04-1140Council File # �—�l � Green Sheet # �� i RESO�uT�oN Presented Referred To CITY OF SAfIVl' PAUL, MfNNESOTA ��� Committee Date Support Waiver of Punitive Damage Cap for Saint Paul found in MN Human Rights Statute To Allaw Saint Paul To Receive HUD �nding 2 WF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul is committed to the eliminauon of housing discrimination; and ?S� 3 WFIEREAS, HUD funding for investigating housing discrimination would aid in the efforts of the City to fight 4 housing discrimination; and 5 WF3EREAS, the primary barrier to receiving HUD funding is a$8,500.00 cap on punitive damages referred to in 6 the Minnesota human rights statute, which preempts Saint Paul from having no cap on punitive damages and which 7 prevents the ordinance from being substantially equiva]ent with the Federal Fair Housing Act, required to receive 8 this HtJD funding; and 9 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the golicy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work 10 is inextricably linked to the City's I.egislauve Agenda; now therefore be it 11 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the following and urges legislaflve passage of a state waiver of 12 the $8,500.00 cap on punitive damages found in the Minnesota Human Rights Statute 363A.01. 13 Requested by Department of: � Adoption Cenified by Council Secretary � 6 .. � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date ��-r^ �� a �D� �k-1��A CI� DATE WRIATFD n��t�� i, zooa GREEN SHEET No 206391 6-8650 ir BE ON WUNCyL AGFNDA BY (DA7EJ December 8, 2004 Consent oE.�n,.ewruneera� anca�xc�. cors TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ an�r�owEr ❑ asraeuc ❑ qwaNCUISErsNCFSmt ❑ sMYrlLLacm�xeTa ❑ WYOrt(ORASrisfNlTl • � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Resolution Supporiing Waiver of Punitive Damage Cap for Saint Paul Found in Minnesota Human Rights Statute to Allow Saint Paul to Receive HUD Funding to Investigate Honsing Aiscrimination � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ISONALSERYICE Wfi7RAGi5 MUST ANSWFATNE FOLLOWING Q Has ihis persoNfirm cwer woMetl undtt a corillact for thie departmeM? YES NO Has this P�soNfirm ever been a city emPbYee? YES NO Dces this persoNfiim possess a sldll not riormallypossessed by any cuneM city em0�oyee7 YES NO �s ths yefsoMrm a targetea vendoY7 YES NO ° �e.�°� �p�a�rrh f`oriiap �9�C 1 LUU� TRANSACTION CO57/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO (IXPWN) ��� � ! I. � � � � �� � � ROUTING'ORDER". . � � � Below are conectaoirtings foe the sis most &eq�ient rypes of docoments v �' „ „ „ r r CONTRAGT3 (ass�as authorized budget e�usis} , , COiINCIL RESt3P.UTIOD7 (ameud budgefis% �accept �ranfs) ' �' , � � 1�_� . � � � � � 1 Depat�m�tIhrector � � �. � � 2;� I7ep�tment�D"uecooc + 2 Office'ofFtuaneialServtr�s.�)lcec6od '" � 3� Cit�Attan'eg; � �. � � � ` 3 CitpA'ftotney �'''' � � : „ ' 4.' May�/Assistan�(forconkActsoveq$25;000), 4 MaForlAs9stsnt , � ` � � � � � 5. � FIuman Iti�ts (f� coniracts overr$56,00(1) � � � 5 Citp �Cb�cil, �� �� � �� 6: Office ofFitisncial Services - Acootmting 6 Office ofFinancaat S�nces = Accom�ting. , , ADMIIdISTRATfVEbRDEILS{Badget'Revision) COUNCII,RESOT,`U?TON,(all,ofhecs�and-0idutances), ; 1: ActibityManageiorDepaz�eatAcco7mtant, Y DepaAment;D,iiector "' � 7-,'DePar}inentD�rec4oi � "� , . � � �' 2 CitpAttomey , � � � � � � � � � , � 3 OfficeofFinanctalServicesD�rectot 3 I�?sY,�/tXssist��,'" � 4. � City Clerk � � � � � � � � 4 e�y' c� ,, � 5, Office ofFinanc�al Se{vices - Acconntiug � r� ' ADMIAIISITZP.TIYE ORDIItS (all oil�ers� EXECU,TI� ORDER 1 'Depaciment'Diract�or 1 t�r�enYD�tector `� 2,' City Attomey'' 2 Cily Attomeg � � � . � 3. O�ceofFinancielServices 3_ orYAssrstant^ , � � ������ � � � ��, � � � 4 `� C' "CIerk "' , �� � � � � � � � 4: C' ;� CTe[k �a � � � � � � „ �t9 , �Y . � � �� � � � „, � , � � „ � „ , TOTAL N[71vIBER OF SIGTfA�C1P}E PAQES ��' I� �� „ � � ' iadicatethe#'ofpages'�wluchsigoa3utesarerequitedandPaPenyPotflageacltof'thesepagep. � . � , � , , , ,, , ,° , ' �, ACTIO21REQIIES"�D �" � � � � 7 �� � .I '�' � Descrfbe wLatilie ProJecUFe4uzst seeks'to accomplish m eitluer chronological,order or oi�k,r of�portance� �vhiclu�*es �s ' , r, ` most` nafef`ortfieissue. Donot, Seg�n, `temuiyourhstwuh�averb " appTOp write complete sentenc6s: eaci� i � � � , � �RECO�IDPNTLONS�� � , � � � � � �, �� � ?�..� `. � — Completeiftheissuemquestionhasbee.npresentedbeforeanyt;odg pubhcorpnvate.' . ' � , � � � �PERSQt1AL�SER�ICE CONTRACTS: � � � � � � . . . , .. , , , . Tliis infoxmation wil! be nsed to detetmme the cdy's kab�tyfor,workers aompemcateon,clawac, taYes,�d ProPer croil service fiuing'iu[es — � II�7FBfATING'PROBF ET�f„ISSUE, OPPORTF7NTTY', ' ,,, ' � „ � ' Exp}ain thesituation or conditions fliat cieated a need for yois project orrequest. „ � � „ . , � �� � � , ADVADITAGE$'IFAPPROVED ' � � ��' � �� , � � � . � � w c-w in Tndicate whethe.r flus is '� ad annual b rocecTiusx� Iaw/chader � heth� theie,ate s�mP19 udgetP 4�t�red6Y �� � � wlucfitheCityofSamtPau[saditsciti77enswiflbenefitfromlbispm�ecU�i� � � , �� � � �� ,�. DISADVANZ'?iGES'1E AFPRO�IF.E3 � , � .� � ' > >fitis e" to' this VUhat effect5 or '� cU oY ast negahy mal , anges eanshn8 P Pmce�esmTBht , Pm�ecU�questPralaF.e passed � Ce.g. h�aflic detays, noi�, ha:cincieases �mentsj2 To whom? +�F71ie4?Fochovq Iqng? i, � � � ,.� � � �� DSSADzFANfAGESIE'NOT APPROVED — Wf�atw�lS�ethe "ve.conseqtiencesifthepromisedacti��notapproved'2 Inab�tytodelider'servtceY Contmue ingh'tea�c, acci�Eisfe? Loss-ofceve�e? r �' i r � , � � � � � � FIIJANC�iL,IIw]PACT � � � ` ��', � — u ¢are m must�swer o `'ou mustmilor U� mfoimation' mvide hwe to ihe i�sae . Y� . � � I I' ��9 , � Y� P � � . Fo add�n� 8e�neia't two,ques4ions_Hotivmuchisitgoingtocdst7 Whois'So�S�PaY2 , � � � — � , � �� � � ,. � � � „ , �' � � � � � � � � � � � �� r , '' — � u � h , �. �i �� �' I � i� i r� ,.pil N i i , i. �i .i, 'i i� rv' n .� '" r.� ., . � . ,i b w .a . . ,"n� AI �dtr.�}SVeJ rUF nJu!'U.�rx'�qrl�h.,14a+;,.IfrE9a,tir �.nN4nif���`.�xn ,mll�ii—