04-1129Council File # oa �,Z.� Resolution � Green Sheet 2 Saint Paul; and MINNESOTA _� �' 3 WFIEREAS, the Hacnm's Bear was a nationally recognized symbol of that industry; and 4 WHEREAS, the Hamm's Club Inc. wishes to donate to the City of Saint Paul, a granite 5 monument set on a polished stone base with the design and inscriptions described on Exhibits A, 6 B, and C attached; and WHEREAS, the proposed location of the described granite monument will be located on the Seventh Street Mall in downtown Saint Paul; and WFIEREAS, the word "beex" will not be on the monument and 10 WHEREAS, the work will be done to the specifications approved by the City and either 11 be performed by a licensed, insured and bonded contractor, or by persons covered by liability 12 insurance and other appropriate insurance coverage; and 13 WHEREAS, zhe Hamm's Club Inc. has also agreed to tha development of a plan for 14 capitalization and ongoing maintenance of the monument. 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE Ti' RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul 16 hereby authorizes the proper City officials to enter into agreements with the Hamm's Club Inc. 17 for the installation and maintenance of the monument; and 18 B8 IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts 19 the generous donation of the monument as well as materials and labor for its installation from 20 Hamm's Club Inc. Page 1 of 2 1 WHEREAS, the Theodore Hamm Brewing Company is part of the commercial history of Council File # �� \lL9 Resolution � Green Sheet n RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MWNESQTA Presented By Referred to Committee: Date Adoption Approved Council Secretary Requested by Division of Parks and Recreation Form Approved by City Attorney Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Green Sheet Gr�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � � DepartmenVOftice/council: . � Date initiated: i pR — Parks and Recreatiou � OS-OCT-04 Contact Person 8 Phone: Councilmember Dave Thune 266-6020 Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): �~ Num:,er F�: Routing Order �-����'�, Green Sheet NO: 3023082 Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip All Locations for Signature) Aciion Requested: Sign attached council resolution authorizing the City of Sainc Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation to accept mormment to be placed on the Seventh Street Mall, from Che Hamm's Club Inc. Recommer,uations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CfB Committee _ . . .. Civil Service Commission �� fi�T--,' 1. Has this person7firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person(firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Exptain all yes answers on separate sheei and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Hamm's Ciub Inc. wishes to donate to the City of Saint Paul, a granite monument set on a polished stone base, to be located on the Seventh Street Mall in downCOwn Saint Paul. Ativantages If Approved: ' The City of 5aint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation wlll have a monument of one of Minnesota's most famous brand ico�s lacated � in downtown Saint Paul. i Disativantage5lf AppPOVed: None � Disadvantages If Not Approved: ? The monument will not be placed in Saint Paul. Transaction: � FUntling SOUICe: Personal Service Denarhnent Sent7o Person mau 0 arks and Recrealion � - t� `� 1 arks and Recreation Deoartment Director I G �` 2 '�SN Attornev 3 MI o's Of£ce MavoNAssisfan[ I 4 �'ouncil j itv flerk Citv Cleik 6 �arksand Recreation T Aeness � CosVRevenue Butlgeted: Aaivity Number: �.