243876 '�rislnal to City Clerk " ' ORDINANCE 2438'�6 COUNCIL FILE NO — PRESENTED BY ��✓� ORDINANCE NO D � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled; "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qua.lifications for the various classes of positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City,t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserti.ng in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Accountant V ��� ..1» Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• — Atteat: � City Clerk , Ma�or �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ����6� �Orisieal to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE 2438'7fi COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. � _ .;<:� -3.. � �Y z 4 i9s� � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson �f Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor � Peterson (� _1� Against Sprafka Tedesco �Y 2 � r. President B e App� i9G9 ,. _ A t• _ � C' Clerk Mayo �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B ' �� � _ �%/�� PUISIISHEt �N � �9� _.. i�aplieate to Printer ORDINANCE �43g�� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� �� Axa. or�.in�.nce ay�nending C?rdinance Nu. ?bU7, ent�itl+�d: ��.� ordina.a�ce f�.n� the duti�� and reapvnsibilitie� and the minimur.� qua,li.£icr�tionr for th�e vaxiou� �laseee of poaitioas i.n ths Claraeified Service of the City, 'r approved �'ebru.a,ry 13� 1g35, ae amended. 7CI�E CC7UN'CIL f3F 'T�IE CIT�' C.�F SA�NT PAUL D�E� QR]�AIN: Section �.. T"ha.t f?rdinance Na. 7�b7, approv�ed Feb�uary 13, 1935, as amiended, iae and th� �arne i� hereby furthe� amended by a.n�erting in its proper aZphabetica►� nrder the followi�n� xi�le� a�d epecification� for Accauntant V _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peteraon Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By :�aDlieate to Printer � ORDINANCE 2�3��6 COUNCIL FILE NO PR ESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /`' ���� 5ection 2. Thi� ordinance ehall �ake effect an.d_be in farce thirty day$ after it� passa�;e, �ppxQVa1, and publication. -3- ����',t�` ,.. y,��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ``� Dalglish �Y Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �' Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By , 2438�6 Tzx3.� of rl�s:� . ��C�G��i�s'?��,.N'T V �/ /� � �Ut1C'S ��.flt3 T�'.`;��01151�."?1�1"l�5; �Jnczer �(Ii11ZsAlr�'�i�i1'1`✓; �.�1L'eCLlQi1� bU�3�ECt �G fi1� �7CCOUII.�l.22� 7t�21Ct�S •��' the C�rz,.�7tro11�{:, to �e re��pc:nsihle for. ali account?n� fox �.:n:�, t���ar�n-�r:-�t- of T.�t�.'�lic "�Vo�°ks; �ncl t� p�rform re:la,ted worlc ��° �:tSS)tF2c^.C�, ��>_3171L1�.�E:3 OL �;JO?"i: �?C;T':E{)Y'T:c1C'.c:�; Tn c�c, If���,r4���.�r.Lt o; ���zi;lic �t'�o,:•l.s_� ?'c� svbef vi�� 1:�i� ke:��i.n� o:c �;ezi�ral 3�c�.;s,Ers and ap�z•oPri.a,tion x c c�u.r�.i:t: . . 'C::: c�e:>i�;Y� �t�ci in:L-alI c��pa_•tr�:���1:a). ac�c�u�tinb systems. :�.c; n�a;::e a�.zc1 �u�c�a•t;i�ye co::t st:t?die�� s'r_, ix:�Ke r4cab��r�-cz�dations as to �:.,p�n•.lit:tires contro�led 'r:��• thv k�Ldg�t �c:� ���,���rvis�: �3xa. coo�d?.n:;':!'• t]�e ��r.c��w:-atiari of «n �n�->u��l ' �,tccl�;�vi:� ,.f• . x�C! t-^,,;�?; ,_r r ^• '� � -��r °C S�'.�'�7'��i:-i.^'. i.