04-1138lai 8�0� � « RESOLUTION Presented by Referred To Committee Date Support Tax and Fiscal Policy Changes: Support Full Funding of Local Government Aid, Oppose Limited Market Value Phase-Out, Support Allowiug Cifies to use Reverse Repurchase Agreements 3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul relies upon Local Government Aid from the state to aid in the provision of essential Ciry 4 services; and 5 WHEREAS, any reduction in LGA would affect police, fire, public works and other essential City services that enhance 6 public safeTy and maintain a positive quality of life; and 7 WHEREAS, a phase-out of limited mazket value would negatively impact Saint Paul property owners,_ and 8 WHEREAS, a reverse repo transaction involves the sale of securities owned by the County to a brakerldealer, which is then 9 repurchased by the County at a future date and set price. Between the time the security is sold and repurchased, cash is 10 available to the County to meet cash flow needs or for investment purchases; and 11 WI�,REAS, such authority would benefit the City of Saint Paul; and 12 WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work is 13 inextricably linked to the City's Legislative Agenda; now therefore be it 14 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul: 15 1. Supports fuil funding of the Local Govemment Aid formula; 16 2. Opposes efforts to phase out Limited Market Value; and 17 3. Supports extending authority to cities to purchase Reverse Repurchase Agreements currently available to 18 counties. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��Q` � a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Appt C-3'� / CITY OF�PAUL, MINNESOTA �i. CouncilFile# O��/l��j' Green Sheet # a b (p � � aao�} � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Q�/- <l3 �6 1 10. St. Paul College Bonding request -$10,120,000 to remodel 94,900 square feet of construction uades 2 applied laboratories. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: Approved by Mayor: Date � � Adopted by Council: Date ��-��3� cr� covrrcu, 6-8650 December 8, 2004 Consem n�t�i,aoo4 � GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES No 2063$9 � u �..a„�.�� � �„� _ FOR ❑ OIYAiiOWEY ❑ CIIYCLERK ❑ Fn�xcw.a¢nv�an. ❑ wair�aaEa�n.�crc ❑rnroa(ortwmra�p ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Resolufion Supporting State Tax and Fiscal Policy Changes: Restore LGA cuts, Resist Limited Market Value Phase-out, and Extending Reverse Repurchase Agreement Authority to Saint PauL PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION (Who,What, RSONAL SERVICE CONiitACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: Has t�is person/Prm ever wnrketl under a corihact fw this departmenl? VES NO Has this persoNfirtn ever been a cdy ¢mpbyee7 YES NO Does this pers�rm possess a sltill rat normaltypossessetl by any arteM city emPbYee? VES NO is this peisoNfirtn a targe[ed ventloR YES NO V ��-.�,',�"�jr �F!}fint � _. . � .�.�.,.. oF TRANSAC710N SQURCE COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUtdBER VES NO (��M ,; RODTING ORDER: � � � � � � � � � � Below'arecosectroutiugs�orthe�mos[firequeuttypesofdocmnent5:' " ' ' CONTRt1CTS (assumes authorized budgeE ezisfs} ," CAUNGIL RESOLUT�OAT;(amend budgefs/accept gcants}' , Y. OutsideAgency' � 1 Dep��ntDirector f �� 2.'�Depac�entDi�ector � Z ,Office 'D�rectoi , � � 3.'CiLS'Attomey 3. "CilpAtkotney" ' � 4, Mayor/Assfstant (f� contracts ova $25,000) 4. Mayo�AAssisf�t, ' ' � ' � � � � � 5. Hwnan Ri'Bhts (for con4acfs over $50,000) �� 5. Citp Co�+c�1 � � � 6,- O�ce ofFioancial Services -'ticcounting 6. O�ce ofFinancial Secvices'- Accoimting . nna�sninzzvE o�IIZS <suaget x�;��� covrrcu; xESOivizorr <$u,arn� ffia o�a`,n�) 1 � �4�Y1�YM�8� �orDepaztmentAccountant � 1_ �DepartmenbDirector � � � � � �2.