244798 •� OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK r� CITY OF ST. PAUL . FOENCIL N�,. '�,�� �1�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • N IL SO�UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF SpL° , by Council of the City of Ssint Paul, pur ant to 9 M.S.A. � 117.42, that there being an appeal novi p�ndiag in the Di�trict Court in and for the �ounty of Ra�asey and St�te of Minnesota, fsom the Award of Damages ir� the a�wunt of $45,7A�.00 as made and confirened by the prior resol�tion of this Cou�cil, Conncil File �o. 243753, appraaed May 9, 1969, for the condemnation and taking of tlie following described land, �it�ate the=ein, to-wit: The Easterly 48 fe�t of Lot 1, Blxk 29, Robertson and Van Etten's additivn to Saiat Paul, subject to the rights acquired by the City of S�int Paul i� the South 20 feet thereof to widea ttniner�ity Avenue. Also a t�pc>ra=y coastruction easeaaent ��cessar� for slopes, cuts and fills including right of removal of lateral suppc�rt from subject land or remaind�r thereof occ�gio�ed by exc�vations th�recf mr constrnetion of slape� ia the grading arid pavimg of M�rivn Street in Lat l, e�ccept the �asterly 48 fe�t thereof, Blcek 29, �tobert�on �nd Van Etten's additio�a to S�int Paul, st�bj�ct to the right: acquired by t�ae City og Sair�t P�ul in the �outh 2� feet thereof to widea University Avenue, said teiaporary easement to terminate upc>n completion of the street improv�ment or December 31, 1969, whichever � oce�s fir�st; . - in and by that certaim� public improvement proceeding c�andttcted by ' said City under a�ppliesble provisions of its Hosae Rule Chart�r in the ;�: ` :: matter of condemning and taking said property in co�ection with '�. partially opening, v�id�ni�g a�d extending Marion �treet fro� �ii�ersity ` �• Avenue to Como Avenue des�ribed in said prior resolution; that hereby . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne O ` 2��'798 ' OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � s�id CounQil appropriates and sets a�ide in a trust fund thereir� to be known a� The Condemnation and Award Fnnd s sum eqnal to said Award of Daunages, tc�-wit: $45,700.��, and does hereb� pro- nid� for the rete�tion thereof therein d�riag the pendency of said �ppeal, available at all times for the payment thereof apc�n � demaad to whomsoever ssh�ll be shovim tca have a clear =ight thereto, and herebp further pl�dge$ the full faith and credit of �aid City for the payment of any increa�e of said Award of Daa�a�es allowed npon said �ppeal, and that said appropriation is mad� fro�a the f�ds of the City heretafore appropriated a�d mad� avail�ble therefor. � � .�: �v�- �1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays 8 ��� Carlson '�V�- Dalglish Approved 19�_ Meredith � . Tn Favor D..+.. � ��� Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst IMr.Preaident, Byrne rU�S�� JUL 12 1969 