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Council File # '� 3�{ Gr�n Sheet # Z0� RESOLUTION c� Presented bv_ — - - /� Referred To SAINT PAUL, MfNNESOTA ty Committee Date Support For Federal Priorities 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul relies upon the federal government for assistance in such areas as public safety, 2 economic development, public health, transportation and social services; and 3 VJFIEREAS, Saint Paul is affected by federal policies in ail of the above azeas; and 4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paui, and as such, its work 5 is inextricably linked to the City's I,egislative Agenda; now therefore be it . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 F�117 Restore Passenger Rail at Union Depot Post Office Relocation from Union Depot Transportation and Transit in and azound Saint Paul Phalen Corridor Biote�hnology Federal Zone Designation Cenual Transitway Corridor Como Rider Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary at I.ower Phalen Creek Rush Line Transitway Corridor Red Rock Transitway Cozridor Housine. Economic Developmeni and the Environment in Saint Paul � 1 Refugee Resettlement Opporiunities !2 Restore Brownfields Funding -3 Ames Lake Neighborhood Redevelopment '-4 Upper Landing Park "Mississippi Place" 5 Public Safety in Saint Paul and Ramsey County RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports and urges legislative passage of the following: The City of Saint PauPs Federal Priorifies List. Re_°iona] Transportafion Hub Co-location of Pubiic Safety Staff and Equipment First Responders Crrants Maintain Current Levels of Funding for L.ocal I.aw Enforcement Support Programs � vy-113 Requested by Depaztment of: � Form Approved by CiTy Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncD � App� � � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date ��n"t!� � �OU� �y_►i�! DEPARTMFNT/OFfICFJCOUNqL DqTE INRUTEu --•-... c��courrc�, n�mb��,zooa GREEN SHEET No 206384 COMACT PERSpry g, pHOME mW�D�s y�{yy�pge Councilmember Lee Helgeo 6-8650 m�n,roiru�FCroR ancouxc� MUST HE ON CWNCIL AGQJDA BY (DAT� ASS�cN ASS G December 8, 2004 Consent ,,,,.,, �,.� xuxeve wa ROUi1NG OFDER �INIMl19NIC�CR NYfItlLL2FRdlACLTC ❑ WTOR(ORAA44TMlI) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 710N RE�UE5CED Approval of Resolurion Supporting Saint Paul's Federal Priorities RECA MENDATfON Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SEI[113CE CONTRACIS M1157 ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm evxwa�ketl under a conttact fortfus department? PLANNING GOMMISSION YES NO CIB CAMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employeel CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. �oes this perso�rtn possess a sldll not normallYpessesserJ by any curteM pty employee? YES NO 4. IS this person/firtn a tafgeted ven0or7 VES NO F�lain aN yes answeis on separate sheeq arid attach to grcen sheN INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (WM, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED '� R?qParrSs f"^r��q� 6EG 12Q4� DI AGESIFAPPROYEO DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAti5ACT10N S COSTIREVENUE BUOGEfEO (CIRCIE ON� YES MO FUNOING SOURCE ACTNITY NUM5ER F7N4NCIqL INFORMAiION (FJ�LNN) �, ' . „ ' � �' �, v , , . �, �� � , I � ' ��„ � „ � , ' � � � �. , � � ' , ' . . � �, � � � � ..