243936 � . , ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�3936 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE .,� , OUNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF • RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Contract for Professional Services between the City and Stanley Fishman Associates, Inc. pertaining to the Code Enforcement Program, whereby St�anley Fishman Associates, Inc. will provide draftsmen to work with rehabilitation specialists and property owners in preparing preliminary and final sketches and drawings relating to rehabilitation and remodeling property improvements within the Code Enforcement Area. FOR PPROVE �orpora ' � MAY � b 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' �� � � 1��9 Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor �e�ac�r--� � Sprafka ,� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne PU�LISHE� MAY 2 4 1969 0 f � . , � � . . UEPAIt'I'f�IFN`�' OI� HOUSIIIG I:TID UiZBAtv U�:Vf�LOPi;r;PJT HUD�621B URBAIv' R:��Pdf;:^JAL PRO:•i3111�t . (5-66) ' � CO:i'�'RliCT I�OR P1�0�`ESSIOi?AL OR 'sr:CNS?ICI�T� SERVICES P� II--�}Z�� AI1D COI�DIT70:iS � l. Tei-�,inF.�fon o�' Con�Lraet �'or C�.use. If, through any cause, the �Contracto� - shall f�sil to �ulfzll in tin��ly end proper �eaainer his obliga�;fons under this Contr�ct, or iP the Corstre,ctor shall violate Fiay o� the covenants, p.�*�..reements, � or �tipu2�tioxis of "•thi.s Cantx•f�c�:, the Local Public �lgency shr�ll thereupon h�.ve the r��ht to t�rrainate this Co,itr�ct by �ivin� �tr3_t�en notice to the Contraetor of suc� terLnination ��d speci:Cyin.g the eiiective d�?te thereof, at least five days bei'pre the e.rxec-ti.ve d�te oi such terinination. In such event, a.11 Pinished or. un�i.n_Ished docurn�nts, da.ta, studies, and repor�� prep�red by the Contr�,ctox under -Lhis Coia�xact si�ul�, at the op�ion o� the Loc�l Public A�ency, becom.e i�s proper�ty an�i �he Contr�ctor sli�ll be en�itled to receive �ju:zt �n3 equitAble compens�tion �iox �.uy s�tisfFC�;ory r�oi�k corapleted or, such docu��l�nts. � No���rithst��a�din� f�,tia.e above, the Co�'cz•ac�or shAll not be relievEd o�' li�,bili.ty � to the Loc� P�:blic A;;ency �oz• da����es susta�ned by the LocF�l Fub_lic A�ency by virtue oi t�ny b�each o�' the Con�tr�c'c b�� the Coiz-trACtox; esld �the Loc�l Public Avency ;��;y Fri'r,�?lzo7_d �ny p�,.y�;.�er�ts to ttAe Coni..ractor Por the pua�ose o� setoi i . twtil siich �i.�:� us the ey:�ct Q-mount o:f d,^,ITA��S due the Locr�]: Pubtic �l,gency f'ro� t?ae Contr�cto-r is deteri�ined. 2. �err_a'�n.:t,ion �or Contienience o� LocP)_ Publ.ic A;;ency. The Loc�l Yubli.c A�enc;� r��t�.y tex•n?i>>ui,e 'chis Con�r�ct �,ny tisne by �. notice in �rritin�, f'rc� the � �oce.l Pu'�J.ic A�e�cy to the Con'cz•actor. Ir the Contrgct is terriinated by t;�e Locat Pu�lic A;ency �s provided r�exei.n, the Contr�ctor will be p�,�.d �.n .�noun� �:rhich bet3a°s the sarae ra-tio to thz totPl compensatioi� as the servicee actual?.y per�'oxu�ed b�ar to the �otal ser�vices ai th.e Contr�ctor covered by this Contract, lese pey;:�ents oa co;?p�nsWtioi� previously �ade; Provided, hotrever, �,h�t if less the�n sixty pez cent oi �he se:vices covered by this Coni.ract h�ZVe been p�r�'�x•��ed upon t.he eifec��ti�e d��e oi such termin�-tiob, the Contr�.ctor shall b� reirn�ursed (in �dcii�i on �o �11e Gbove p�y,u�nt) for that por.tion ot' the actual out-ox°-poci:eL exp°IlS�S (not .othei�c�rise reitabursecl ui�der this Co��r�ct� incurred by the Contrec�or du-rir,� �the Cori�r�ct p�ricd tinich �,re directly sttribut�.