243986 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ����v� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. LIC E�sE C�TT2E� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �a,� `Z�� 196g COMMISSIONE DATE i�LVED2 That Ap�lication K-11.1�l�6 for the transfer of On Sa1e I,iquor I.t.eense No. ?�.�, expiring January 31� 1970� issued to Matthew J. Luby at 1].7lt West �eventh St,reet� be and the same is hereb� transferred to E. & D., Inc. at the same address. On Sa1e I.ic;uor �stablishment TRANSFER fLicensees} Inf. Appn. by �ouncil april 29� 1969 �d Location COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� M�Y 2 � 196919_ Yeas Nays MAY 2 0 1969 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � In Favor Peterson � Mayor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne �QCI'�� MaY 2� 1969 0 � r�i . ,. �..F � T,3 / p� -� �� �i � CITY OF ST. PAUL s. y�'�°� APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE " � Application No `' - ` � .'IF'.�: � ..._........__... Nameof Applicant...__..._..._._.��...�F.�.�X��X....._.._. .................�---_...._.......,._...�....._..._............ Age....._._._.39 __.. R,esidence Addresa._..._1730 E. California.a �ve .... Teiephone No.........�6-954�' .._......__._...,..._..._..._...._...._....�._.._........................�---._.......---._. .._..._._._........._..._.._ Areyou a citizen of the United Statea?_.__.._...._..�CB_-...---•------.._._.._._.....___.._---•---•--.--•--------_...._........._...._.........._....__...................._._......_... Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or business of similar nature? ao When and where�..............•---.....__ .._......................................_........._._._...._...._...._.w_._.... _._.... •--�----_.._......._.._..._.------•-----_.__._._. R. � E. Inc., Ifcorporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.._..............._....,______......._..__......_..........._......_.____......_._...W_.�.,..._......_ �.Dcrin�_business_.as .an .�Ft_On Sale :L.i_quo.r .establishment Whenincorporated?......._A.I?ril.�1.�6�....�....._.......___..._...._......................__..._._............_.___.._.....----._.._...._..__._...._....._..._......._..._.__........_._ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters Yor club members?....._..._..._._......_.........._..______......__....._...__ , Ho��- many members?.--•-.-,..._...-----._..__..._....___..._...�...._..._.___..__ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . . . . .. .............._Exleen 1e...Ber�er__._._._..17�0 E. California AY�.�..._.__.`?� c�..-...-Tie.4.,�...�....pte_�._...._........._._ . Names and addresses of Stockholders: .........��:_�.G??...L-�--..��rg�.r._.__.._..._..1.Z.�...�.�...C,al ifo.....rni�...�.Y�..-�-�--�-t-�----�aul.�...�inn..---•�.............._................__.............._......_......._ r ......... .............�..« .. . . ......._........... .. . .».. .. .. "' '"R. .."' " Al.... . .�."' ' .." """"'...............................................................� . . ........................'_"""'""_"'.__....'""'..........�.._.�._.�.. ..........'""".....""""""'._""'.....�.»..._..........................."""._"'"""""""......».............................•..... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known...............•----•---- .1� D Co , .. . ..._......�':`.�_:¢�:_.._._..._.........._................_........ Number Street Side Between What Croas Streets Ward 1T'T4 , W. Seventh ; 3rnuth � , View & Wa-�s�n How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?........�Tcz.??��._n��=........._.._.._..._.._..._...._ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?..........3.Q4_..f tl................•------...---.....---...___.._....W..__ � ..,.__._.._......_. ._ , How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?.....:...120(7!.ft.._ Name of closest school................St_..._James_ _...._..._...._.........._.....-----_...._.._......._ How axe premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?...............Commer�ial Onv►�hat ftoor located?....................���,�..................._--------_.........._..._._...................--••-------�--..........----._...................._._..............._.....................--�----�--...-�----�---•-------.. Are premises owned by you or leased?L�'ased..............If leased give name of owner....M�,�..�td.]