� , � �, � � , � , � , � , , , ' � � ' �� . ' � � , . , , , , " ', � � � , , . , � , , � , � ,. . ' , R UTING ORD O II2: , � . �� � � � � � , � � Belowffie carect routin " for the six mostfre ofdoci�enLc ' ,, � Bs � 4�t � � � � � COI3TRACTS�(assumes authorizei3 bvdget e�rists) COUNC3I,RESO�i3Z�dN Came� budBetsJacxept gants) � �� . � � � � � „ � 1.�'OutsideAgency k- DeP �aztmentL?u�ctbr � � 2. �DeparlmentT�irector � � � 2 O�ce`o�Ewancia�;�uvccesDirector " � � � � � � 3.'CityAtfvTneY ', � � � � � � �' 3 CSey ,�AnnrneY � � � , �. Ma�qor/tlssistant(f�contracts�overS7S,000)� ' 4 May'orfAcc�cr�t� � , , ' � � �� � SHumahIti'glit�'(fancon�tiactsover$Sb,00d)'�^ � 5 Ci4y�qimcl -,r' � � �'. 6: Office�FinanciatServices-:9ccbimting 6 O�ceofi�manciel-Seivices- � i � � � ' � � , � , ADIvIILdI3TRATIVE ORDII2S Rev�sion COTINC3L RESOL I . Oid a1l.otliers aad,Or�hnanees ,' ��8� ) � C a 1 AchmtyMana�rorDepaztmentAccoimYanY ' 1 DepartmentDnei;tor ` 2 ',Dgpadmentl7irecior "� ' � 2 CityAtYomey i �� � � � � � ' 3 � 06ce ofEinantriaF Seivic�s Diractor , � 3 MayoilA`c�H. �� �' � � '��, � � 4. C ��Cledc 4. �C' ��Coun'crl � � �� �S' uY, „ , � �5. � ElH'ioe ofFinaucial S�vices - Acco�ting ' ,' � � � � � � ., ' � � � ,� � � �, �� � � � � � � , �i�r[s�� o�ms <�t or�� �c��v� o�E►z � 1. ne�;aitmeneD,'�etor���� � �� � � � � t Dep'ai�eni�Dueeior � �'� ° 2` Ci�YA�� , �� � 2 Crty�Atto�ep� � � 3. 'Q�fce o£E'IITeFIbiHi Se[viCCSI)i�aetOL �, 3 1WiSS+Ur/"��rdant'' � �, �', Sa 4' Citp�lerk '' 4- GY�yClerk ' „ „ � � � „ „ � � � � „ � � � � „ . TOT OF SIGNA PEYCsES „ r � AF. Nf714iBER 3'C7RE i' 7ndicste tfie � ofPages on wluch signadues �e reqnired and'papetcLp oc tlag e�ch oYiLese pages.,,' �' ;,' , � . , � � , � ., � � �. � � � � � � � � ' ACTfONREQUFSTID ' , ° , ' Descaal�whatfhe'PmJee:Vicequestsee�s'toaecomplishmec@iecehinnologrcatordecororderofmiQoc�tsnce�whicF�ever'rs' � �m�sC°� .. ate�orthe'"� �ono[writec� letesentences"i� ' eabliiYem„in' �tii�lis�vri@rr�iverb_ ' � �ssue.� � �'� eFPF�An � � � P �8�, 9� � , . „ , .., . ,w � i ; � � � , ��'� � � RECO�NDr1TIONS ,� � � i � ��� � .. ��' )' - Compide iftfie issuG �n cZuesfion has been presented'bef`ore anY ,�Y P��c or gravate '' �, � � � �� �� � ��� � C� . � � � � PIIZSONt1L SIItVICE Ot�T1Rt1CTS• . . . . . . Tfus�ormafionwillbeusedtodetemun'etheeity'shab�ityforworkas , ,compensatronclaims taxes,andprop�rcivit ` �� � , � � ^ � � �r ,� , ' seivieehuingie�tes. , , IIqfL7ATR�IC:PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTF �, "��}ainlhe, situation or con�tions that cteated a need forqom� proqect or requesL , " . , , ,� � ADVANCACtESIEA�PROVID � �� � ,� � � �� � _ Indioate wlieU�er tivs us, smmPl�`, ffi a�ual'budB�Px�� r�P�� bS law/charter oi �wtiether lfiere ace spec�fic waps �n " wlucfitheCityofSairtFaiul'enctitscitizensva�ltbenefitfrom'tliislProlecUach�: '�,!,: , , �- „ „� , � � � �� DLSAi�VANT�AGESdFAF � �� �`� ���� �'' � � Whatnegativee�ectsormal���B��'��S�P���, �P��S�!t,,�PTO]�r�Q��,fPro�uiie�f�tu'pasaed ; (e.g:; Uraffic delays noise, ta�c incteasees or assessmeMs�T 'Fo who�2 \Nhen2 FarhoKr long?� as + ' DI§AD�ANTAGES IF NQT APP,RO�IED ' � ' � ' ` ' , � i �, _ Whatwi}1 tie the uegatiye conse4i�ences ifthe promised action ss not appivved� Inabilily to detivec setc�ce`T Gontrnue , � , �� �� � �. � tug$'t�affic„noise i �'� " � �� , ' em e FINANCiAL7N8ACT `' ati videfi tothe''�ssue oh m ou�answer AltliougUyou�sttailorthemform �3'onPm , e� ssueY �' ���8� 8��9 „ two `questions:'EiowmuchisiYgoingtocosl? 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