�ale to the uncoapleted po�°-c�.on of' t�s services cover.ed by this Contract. I� thi.s .Con�ract is terinin�ted due �o t�e faul'c of t.he Contx�ctor, Sec�ion 1 hereo�' relatzve to tex�in�ta.on sh�1�. �ppl.y. ' ' 3. Chcr�es. �1'k�� LocF1 J'ubl.ic �`;;e�cy m�y, froil� time to t�me, reo,u�st ch�uges ir the scop� o�i �l�e services ofl the Con'tractor �to b� per�ozr,�ec� hereur.der. Such cha:�.ae��, incluclir_� �.ny increase or decre�,�e in t��e �.r,iou�7�� of t�e Con�ractor's co�:.�pens�tio:?� tjs�tch �.�e r�utu�,�ly ��rezd u�on by t�nd Uett�een i;he Local Public A;�e.lcy ��zci �he Co�ii.rac�or, sh�.l� be iucos°pot°e.ted in vrit�ten ��enclu�n�ts to th:is Contx�.ct. � , , , , , � ' _ 2 _ , 4. Pci�sonnel. A. The Co��trf�ctor represeni.s th�.t hc h�s, ar N11.1 sccure , ut 2i�s o�rn expetise, t�11 perso:!riel. I'C131111'(:CI in pe�foi'min�. the sei•vices undez� � this Contruct. Such �e��son.nel sh�ill not be employeec; of or hnve riny contracl;ua]. ` rel�tti.onship �✓ith �;l�e Loc�J_ Yublic A�ency. � b. All the sei-vices reo�uired hereurider ��ill be perfox�r,ied by the Co�it�•actor � or under his supervision Ar.d �cll gersonnel en�a��d in the work Ehe.11 be fully quAlified �d sh�ll be au�:horized or perint�;t�ed under State a.nd loc�l l�arr to perPorrn such services. c. No person who is servin� sentence in a pen�.l. ar correctionr�l institution shall be employed on �rork under this Contract. � ' . 5. Ant1.�Kickb�ck Rules. S�laries of archi-tects, dr�.Ptsmen, technicel en�ineers, E.nu technici�.ns perPoi�nin� woi•k under this Contract shs11 be paid uncor.dition�.11y and not iess o�'ten thmn once a month �rittaout.deduction or rebate on any accou,it excep� only such pftyroll cleductions as �r-e rnandator.y by la�J or permitted by the app]_ic�b�e regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor pursu�:n�: _ to the "Anti-Kic�.b�.ck, Act" oi° J"une 13, 193�+ (48 Stat. g1�8; 62 Stat. 71+0; 63 St�t. � 103; ti'tle 18 U.S.C., section 871t; �nd title �+0 U.S.C. , section 276c) . 7`he Con�i•actor s21�.11 com�ly witt� �..tl applicabl_e "Anti-KickSsck" re�-ul��tions �nd shall i.nsex•i, �.ppropx iate provisions in al]_ subconi.r�cts coverin�, work under ,this Contr�.ct to insuxe co:�:�li�i?ce by subcontr�cto_rs �rit}i such regulations, and shall be ` responsible Po-r the submiss�0l1 of afi°iclavits required of subcontraci,or� there- under eacept r�s th2 Secr.et�,r.y of Labor r,iay specifically provide for varia.tions �. o� ox exernptioz�s �rom the requireruents thereoi. 6. Withk�oldin�; o� S�;laries. I�, fn the pexTorm�.nce of this Contract, there is any unde p IL�'Il�� OI sal�.�•ie� by the Contra.ctor or by �ny suUcontractoz• there- under, the Loctxl Public A�ency shall �i�h�lold f'rom the Contractor out of p�.yr;;ent� � due to hi.m an a�oun�• sui�.'icient to pay �o ernployees underpaid the dif�erence � bet�een the sttlaries requi•red herEby �;o be paid .end the salaries actually paid such e��ployees �or the tot�l nu,lib�r. oY' hours ��orke.d. �'he t3mounts withheld sh.all be disbuz•sed by the I,oc�,l Public Agency ior e.nu on account of the Coritr�c�or or subconti•�ctor to the i•espective e�apl.ay�es to whom they are due. 7. Clairls �nd Dispu�es Pert�.inzn� to S�l�ry Rztes. Claims �.nd disputes pertF,inii�b to s�lag�y rates or to clftissii'ications oP architects, dr�.ftsrLen, techuicAl en�ineer�, a.nci teehnici�ns perfo�-min� HoxL tmder this Contre.ct s�all • � bQ pro�ptly reported in writiu� by the Contractor to the Loca.l_ Public A�ency � , for the ��;tter's decis�.on k;hich sh�1_l b� final. with respect thexe�`i,o. 8. Egua.l E�-inlo�r�?�nt Op�ortunity. Durin� the p�r�'orraance o� this Con�ract, the Contrflctor ��rees f;s t'ollo�rs: , , a. The Contr�c�or xill not discrimiznte e,gainst '�.ny enrp�.oyee or applict�nt ; for er,?plo3'�ent bec�use o� race, creed, color, or natioi��l ori�in. The Contz•actor �;ill t�l>e &i�i.i�!