x density �� �ot �raP� L�i�� U�� . � � . O O�IE-�'EaVIiLY � PR�SCNT ZONtNG commercia� . `�" T1�"!0-�'�1t`,hILY ! � �Y THRCE-FA�1fILY I . - FOU�t-FAM!L.Y PE7{TtON� SIGNERS � h�ULTI- FAP�IILY � . � � . o enCO`A�t�CRCIAI. � FILE No. #6�22 - No�,sH n n iNDUS7Rl/�L �. ! � V � VAC�RNT � St. Pcul Pianning Board, Date� �larch'12, i�s� � Ptoperty �unt{er cons:d�rotio I _ . . �. ..�..� . . .. y . �� . �'.. � t - MINUTES ��� TiiC °U9LIC HE4Ki�1r %�E!'�RE T'IE 3�4R� �F 'I.��I!1^ �il � TH[�:S�A�, '�SARCN 20� �'►�') AT 2:�0 n.�l. - CITY H4LL F'Zf����JT: 'ie�;srs: Ames, 7anna� ^,a11er, .;aG,er� �laietta 3r.c! '1an:,ur of t!�'- 9oar',i 3nd "r. �orenson and 'trs. ?r�_sh of t'�e rt�!'f. (Dr. Hsiden was oresent for t'�e latter �ortion of t�e meetin�; �1r. tlaietta� left after the first mat±er �.+as !�aar1 .) ;�r. �,ad ler m���•! anoe�snri of tt4� mirtut�s at the }rhvi�u9 �ee-in�� �oti�n �-___.__ _ .. �e.:onded �y '� � Aw �srl.asr.�riN u�ruSM�,,� . . _ , '�►�ITZMAN: 4n a��eal to r�lax th• denait:� �M lot oo�rage stanciar.is on o�opecty ocat�d �t th� iouthae�t corner of ��c'�anpe �nd :•Ja�,ash� Streets for the �ur�+ose of ceinstructin� a hiph rise for ths �lderly. "'r. ;or�ns�� outlined t'�e n►3tter statinF that the oronose�] lq7•unit 3uildins� exceels the 3ensity requfrerner.ts and buildinp prouM cover3�e st�nd3rds of the LeRisl3t?va 7.oninn � Code. �ff-str�et �rkinp r�uirements do not 3��1�i, to the iownto�.+n ar�a 3nd, . thsrefor�� no s��eal is nsejed on this vrovis°_on. '!'he '�vfliinr cr�und coverac�e staMard ii 35� of t'�� t*round are+��� the 7T0?0931 is for �+2.363 of the 3it�. � �is�i�num density of 5�� 9quare fe�t -�er �crv *�;s ��en �c:� p�ta;,le f�r y=� rfs� aaart�n�s fo� the �l�ae�lv :++��ws t��e �ro-�os31 i ior 9 �:s•,;,srA f�e: �sr weit. Mr. S���on �=�a� deet4i=f eq of other �ro+t�ts t�500 to 1 �`� . ��}ws�e f�t �er� un;t) a�d t'tist t1e �,uildinv un�er cons*_��tion �t 1��t'� and .rab�sAa StrNts� h3s ot�ly 140 square feet �er unit. 'ir, ''auper s�id • t'�at his comaany w�a� iny,a;va� in the desi�ninR of this buil�!in�► an: tne sir ri�hts aaow the ons•storv.AuildiaP 3d;�c�nt .►er� cong��erel in c�rantinv the 3s�ity o�' 1k0' aquare f+�et aer unzt. �ir. �3u*ei• dis��:alifis�! hi�elf fe�o+n v�otinp y�ca���� o� k� firn�'s interest in t!�e ����?ldinv 3t 10th and wataashs StrNts. Mr, p�� uid t:�at alt. k'Ys attorne� repcese�tinv� the.���!,.c�nt, '�ou�h th�3re"�apQeal a311s for 197 units, t�� actu�l �l�n is .'or 13+► units. !i� �s�d tF�it his cli�rt is fnter�sted in the ���rovenent of Saiet P�4i, a�! whil� th� C�pitsl C�ntN Pro�kx is flroony�in� �rell, it - wou2d b� sa�. tfw. h.