244799 ��� No.._. 2�� '�� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' 1'heundereignedhereby propoeeethemalaingof thefolYowingpublioimprovement by the City oi 8aint Psul,vls.: � 6rade and surface with bituminous material the Wly N-S alley in Blk. 3, Nolterhoff and Meads Add. : and Blk. 3, Evans Add. from Jessamine Ave. to Geranium Ave. Also the Ely N-5 alley in Blk. 3,Evans ; s Add. from Jessamine Ave. to the E-W alley�,_,.Al,so the E-W alley,_in_Blk;.�,�,_.Holterhoff and Meads Add. � ................._____....................---............ ...._.....�.... and Blk,,,,�x,_,�van�_fld��,rom,Payne,Ayet._to.th�..EI,��N-S a11,�Y� 6-18�,0„�,.,,,__.,�,,.._„_,�,,._�_,,,.,_ Dated thie........$:�?....day of........,lulY.................. ........ g .62 ; . �.. ....�........Counoilman......� 1 ; PRELIMINARY OltDER. ' WHER,EAS, A writtsn propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vu.: ; Grade and surface.with _bituminous material the W1x.N-S a11eY tn..Blk. 3,.�Holterhoff.and..Meads Add. � and Bl k�3�__Evans__Add:. from Jessami ne..Ave._to Geran i um_Ave......Al so the_.Elx.N-S a 11 e� i n B1 k. 3,Evans ........... ...... . •-------- -...----.......... .....___ ..... _............... ......... ... .... ... ... ... .. Add. f rom Jessam i ne.Ave...,to the_.E-W a l l.ey._....A1 so the E-W,a 1�1 ey..i n. Bl k..3,_.Hol.terhoff and Meads Add. and Bl k.. 3�..Evans Add. f rom PaYne Ave._._to the..El y_N-S al l ex•...�G-1890)_.:'............................�..��. . � hsviag been preeented to the Counuil of the City of Saint Paul..--•--------------•-•--............................................... ...... '� tberefare, be it � R,I�'30LVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted: ; � � - 1. To inveatigate the neceesity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid ianprovement. ! 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated ooet of eaid improvement, and the total eost theseof. ' �`' 3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvement. . � "`` 4. To stste whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on 9�,he petition of three�r more ownere. � b. To report apon all of t,he foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Finanee. Adopted by the Connal..._........................�V�:......�.1�6�................. � Ysse Councilman .Carlson JUL 81,69 De1 g 1 i s h �PProved..........»...................................................... ..j�J t". �. I\�\. I7C711a17�/ . + Meredith �� . . Tedesco ••_•-•..:. .. _.... .. .._ ..... Mr. President B�r�:ne � Mayor. �000 �.a� � d PUBLISHE� JUL 12 1969 � � �