��ive �c'�i,ion �to ensure that applicants sre empl.oyed, an� th�t e�,p�.oy�es are tre�ted during er�ptoyi::en't, without � re�ard to theii� r��ce, creed, colox•, or n�tiona.l or3�in. Such �.ctio� sh,�11 iz�c.lude, but not be li�ited to, the �'ollo:�in�: e�loy,;seiit, up�rading, c�e�otion, oa tr�.nsPer; reci-uitruen� or reci-uit���;ent Fdver�isi.ng; � layo:if or te�iaii3ation; rt�tes oi p�.y or other f'oa°�s o�' comp°nsation; rznd • * , , . ' , , _ 3 - selcctio:� for tr�ir.in�, inc,]_udin�; r�pp�•enticeship. The Contractor �;;z-ecs ` , • to po�1. 3ii conspicuous pl�cea, avt�ilt�b�e to cmployces an�1 applic�:nts foz• � , � emp�oyment, r_otices to be pz•ovided by the I,oc�l Public A�ency settin� fori:h� tZie provisions of this iiond.iscr�rain�tion c�ause. : b. The Contractor �rill, in all solicii:�.tions or adverti�e�ents for employees � placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, stt�te th�t �11 qua�i�ied applic�its �ri11 receive consideration for eznploy�ent rrithout re��rd ' to race, creed, col.oz•, or national origin. � ' c. Thc Con�;rac�;or �rill cause tl�e Poregofng provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work cove;ed by ttiis Contract so that such provisions rrill b` bindin� upon e�ch subcontr�ctor, px•ovided that the fore�oin� • ' �provisions shc.11 no� apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard co!�nercial supplies or rarr materi�als. � • 9. Di.scrim5.nai,ion Because o� Cei-tain Labor Matters. It'o person employed on . the woxk covered by thi.s Contraci; shall be dischar�ed or in. �ny �ray discximinated t�gainst bec�use he h�.s fi]_ed ��ny co��pl_�za.nt or instituted or. caused to be insti.tuted any proceedin, or ha.s testified ox is about to testify ii�: any proceedin� under or relati�ag to the laboi' stPndard� applic�ble hereunder to his e?nployer. 10. Com�17��.nce With Locet LA���. The Contractor sh�l.l co:�ply wi-th all applic�bl e 1�;��rs, orain�z?�ces, r�.nd codes of the St�.te �aaad loc£1 governraents, �.nd �sha]_l co�nit no treapa.ss on �ny public or priva'ce property in per�orm�n�; any oi �. � the wor.�� erabx•�,ced by this Contr�.ct. . 11. Subcon�,rt�cti.n�. Pdone of the services covered by this Contract sY,t:11 . ._____�..�__�._ • � be subcontrs.cted �!ithout trie prioz• Fmitten COIlsen� of the Local Publa.c A�ency. The Co:�tractor sh�.].l be as fully responsible to the Loc�,l Public A�ency gor �he acts and omissions of his subcontractors, arid of persons either direc-tly or � indir.ectly erap�.oyed by t�i�„�, as he is for the acts and owissions c�f persons directly er�ployed by hira. The Contr�,ctor sh�l iz�seri; in each subconti�act appropr3�t•e provisions requiring compli��nce rritr� the l�bor st�idards provi�ions o� this C�ntr�,ct. 12. Assi�nability. The Contrac�,or shall not assi�n any interest in tha.s . Contr�ct, t�,nd shall not tra.nsfer any interest in the s�ue (Frhether by assi�,runent ; or novation) �ritb.out the priox• krritten approval o� the Local Pi�blic Auency; • Provided, hoti*ever, that claims for money due or to becoLye due the Contractor • frorn the Loc�]. Pub�.ic �;;ency under this Contract may be assi�ned to a b�Zk, trust comp�ny, or oth�r fin�ci�.l institution, or to � Trustea in Ba.nkx-uptcy, { without such �ipproval. r�otice o�' tu-iy such assi��ent or trazisfer shal.l.be � furniahed pr.omptly to the Local Public �3ency. . < , 13. Interest of ?�:e�bers of Loc�.l Public A�ency. No menber o� the gOY�T'L1�.21� body of the Local Publ.ic A;ency, and no other oi ficer,. ernployee, or e,�ent o,^: the Local Public A;�ency k�ho exez c�ses �uiy functions or responsibilities in connncti.an �rith th° c2,rryin; out o�' the Pro�ject to �:hich tt�is Contxact pertains, sh�.l_l have any per�orial• �.nterest, dixect or indirect, in this Contract. r 1�+. Inteies�� of G�her LocGl Pub7_ic Cf�'�C1.Et�$. P�o �eraber of the �;overnin� � bocly of the loc�.li�,y in tirhich the Project Ares is situe.ted, and no of.her public of�icie.l_ o� such loc�tity, uho e�ercases �.ny func�ions or responsibil.ities i.n the. review or�ppi•ov�l o� the ccrryin� out of the Pro�ject �o �rhich tha.s Coni,r�ct pertains, sh�ll hflve .any,persont�l. interest, direct or indirect, in this Contr�.ct. ' r ' � . 