�or+. sm,thfnR couia b� done b�� the �iousin�► .4ut'�oritv for t'�� frinoa o! th� Capitrtl C�rtt�r and th�y ;� rydy to cro ,�o•�r. ��e sai�i t5e Hatsing, and lt�wlogn��ft t�sv� � �3itinp, list 3n •xcess af l�v�� �eo�le for !�ovsi� for t!N �ld�rtq. kR �tfsl t��y ae�opos� a lH �tory bufldina �►itti SSs o�tn sp�,a�. 3ud s �K�aisl building could t» eoe�truct�.i wyic'� �+oul� sover th• •nti� sit�. It wa�s his opirion tyat a el�wht+�,,n location could 'v3r�� fra� th• �t�t i#�I s1�i�rrds=+�s �nd th� sta�t�ds o f tha jto us i nR �nd R�de ve loan�nt AuthoriEy aty diflf�e��t for ths do�+rttown. II� a��n�ione.d Centr�l Tpers �as a d�rnity ot 60 �qw� �t �. unit. He aiid tht eitY �v�ra�e is 2,5 �,o�le � . p�r dwllinA v�elit� �st! o�•`wt�f ot th�ir bu3ldin� �+ill ',�v� onlv 1.2 p�o*�le I o�r dwelli�q w�it. '('hsia� ���1 �p�• !��llogo SZutre will h3v�e 2.2 �eale xr dwellir � ue�it. }#� taotsd t�yt .�+ac�•� �,�i�at� that oN.v 12� ot Housfn�t 3nd �sdevelo�ment Autt►oric3r's tMS�rh ly�we ��. !� �id ther� is suffic! � that the lacilitl� at� ooc ent �sr.kiR� in �4►e ar•,a � � �� ��'�n+t trhe day b,� the �oal• rrho �ork in the I � ar�s� �kir� tt�sm s�ilabk *t ai*ht. Mr. tM Arts and Sci�na� Crnt�r th� Lit�ra �p�k� �"t ior»d the �roxi�nf ty of � � ry,. Churchts� ca�itol Qrouetels� t�ll3C1'!9� � stor�s, p,t►oc�y stQt�N� ��� �� �i�, {��.able for the co�anienc� of the � - -- ___ tenanls. as wll .as bw strvic�.. Yn ae�swer to a qu�:tion fro� Kr. Gadler, . „ .... . . . .....�. As .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .� .. . .... . ........ . . . .�.:..�. �...... �. . . . � .. __ � . . . �� . _ � . ,_ • ' � i Mr. Sorenson said t!�t th� sit�s w�ce svbwitted to the °lanninr i�ard for � review� but the Authority diC not qiw th• staff suFficient time for revi.w and presentation to the Pkanrir�g 9�srd. The staff rscomnend�� denial of this site. He saia there are no saecial standar�s for downtoxn '�i�'� rise facilities at this time. It is not cov�ered iniividu311y l�� t'�e 7.on:n� Code. Cantral Towers �+as not considered by th• Zonin� 3a�rd `�it W3S '�andled hy the City Architect's offics. Mr. Soren�on said t'�er� was no n�e�i fcr Rn .���eal on the sub�ect of �rkinv as there are no �arkinP r��ufrer�e�ts in t�e downto�rn . �rea. He qu�stion�d the amount of oper. snace �rovided, is it sufficient? 57ould it be hatter if it Were at aeveral levels, `�alconies� or somet'�:nR of t'�at nature? Mr. C�ug�r remnrked that th�re has been 3 demani for dor+ntown lfoasinq on the part of the �ld�rly. Mr. .^�a�lsr said h� C�1AU�h t�lE �io��in� Authority should appiar before th� Zoning 3oard an�i indicate tiat they are in �gre�n�ent with tha Qro?o�al, and th�t they wfll, in fact, purctiase �t fron� th� dewlop�r whan it is conq�leted. Sfnce it is bein� constructe�i fcr the Nousin¢ Authority, he wants.to be sure it will he used b�� them. Mr. 7�+orsky said 3t is !h� policy of ttie Autha�itv not to a�pear before t'�s . 