244779 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 244'7`7y • � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U IL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 443, Laws of Minnesota for 196g, approved the 15th day of May, 1g6g, entitled: '�An act relating to the firemen' s relief association in the city of Saint Paul ; amending Laws 1955, Chap ter 375, Sections 12 and 13, as amended, and Sections 17 and 30. " a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all ,.things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Glerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. �fQ M APPRO �EO ; �Coun�l �U L a 1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �U L � 1'�69 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor . Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 1��LISMEO JU� 12 ��s� O , • CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAM � BY QOYERNINQ BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF PJIINNESOTA County of Ramse.y • TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NO'I'ICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul lname of governmental unitl DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 1969, Chapter ��� requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the City Council (designate governiag body) at a meeting duly held on the gth day of July , 19 69, by resolution Council File P�T�. ?_�+4779 did approve said Laws, 1969, Chapter ��'3 (Ii other than resolution, specifq) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof (Ayes 6 ; Noes. � ; Absent o�-�o-tr�to-�irtg 1 ) and the following additional steps, if any, required by statute or charter were taken: Resolution ublished in St. T'aul Legal Led�er, the Official P?ewspaper of the City of Saint Paul on July 12, 19 9. A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. Signed � SEA.L Cit Cle_rk (Ofiicial designation o1 oificer) (This form prescribed by the attorney General 3nd furnished by the Secretary of State as required in h4innesota Statutes 645.021) *I,f extraordinary majority is required 6y the syecial law insert .fraction or�percent- age here. , STATE �F II�iNi��SOT�1 DHPAItTMENT Oc STAT1i - . FIL � ta � J U L. 1 � 1969 . . c�,, ,�;� ,, . ..R, � r�<ti.. ,`i.` ...,.,o� . � Se��t� of �iate . i � ��` � �� ����: .,.._ ,� �:{ «�'_ , < �� :; �_ J�' � � � � ... , ��.,� � _ _ `_ " � �� $ -e� � ,� � � �!'� - -- � > , � � > �� � � _ �il � - � �wl , f�� OF _ � � ` .i, ,i, ;� � i�� i�� I,�. ���� j '�= ��� ;��,� I, JOSEPH L. DONOYf1N, Secretary of State of the State of i�° � � ;` Minnesota, do hereby certify that the annexed zs a full, true and R � -� correct photocopy of � `s' ��3 LA�VS OF MINNESOTA 1969 ��c ��y Chapter 4.43 `..�'a� � _ �� ��> ��� � �y IE � � ` l � � � 2( } _ � �I � ? �� w =I ,€ �'I as the same appears of record in this o�ice, and of the whole thereof. ��,I - In Tertimony Whereof, I have hereunto L .e� � set my hand and a�i.xed the Gseat Seal of °��� the State, at the Capitol in St. Paul, this ��e � _ 24th day o f Juxte �,� � .v y ' � � �1. D. 19 69 . � r�� � � � '"1 , ; � ��;�� •_ � ,�,�'�'�',��.� -'`�rL%���-r` '�%c.,� I� 7+ r� ` �,� � ' `�� Secretary of State i � v�� n� n ' �an fi i '�-'�'7m 0 inc'�n`�n�` ois>p�q��i��6 ��'�n � 'n -'` ii n ,r�� / pp�,( � i..J �� � ��/���/\/WV�/�/�/�/V�nMN�M'WW�WV�/w\.'