� Ih�acimeotDirector 2. CityAttor�y , � � � � � � � � � 3. QfficeofFinancial'�ServicesDirector 3: JyfayorlAssittant�� , � � � � � � 4.' 'City, Clerk 4: Citp Council' ? 5 O�'ice ofFinancial Services - Accounting � � � � � � � � � ADI�9NlSTRk1TIVE ORDERS (all otheis) �CLPfIVE QRDER ' 1.'DepsrhmentDuector 1 be.parlmenkI�ffector' " 2. Ci1S'Attome3' , � � � � Z CityAtYn�ney ' � � �3? �O�ce°ofF'm�cial'SeFvicesDicecto� ' � 3.,IvfayorFAss�stant � � � �� � � 4. -City Cleac � � � � 4. City Clark, - ' � , � . , � � TOTAL N[IMBER' O�' SICrI�TATURE Pz1GES � � � � � � onwhich si are rcJ�p o, �flageach of„ �� � pag � � �� indicate the # of Pages gnat�ues required a� pape ' r tfieae ea' '' ACITON,REQUESTED Descn'be what �e pmj�est set,ks to accomplisfi m either chmnologii�l order or oc3erof importance whichever,is ' most appmpriate for the issue.' Do notwtite complete se.ntences. ,Begin each it�'inyws lis[ wiUi a verb: RECOMIv�IDA1TONS Complete if8ie`issue in quesfion fias been,presenteil before anY �Y; Puiilic or private. , � � � � � .' � ' � � � � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: Tlus informstion witl beused to determine the city's liability for, workers,compensation clsims; t�es snd proper civil " seiv}cekunngmles• , . II+RTfATIN'GPROBIk�4��IS§US;OPPOBTUNITY "� ' � � � � � � � � � � � Explain the siU�ation or conditions that created a need foryour project or request , � � � �� ` � � � ADV�ANTAGES IF APPROqID �' � ; , � ,' � � r ' � � � � � � �, �� � �� lndicate wh�her tlus is, simplY an aonuat bud'Bek'Procedure requir?d bYlaw/cLazter or whetherthere aze specific ways in ; � wlnch ffie �ity of SaiutPaul aad its citizeos, wi7l benefit froni 4ris`groject/�tion. � , � � � � � � � � � � DISADVANfAGES IF APPRQVEIJ, , . negaEiv effeGs or'major changes, to e�tisting or ast this Prol�`� P?'�� �f rt ys ' What e' P Pmcc,cses wSht Pasged ' �(e.g, traffic delays, noise, tac 3ncieases �'asses.vnents�9�� �xo ivhomT �WhenY�� how long7 , �� DI�SADVANTAGESIF�NOTAPPROVED "' �� � � � � Wh'etwill be the negative cbnseqoences if the promised achon'is not'appiovedY Tnabili}y to deliver seavice? , Contmue � � higli haffic, noise, accident ra�? Loss ofrevenue? . FfNANCiAL Ib�PACT � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Althonghyou must'tailor U� mformation yon provide hae to the issu� 3'ou are addressing, m genecal yai must'answer, ' twd�questions. Wfioisgrnngto�pay7 � � � � . � � � � ��' � �� . � ' �.� � � � � ., Council File # � ' ��o Gr�n Sheet # 2D�� �1 Presented Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAlNT PAUl, MlNNESOTA � �� Committee Date Support TaY and �scal Policy: / 1 Restore LGA Cuts, Resist LMV Phase-Out, Reverse Repos � 2 WHEREAS, tha City of Saint Paul relies upon Locai Govemment Aid from the state to ' in the provision of 3 essential City services; and 4 WI�REAS, a phase-out of limited mazket vatue would negatively impac aint Paul property owners; and 5 WHEREAS, reverse repos gives counties the authority to purch Reverse Repurchase Agreements which would 6 make funds available to meet cash flow needs or for inve ent purchases; and 7 WHEREAS, such authority would benefit the ' of Saint Paul; and 8 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Co il is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work 9 is inextricably linked to the Cit ' Legislauve Agenda; now therefore be it 10 RESOLVED, that th rty of Saint Paul supports and urges legislative passage of the foliowing: 11 12 i. Restoration of LGA cuts; 13 . Resist LMV phase-out; 14 3. Support Reverse Repos currendy available to Counties. 15 Requested by DepartmenY oE Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl � Adopted by Council: Date