243984 ORI6IIJ�L TO..��1(��BRK- 243984 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �� PRESENTED BY ~ COMMISSIONE • DATF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby takes cognizance of the pendency of certain proposed legislation now before the State Legislature relating to police pensions in the City of Saint Paul, allowing a member with ten years ' or more service to remain an active member during the time he serves in elective or appointed office with the City, not in excess of the years of said member' s active service with the Bureau of Police , embodied in House File No. 3067, and supports the passage of such legislation. F RM APP ���+ ' n,Counsel MAY 2 0196g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya -� I1�AY 2 0 1969 Dalghsh � Approved 19—_ ,' Meredith � n Favor Peteraon � ' Mayor �~��$ A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEr N.�AY 2� 1969 0 , .y i . - � � `� 3q � A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO POLICE PENSIONS IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL; AMENDING LAWS 1955, CHAPTER 151, SECTION 9, BY ADDING A SUBDIVISION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE L�GISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNES �TA: Section 1: Laws 195.5, Ghapter 151, Section 9, is amended by adding a subdivis ion to read: Subd. 9. Any member with ten years or more of service with the bureau of police of the city of Saint Paul, who is elected to office in said city or appointed to a position not in the classified service in said city, may remain an active member while in one or the other of the aforesaid positions for a period of time not in excess of the years of said member's active service with the Saint Paul bureau of police and subject to the provisions of this act as if he were on active duty with said bureau of police. Sec. 2. Any member who qualifies under Section I hereof may contribute to the pension fund an amount equal to what he would have con- tributed had he remained on duty with said bureau of police from and after June 1, 1960 and thereby increase his period of inembershiQ Sec. 3. This act shall become effective on1Y after its approval by a majority of the governin�•bo�ly of the city of Saint Paul and u�on � compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, 5ection 645 021. , P. S. This bi11 was unanimously approved by the St. Paul City Council. DUPLICnTfi TO I RINTER 243984 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE i�.L50LV�D, that th� Council o� the Citg� �f ���i�at ua.�l hereby tai�es cognizznce o� the pendency o� certain ��roi;o5ec± 1.ti��isl�tioYi �2ow i�c�fore the State Legisl�ture relating to g�olice 1�e�lsio�T� in ti�c� City o:i ��int Pa.ul, allowing a memUer with ten years ' o� �nore service to remain an activ� mezri�er during tiie ti�ne he serves in elective or a�nointed of�iee with ttie �i�ty, not in e�cess o� t�ae years o� �aid rneml�er' s �,etive serE�ic� c�1it��. tl�V l,txrc=�.�a o� Police, e�Fi�oclied in ilouse I'ile No. 3067, a�id sza;��;,orta tk�� ;�ti��sage o� suc�i legislation. �.:� ry g ��R.,. ��, .. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson;�� ` ', ' Dalglish Approvecl 19—_ ��.� Meredith /� �� Tn Favor Peterson � S� / Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne sr MaY 9� �.�Fi9 ,� 4 'I i , � ' i<�,�. z�ose�h :�. Su3r:.�u�;rs, C`flr.�oraLirn Counsel. ,...._.__, ,.\l, j"r.----�,��, ;�' ; � t)�;3��° 3i.r: ''�;'� ' ' ,; i � `i'h�: �:auz�ci3 re�ue;;t� �.at ;����c �°����°�' a r����Iu�Lion .�u�,z��,��°��.�a.nt'; ;� �fil'i. ie�r an ,1ct t��:�.��.rz;,_z',�� �t;�.i.�rc+ .k�etz;%c� �::,, as m�re �°�tl'�a ���tr U�a4 in t��F �?.ttacT��c�,,c�y oi t�iu p�ra��sal. T�rA��ic�i Ur�,s subm��tt�cl i:,c� tc�cla.;�"s ��.i.��. mr�� ,�� by ,��:�K�,nk T:,a�u. / �V ' � � '� � ; `� JEI}r �;Y'lAi.;+j" ?��3"..kY""s y i �; ` t ; � �' ,, , . , � ,, ,, t `� ��" !' . n� . ---�' `�`�---�.�.,...,--� C�.ty ..ierk �O�t�}? i �°'t i ! � �- .