243921 : � .
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`, � ;,' COiJNCIL FILE NO. +
•� FINAL �R�ER .
:� BY
File No. !a7'f3
In the Matter o# ���� tii �A�sl#c � i�11 �r�► 1►t M�LtN1� '
lr�a 1o#�r 4wr�r b Mr�i �wt s�i �r i�t� a13 att�s wack M�#� is_ir+r�r�d�
H! i�s3+ir�t�t1 +ta� �tw�►�+r s�! ia�+s�rat:
� uader Preliminary Order , �� approvP�1 � �. �� '
Tutermediary Order approve�
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council -
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise nature, exten� and kind of im- ' �`
; provement to be made•by t�e said City is
�r r�are.s� d� s�i�ir�t�k �s � � K ���+�� tss� �s� ���wr
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_ �wr �si+�►t
and the Council 'hereby orders said inaprovement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and is hereby.in��ructed and
directed to prepare pla,ns and specifications for said improvement, and submit c�ne to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity oflicials axe hereby authorized artd directed to pra
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance t�erewith.
covivc�r.MEx MAY 16 1969
Adopted by the Councit ,
Yeas��--�ays _
Dalglish Approvecl :� �Y 1 6 ����
Peterson r
$pra#ka �In:Favor •
Tedeso0 Mayor
�yr�s J
8-68-2M �� R.1
PU�[�sHE� �1�tY 2 4 1969 :
' � ' • Dist. No. 3 ,��
. �
� � r B.S. McLean Ave. - Bates Ave. to Mound St. ����a
' 2439�?1
fi���.��'`���c��:�y OFF ICE �F THE COMMISS IOIQER OF PUBLIC WORKS 2[�� s�
�r��. � C� '•n?\ � �C 1�
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t! L�EPT. OF . ,
�"' �I.NANCE
, d��r�c! ``.}.��,,..
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y `` ` � �- ;y ` March 25th. 19 69
� � �.
Tm the Comsui�sioner of Finance of the City of St, Pault
The Comanissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 242720 approved March 20th. 19 69
relative to recnnstructing the sidewalk on both sides of McLean Ave. from Bates Ave.
to Mound St. and by doing all other workwhich is nec�ssary and incidental to complete
said improvement.
a�d having investigated the matters and things referred to therein9 hereby report�e
lo �'he estimated co�t thereof is $3050 per linn fte for standard sidewalk S. fto
wicie and $4>20 per lin, ft, for st�ndard sidewalk 6 ft. wides
2e A pl�n9 profile or sketch of said improve�ent. is hereto attached �nd made a
part thereofo
3o Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X
4< Improvement is asked for upon petition
Commissioaer �of Pu ic
r .
3t. P aul Dtinn.
Yay 7,I969
Department Of Finance
II3 Court House 55IO2
James J. Dalglish
Commiesioner Of Finance
Dear 3ir:---
As oY your lettar of April 25 about replaaing the
Sidewal,k betwean �atea ave to mounds street. fihia� is Xer;F�.mu,ah
uacalled for. ldy Side�lk is ia perfeat aon�ition �.Yon sre not
going to tear it up to replaae it as I will reh�.ae to pag for�_�.t.
aa my health la in very poor condition sad I ha�ve aot worked
only. about one month thia year on acaoiant of my health. I aa
retireing the 29th dey 4f 3une of thi� year .I absolutely will
not pay f'or asme,when my aidexalk ie ia perreot ahape. '@Yh.� do
you want to tear up good sidewalk arid leave the bad sidevralk
go. The s3dewalk betwean mounda street and Ellilot Pl is in
very bad shape .It does need bad replacement It Your mea are
looking for wor�k They can replaae that atrip oP :idewalg.
there are also �trips of aidewalk in othar parta of the eaat
side that could be repaired I aould �ame a nunber oP them,That
ahould be replaced. Ho� can you replaee sidewalk along a home
without coasul�ting the person liviag along suah a atreet.
The Yunaons acrosa the atreet are no� ia Pavor of it n�ither.
there sid�walk is also in good aonditios. ADSOI�TTELY �OT .
Lester Saavely
836 Ycrunds Street
St. Paul� ldinn.
55I06 �
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844 Mound Street '��'�
St, Pault Minnesota 55106 ��;
April 29� 1969 `, k� ;, � ,
;- �'
Mr. James J. Dalglish, Commissio.er �,�...p
of Fin^nce
113 Court House
St, Paul� Minnesota 551f.�2 `'�
� V
Fi1e S�s772 '
�-- `
Dear Sir:
;"h;,,`-� :
;,� ,
Notice is hereby acknowl_edged of proposed sidewalk construction,
Preliminary Order 242720, as of this date.
: „_
There is no indication of a need for this construction in the
block on i�cLean Aven;�e, from ��tes Aver�ue t� i�9ound St. It is in very .;�,°,;
good condition, and I stron�;ly su�;gest a furtr.er investigation be made
prior to the meeting scheduled fo: ?O:OU a.m. on P.4ay 15y 1.969.