�'�,��•��� 'W�/'.iWWV��^/v�M/�/�/�/V��.� . ` + '�� _ 4��9 , . :�.F. �o. Zi�� ,� �, •;.{ CY�APTi R iV'o. a ` / G. '� �� � i '�j �;\'�/ � _ �L \ � � �� relating to the fire:nen's relief . . � association in �he city o� Saint Paul; . � ' ariending Laws 1955, Cnapter 375, Sections 12 and 13, as amended, aad Sections 17 and' 30. ' BE �T ENACTED BY THE LEGYSLATURE OF THE STATE Or MII�'�;ESGTA: Section 1. Laws 1955, Chapter 375, Section 12, as . amended by Laws 1957,� Chapter 256, Sec'tion 1, and Laws 1967, Chapter 708, SecZion 1, is amer.ded to read: Sec. 12 [S2. PAUL, CITY OF; FIR:i�lEN' S RELIEF ASSOCIATION; TAX LEVY. ] Tne city council or other governing body of such city wherein such a relief association is located sl^.a�l, each year, at tne time the tax levies for the support of the city are made, ar.d ir. addition thereto � ievy a �2x er-bwe-a��-e�e-�a��-m��-3-s-es�-a��-tie�ab?e-��a�e�ti�- :-r=�1:�:�-6a=�-e�;��:- on all taxable nro�ertv within the cit,y ,,, c" S2int P2u1 in an amount t•rnich is the �rea�er of (2) or �b) �ut not greater than (c) where (a) is the benefits to be paid irom the plan in the e�suirm calendar year (all other i:�co:�e will be added to t're assets as a net increase in such assets) , and (b) is the "Adjusted Normal Cost" ror the er:suin� ca�erdar ye2r less all otrer ir.com� other than ir.vestr.:ent '� rco^e du:ing the ensuin� calendar ,year where the term "Adlusted Normal Cost" is defined as t?:e NorMal Cost fi�ure �::dicated in the mos� recer.t ac�uarial reoort reeuired 'oV � a�r increased or decreased b,y the s�,^:e ratio as p�12'Lj.Cj.l�2ti:�� (covered) nayroll has increased or decreased since tne date o� the most recent actuarial rebort reauired by_law, �lus 1 � � . , �. � , . � ' H.F. ;o. 2127 i::terest on the actu2l deficit as shown b.y the most recent actuarial valuation at the rate of three percent per . annu:n, and � � (c) is an amount not �reater than four and one half � m�lls in the year 196g and an additional one mill each � vear thereafter unless a �reater amount is reauired bv the Police and Firemen's Relief Associatior.s Guidelines Act of ' 1969. � � Tre results of (a) , (b) and (c) above will be ad.�usted so as ' to reflect anv differences between estimates for �rior ca�end2r vears and actual circumstances durin� such prio: c2lendar_vears. The tax so levied ur.�er the arovisions of this sectior. s:2i i be levj ed in the sa^:e r�ar.ner as the cit,y levies o�her t�.xes �nd tne oroceeds a° this tax shail 'ce naid into the St 'aui� Fire Departme:�t Relief F.ssociation's pension fund. "�e tax leW 2tzthorized by this section shall not be ccnsidered .,, a part of the tax levy under anv limitation in the charter of ' the city or state statute , bu� shall be in additior. to an.y exjsting cnarter or statutory tax lcvy lir�itation. Tne tax so levied shall be tirans;.�itted with other tax ievies to the auditor of tr.e cour.ty in which such city is situa�ed, and by said county shall be collected and paynent t:ereof enforced when and in like manner as state and - ccu.