�`r'.ci�'fe �SJ,.^, ��anf8( Financia l Informati on: (Explain) P�OV 2 4 2004 ROUTING ORDER: Below aze cocrect mulings for the six most &equent types of docuntrnts: corrcxACrs �a�umes a„tharizea tuaget e�su� 1. ' Oarside Agency 2. DepaztmentDirector 3. 'CiLyAtYomey 4. Mayor/Assistant (for conhacts ovec $25,000) 5. HumanRights (for contracts over $50,000) 6. O�ce ofFinencial Services - Accounting ADMII�IISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision} l. ActivilyManagerorDeparhnentAccountant 2. DepartmentD"sector 3. Office ofFinancial Services Director a. ciry ci� 5. Offtce ofFinancial Services - Accounting ADMINIISTRATIVE ORDII2S (all otfiers) i. DepartmentDiiector 2. CityAttomey 3, QfficeofFinancialServicesDirect� 4. City Clerk courrcu, xESOr,unorr ���a �a�c��,�u) L. Depattment Directoc � � 2. O�ce oFFlnanciat Secviccs Dicector 3: City Attomey 4. MayorlAssist�t 5. City Councd ' 6. Office of Einancial Services - Accounting , COUNCII. RESOLiTTION (atl othecs a¢d Ordinances) 1'. Dep'artm�fD"uector 2. CityArtomey 3. Mayor/Assistaut 4. City Councii EXECUTIVE ORDER I. Depm�hnentDirector 2. City Attomey, 3. Mayodatd�r� 4. City Cleck TOTAL NUMBIIt OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate tfie # of pages on w}uch signa[ises are requirad and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Den.n'be wLat the project/requcst seeks to eccomplish in either chronologicel order or order aFimportance, whichever is most appropriatefor the issue. Do notwrite complete sentences. Begin each item in yozs &st ivith a verb. RECOMMENDAITONS Complete if the issue in question has baen presented before anybody Public orprivate. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This infocwatioa wilt be vsed to determine the city's liabiliry for workers compensafioa claims, taxes and proper civil service huing rules., INiTIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNPfY E�cplain the situafion or oonditions thai created a need for yovr project or reqvesk ADVANTAGES IF APPROVID 7ndicate whekher ihis is simply sn anuval budget procedure required by lawlcharter or whetLa there aze specific ways in which the City of Saint P�ul and ifs citizens witl benefit frnm this pnojecf/actioa DISADVA23TAGESIE'APPROVED � � tVhaY negative,effects or msjor chmges to existingAr pastprocesses might this proJecYfrequest prod'aee i£it �s passed (e.g., tra�c delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)? To whom? GVhenR Forhow kng? DLSADVANPAGES IF NOT APPROVED ` VVhat wil[ be tfie negative consequences ifthe promised action is, not approvad7 Inability to deliver seryice? Contenue lugh traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCfAL Il�IPACT tllthougfi yo'u mustYailot the infotmahon y,ou provide fiere to the'issue you are addcessing, in generat y,oa must answer hvo quesTions: Howmuch is itgoiag to cost? Who is going to pay? ' � �� � � � - �� ; . -2003 89��3 O� I �_ i� 3CX 7�3 - �_ CLDUD, :dlNti 553C2 i � ST PRU� PRRKS n 651 o3z �11� P.ESi@8. ��0`��i12.