3oard. Ttie facility Nill not ba nrivate2y or►ned 3nd o�+erated. �e exnl�inN that t`►� Architect doES not start to des:gn this b��ildina, �xcent r+it►�in tye � fraa�et+ork of the H.U.D, require�nts. In answer to 3 �iestion relative to t�e r�titior �f the Housin? snd ^edeviiaanent and h=s clisnt, �tr. "��.rc�ky s3id he could not sp�tk for t�e Aut`�ority� hut did n�; MMt to '�ave ttie � ' n►+�tt�r laid ov�r. Kr. '�c'Car�� an�t!� attot9llv re�+r���nt?nr t'�e �a�l`.ca�t, i. s�ic th�t t'�• �lousin� �ut�cr:t•� tiad vot�l 6 �o � :.� 3u�►�ort of t'�f; �ro�osal. ''z�•r til'_.� t� e4rtEt-� to•� q�'^-+ff.c�t��ns •� ;ic': �r� reyie�.e�1 by H.U.D.. Notfiing in th� proRraw Nill chanq� aft�r a d�cision is �nade. _ Mrs. But].�r, 103» Suwit Afrrrue� spok� ie oppositfon to t1►� proposal. , Sh� s�tid howi for th• • d� nq 1 rl is a w od i�s in th� ri ht Y . :'Y Bo q ary but I sM obi�atsd to tltis kind of a wriano� no atsttsr vh�re it miq�t bt. Sta � ssk�d i! tM tfousie� and R�d�wlo�nt Autbority ap�rov�d this r�qwst. Mr. Dwot��ky r�pli�d ths� th�r had spprowd th� d��asity by th�ir standards, Mrs. lhstZ�r aaid that th� d�sity at Grand Aw�w and Grotto Strs�t wh�ra ; th� HousiaR aM lt�d�wlopwant attwptad to oonrerua! a hiRh ris� wss 1�5 ; squar� lw�. th� City Cou'e�cil appe�owd this, but tt�e HowinR and R�d�wlo�nt i Auttso�ity did not wfiNf it M�t tsk�n to Cow�t. Sh� sai� th�r� ar� po��ntial '� h�sa�Ms in oo��ien rich this d�v�lop�m aod it is a pot�ntial slu�. � S�a inqrfr�d !f tl�is aa� nitlsin tl�� Capi�sl Appro�eh ar�s� but no on� keNw t!►� �at bo�ds=►iM o! th• Capital A�rpro�ch �ar�a. �. But3.�r wid that this would �t � s�pport�d ir a cattt of Lw. Mr; AN�s is�qufr�d if c�and A�aw a�d �+ett� Stiwt wss sti12 ia tfi• ao�rt �nd sh� r�pli�d that � it ia• Nw. l�sit�sat, �anaaar o! C�ntr�i �n, a2ao spok� in opposition. SM saia it � uv! rw�d aod. op��d bp eh• C�lr�l Pr�sbytsrian �hurek. but is w�d s�d e��trd b�► tt►� l�trsi Tew�rs Grporatfon snd hn 264 units a�d 39i p�pi� ii�rit� tMrr. This btitildi� was constr�ctr undur �� tb� "29'1" pe� asd ��r� a d�lt�a�+�nt typ� �! p�arols tlrt tl►� lor-east ho�rin� pe�oviNd by e1N 1M�ti� �prl 11�r�lop�t A�orlt�►. Mwa !t �a �vid�nt 1-1lZ �� s� that �rt8�rlr p�ep1� d� lik� tA� +dwnta� of livit�g d�te�o� tb� qk�t p�t�iwlon to �n�ar� lAdr prof�ct and e�ryr Mr� r�i'w�d b�o� th� lai�r�rrt �rv��� did not waat s �t�o at •].d�rly . downto�m. 'E'1�► �,w �w �OO .papi� owr s2 y�ar�t �t �.. 'i�fs p�os�d f buildin� Mith two !