�ty taxes are paid.. Said relief association rnay deposit all funds availab?e � �"`ar investment witn any banl;. o-r savi:��s and loan associatior. in Saint Paul in tne forr.: of time d��osits or with the s�ate board of investment for the burc'r.ase of shares of participation in the Supplemental Retirement Fund or ar�y ... � ' ', , • • , 2 . ,. , , H.F. No. 2Ii7 si::ilar fund created by tre legislature for fire and police . nension investment purposes . At the determination of the board of trustees of the association, up to 20 percent of . t^e funds deposited with the state board of investment may ' . be �invested in the Growth Share P.ccount�, ,with the remainder to be invested in the Income Shar� Account. Such snares snall be credited to the account of and owned bv the Saint Paul iire department relie° association and not to the account of any indiv_idual emplo,yee._ � Sec. 2. Laws 1955, Cnap�er 375, Section 13, as • ariended by Laws 1907, Chapter 708, Section 2, is amended to read: ' Sec. 13. [DEDUCTIONS FROM PAYROLLS. ] In addition to �::e moneys in the special and general �und of said association, or provided to be raised therefor under � eXisting laws for the payment of pensions and o�her benefits, revenues from tY:e following sources shall be . paic to said special and general fund: (1) It shall be the duty of the city clerk, treasurer, or othe: disbursing officer of such city to deduct each . �:,onth from the monthly pay of each member of tne relie: association, a sum equal � to �a�= ��—�ti—��� �^^r^^rr ^" `v:2—sicsr�' �a r'rrvs:���', ��v—�-o-6—e�cacs6�—=eix�c.'�r�" ^cc—v�v-�ro�-=_ � five and one half t�ercen� oi the basic monthly pay . o: a first grade fireman durin� pa._yroil periods commencin� after December 27 , 1969 , and six �ercent of such pay durinp� ��,yroll neriods endinm or. and a-ter J'anuary_ 1 , 197_1_, and pay ;,:e s�.r:e to the treasurer of the relief association for crenit to t'r.e special fund of said associa�ion. . (2) It shall be the duty of the �city clerk, treasurer, or ot:.er disbursing officer of such city to deduct eac:� . . • 3 . . , • ' � H.F. No. 2127 ' ::onth zrom the montnly pay of each member of the relief association, a sum equal to one ha�f of one percent of tne said monthly pay, but not to exceed one half of one percent oi' the basic monthly pay of a first grade fire:�an, and pay the sa-ne to the treasurer of the relief association for credit in the general fund of said association. Sec. 3. Laws 1955, Chapter 375, Section 30, is 2.nler.ded to read: • Sec. 30 [SURCHARGE ON PR:MIUMS. ] �Jl�er�-�l�e-�a?-�r�ee- � �r�-9�e-s�ee�a�-:�t�d-s:-s�e�-.y�ei:a::is-.e�se�-89r�6@�.$�=eF- � =�-sasl�-e�w�-a�-�,He-€i�s�ti-e�'as�-��-�ess-tii�e�-$686;8�8;- as-�etie�m�r�e�-��-�l�e-essee����efis-���:�-e=-����tiees;- w�=ei-=2a�-s�a��-�e-��ti�-ee�q=��e�-�e-b�-dl�e-�t���=e- . eza:�=�e�;—��'i@-�a.a��-6s—v:�5�2@8—Y��—v�32�2��6f3—ss�2—s`v&— cct��—i�@i'��i@�—�@`v�`v�634--6_�_b@x�@a�—u�@@6inp&f3:E.'�—�i',�—SL-k2F3— , v�c���iSSA6V��—i�F=v�—�in2—BAFs�.ra:.6Ssal°.c��:— 1i1@ commissioner of i::sur2�ce shar� 9�e�e��ar�- order and direct a surcharge to be collected of two, percent of the :ire, lightning, and sprinkler leakage gross premiums, less' return premiums, on all direct busine"ss received by any . foreign or domestic fire ir.surance company on property in o��o- the city a=-�l:e-:����-ey«ss- , or by its agents :or it, in cash or otherwise;- _ ���:r-ti�e-�a?��ee-s�-�ke-e�ee�ai- :a��-aY-9�e-�e��e€-assae�a��e:�-e�a�r��s-�e-v696;668-ep�-�a�- a-�e�=a�-er-��-�a�s-�i:e:�ee�ve�---fi�-�ee�-e�-�ke-�e?e�ee-�:�- . . 