� Page 1`0£ k �[j�,{ P40hS: Fa�k CJp_ 32G251-90iQ F%,X 320 251-30^,? il :lIlSIl� S ('i� ll iP_C. Mr. K:ric Scrai�ker 2300 Cer.tra3 �ve N� ?�inaeapci is ?�1 5�3? g CA �! T! 0 N! o� nor app�vz tnfs sketc'� anlii ye� nxv: rarsfWly checkad pos�tions and speliing of - � nzmes and Cates. VJe cannot assume responsioi)iiy for er�ror if neeessary c�rrecirons ar=_ nflt made here on. �RDeR NO. DELl4=AY SHIF TO 66,599 � AslLp 2003 �c�M�T-��aY IsFL,F,,�,b+Ay Como P2rk [_ aul P^N p t*_ice �a Ma,reai.o� »oure APr• z> 2003 Mahogaay Pick up - TR DESIGt�i G or A sk hed 1- Monument per sicetch order Tsblaz� AI1 polished; Carved front. 66,699 S ' ILI °' OEF Hase: All polished; � =..�--=_��•- . � ;JOwe1 ho3es & pins >: 1'rosted Inlaid in polished backgrour.d_ �ne £oundatic � be provided T you --- 1952 .>: ��" �002 .�� � `,,} � �� -:���" �' , p=�r � � �~ f, �� v� , �: �� c�`�� � - �-� �� �� —I �'Ui�_V� �> \�'��JJU �.� �- �Fr�m �Ti? 7�u��.of�sky b'tue �aa�ers � � ."-"�- f ,-'_"_, ��. --� .� ,--_ , ._ �. _ � � � �, f -' `-�� ; �'. - See bzek Side on ordez no, fi6, 699-A Taolet: 3-1 x 0-8 r_ 4-4 Ts�se: 3-6 x 1-2 x 0-4 � ' � � r E � ��t� �' � l � �� � . r _ I � � .'• 1 hlve carefully c�eGiee4 pvsition and �pel{inp at a6ove n.m^S; slsD aaL^s, antl gua:amee Ipem to 6e sipnalure nem0y mntirms my arder accotd[ng (p t1_ a6ove 50eLlif�;i�ns. ♦ SIGiJ AND nETURN lMME010.1'rcLY i yl �i I� �� f r,:s'ni' S CiLB S,4C. YIRTC SC�=1T?T?Ci�2 0 �RDtr. NO. DEU`lEAY 66,699—A SHIP TO aou?e Tnis is back side of monument shocnz on fi6,699 S i; � ` j�!(;:1G"vL1V� t'� . -'--� �ITHE HAMM"S 2of4 p�1-112� / � \ � I f f�` - MEMDRl�� S C n i��� O�� Co �oi 2pprcve tci5 Sk_ICh en5i yeu have /j �J �arefu[!y cne�ked positior.s xad s�elifng of r,anes an� CaL>s_ W=_ canrat zr,um> res;,or.sibiiiry for ?rror if necessa.ry cor:rtinns are aat mzue r�:e a�. I CEMcTERY I SALESMAIJ DES7GN o��er `. ,�,� °, orr 0 /'"�--'--- DEDICA2ED IN,.. / f� i. �., �.,. �. � f i ,i�, - _ -.,_- ; ; �. 4 _� �_ �--^ ._ � - --.. r /�_' y ..';% �.�' i � � _ �... �' �. , ; �--',---.i �� y k'rral i have car=lully ohe,keD posi;;"on anG spelling o( a:ave ;�mes; �lsp da{�, iM,+ 6�+�":°: :h°rn ic b; �- ��+y+iO�dIDlB �etEDy [Oti17ti15 �ny ClOE� 2LCOfCtt10 10 IhB 360VC $aECU1C8HU[1S_ � ( F� ���,� � L SSGN AND Rc1'URN 1,V,MEDIAT=! Y �OX 73; -� CLDUD. MINN SE3C2 .°:-IO.NES: AAE; COD� �26 25?�070 � P.+X 32C 257-BGSS i 69�64 ST P^nUL PARKS c51 c3c��11� P.0?/08 py,� lt2°i 3of� 1 x�i� �b��s a�.x s�6.�t�D z:� o�-� a_ �:�__ TT��?v�i�TA CENTIIRY S GRE.hTFST s.D4i:icTISZNG C�`iP.IGNS AN� fi=_S lONG 3r�N �.,�'OWN AS *?I?v^v'.:SOT�,'S MOST FA*fOUS BRt:b� ICON. FOLLOTvSNG 414 IF�S FIRS? SKETCEED ON P. �STA'sSRA?3T NF.fKIN, IN 1952 SRTISTS AT T_EE CA2�BEI.L—?SITHUN P.GEPICY CREATED HIS Z.MA�c F0�2 THE Z'HEO. HL�?LM PREWTNG CO*'?ANY OF ST. PAUL. THE HA.*ili`S BEAR MADE HIS DEBUT dN TELEVISION 2N 60—SEC�ND CO2�II�IERCIAtS FOR THE BREWERY. PLAYFUl, ACCIDENT—PRONE, WITH A BEWILDERED EUT CHEERFLrL GRIN, THE SILENT HA*�1'S SEAR FROLZGKED IN THE LAND OF SKY BLUE WATERS A1ID A SUPPORTIhG CAST OF SMALLER WOODLAND CREATURSS. THEIR ADVENTTJRES iTERE QUICKLY SHOWN, fiUT THE W4RDS AIv'D DRUMBEAT DF THEIR SQhG HAVE REMAINED T3NFORGLTTABLE TO MINNESOTANS YOUN6 AND OLD. � �� ��� �