244758 . _� �... �` 7 ' � �. � _ �..� � � '`!'� a ��t i . . + . . . , l+�s..�. � .. � � ' . . . � �.� ` '- . � � � .. . ... . . ! . .. . .. . FINAL ORQER �Q��L �� No B� ;� ,� � File No. �'�,I ,. � � In �he Matter of z+Ne�s� MMi !tl+�M�S�k � trtl� _s�3�M � � �M+ �! � ;:.. ,�. � i�re u. e+f:� �tr� +�M '� ir�ri .11 �r wa�it �#+i i. ��a�► �t #�rs�+i�►q�►t ; ,;; �� � �� � ���� ��'��� . � ... . '. . " ; � . � '� �'�.. Y,A,. under Preliminary Order` �l�,'� .aPprove�..�li�� � Intermediary Order approvpd -� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon dtte notiee, and the Council � haxing hear�cl all peraons, objections and recommendation� relative thereto, and having fully consid�red the same; therefore, be it - � RESOLYED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ,. - ` ,pravement to be made by the aaid C�ty is ' f�'s��st�e+�et .� ��t �Ia i� si�rt �t ',bd� i� � � i!. M�i ;� �t., : ,.; .. _ .. . � � '� . +�t i�► i�E ali �r� i�k is �aw�► �wi �isai wt �r�►L�e��i irr► �e�rt, sr�t,ri� �i �M wr�++ri�et �-�#iir�'i�s �rr a�s�st. ` �. . . . . . '. � . Y . . � ' .�� � � .. �� ..� �� ."� � � � . � � � �. � �� =� .'. �. . . . , � . . � . . _�..� .� ��� . -. � and the Council hereby orders �aid 'unprovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cammissioner o� Public Works be and is hereby inatructed and directed to prepare plans and apecificationa for said improvement, and submit same to`the Council for approval; that upon said appxoval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to prb- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance t�erewith. - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUL � �69 Yeas Carlson N&ys Dalglish App�� �U� a Meredith � _ Spra#ka T*� Favor • Tedesco Mayo� HYrno► � Against . Pd6i.ISFi�E1 JU�. I21969 6-86-21[ �� �1 � � • � w � � Dist. No. 3 B.S. York St. - Burr St. to Jessie St. �q/j / ,�1 ,�t �4 � st FFICE OF T�E COI�IISSIONER �F PUBLIC WORKS 4� F� 9 f�� ��� �a � � ,.-. P --� �-,,, C�G���C� x,� REPORT TO C�MMISSI�NRB �F FIDIANGE �;' � � �.�����.,� t;-� �24 `�` �. � 4��c� May 6th. lq 69 To the Co�issioner of Finance of the Gity cf St. Pauls The Coamiissioner of Public Works, having had under consideratioa the preliminary order of the Council known as Couacil File No. 243574 approved �Y 1st• 149 relative tu reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of York St. from Burr St. to Jessie St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. a�d having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herebq reports: 1. The estimat�d coet thereof is $3.50 er lin. ft. for standard sidewalk��is, P wide and $4.20 per lia. ft. fvr staadard sidewalk 6 ft, wide, � �fiv� 2. A plan, profile cr sketch of said improvea�ent is hereto attached and part thereof. 3. In�.tiat�d by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4, Improvement is asked for upon petition � � Co�missioaer of P ic , • ��