�y.............................._...._.... If a restaurant give seating capacity?.......................60......-�----•--�-��-----...............................-�---�--..._......._........-•---._...._...._.........._.................................._..._.___ Ifhotel. seating capacity of main dining room?.........LQU3���...s�...��.._--.-----..._...._...._..._..........._...._....................._............------••--••---._.........__ Give trade name.---------Matt Luby.i.S---�a�-------- �---------------•------------------------------- - ..--------------------•-------•---------�--------•----•- --------�-------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ..._....____Only_.main bar room__��_ ....................................................................._..--�•----_.-__---_...._...._..-�--�---••---......._...._._........_...................---..........--�-�--------..............._.......---.__.....----._......----...---......._............---._............_.... � (The i�ormatioa sbo�e mnst be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sules). How many guest rooms in hotel?...----•--_.___._...._-•----•-..............._......................_........._----..-•----___._..............__.._------_._........_.._____.._.._._..._.___._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)................._......._....._..........._........._.._.._..__.........__._........__..._..._....._.. Give namea and addresses of three busineas references:_..__.._..........___.........._.__...__.._...._...._..._.._..._...._..__.._....___._.__._._._.._...._._ 1.._.._._.......Mr....Richard Leier _�2�?�N.._.Churchill St. St. Pau1�.Minn_ _ __ _� _ ............_..._..._...._.............. ...._.._ ...... ..._.._............. ..._.__...._... 2 »� _Mr. Raymond Earley 375 W. Cocrk St. St. Paul, Minn. .._....�._.__...._....__..._._._...._._....._...__...__ 4 ...._...._..._..._..............._................_...�........._...._...._..._..__....__..-----....•_._.-----�•---...._.. Mr. Ra ond Delkoski 1 62 Et`na St. St.Paul Minn. 3.___..__...---...-�---.._...____...._.---_...__ . .__.._... ___-__....._..._._.................._..._...._....._...._........._...._....---..w..._._._...__ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER, OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHOR,IZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: p SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNE80T1�, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• ................__ ... ,, ,�-s� �,�� T._ Rcrrrar . � , ` being Srst duly sworn� deposes and says'that he has read the foregoing applicstion and)mows the contenta thereof and that the eame ia true to the best of hia knowledge, information and belief. � : ...--, ... .._...._..._..�- --._....__ __..__ Subacribed and aw to before me � /�, thia..._. ...._.. day f ____�...19�1 ........ . .. ._.... . .. .. ._ NO t1bi1C, Ramsey County, M�nII. ANTHONY A. DANNA Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mtnn, My COri1ri11 � Cxp1TP.8.....__._....____...._....... _. .. My Comr.nission Expires Jan. 7. 1976 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Sg �� G��� COUNTY OF RAMSEY, E�l een 1._. Ber�er.___�__, ._being$rst duly sworn, depoaes and says tha�............�.e...__.._..._._..the.. Secretary,-,�,�gasurer of.F�$..._..._...��'�'�'�....Inc.�.r............_...._........._....__._.._ ....._.........._.._...__._._ .._.�.__..._ ,s corporation; tha�..........__........she..................•-.---..............._.....has read the foregoing aPPlication and knowe the contenta thereof�and that the saine is true to the best of..........._...._..�ar.....__....__._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal af8xed to the foregoing inatrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was aigned, sealed and �e- cuted on behalf of eaid corporation by authority of its Board of I�'rectors, and said application and the execution Lhereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. ` . . ....c..<�L�. _.. _. _ subscribed and sworn to before me � ' ts. _...... .._� ....day of...__..._.. ................_...._._.._..19 � _.,._...._....__ _... .._. .__.._.........._... _......................._.__..__.._.._.. ANTHONY A. Dr;NNA OtAt'y Pub11C, Ramaey County, Minn. Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn. � My Commission Expires Jan. 7, 1976 �y �0�18810ri PJ[pll'e8_....__._...._._...._._•--•—• __,i