�►-� ut�it will Mat� �+ additi.oe�al p�opl�; � bqfidirg at lOtA aod iiab�ilsht �r�tts vith 7S tmits; or 150 p�op1� will Msn clos� !o ; 400 p�op3� 6� �� ot ap and ov�r it� ]�s th�n a o�bl,aak a�w. Sh� said � th�r� ar� not ��i�+� �riliti�s t+r s�rw tb� p�oprl• in tlt� ar�a nor+. Tu� , 1G�y pe�o�rld�a a��M i�ir M� atwrlo�tr,� Drt sIN aaid st�� wa� eone�rn�d i sbout tfi� u�i�hDaw tMj +t1i1 lrr�, awd tA� a�rd�eK �sana��nt. Sh� said � ; . . ; � A . ' . � - ' j � � - ; �atrpM�et is axt:rqns�y iap�rtant. Mr. Aa»s inqui r�d i t tAis s it� �+aa b�tbr� � th• Planning Board, and Mr. Sor�r�son r�pli�d that �h� tis� alla+�d !or consid�ration oi it was wry shcrt� and it was not brought b�fors th� Board, but Lhs staff r�co+m�ad�d dsnial; thst th�re was a staff r�vi�w only. !!r. Harty S�its�r sai.d h� was not r►�c�asarily oppoaed to the total pietur�. but rws �or� conc�rsMd �bout soa� oth.r thinRs. lta aaid h� had talk�d at l�r►qth to Dr. H�id�n snd to Mr. VaN�o�t. H� said orip,inally the Nous3ng snd R�d�v�lopm�nt Authority was againt a downtam location in 1961, but � C�ntrsl Tow�rs ha� a �niting list o! �apl� to grt in. H� satd he is conc�reMd sbout th� rist oi th� ar�a. 'Pb� Caapr�h�nsivs Plan shor+�d this � ar�a to b� Mst s�it�d tor bu�ieass prop�rty p1w the possibility of a w�dical school or ticilitis�. ThM• thr�� blocks (9th tbron� lOth) ahould b� plann�d as a unit. Buildina oaa struotvrs alon� is not �na►[�. Ft� said th� is �sr� to th� pictw than si�ply th• conatru�tion �of o� bvilding. 11� qration�d �t tb� lo3,ic� and Fir� D�part��nts thinic abo�t this proposal�. 'il��r� is n�i of poli�s� prot�ction �or tb�s� taraets. �N uid St. Jo�ph'a - H�spital is also conc�rn�d about it and that th� YMCA is also Roing to • build a n�r buildiag• In his opinion� w� ttised a g�neral outlina of the �ntirs picture. Mr. Dan� inquirad what the rsnts wsr� at Central Towers attd l4r. Swsi��r r�pli�d thsy r�tr for a loK iaiddl� inca�a Sc�oup� und�r the . ZOZ proRram as �nactad in 1962 b�sed on incon�e ot frrnn bety+�.n Sv�000 and S6�000. Mr. Daorsky �ai�d tMat� th• mansg�w�ts►t of th� tacility ia handl�d by . th� Nowiriq Authority and th� only qwstion b�tor� th� 3oard is that of k dsrsity and h• did not th�nk d�erity is a probl� h�r� 3nd he f�lt a d�cision should b� niad�. Mr. M»s said M thovqht the Fire and Polic� ' D�parl�ats slauld 'b� coosult�l. Or. H�id�n said t?�at the r�qwst for a � tr�ri�w was r�c�iwd by th• stsft on Jsnuary 10� 1969 !or a raviaw of this and oth�r sit�s� but �i slaff r�vi�w aould not b� pr�p�rsd in time !br or�s�s+tation to th• Beasd on .Tanua:y ZSth. Th� l��t+r tra� the HousinR and Rrd�wlopaMnt indicat�d thry n��d�d to make a d�cision on Janwry 31 and an sna+Kr wss s�M on a statt bisis and it did not go b�fore tl�e Hca:'d. 