244784 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 244�84 , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCI! N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ' DATF I�E34L�7ED, That the Council hereby approves and ratifiea the �ction of th� x�msey County Welf�re �oard of �une 24, 1969, increasing the s�lary of its Executive Director, �'smes W. �dm�tnd�, to $22,380.UU per year, effective July 1, 1969. FORM APPROVE . Asst. Corpo�ation un�ti �U� s 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays J U L 8 1'69 Carlson Dalglish pprove 19�_ Meredith v Tn Favor �8�'1�9an�. ' Sprafka U Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pUeLISHEO JUL 12 1969 0 , �� � � � . , . � � ' COUNTY '�ELF�.RE ]DJEP�.R�NiEI�T ' DIVlSION OF BOARD DIRECTORS COUNi'i WELFARE BOARD 476 SAINT PE'!'ER STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL JAMES W.EDMUNDS�ESCCiI(71�EDlrCCIOI SAM S.GRAIS,CHAIRMAN AND BYRON B.COCHRANE,M.D.,VICE•CHAIRMAN FRANK J.WIDERSKI COUNTY OF RAMBEY NARRY J.MOBERG • June 25� 1969 MRS.JOSEPH KALISCH , Cr'T" _ , � The Honora}�le Thomas R. Byrne � �/ ' Mayor of the City of Saint Paul � � The Honorable Members of the Saint Pau1 � City Council The Honorable Members of the Board of County Commissioners Gentlemen: The Ramsey County W�lfare Board, in its regular meeting on June 24, 1969, resolved to increase the salary of its director to $1,865 monthly or $22,380 per year. . Budgeted for this salary this year is $21,440 on a � 12-month basis. It is recommended that the sal_ary increase be effective June 1., 1969, and, �herefore, there is sufficient money available for the increase. It is the personnel practice of the Board in administering the welfare department salaries to give one-step or 42� increases after the probationary period of six months, and the director has been in this position for. seven months. In addition, it has been the practice of the Board to treat all � employees alike when a general increase is given, and there was a general increase of two steps effective January 1, 1969, awarded to all employees. Therefore, the recommendation is for a three-step or 132/ increase, which is $235 monthly. The resolution of the Board �_s sent to the G��y C��.�nc�1 �nd thp County Board for approval by each body as is required in the statutes. _ . �... Yours very truly, � es dmunds E ecutive Director JWE/j r cc: Mr. Thomas Kelley � Mr. Harry Mars�hall Mr. Joseph Mitchell Mr. James Swan ' Mr. William Peters Mr. Clemens Schleck AGCNCY M[bIBSR OF TH6 AMERtCAN PUBLIC WELFARB ABSOCIATION ' �CfJUNTY �ELFARE ID�EPARTIViENT " � DIVIStON OF BOARD DIRECTORS COUN'iY WELFARE BOARD 476 SAINT PE'I'ER S'TREET SA1NT PATJL, MINNESOTA 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL JAMGS W.�DMUNDS�EXCCEIIIV2D[/QCI07 SAM S.GRA�S,CHAIRMAN AND BYRON B.COCHRANE,M.D.,VICE-CHAIRMAN " FRANK J.WIDERSKI COUFiTY OF RAMBEY HARRV J. MOBERG • � June �S� 1969 MRS.JOSEPH KALISCH The Honorable Thomas R. Byrne � Mayor of the City of Saint Paul The Honorable Members of the Saint Paul City Council The Honorable Members of the Board of County Commissioners Gentlemen: The Ramsey County Welfare Board, in its regular meeting on June 24, 1969, resolved to increase the salary of its director to $1,865 monthly or $22,380 per year. Budgeted for fihis salary this year is $21,440 on a 12-month basis. It is recommended that the salary increase be effective June l, 1969, and, therefore, there is sufficient money available for the increase. It is the personnel practice of the Board in administering the welfare • department salaries to give one-step or �E2� increases after the probationary period of six months, and the director lias been in this position for seven months. In addition, it has been the practice of the Board ta treat all employees alike when a general increase �is given, and there was a general increase of two steps effective January 1, 1969, awarded to al1 employees. Therefore, the recommendation is for a three-step or 132� i.ncrease, which is $235 monthly. The reso]_ut;�n of the Board �s sent to th� City Ceuncil a.nd the Co��nty Board for approval by each body as is required in the statutes. � , Yours very truly, , es dmunds . - E ecutive Director JWE/jr ce: Mr. Thomas Kelley Mr. Harry Marshall Mr. Joseph Mitchell Mr. James Swan Mr. William Peters Mr. Clemens Schleck AalNCY M6Ji/�SR OF THL'�AMERICAN PUBLIC WELFARE ABBOCIATION . � - ' �COUNTY WELFARE DEPART1ViENT � � DlVISION o� BOARD DIRECTORS COUNYY WEIFARE BOARD 476 SAIN'1'PETER STItEET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL � a �SAM S.GRAIS,CHAIRMAN AND JAM�S W.EllMUNDS�EXCCUtIVCDI/QCIO/ . BYRON B.COCHRANE,M.D.,VICE-CHAIRMAN • FRANK J.WIDERSKI COUNTY OF RAMBBY ' HARRY J. MOBERG - June �S� �9�9 MRS.JOSEPH KAUSCH The Honorable Thomas R. Byrne Mayor of the City of Saint Paul The Honorable Members of the Saint Paul � City Council - The Honorable Members of the Board of County Commissioners Gentlemen: The Ramsey County Welfare Board, in its regular meeting on June 24, 1969, resolved to increase the salary of its director to $1,865 monthly or $22,380 per year. Budge�ed for this salary this year is $21,440 on a 12-month basis. It is recommended that the salary increase be effective June l, 1969, and, therefore, there is sufficient money available for the increase. It is the personnel practice of the Board in administering the welfare department salaries to give one-step or 42'� increases after the probationary period of six months, and the director has been in this position for seven months. In addi�ion, it has been the practice of the Boax�d to treat all employees alike when a general increase is given, and there was a general increase of two steps effective January l, 1969, awarded to al1 employees. Therefore, the recommendation is for a three-step or l3z'� increase, which is $235 monthly. The resolution of the Roard is �ent to the �ity Counci? �nd the County Board for approval by each body as is required in the statutes. � _ Yours very truly, es dmunds ' , E ecutive Director JWE/j r cc; Mr. Thomas Ke11ey Mr. Harry Marshall Mr. Joseph Mitchell � Mr. James Swan Mr. William Peters Mr. Clemens Schleck AGEAICY bS[Ati6R O!r TN@ AMERICAN PUBLtC WELFARE AYSOCIATION ' �• � , • • y COUN'.�'Y WELFAR�E D�PARTIlZENT � � DIVIStoN oR BOARD DIRECTORS COUtJTY WELFARE BOARD 476 SAINT PE'TER STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA SS102 CITY OF $AINT PAUL SAM S.GRAIS,CHA�RMAN JAM�S W.EDMUNDS�EXCCUIlVCDII'CCIO/ BYRON B.COCHRANE,M.D., VICE-CHAIRMAN AND FRANK J.WIDERSKI COUNTY OF RAMBEY HAnRV,!, nnOeEftG • June 25� 1969 MRS.JOSEPH KALISCH The Honorable Thomas R. Byrne Mayor of the City of Saint Paul The Honorable Members of the Saint Pau1 . City Counci]_ The Honorable Members of �he Board of County Commissioners Gentlemen: The Ramsey Coun�y W�lfare Board, in its regular meeting on June 24, 1969, resolved to increase the salary of its director to $1,865 monthly or $22,380 per year. Budgeted for this salary this year is $21,440 on a � 12-month basis. It is recommended that the salary increase be effective June l, 1969, and, therefore, there is sufficient money available for the increase. It is the personnel practice of fihe Board in administering the welfare department salaries to give one-step or 4z� increases after the probationary period of six months, and the director has been in this posi�ion for seven months. In addi�ion, it has been the practice of the Board to treat all � employees alike when a general increase is given, and there was a general increase of two steps effective January 1, 1969, awarded to all employees. Therefore, the recommendation is for a three-step or 13z� increase, which is $235 monthly. The resolution of the Board is cent to the Cifiy rour_cil ar.� the �ounty Board for approval by each body as is required in the statutes. _ � . Yours very truly, � es dmunds , E ecutive Director JWE/j r cc: Mr. Thomas Ke11ey � Mr. Harry Marshall � .Mr. Joseph Mitchell Mr. James Swan � Mr. William Peters r Mr. Clemens Schleck ', ° AaGNCY MR►i.BR OF TH6 AMERICAN PUBLIC WELFARE ABBOCIA710N � [`'y. . � . ._.. �.I` � i.`.:. F..; ',P, . . . .. . r �� \ I , 1 . se. FauI, I�����., F��� ��a�___l_,?a _ ' ��sc+t;s?�io�t <)-9764 , fdo�. � July 7 19 69 'I'iic aftc�ntaon of `lty of Sl'. Paul Council; County Welfare Board; County Auditor, Attention Mr. Peters; City Comptroller; ie reRgecifutly calicd to tlie following Resolution of thra }3oard of County Cominissionera of �amsey County, Niflnnesat�c, acIopted at the r�eeting �eld on July 7, 1969 B�� Commissioner I}aubney RESOLV�D That the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby approves the action of the Ramsey CounL-y Welfare Board in setting the salary of the Director of the Welfare Board, at the sum of $1,865.00 per month, or $22,380.00 per year, such increased salary to be effe�tive upon the same date as the effective date of increased salaries for elected officials as fixed by the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners pursuant to Chapter 756, Laws of Minnesota for 1969. THOMI�S T. �ELI�EY, cou�cy Au�=toT - g {c�-�C�,� r�o�, nna. zoo Y eputy. r June 27, 196g �---- `�--�, Hon. Joseph P. Summers, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The City Council today� o s' e ed and approved the request embodied in the attache tter of the Count,y Welfare Department. P. re t e necessary resolution approving the increas . Very truly yours, /��� � City Clerk MS�hp � `