�_ __ : 1t3,. O: 7.IYi.�..i2C'l:z Ll.� �'�7S� Ta �:arepare �r�.;� �na.l;,Tze re7�or�:s. �s- ;Y..��•?.� �;✓3t:h �le���rcnic ci;_: :ta �a�•�cr�::ing �e:��annrl i:� li:.,•,*Jlw'i�C'.Ili�Y.l�� iie:�." ,��r�i:.rYl!',,, =_'c :,.t ,::s cori�ul�r::-.zt ����r� ciF�par�m��:{�.�: h.ead ox:i firza.iicial ry i�T�... f3 L1 ��l::!i."�r (:�ll_�'S t 1^v TL E : Tc� �:���:,e-rvis� :�.11 -r.'l.�rer? i'z.ici:ion� sLtch as pa;riol). Y:1'L.��%t:C'%1�'-i()1).`'u'i ?i7.?J�'�.�C:<7."y" �C?T.1'�S.'01., cZ9�'(:,E`'i1�1E�Yl� 't,''^�%"?.�IC)�lu, L'1:C: F� . . , I'v:iriira�ts;z� ru=�,a.ift,�z(:�c::;r.�: . , E.;o'.�.c ;;<� ,���,:�it�,ti:,z� �;�;t:�z cc�t�a�:ws i�z �,ccoui:t:;�2� ;zn�� ter years` ..':?)„?'l.i-'."i.t'P Z1; �.iC;C:l.ui�.�:'I7�_� ?i. �.E'�ZSt �17Y'C'�'_ ;�C,�Y':, o.f ��hici,. mus� 11:'!.�, . 43c��^-.n :3t� <?7. .�ic-i"C�u.T'li:c-Z's�; �{�'�_ -z- . y � � � 2438`76 '�'itl� of class: / /� �v !�CC�[JrTTANT V Duti�s and respons ihilitie s i t7nder administrative c�irection, $ubject to tk�e accounting policies of the CO1Tt�"L'x'01��7'� to b� responsihle for all accountin� for the ]�apartx�-��nt of Public Wo�ks; ana to perform rel�t�d work zs �ssi�n�d: Example5 of wox Ic pez formed; In '�h� Dep�r�n�,�r�t of Pu'�Iic ��Tozks-� '�'r� sLti�e�vi�e ±he �e�ping of gen�ral led.�ers and app�opriation accounts. To desi.�n and 'znstzll u'ep�rtrnental accounting sys'tems. `Tc� xnal:e a�zd supeg•vi�e coat studies. To make rsco�nm^nd.ations as to e:�penditur�s controlled by the U�d���,t, �'o supervis; and coordinate the prepazation of an. an;�ual iaud�eLo �o supea vise t�i� Ya:a;:cira� of financial yurveys. Tr� prepare and anal�rzo repor��s, 'Ta z�vor.k wit3.z elec�roni.c rlai:a grocessin� p�rsonnel in � im�leme3zt�nu ncw systemsn �'c act us COnsttl$a11t to th� ��epartrn�:�z'c head on financial und �udgF:t��°y �n�stionsa 7'o sup.^-.Y'YT7.3�: al.l x:�la.ted functions such as gayroll prc��aratioz2sr a,�zv�n:tory conLrol, assessment �Sr��ara�i.oz�s� ete: T'•i,�.2Z'111T_�1tT1'] aLi<3�.1�1C3.t7.OTl�s; Co1.I��e �rac1L?at:io;l +J].�I7. C.OLtI'S�8 in accounting and ten �eax�s' c}.nerzc:iace i�.i «ccaiantiia�, at I.e�.st thrr;� ;reary of which r.nust' havc been a�� an �c�ou.rtant I�T, _Z_ I�1�y 14, 1�69 ��ry .'f ; ; ; „ � % __�.. , .:� �4 -�------ -� �. �1r. John F3�,icier, ,,.---., �_����`, Chief Exarc�:iner - T�irect�.r of Perst�e�������, Gity �;ivil S�rvice �rxY��au. ,:',;'' � ` , < r-.�; 3�ear �ix: >, , , ,,- ; �` \ r' For �°a�r in�'rr�.atie�n, ��a�'�ilty Counc�.l. toe�tzy gave t��irst Readin� tQ the ;��z�.pint����ordZ���ces� � ` � . \ �';�' �. �, �. C. F. 2�+3 .� - �'amenr.3.ib�, �rd.�"��SCi by ins�rtin� in "�F. 6, in Gr�de �+9, under �'roS'essional i�rou�i�the titl� °°l�cca�,ntant �1S. � � o . ,F`, c.-�'.."��+38�6;�-��.�i� ara. No. 7�7 ��' inserting�^��'iF�`"its proper a1phabeti.ca1 arder ' the t�.tle and specification:.� for "Accoun�tant �.". '�., Thirfl Reay�.i�'x�g e.nd Approval of Form. oia Vhese ordznana�s . will b����..Nl�Y 2�nd. ���9. Very truZy youz s, CiL'y Clez'k hp I st � �� ' ' 2nd -/ Laid over to 3rd and app � �dopted �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson '``�;Carlson Dalglish ' Dalglish Meredith � � •, Meredith Peterson i�V�s �eterson � Sprafka '.�Sprafka Tedesco � �Tedesco . `� Mr. President Byrne �Nlr. President Byrne � �O