244765 . . . . , , �: . , .; . . . , _ , . , , . . � ..., ���' . . . ' ,: ;��. :6 .. ��. i . . - . � . . ... .'�i .w � : . . � � . ... . � .. .��� ������� '�.. .�y .� . ,.. . . . .. � .. ; F1NAL ORDER co�cu, �� No � � By � .� File Na � � In the Matter of s+�M!'a�l� �M �� �w�t 1�+It �it �#+ii s� yats it+ !�t - .�w�ft i��. � � �r. a�i +�a iia a�t s�s �F y�►� i�. t�w '�re�lc i�ra,► +D� 1l�t f� ; lcwer �i<lq► �r#r� +�� �r�t �e1� ri3+� �+s �r�r arwi l�hf�as� �r M�r3� ? .,_ � �i� ��tN ' ..,.,,._ � ,, ; under Preliminary Order �"�� , approv� �ti1 �!. llio! �. Intermediary Order approne� A public hearing h�ving been had upon the above improvement apon due notice, and the Council �� having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fttlly conaidered the same; therefare; be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise nature,extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the �aid City is � � ��1� �� �� � � �-�a����.� �4 � � �f � � . f.. . . � . . �. . � . . .�� - � �. . � � � � . ' �. ��.+� !� +�M! �� � ��1R �t. � '� �. 1i�,��rlM�i« � � � �: _ � _ __ - , � st� +�tlr�or .�lc rri+� #�s `�r a� la�e�i�atal a +�t�lri srr�It �a�, . �:: �e�� MMSw �t �awi s��t �ei�i �r#+�f�s sw� �drs�. :.;. � _ � . F , . Y and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and clirected to prepare plans and specifications for sa,id improvement, and submit same to the Coun.cil for ' - approval; that u�� s�,id approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed .to pro- ceed with t�e making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Courrcir�Ex J U L 81969 Adopted by the Council Yeas Carlson Na�'� �UL 81�69 � Dalglish Appro - Meredith , �prafka � : Tn FBVOr ► TedeSCO �. Mayor eyrne - �,g��gt Pueus�E� JU� �2 1969 6-86-52[ �� B.1 . . .. .., . . - � 244`7�5 Dist. No. 3 W.S. Agate St. - York Ave. to Case Ave. � / �� E.S. Agate St. - York Ave. to Sims Ave. ,y'����9,o j, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ,,ti � �� 244�15 ;"�.~ r✓rqy�q�9 j�� REPORT TO COMMISSI�NER OF FINANGE k�� RE�E��,�D �� l� DEPT �°°� m, pF .:''/ �+ � '�NCE �;� 9S� ���� -.�.;'E. .-�t,�� May 6th. 19 69 To the Co�issioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cou�issioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Cvuncil File No. 243470 approved April 29th. 1969 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the west side of Agate St. from York Ave. to Case Ave. and on the east side of Agate St. from York Ave. to Sims Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. aad having investigated the mstters and things referred to thereia, hereby reportss le The estimated cost thereof is $3,50 per lin. ft, for atandard sidewalk S.�i�t� ��eI wide and $4.20 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. �. 2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mad part thereof. ��,�_ 3. Iaitiat�d bq the Com�issioner of Public Works X � 4, Impraveaient is asked for upon petition �� � Co�+issioaer of Publ W !��"`��