D001241� Approved Copies to: C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNITNISTRATIVE ORDER - City Cierk (Original) - Fnance Dept's Accounting Division "�� 12� ]� - Requesting Dept. No: ��� '1 Date: ja� 1 Whereas, the Saint Paul Police Department is seeking to pay the Transportation and Admission 2 fees for the adults and youth of St. Paul who have taken part in the Youth Initiative Program as 3 mentors, chaperones and participants by attending yotrth evenfs - for example, Valley Fair, 4 5� Trollhaugen, YMCA facilities and St. Paul Saints games. 6 � Whereas, the purpose of this program is to offer rewarding recreational experiences to youth 8 from the City of St. Paul as a means to reinforce positive social skills and law abiding behauior, 9 and 10 11 Whereas, the program will facilitate the enhanced relationship between police and the city's 12 youth, and 13 . � Whereas, the cost of the fees is not to exceed $7,000.00 annually, and 15 -7 $e it�se�d that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to remit payment for the youth ig and adults for such events. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 �� � �( �77� Approved b. City Attorney Date � hief Ailliam Finn BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OA'fE� LDU - ,�aSCC�{ TOTpL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl LOCATfONS FOR SfGNATURE) Signatures required on the attached admiuistrative order. naprova caf or _ PLANNING COMMI$$ION _ CIVIL SEPVICE CAMMISSION � CIB COMMITfEE _ _ $TAFF _ __ OISTRfCTCOURT _ SUPPOHTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&1EC71VE? PEflSONAL SEHYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEA TNE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 7. Has this person�mi ever worketl umtler a contrac[ for this departmerK? YES NO 2. Has lhis person�rm ever been a city employee9 YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally Dossessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO Ecpiatn eii yes answers on separate sheei and ettech to green sheet Wnere, why): St. Paul Police are seeking to pay for transportation and admission fees for adults and youth taking part in the Youth Initiative Program. �������� �t�Y � � �s�a IiAPPROVED: Police will be able to go ahead with the activities. i4 R�c�av�a None. MAY 3 0 3�97 ciTV c«R�c Activities will not take place. T07AL AMOUNT OF iRANSAC710N $� wD PUNOItdG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORFhAT10N' (EXPL4IN) �� 't�'�I2y� �8��� Exz si�bi9� GREEN SHEET INRIAUDATE INRIAVOATE DEPApTMENT DIfiECTOR CRY CAUNCII 292-3588 A� CffYATfORNEY CRYCLERK NUYBER FOR � BUOGET' OIFECN � FfN..iY1BF. SEHVIC OIR. ROIJfING y � n(� OflDER � MpYOR (OF ASSISTANn � N� J.Y COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRClE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITYNUMBER 3 `�► 3 3���-99 ��