04-1139� '� Jal��� RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To CouncilFile# Q� Green Sheet # �D��' �v Committee Date Support of Public Safety and Quality of Life Issues in Saint Paul 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul believes that keeping its residents and visitors safe is a tog priority and a key 2 component in the quality of life and livability within the City; and 3 WHEREAS, the City's Police and Fire departments have been asked to take on the additional responsibilities 4 associated with homeland security while maintaining their cunent work loads and responsibilities; and 5 WHEREAS, the City recognizes and appreciates the difficulties police have in providing services that keep the city's 6 streets safe while enforcing laws professionally and fairly; and 7 WHEREAS, the reduction of violent gang activity is an important regional goal undertaken by the City of Saint 8 Paul; and 9 WHEREAS, the City recognizes the value in developing and implementing the 800 NII3z communication system 10 and views it as a vital tool in the war on crime and maintaining public safety; and ll WHEREAS, loud and booming car stereos, cars running red lights, cars speeding and racing on city streets and 12 creating and selling fake identification are illegal activities and reduce the quality of life for Saint Paul residents, 13 businesses and visitors; and 14 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work 15 is inextricably linked to the City's I.egislative Agenda; now, therefare be it 16 17 18 19 �p ?1 r� ,3 '.4 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports and urges legislative passage of the followang: i. Funding for Homeland Securiry to local governments; 2. Maintaining the Minnesota Gang Strike Force independent of the Minnesota Drug Task Force; 3. Supporting the 800 Megahertz Radio Communication system by: • supporting Ramsey County efforts to expand the special levy to incorporate all expenses for developing and operating an interoperable communications system • supporting the expanding of the limit for issuance of bonds above the $18 million limit • supporting the extension of MetropoIitan Radio Board authoriry beyond its sunset date. 4. Consequences for loud car stereos - new provision would allow persons to file noise complaints and allow police to charge the owner of the caz with the violation whether or not the owner is the violator of the law; 5. Support of League of Minnesota Cities legislation authorizing use of Motion Imaging Recording Systems; 6. Increase car racing penalties from reckless/cazeless driving to forfeiture; 7. Enhance penalties for creating and selling fake ID's by changing the penalty from a gross misdemeanor to a felony if evidence is discovered that many ID's (10-20) were created and sold; D�- ���9 1 8. Support of Minnesota Department of Transportation pilot project and funding to study 25 mph speed 2 limits on residential streets in Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: � Form Appioved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Appi � 3y: Adopted by Councll: Date 1-n-��Y `�-'�-- O ���" (�-t-113� CITY COUNCTL �mher i, 2ooa GREEN SHEET No 206390 Helgen 6-8650 December 8, 2004 Consent A4SlGN NUMBER FOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATI9RE PAGES � �.���.� i„� �,.�,.� _ � CIiYAiSONI@Y ❑ itHCLFRK � ❑ FWiNCIN.tErtVICEaOR ❑ q�4NeI.LLSERV/ACCT6 ❑ WYOR(ORh4&STAIIT) ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Resolution Supporting Changes in State Law to Maintain Saint PauPs Quality of Life PLANNING COMMISSION GB COMMITTEE GNIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED Has this pe�san/(rm ever worketl under a conVact tw this tlepartmenCi YES NO H� ihis Person/firm ever been a cy7Y emPbYee? YES NO Dces this persoNfirm possess a skill rwt narmallypos5esse0 by any curtent city employee? YES NO Is this personlBrm a targetetl venaon YES NO A✓ F.:y �PCfx�YP`{'t f�an4�sp } �: . � � �._. TRAHSACTION FUNDING SOURCE CASTIREVENUEBUD6ETED�GRCLEONE} ACiMTY NUMeER YE8 No =iwwcw_ wFORMnnoN (ocPwr+� ROi}TING ORDER: � � � � � Bekw are corrett'rovtings for the sis mostfrequeat types of documen3s:, �' � � � ��� CONTRAGTS (ess�es authorized budget eaists) COUNCII: RESDEITfION (amend budgetslaccept gca¢ts) � 1.�OutsideAgency � 1. DeparlmentDirecto��� � � 2. Depertment'Diractor 2: OffxceofFin�aial5eivicesDirector 3. C�ipAUoiney� � 3. City�Attoineg,, �; � � � �� � � � � � 4. Maycs/E�ssistant (for conuads ovu $25,000) 4. , Mayar/AssistanY � 5: fIuman Riglits (for'conhacts ov� $SQ;000) � 5. 