'Pb� qwstian +f ��at��r HUD �+ould ��rN to s v�sri�ance of this type aas diricuss�d. Mr. 6au�r Mntion�d that th� taaility at lOth and Nabasha . Strwt� �+a� approwd at' l+►t� sqn�rs !�t pa' unit on tt�s basis of consid�ration ot th� air-ri�btr orrr th� adjao�u�t on�-story building Mhich would incressa - tlrs li�urs to ov�sr 300 squar� !Nt p�r unit. Mr. Gadl�r inquired if this aould �o ba�k to t1� P2am�t�g Ba�rd for a stvdy inaludin� th� Cspitsl Appra�ah ar�a. Nr. Gadl�r t�� wovrd to s�nd th• satt�r back to th� Plannie� Beard !br a oarpl�str �po:"t af � sntire sr�a, including th• Capital ApproaaA. '!1N iofiion laiLd b�caus� th� ws no ���ond. Mr. t+l�n�ur � ssk�d �o Nhst �xt�M R'Iw� qu�stioas c�auid bs srswr�d? �t do�s ths ZoninQ Eoard de to r�wl� �ha� isw�s3 Mill rspr�s�ntatiws i'roa th� oth�r �partwnls bs pr�s�nts and wtfat furtb�r crwld b� accawplish�d? Mr. 6adlsr saie! h� lyd l� quattaes hs xouid lik� ths staff •to �t tM a�w�rs , tor. Mr. DMSt�ky N►id th�r ar� .n� aonor�t� at��ntsi that r�ols� and wasts ar� eat quatious !br !hs,�e�srd ot Zorie� aAd furth�r dalays would l�ad �o conlbsioti and el�at tfii� Mill �nd up a publia buildi�. Mr�. 9utl�r �sid � that tb• saM��op1+� ar� �ski� !M �isiors; that oth�r ytnci�s should Ds � E � aonsult�di Nr� �t �Ais buildi� ia fos s wMsin OLss ot p�opl�. Th� . Housie� Authority Iw +we�d is.ae ae�bitrsry May, and this provi�d�� an opportunity m d�aed thae � b� �bpAd. Me. ll�s iwquir�d if a nu�sr of qwstioe�a ind: orobl�+a could br �}le�t ��rd epini+�� s�ur�d h''ow othsr s�nei.s. � k � • ' � i � � ��i . ' . . . ' ... ,. .. . .,. . - . ..�a_ . - . � � . . ,.'+-z � . : �`� ' _ . . _ . : � � k S . Mr. Swita�r said that in this partfcular poinL, you haw lortottan th• group Nho know� nwr� about this ldsan anybody •ls�•-•th� F�d�ral qov�erneant. No on� und�r�tands as wsll as the m�n in NashinRton �y th�y haw stopp�d building high rise for indiq�nt p�opl�. Chicaqo is a qood example. HUD did not �►ant tham to incr�aa� th�ir tacility because it rrould cr�at� a ghetto and did not want a canc�ntration of old�r p�opl• in this particular spot. Eight-hundred p�ople in 1-1/� blocics pr�s�nts a Qwstion; "Ia a 16-story building smsrt? i Can th� Housing and Rfd�wlopNnt Authority ao ahesd and aroaer things that ; nobody knows about? No ons wss Riv�n a chano� to que�tion this. He ssid ; h� is oppo��d to it and nar� tifa xou2d b� on� r►ay to slow t!�is da+n. Mr. Danna ; safd th�r� should b� mor� thit�qa look�d into, and moved to lay the mattar ov�r ; for txo wNks until th� �s�ct M�tit�. llotion �eo�ed�d by Mr. C,�dl�r and ' carrisd utinimously. (Mr. Gauq�r abstain�d fro� voting) Nr. Dworakv r�qu�stad th+tt h� b� giwn copi�s of th• rsqu�ats for infor�nation reade by th� Baard ss�b�rs. • - � s . ; 4 � G . .