However, in this survey I urge th�t other sidewalks, in this ; :
immediate vicinity, be examined. Such a study v��ill clearly indicate 'S `�
the deplorable conditions present, and that a pressin� need exists �� $�: :
in these areas. I submit the f ollowing list of addresses to you, and �'!�',��
hope that 4n immediate investigation of the sidewalks be made: ;;;�.<' '
" •i�k��"
306 Forest Street (ccrner af [tftcLeari,.Both i�orest St. and hx��
��' ` ;� .
i��icLean St, side in the very worst possible condition. .:� .
�"i P;�:'
y30, 934, 53���, 949, 95t�, 953, 95�3 NcLean. One driveway has s�� �
no sidewalk �t all, ar.d tne rest are all vzry bad. ;;:;�
�6G, f-55, ��6r�; ;viaund St. Sidewalk blocks missing, cracked ��,
and heaved, hll i.n very bad conciition. ,;��'�'k
���r� �
8�0 ar,d �;�;4 ;4iound St, �sad. `'�"H`v
`r� ,
It seems ridiculous that good sidewalk be replaced, p�rticul�rly ; 3k '
,��hen the aforementicn�.�d are in such ur ent need of re lacement. °��
� P 4�',
In addition, 1 call your attention to the fact that your letter r�:-�'��i .
of notice wav ir�correctltr G�?dr�ssed to Lena Bulin, the former property • 'r'
owner, now aeceased (ku�, 1 1951). Said propert,y now is owned by .i6�'
Lenore B, :��onson (ree �ulinj .
, Yo��rs very truly, �,:;� �`�
,-� �y'�
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May 2, 1969
Mrs. Lanore B. No�soa
844 Mou�d �taeot
SC. P�ul, Mint�e�sote �5106
Dear Mra. Mon.vn;
Yaur lrtt�r, �rith rai�aremc� tc► sid�al'� evaaCxuction an
Mc1,�ea� Awaus fro� �aC�s Awwua to l�und Str��et h,aa besn
tarwerded ta the City Clesk !ar tha aeCentivn of the Gitg
Council at the hs�tring to ba hsld a4 Mmy 1�►, 1�b9, aa+� to
the Public W,d�k� �id�ewaik Dagartmeat.
To reduca the asa�resme�� be�rd�n Por corner lo��, the
City Gouacil ha• edoptad �e pMalicy o�f psy�eg, fro�e City 8ur�ds,
ona»hai� (1/2) a:� �he aosmal a�.deaallc a�r�a�►+rn��at for ehe Aoag
sida af pxopexti�r devtloped for sin�1�-��i�y or duple�c purpo�tes.
I�' the o�dt�e� ir� �;pp�oved and i�' your prop�rty e�ualifies, this
policp aili ba app'��.e�d ta your McLtan Awentu fzonta�ge.
A gc+od o�ny af tbe sida�elks a�sdets ar� iatroduc�d by the
Depart:me�t o� Public Works, beeau�ra �f ea�atpls�ats. Of tbs
loc�atians natsd ia your lett�r, oo�e fl.� that a hearing is
ach�duled far Map ?7, 1469, cu �ideaalk cmnatr�ctian oo both
aidea of MaLean Avs�ue from Mound Street to Cypareas Stre�et,
snd �hs r+aa�aiAin$ locetians will bit iave�tigatad And appro-
priate action takan.
Qnxr r�cords have btRn corr���t�Q to can�oria with the
��.casi�g �asagra�+h of your latt�z.
'V+ery tru�p �r�xr►,
Ja�mes J. D�Iglish
Gamavria�ionex of B'ivance
�'ile • S$77�
c.c. tl`n y Clerk
Fublic Works - 3ldeorallc Dept.
_.. �,�
May 9, l�ci9
Leater Snavcly
836 Mound 5treet
St. Paul, Minnesota 55106
Dear Mx. 5navelpt
Your �etter, with refes�nce to sidewalk con�trus:�ian an
MrLe�n Avenue from Bate� Av�nue ta Maund Str�et k�ss been
forwarct�d to the City Clark far tt�ie a�eention o� the City
Couucil at the t,e�sing to be held on May 16, 1969, anc� to
th� Public Wosks Si.dewalk pepartmemt.
To reduce the asseasm�nt be�rd�n for corner lets, the
City Coue��il has a�lopt�d a policy of payi.n$, from City F�nd�,
ane-half (1/2) af tha nor�al sidewalk assessment for thE lan�
�ide of peopertiee developed far stngle-famil}r or duplex purposes.
If the o�eder is �pproved and if your properCy c�ualifies� th�.s
policp will be applied to yaur McL��n Avenue frontage.
Several sid�walk ordess are in procesa in your area . c1s
compla�.nts come in, addition�l ordera wi11 be introduced to
con�truct the ssfe �nd sufficient sfdewalks which the Gity i�
r�quire� to provide.
Yours very truly,
Jaaes J. D�l�lis�x
�ommi�sio�ex t�f �inance
ce: �'ity Clerk
Public �l�a�r]�e