1 ,. � � � � � ' . ' . _, 1. - _ . 4 1j. I111;er.esi; oi' Certai.rz �ederul Ofiici.*_�ls. No raer-uber of or Dele�;ate to ' . the Con,ress of th� United St�,te�, f�.ncl no Resi.den�, Co,-�.raissfoner, sh�.l.l be ' � adrnitted to tuiy sh�re or ���u,t of this Coi�tract or to e.ny benei'it to �r�se herefro��. • . 16. Intei-eat oP ContT•�,c�:or. �'he Coritx�.cto.r covenauts that he presently h�s no iuterest and sha11 not acquire t�.ny interest, direct or ilidirect, in the � above-describ�d Pro�ect A1.•eE� or e.ny parcels therein or t�.ny other interest; �hicn would con�'lict in �ny rsar���er or de�•ee with the perioz•na.nce of his sex-vices hereundex. The Cot��r�c�or further covensnt;s that in the per�orma.7ce of this Con�ract no person havi.n� any sucli inte�est sha�ll be enployed. 17. Findin�s Confidenti�,l. All of the rep�rts, inforrila�tion, dt�ta, etc., prepared or as8embled by the Contr�.ctor under this Coni,ract axe confidential • and the Contractor ��rees thwt traey shr�l.l not be r�ade available to any indiv�.due1 or or�ani.zation xithout the prior Fncitten approv�l of the Local Public A�ency. • ' • �. � . , - i ; . , . � ' • ' GPO 912•473 ;. � . . . .. . ,r ,« .. ..... _ . .._: .. .�._ , , �. , �•.,�►••. ... . � �� ' . _ :' � . , . til �G: ��:=� . _„�- ; .. ���-���Q � � - �..�,, � �n� (�i-es) ; . — � ' � � ' �;, . � 110UJING AMD ttOx2 F1�A�Ct ACEJfCY �al' ' � ' v��.x �'n��ru, �w;�t?1 I 5 TRAT I�'� . •�, �,�: �'�'��:!�,�,p '� '� N •-'-..:r�.�, , ' . DETERta I PiAT I Ofl OF PREWA I L I P+Q �ALAi:i E5 OF 7EC�it;I CAL �O��J'�G�,"��:=���:;'''A°" - .' .� / �� N ; L• � *�JCCTS ; ' ,►. YANE qF IOCAL PU�LiC AGENCY • C. LOCAL��Y ?,j������� � ' IIovain� und F:�^:•;�lo�en� Ilut�a,�i�t� e� ��.� G].� c�' �, . �l `% , g�� ��� y`�:lz's.:�c�?-..��� ; ' Sta Paul� ?�►inzr�co"ka r�� , �� i ���1 ` / j B, ADDR[SS OF LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY . ` � 1�M♦J V�tq l� F�J Wa+� �,v i'.' ' ��� �.�-.. J9 1�J.b:.►�0 � , . . i � p, ' PREYAIIING SA�ARIE$ PREYAI�ING $�LARIES , � CLASSIFIC�►TIOM OETERNINED BY AOMINISTRATOR ��ASSIFICATION DETERNINED BY AOMINISTRATGR OF RCG- �ER OYE1�- IER Of REG- �ER OVEp- �Ep � UI�R TIME TIME T��[ ENPl0Y14ENT • VIAa 11ME� flwE i1wE � � EMP�OYMENT p��E ►�R100� 11ATE �EAIOD� R�fE ►ER�00 p�TE �ER100 f 1 PldpO�< <�� � 13 Dra(taaan l31 /�.��� ru � 4 Plaoa�r l21 1� Drolt�aao 11) ' 7 2p� � � Plooea� (1) � 1S Draft�uon (1) .i0 � 2 16 Col�f o[ Pattr � � Enqin��r (31 �1 �K (Surv�rloq) 2 Of� J J 1 . S E��ln��r (4) r9 ' 17 in�truo�otoaa Z I i j6 Enq1o�•r (1) 2�P� . 16 Rodoan 1� . � � � 7 .Arc6lt�et (91 19 Chalewae 1� ; �►o� -- i so ; t Archlt�ct «� 3vy5 � �� __ � . -� . . 8 ArcLlt�:t (ll 2 � �� � � �'�� Oj�� _ � • ti� : ;�:�, ��� � N G�v 'd ' 10 Laidacap• Z1 ,� O i AreAit�ct (3) � I1 Laod�cap• q� ., �Ot�,Q� ; Arcllt�ct (11 3e(`� — ' � 12 Laed�eap• Z� FrcAlt�ct ll) 2 r � • Tear i�dicated Dy 'T', Montb �y "K", Ysek Dy•"lf", a�d Hoor b� 'H'. � i The rate& indicated above are determined to be the,a�lary ratee pr�vail�ng in �}�e above local�cy for � the respective claesific�tions of aschitecca, technic�l engineere, draftsmen, and �ec M�c►ons employed in � the developmene of Title I pco,jette. � � ' � ln order to Eulfill the provieions of �'he contract or contracts for Title I financial ass�atanco you � shall require the peym�nt of noc lesa than che R.�ariea prevailing in the locality as here►n determin�d., to � such techntcel peesonnel employed in che development of the �Eorementton�d Tttle l pro�ccts as are •+�thin ' the purvier of the determination. 