�• . d- • � .� . � . . . � . . tt . � i ,i �;, .. 3`��' f;! E: �r �.. • t . ,,. ; ; . , ; °, �, � �` s'a�«+l,�/ . . � � My # . \�� a:ya"rr+"'" . y�,�y �,,,X t, E 'j i ; Submitted by: Colonel L. Soreason l�ob�r± L. l��es, Cnairman . _ . , . w . .r, _. _: ...-....-..�.,�.. „-_..._...,.,�.. _ , ,• f • ' � aF-=-' ; .+� , , w i * MINUTES OF PU9LIC HEARING BEFORE THE B�ARD OF 7.ONING � �N THURSDAY� APRZL 3� 1969 AT 2;00 P.M. - CITY HALL E COURTH�USC PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, C,auQ�r, Cohen, Dinn�� Maietta, McPartlin and Mansur o�t�'e�osrd� Dr. H�i�den, Hr. Sor�nson and Mre. Irish of the staff. Measrs. McPa rtlin and Manaur did not :vaM in for th� �ntir� meatinq� nor did they vote on any n�stter. Mr. Paul Kelly of the Corporation Couns�l's office was also p��sent. ,' Nr. �ugsr nwv�d appe�ovrl ot tM efnutaa of th• pr�viou� wMting, �otion s�conded by Mr. !tii�tta and csrrf�d wtani�ously. WILLIAH H.WEITZNAN: AR ap�tl m r��ax d�nsity ard lot cov�erasre standards for a g -r se u e� Por th� •lderlS• on profl�rty located at the south:+est oorner of Ex�change and WaDaaha Stt�ats. Mi•. Sorsnson said the mattcr tiad ►�een laid ov�r at ths or��•ious w�itin� as there were a nu�b�r of que�tions rai�sed re.a,ar�inst th.is aro�osal �nd th� Bo�rd da�ir�d furth�r studY. 3r. Haicien said that thc ttaff tw� forwa�d�d L� Mr. Drorsky a copy of tl+� qwstions Mr. �,adler had draft�d �. For th• b�ewlit of Bwrd �ab�rs rot prssent at the prevfous msatinq� Mh�. Drrorsky show�d a sft� plan as x�ll as a rend�rinA of the pr000s�d str�u�ur�. Mr. Dwor�ky stst�d thats th� Housfnq and Redevel'opment ' Authority hsa approwd th� sit� and tb� appr�val aill be in rrritinq very shortlyi the fid�rtl 0owr�nt or HUD ha• no li�sd dsnsity and psrkinR tvquir��nts; do�town propsrty cannat bs eiMaur�d by the usual sta.ndards; thsr� ara no �an standa:ds; �aab situation is diff�r�nt; sin�ilar pro j�cts in othir citi�s haw a substmtiaA nudwr o! unib �r arr�; in son� casss ss much s 457 p�r ac r� with only 5 pa rking soac�s s 230 units with four parking apac�s, �tc. 1t� not�d that th� 'Cralfic Ee�it�t�r s�!id a s�msphors at th• cornsr would psisit pid�stMans to crosa xith th� iight and saw no probl«n, or should thsr� b� artN, it oould b� �olvid �asily. 'R�e fir� � � insuranc� Hl�s will bs t� lo�st br�k�t b�caus� o! the building'a lxation, th�r�tors� fir� is no pr�b1M. Mr• 4nd��ricirk� o! Cassunity H�alth and Welfare Plsnni�g Council� is ia lavor of ths proj�ct= Mr. Crawford of th• Gpital Apgro�cA PlarnieQ Cv�issfon stat�d that this is outsia• ths ar�a of its conc�rn. It do�s rot oonl�liet Mith any of th�ir p2ins. Th� Caup��h�nsiv� � Pian i�d3oatu thia ar�a !br a s�ni-public �s�, no sp�citir us�. Th• propos�d w�dical schvol Miii b. iocae�d to th� south and wast of St. .Toseph's Hospital so th�r��is no cooliiot th�. 