9��s-s�ee�a�-Y���-a�s����-�e-�C68;a9b-t�e-�eeAc�-e�-�����ees- � d�—`vEi@-�e�ze€-assee�atii623—v`r2&��-ee���£�—vi38`v—s&2`v—v6-tipe— ed�=6a=ehe�-w�e-aHa��-re:ti��:��?�-�.�s�e-r��s-e��e:-���een�s:g- `v:$`v—`vFi@-6A�i@6`v�623-6r'-Gr'z@—S���akarode��@-�s6@6:�s`bs2il�@c��-@rv`Zz"'-- � v�'iE-6'r'c�s3?e'3`vs6I3-6�—�ir�3@—��—�'&;�—�@3'+.6�—&g3�—s6i'�13Fiiv14—r'"te&:s—R— ; � ' j�. . . < ' � � H.F. No. 2I27 eepy�-er-�k#s-s:�de�-9e-e�eh-�-�s�tty��cz-eea��a��-s:ree�e�- nke�e'a�:- This surchar�e shall be due and payable from ' tnese companies to the state treasurer, in semi-annual . ins�tallments, on June 30th and December 31st. of each calendar year, and if�not paid witnin 30 days after tnese dates, a penalty of ten percent shall accrue thereon and t:�ereafter this sum and penalty shall draw interest at tr.e rate of one percent per month until paid. Sec. �. Section 2� a��l�es to ayroll periods commencing on and after December 27 , 1909. _ . . _ .. Sec. 5. Laws 1955, Chapter 375, Section 17, is amended �o rea�: ' Sec. 17. [DISBURS�MEtiTS FROM SEPARATE FUNDS. ] Tne 2:nounts so paid to a relief association by the state and the city ur.der the provisions of sections 1 to 29, and by it set 2side and deposited as a special fund, shall be appropriated an� nisbursed by�"the associa�ion for the followin� purposes : . (1) ror the relief of sick, ir.,jured and disabled me;�bers of the relief association, their widows 2nd orphans; a�� (2) For the payment of disability and service pensions to rr.e::bers of the relief association: and; (3) For the administration ezpenses of the iu::c. . Sec. o. No �rovision oi this act s'r:all be cons�rued 2s renucin� the ar.:ount or rat� of cor.tribution_ to the association �.y �:e municipalit,y or a mer�ber of �he association from sucn ::�.r.;:�;u^: contributions as ar� prescrib�d b,y the Police �nd riremen`s Relief Associations Cuidelines Act of i9o9• Notwithstandin� the �rovisio::s of this or anV c�he�^ act, the association and the municit�2lit,y and the of:icers of each are authorized to do all thinas reauired b,y - 5 . ; � , , � • . _ ' H.F. No. 2127 t:�e Guidelines Act as cor.ditions for the cor.tribution of �ublic funds or the levy of taxes ior the support of the association. � � • � Sec. 7. This act is e.:°ec�ive u�on its aboroval b,y , the �overnin� body of the cit,y of St. Paul and com�liance with Minnesota Statutes , Section 645. 021. •,, , ' � . 6 . .� ; � . . • . y `✓ � . � - " H.F'. No. 2127 • rJ . , � �;�;.J • : � � � � - � L. L.. Duxbury Speaker of �he House of Representatives. . 11 i � � �-=��.��;���.; , r , , � ./7ames B.�Goeti� ' . President �f the Senate�� ./ Passed the House of Representatives tnis 30�n day of t�.nri1 in ,the year of Our Lord one thousand r.ine hundred ar.d sixty-nine. �i , � �������� . �,dward A. Burdick _ • Chief Clerk, House of Representatives. �� • . . . � ?assed the Senate this s�xth day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-ni::e., . •. . �/ f l ;.�;', ;� i ;- : /1 % � ; , �,5.:� , � . '�-H. �' �2'crrey l . Secretary of �Yie. Sena�E. . � � - �,ra.vp4{" Y i:` .. . . � � � . _ .���rcved _�,�,�.., � ,� 969 ,�'�.'� � . ' , , : _ � . � �� � � , , �' � �� . ,;�.� `;r-� w . . .. � . Harold LeVznder - ' Go.vernor of the State of Minr.esota. . . ���� �'J ' . �iled /�� � 1969 A(,� � , �c,.���z���`'v—:ti�-t/"'=-�-%�; , ,�" t� � Joseph L. Dor.ov�r. Secretary of State. 7 . , � ;,; .. . ,