't�ia detec�aa►nntion Fupera�de6 all pre�ious determ ulatio+�s. � � . � S';:r S � i� „ }tOUSING E FiNANCE AnMINIST�2A�fOR : . i�AP. � 0 1961 ,� y� �. �C';;', �a / ' . �°` 4.• � ✓ j�y -- ' in.�. d ,� � P�.� . � a,i'�.=��i s'.r��:or � cro .�s•:� � ' ' . . , . . . ��3 Q/ �. � , . • '�. DUPLICATB TO PRINT6R �'�v r�����j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL eJ eJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON ER DATF R�50LVED, By the Councail af the City af Saint Paul, thmt the proper City offieers are hereby autliorized and directed to �xecute, on behal.f o� the City a� �aint I'aul, Contract �'or Pro�easional Serviees between ti2e �ity and Stanley Fiahman �'i�sociate�, Inc. perta,inin�; to the Code En�orcement Program, whereby StAnley Fishman 1�ssociates, Inc, will �rovide clra�tsmen. to work with rehab3.litation speciali�ts and property owners in preparir�g preliminary nnd �inal sketehes and drawin�s relating to rehabilitation and remodeling property improveffisnts within the Code �nforcement Area. ".�,� . �: �'���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �. � ,�� ^6��ae�---_._ �,.,; Dalglish Approved 19—._ L Meredith � Tn Favor �O�' Mayor Sprafka gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O � t i ' t . . 24� , 9�?5 ___---�ONTR�ICT FOR PROr'ESSIONAL OIt TECHNICAL SEIi.VICES pAR,T I -- AGRE�MENT � ___THIS .AGREEri�NT, entered into as of this 15th aay of � November, 1968, by and between the City of Saint Paul , a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and Stanley Fishman Associates , Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, hereinafter referred to as _ "Architect�ral Designer" . � WITNESSETH: WHEItEAS, The City has, under date of July 30, 1968, . m �. entered into a Grant Contract for Code Enforcement Progra with the United States of Ame.rica to provide financial ea,�'� assistance to said City under Section 117 of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 , as amen.ded� and •WHER,EAS, Pursuant to such contract the City is under- �^ taking certain activities necessary for the initiation and execution of a Code Enforcemen.t Program consisting of concentra�ed code enforcemen.t activities and the providing � of certain public improvements situated in the .project area � development; and . , WHEREAS, The City desires to see that good quality and . good workmanship is applied to all Projects undertaken in this program and to prevent faulty construction, faulty use � of materials and the inclusion of materials or items that . do riot meet specifications and standards ; and the City desires �to , engage an Architectural Designer to render certain technical .-advice and assistance in connection� with such undertaking of � the City; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as . follows : .. . . __�._.. . � . T,--.._. � � . ' . � .. � . �6�:.,. . ' � � � � 1. SCOPE OF SEItVICES. The Architectural Designer shall perform all the necessary services provided under this contract . in connection with and respecting the follo�,ring praject area: (See Exhibit A attached hereto) , and shall do , perform and carry out in a satisfactory and proper mann.er as determined by the City the following: a. The Architectural Designer shall provide the draftsmen who will work with rehabilitation specialists and property owners in preparing preliminary and final sketches and drawings relating to rehabilitation and remodeling � private property improvements. 2. TIME OF' PERFORMANCE. The services of the Arch�.tectural. Designer are to commence as of the date hereof and shall ter— minate on December 31, 1969, unless this agreement is extended by addendum as provided in paragraph numbered 9. 3. COMPENSATION. The City shall reimburse and compensate the Architectural Designer for the services rendered herein including all materials , labor and all sundry overhead at the following hourly rates: Draftsmen �4. 00 per hour. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total compensation. to be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of Five Thousand Dollars (�5, 000. 00) for all the services required. 4. The Architectural Designer shall perform only such work ti as directed by the department head and shall maintain records in a form approved by the department head and shall submit a billing to the City on a quarterly basis in accordance with the schedule set out in paragraph 3 of this contract . Within ten (10) days after receipt of the billing, if correct according � to the City' s records , the City shall make paymen.t thereof to 2 . _ � ._ . . � . � � the Architectural Designer. Within thirty (30) days after � the completion of performance of services under this contract, the City and the Architectural Designer shall jointly audit the time records and, if necessary, adjust payment for the services provided hereunder as such records shall indicate. 5. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. This agreement is subject to and incorporates the provisions attached hereto as Part II -- TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Form H-621 B dated May, 1966) . 6. OTHER PROVISIONS. a. Independent Contractor. For the purposes of this agreement , the Architectural Designer . shall be deemed to be an independent contractor � and not an employee of the City. Any and all � employees of the Architectural Designer or other persons,. while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the Architectural Designer under this agreement , shall not be considered employees of the City; and -any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workmen' s Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, hospitalization insurance coverages , social security and pension payments and benefits , other employee obligations and benefits , and any and all claims made by any third party as a � consequence of any act or omission on the part of the Architectural Designer, the employee or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services to be rendered, shall in no way be ' the obligation or responsibility of the City. ,� ' . _ €..�.__ , � , � � The �rchitectural Designer shall pay as they become . due all jus� claims for work, tools , machinery, ski11, materials , insurance premiums, equipment and supplies furnished, rendered or performed in the execution of this agreement. b. Claims. The Architectural Designer indemnifies , saves and holds harmless and agrees --- to defend the City, its officers , agents or employees thereof, from any and all claims, deman.ds, actions or causes of action of whatso— � ever nature or character arising out of or by reason. of the execution or performance of the work of the Architectural Designer provided for under this agreement. c. Insurance. The Architectural Designer shall maintain, durin.g the term of this agreement, an architect ! s and�or engineer' s professional liability insurance policy in the amount of at � least One Hundred Thousand Dollars (�100, 000.00) and shall provide a copy of such profe'ssional liability insurance policy to the City, which policy shall be subject to approval as to form by the City. In addition to the standard coverage for errors and omission.s , the policy shall include coverage for contractual liability (hold harmless) coverage. The policy shall provide that the City shall receive thirty (30) days ' � written notice of cancellation thereof or notice of any material changes in said policy. �. , _ � � � �:, � � � , , The Architectural Designer shall secure . and maintain such insurance as will protect him and his employees from claims for bodily injury, death or property damage which may arise from the performance of his services under this� agreement. d. Non—discriminati•on. The Architectural Designer shall be deemed the contractor for the application of all provisions hereto and laws against unlawful discrimination on account of race, creed or color hereunder. The Architectural Designer agrees, in accordance with Chapter 238, Laws of the State of Minnesota for 1941, that in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under this agreement , that he shall not , by reason of race, creed or color, discriminate against any person who is a citizen of the United States who is qualified and avail— � :.. . able to perform the work to which such employmen.t relates; that no contractor, material suppl.ier or vendor under this agreemen.t shall in any manner discrimin.ate again.st , or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any person, or on being hired, prevent or conspire to prevent any person from the performance a� work under this agreement on acc�ount of race, creed or color; that t�is agreement may be cancelled or. terminated by the � City an.d all money due or to become due hereunder shall be forfeited for a second .or any subsequent � _ �: f , � violation of the terms or conditions of this . agreement. 7. NOI�-FED�R�L LABOft STANDAR,DS PROVISIONS. The following labor standards provisions are applicable to this agreemen.t under state or local law: Provided, that . the inclusion of such provisions in this agreement shall not be construed to relieve the contractor or any subcontractor from the pertinent requirements of any corresponding Federal labor standards provisions of this agreement : and provided � �urth er that the limitations , if any, in these non—Federal labor standards provisions upon hours per day, per week or per month which the employees engaged on the work covered by this agreement may be required or permitted to work thereon shall not be exceeded. Wheremin.imum rates of pay required under State or local law are higher than the minimum rates , of pay required by or set forth in the Federal labor standards provisions of this agreement for corresponding classifications, such state or local minimum rates shal� be the applicable minimum rates of pay for such classifications . 8. PREVAILING SALAR,IES. Not less than the respective salaries prevailing in the locality as determined pursuant to the attached "Determination of Prevailing Salaries of Technical Positions" shall be paid to persons in the res— D pective occupations listed therein employed in the performance of work under this con�ract. � 9. ' a. Extension. This• agreement may be ex- � . , tended by addendum hereto executed on behalf of the City and the Architectural Designer. 6` r__. _ . . � ` ' i , b. Termination. This agreement may be � terminated by either party hereto, for any reason whatsoever, at any time, upon the delivery to the other party of thirty (30) days ' written notice of termination IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Architectural Designer have executed this agreement to be effective as m; . of the date above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Appro e as to F m:: By � Mayor � As i Cor o ' on o nsel Attested: City Clerk Countersigned: City Comptroller In Presence Of: STANLEY FISHMAN SSOCIATES, INC. � ' ��_�6�1��-'r�s.-�•-�'_' BY _ �2�lJJ/ � � � t �f.�/U.PI� �e /�ZZ�'�C'�^J�`� • � Approved as to form and execution this day of , lg6g. Assistant Corporation Counsel 7 r_ t � + i 1 . n:::;c�.zz���zc;:r «l, nT�i:n � . 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