1N did not think th� supposition � that this rou2d b�aaM sn "old+rl�r glatto" �t w�ll ground�d. in th� ar�a at lOth and tiabasha and CiAtr�l ll�Srs, th�r� sr�, or rill b�� 500 unite; this is not an •l,d�rly ��tto; th� apr� 3�6 uaits st Mou�t Airy and thsy haw no problMS. Fia aaid h� tallc�d to rnt�r o! suah unit� in !linn�apoli� and fraai •xp�ri�ncs, wh� thy► haw as sany a• S00 units� th� pro�ect �s not cr�at� sn •ld�rly �bstlo. !N stid tM �Id�rly want to b� �rh�r� the action iss n�ar bus �lin�s� and this �Iwts th�s n�tds o! th• p�opl�. 'Ph�re is a lonq list of p�opl• waiting th� aarpl�Lion pf th� faciliti�s.� N� not�d th� fo�lowing in r�spon�� to ths sub�titt�d qwstions: 1) th�r� will be a a�waphor� aige�sl on th• corn�; 2) th�r� will b� a s�curitY s�►star�i 3) HU� has no d�nsity, sta�rd�: »Jtb� }l+���at M fpi� to b� oMrd snd operat�d by th• HowinR . Author�ty aud buil! i■N�l�if�t b� th� sta�rls o! HUD snd city code with th� *< . � . `. ,�• • f � � . w � . . . . .. . � � � . � . . . . F •- . . � � coatrsct cov�rioQ a span ot �0 y�ars, ft will not t� a public senace; 5) th� proj�ct do�s not contlict with �an owr-all cfty pl,an; 6) �ach n�w structur� brouRht in •xistanc� helps ths d�welopm�nt of the ahola ar�a, there is a2so a n�w th�atre b�ing propossd for the ar�a; 7) most of the people livinR downtown do not own cara; the Authority can fill the building r►ith people Who do not own cars; there is a surplus of parking in thia end of town; 8) business peopl� in th� ar�a w�ant th�se p�opls who will live in the build3nR; 9) thex�e is an �m�rg�ncy alasw systs+n and th• Public Saf�ty building ia close by; 10? Nousinq ar�d Rad�wlop�snt Authority is oonstantly upgrsding its facilities� it eelected � th• site sad fesls this i� s good plac�i th�ra are owr 100 rsquests for tenarrcy; 11) ther� ara groc�ry lacilitiN in th! ar�a se u�ll as rnsny othsr �hopping fsciliti�s; 12) advane�d syst�ns !`or s+rast• control will be in�tallsd and the building will hav�e the captcity for installatfon of air conditioners. tt� not�d that it is a qood structur� built accordinR to stat�darda and the need aha,,ld be � balanc�d aqainst th� quastions; tha�• ara 1500 p�opl� requirinR housing; there ar� 1�+�000 in tht popuLtion of p�oole owr 64 yMn of age and from 1300 - 1400 on th� waitinq list. In th• e�nt�r of the city t:sn�portation, shop�, ctc. are •�c�ll�nt. ?M city centtr offers sdvantaqes that offset th• disadvanta�s. He cles�d h.is r��rks statina tfiat th�re is a nsed snd a de�ir� for this fscilir�. Mr. Harry S++�ftur spoka briefl.y� stating that whsn they construct�d Csntral ` Towan fn 196�� th• f�drral gov�rnMnt wid th�}► were "nut�" - they thouPht � av�sryork want�d to lfvs out in th� open air. Now nobody wants to leave downto�+n. �ns month aqo� th� City Planninq Board aas opposed to t'�is particular proj�ct. He said w� must thit�k ,sbout ton�orrow� and what the �iituation mav be in ten y�ars. H� ssid hs did not qu�stion ths e►�d for publfc hous inp,, it is nresssary. H� fslt sana�though�should b� �giv�en to a buildinq with ar�c illary taciliti�s suCh as �roc�ry sto�s� •tc. He r+onclsr�d in tha future what th� Planning 9oaM �tld p�neit to Co� into this ar�a. Aft�r tao y�ar�, you h�tv� proDi�ws xith �opl• at�d that it is diff�r�nt deal3nq wit!� �ople thaa . thitiki� you ltwoM sbaut th�s� tt#in�s. H� said h� did n�t want citias to make too wany mistaks�. Th� Author.i�y raw has a buildinq on Wabaaha because of an axtr�di�t d�cisioa ind � do tto� •xcus� oursalv�s out of a situ�tion. Mr. Msi�tta said that thl� qusstSion bttor� the Hoard was one of dnsity �tandarQs for hous�inq !br th� �ldr�ly atxl that th� staff ha�d n,ot t��n r�quested to aarapar� cA�ptr�tiv� figuti� o!u d�ttsity. Dr. Nsidsn mention�d that th� issu• b�fore the • Zo�►inR da�rd is uat ths inpropri�t�sn�as of t�• sit�; it is the n�rits of the d�nsity snd, lot oo�►a�� �,1si. Mr� t3tuqer said that he had aDstainsd fran � votin� tha pt�vious �ti�but hi� had conf�rrsd with t!» chainnan� a�d th� � Cot�por�tioe Ca�qNl Miio iyndicst�� ft ras p�rmissabl� !or hi�n to v!ot� on ths iss�.. lfr. C�h M+�d for a�rovial� wotion saoon�iQ bv Mr. '?�nni and arried ueianinwwly. . ; . . � , � . .�. / y y�.� • � �' * •. 1/�.a✓E•.4„� +; ' . '�✓'•`�":rs"fiia�in+»-; Submitted by: Colonel L. Sorenson Rober* L, Ames, Cnairman . . ,< , .�.� , .,�....�..; ...:Y..._. .�__� ..:....,� �.:.�..� .e_�_.w ,. .�..s .. :.._ .. .... :.x ,......,., .� . . - � ' . . � � � y��M� �..1��"'�.,.� •��,y ��'3. :��" �w'jf��� L�,� . . � � ...� _�J..1'-.L71-.-�::. � . ... • _'.�- I �ry ���1'.Jf' la�l.["'' n '« '`�., ; I . ,.�.'�.� .::.:z _'��'�� , . . : ,�r,� .s •,t���.a;t��,u�v .—�,,,,�.__ � y,t,� ��- ��L'" ' , ' ' �Hnf��.,,,,,,, ..,, r:r,.� 4:: �+t.Y'�i }-�+2 :+, � _. ''r'('.,T., 'i �f� ��.._�, �3 �f�"� y�� � `� I �,CFJ�+...._, ��,,,,,�,x,���.+�A d��'.�x„i"`',��� J-+ �7.�/T�il y..�, i .r-.ri,i"r,�� �. � •,,,:1.�1��.,, ! -` ,.,,[.,;1`...,,_[ _ !"aa.+.=v"��J ...' v -`- �. f, • �-f { �5�������z�} �.1 .Y � � ".�..� � � F �r1� Sr tl..R' T- _"__ � I - "~'�-.,.:..�vC�4., �-._ �S C' '.i '�: ��.'� m.r I i .f�.,: . �.�' ',�YriSlY� ,�T�+. YL ..�� . I ; �'�c. ; � a.."-+''t'�^. ,•' �P''L`.:,� ��- °.rn°°` . i L�_ '�.. ..". . '. . �w � ..4:, �..i�.�:; �i u:� . 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