243944 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2439�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N IL RESOLU N GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF FtESOLVED, That The Council hereby approves the award. of the Contract Co�ma3.ttee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to vax3.ous depaxtm�ents o� the City of St. Paul (and including Ratnsey Co. Engr. Road and Bridge) app�oximately 7000 Ton of BITC�NOUS MIXTUF� and approximately 2500 Ton of OIL MUC, to PZNNIG ASPHA,Il� C(JMPANY for the contra.ct price of approximately $�-3,605.00, in accord.ance with bid specifications and Formal Bid �3�+25 of said Penni� Asphal.t Compan,y, such bid being the lawest ateeting specifica- tions, and said bidder being a reasonable and reli�.ble one, a,nd the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form o� contract therefor, and the proper City officials here'by axe authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid �3�+25. Ado ted b the Counci�Y i b 1969 19� COUNCILMEN P Y Yeas Nays �1Y 1 6 196� rVaaaavu —� Dalglish �' pproved 19— : Meredith � Tn Favor �'et�rsoa- ; ) Sprafka ✓ Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �11�LISHE� MAY 2 � 1969 �o