'Citg Coimcil � � � � � 6. O&ce ofFingncial Services - Accoiwting , 6_ Office ofFinancial Seivices'- AcxountinB ADMINISTRATfVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) COUNCII. RFSOI:ITfION (alt others'and Ocdinances) , 1. ActivitpManager'orAepaztmentAccountant 1. Depar(mentDirector : � 2. DepachnentDirector 2. CityAttomey ' 3. OfficeofFinancialServicesD"uector' 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Cily Ctedc � 4. City Councii � � � � � � � 5_ Office afFin�cial Services -Accom7ting „ 2.DMINISIRATTVE ORDII2S (all others) ,. 1. 1Jepacfinent Director, 2. CizYAttorneS' , 3' ' Office ofFiu�ciai Servi 'Director EXECF7TIVE ORDER 1- DepmlmentD'uector" , 2: Cit9 AYtorne9 . , 3 /Assstant ces Maqor , � � � � � � � 4 GiEg Cleijc � � � 4. � City Clark '� , � � TOTAL�NFJMBIItOF'SIGNATUREPAGES � � � � Iudicate the # ofpages ori wfiich signaUues are required and paperclip ortTag eacfi of these pages. , ACTIONREQUESTED � � � � � � � � � � � �� Describe what the projed/request seeks;o accom�]ish in either chrono,logical order oi' oidei of imporfance; wlricl�evei is ,-, most�appropxiatefartheissae. Donotwritecompletesentences.�Begueach�ite�inyotQlistwith`adab. � � � �� ��, � � RECOTMdENDA1TONS " � � � � � � �� � � � � � � Complete if the, issae iu qaestion fias beeu pcese,nted befote anpbody,' Pnblic or,Priva�. � � �� � � � PERSQNAti SII2VICE CONTRACTS: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Tlus info�ation will be used to deteimine the city',s liability for workers compensstion nTaims, taxes and propea ciyil � secvice hicmg cuies. � � � � � � � � � � , ' � � INII'tATING PROBLElt%� I55IIE, OPPORTCTNITY �� � � � � � � � � � � � E�lain the sih�aYiou ar'condili�s t&at cieated a need fnrywr�project or requesk ��� �� � � ��� � � ADVRNTAGES IF APPROVED Indieate whetiier t6is is simpty an an¢u'al budget PcocecGue requiredby„,Iaw/eharter or, whetfier tfie�e are specifie ways in, ' � �wI�icte the City'of Saint Pmfl and its cifizens u�ilI'benefit � this,giojectfach�. ' � ��, � ` � DISAUVANTA(�S IF APPROVED � � � � � �� � � � � ` � � � � � � �Nhatnegativeeffectsormajor,c6mgestoe�stingorpastpROCessesmighftLisprojectlreqaes't'produceifitispassed' , (e:g, ira�c'detaps; �ise, tax inccieases or �ents)2 To whom? When? For,how long2, ' � DISADVt3NTAUES, IF �NOT APPROVED � � � � � � � � What will l�ee the negative consequences if tbe promised action is not, approved? 7nab�7ity'to deli'verseryice2 ; Continue � high '�c, noi.sc; accidwtzate? Lossofreveuiie? ' � � � � FINANCTAL IMPACT Although yon must ta�lor the i�oimation yw provide here to jhe issiieyou are addressing in;g�eiat yon must answer, , rivo'quesEious: How much is �it going to cost? Wfio is goin�ta pay�l ' ,� . , �,� �� �; , � � �, � � � � � Council File # �` �� .+, Green Sheet # ?.�Xa3,D Presented Referred To Support For in State law to Maintain Saint Paul's Quality of 1 WHEREAS, the CiTy of Saint Paul believes that it is paramount to enforce laws that enhance the quali life for Saint Paul 2 residents, businesses and tourists; and 3 WHEREAS, the City recognizes and appreciates the difficulties police have in provid� services that keep the city's streets 4 safe while enforcing laws profess3onally and fairly; and 5 WHEREAS, loud and booming caz stereos, cars mnning red lights, caz peeding and racing on city streets and creating and 6 seliing fake identification are iliegal activities and reduce the qu ' of life for Saint Paul residents, businesses and visitors; 7 and 8 WI�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the p'cy making body for the Ciry of Saint Paul, and as such, its work is 9 3nextricably linked to the City's I.egislative A da; now therefore be it 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RESOLVEA, that the City of Saint �supports and wges legislative passage of the following: 1. Consequen for loud caz stereos - new provision would allow persons to file noise complaints azad allow police chazge the owner of the car with the violaGon whether or not the owner is the violator of ihe law. 2. Su ort of L,eague of Minnesota Cities legislation authorizing use of Motion Imaging Recording Systems. 3. crease car racing penal6es from recklesslcareless driving to forfeiture. 4 Enhance penalties for creafing and selling fake ID's by changing the penalty from a gross misdemeanor to a felony if evldence is discovered that many ID's (10-20) were created and sold. 5. Support of Minnesota Department of Transportation pilot project and funding to study 25 mph speed limits on residential streets in Saint Paul. Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary. By: Approved by Mayor. Date RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Mi�tNESOTA Committee Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council f� � Adopted by Councii: Date